タイムテーブル - Lamy Ch. 雪花ラミィ - 切り抜きDB Lamy Ch. 雪花ラミィのタイムテーブルです。 https://kirinuki.ai/timelines-rss/c/UCFKOVgVbGmX65RxO3EtH3iw Wed, 24 Apr 24 11:00:00 +0900 日からデジタル配信開始!https://cover.lnk.to/HatsukoiPatissiere(00:24:00 - 01:35:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/c20SGWF2t58/s/1440/e/5715 Wed, 24 Apr 24 11:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 start(00:02:35 - 01:16:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/155/e/4593 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 昼活の理由&昼配信があると寝られなくなった話(00:03:24 - 00:05:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/204/e/345 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 チキンタツタが食べたいラミィ&マック雑談(00:05:45 - 00:10:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/345/e/650 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ポルカが寝てるのか疑問に思うラミィ(00:10:50 - 00:11:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/650/e/700 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ショートスリーパー雑談(00:11:40 - 00:13:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/700/e/804 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ラミィは7時間は寝ないと無理&夜更かしの心理や睡眠の重要性について(00:13:24 - 00:15:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/804/e/900 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 番長のどうぶつの森の切り抜きとショートのギャップに驚くラミィ(00:15:00 - 00:17:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/900/e/1030 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ノエル先輩の愛包ダンスホールに癒されるラミィ(00:17:10 - 00:17:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/1030/e/1071 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ホロメンの名言集を見た感想(00:17:51 - 00:20:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/1071/e/1218 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 自分の名言が欲しいラミィ(00:20:18 - 00:22:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/1218/e/1361 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 続・ホロメンの名言集を見た感想(00:22:41 - 00:24:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/1361/e/1458 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 日からデジタル配信開始!https://cover.lnk.to/HatsukoiPatissiere(00:24:00 - 01:16:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/1440/e/4593 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ライブ配信の難しさについて語るラミィ(00:24:18 - 00:25:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/1458/e/1545 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 有名人がコメントに現れて驚くラミィ(ユリコタイガーさん)(00:25:45 - 00:27:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/1545/e/1650 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 自分の推しがラミィ以外を推していて人知られず振られることが多いラミィ(00:27:30 - 00:30:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/1650/e/1857 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ホロライブプロダクションでソロライブを行う難しさについて語るラミィ(00:30:57 - 00:38:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/1857/e/2307 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Twinkle 4 You(ねぽらぼライブ)もデビュー当時から言っていた(00:38:27 - 00:39:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/2307/e/2377 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 案件ソロライブの可能性(00:39:37 - 00:42:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/2377/e/2569 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 バーチャル空間でのトークイベントをしてみたい&課題(00:42:49 - 00:45:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/2569/e/2710 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ころね先輩の名言&褒めちぎるラミィ(00:45:10 - 00:46:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/2710/e/2795 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ホロメンあるある:悩んでいても悩んでないって言う(00:46:35 - 00:47:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/2795/e/2844 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ラミィが最近悟ったこと&すれすれの所で上手くいってるねぽらぼ(00:47:24 - 00:50:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/2844/e/3008 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 寝不足の危険性について医学的要素を入れて語るラミィ(00:50:08 - 00:52:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/3008/e/3130 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 有用な商品を語るつもりが怪しげな商品販売トークをするラミィ(00:52:10 - 00:54:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/3130/e/3283 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 論文が出てる=正しいという証明ではない&商品を探すが見つからないラミィ(00:54:43 - 00:59:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/3283/e/3548 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 怪しくない話を募集するラミィ(00:59:08 - 00:59:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/3548/e/3588 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 美容関係の動画は欲見る話…のはずが何故か怪しい話になるラミィ(00:59:48 - 01:01:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/3588/e/3674 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 スキンケアについて(01:01:14 - 01:02:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/3674/e/3745 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 専門家が言う事はすぐ信じるラミィ(01:02:25 - 01:04:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/3745/e/3890 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 リンゴ酢の処分方法についてアドバイスをする雪民たち(01:04:50 - 01:06:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/3890/e/4000 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ラミィはドレッシング〇〇〇派&ドレッシング雑談(01:06:40 - 01:09:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/4000/e/4199 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 マヨラーにはなれないラミィ&マヨネーズをかける料理で飯テロされるラミィ(非表示対策のため手前から)(01:09:59 - 01:14:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/4199/e/4483 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 終了挨拶(01:14:43 - 01:15:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/4483/e/4550 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cパート(01:15:50 - 01:16:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/vm4BfL5wLDw/s/4550/e/4593 Mon, 22 Apr 24 12:00:00 +0900 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Start! + introduction(00:02:38 - 00:02:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/158/e/179 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 start(00:02:41 - 00:03:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/161/e/213 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"today it's been a long while since we last came to the houseboat, so i'd like to stream here! KonLamy!"_(00:02:59 - 00:03:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/179/e/201 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: I've been waiting with the snacks i prepared/L: I have a lot too! But before we get to drink there's an announcement about Yukiyozuki!"_ ❄🎴🌙(00:03:21 - 00:03:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/201/e/221 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 重要なお知らせをしたいが飲みたい欲が抑えられないラミィ(00:03:33 - 00:04:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/213/e/259 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Though i want to drink so, let's talk while we drink right? Can i open the Yukiyozuki? Since we can't begin anything unless we toast!"_(00:03:41 - 00:04:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/221/e/249 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Wait a bit as i prepare to have a toast! Ahh, when you newly open a Yukiyozuki it smells so well!"_(00:04:09 - 00:04:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/249/e/262 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 乾杯(00:04:19 - 00:05:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/259/e/306 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So everyone! Thank you for your hard work today, Kanpaaaaaai!"_(00:04:22 - 00:04:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/262/e/285 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Since i'll drink a lot of Nihonshu, or rather, Yukiyozuki, i brought the ochoko/sake cup i have at home! So i'm using some that i don't tend to, they're small! You can finish it in 3 sips!"_ 🍶(00:04:45 - 00:05:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/285/e/306 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So, let's talk about lots of things, are you prepared? I'll start with the new info, so are you prepared for it? you are right? This time Meiri prepared a lot of files, so let's look them together!s/C: I'm ready/L: Alright, please prepare as you do! Ahh, drinking Yukiyozuki after a while is so yummy!"_(00:05:06 - 00:05:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/306/e/354 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 今日の配信は色んな新情報有(00:05:06 - 00:06:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/306/e/383 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Look, i have the Yukimin stick today to! To explain using this!/C: My heart's beating so fast it may come out my mouth/L: It's not info to be THAT much nervous about! www, right now Omarun revealed her new outfit, she became a delinquent once again"_(00:05:54 - 00:06:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/354/e/382 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Thumbnail with the history of Yukiyozuki.(00:06:22 - 00:07:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/382/e/420 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ラミィの日本酒プロジェクトの簡単な振り返り(00:06:23 - 00:08:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/383/e/505 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's starting to have a pretty long history, Yukiyozuki, that is! Season 1, it was the real start of Yukiyozuki!"_(00:07:00 - 00:07:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/420/e/436 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"In Season 2, Then it got a Bronze Medal at the world's class International Wine Challenge, the IWC! That way, the Yukiyozuki was recognized by the entire world, in season 2!"_(00:07:16 - 00:07:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/436/e/448 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"As for Season 3... Since during season 1 they based themselves hoping that people who don't really drink Sake would be able to enjoy it too and they made it, that's season 1 but, rather than that, make up what i'd like to drink! A dry-taste Yukiyozuki! And taking what i'd like in consideration is that they made Yukiyozuki season 3!"_(00:07:28 - 00:08:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/448/e/483 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Then came Season 4! So that it turned out that the sake i wanted to drink and gulp down in one go; also won the IWC's bronze medal! It's amazing isn't it?! I think so!"_(00:08:03 - 00:08:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/483/e/508 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 新情報①微発砲雪夜月開発中(00:08:25 - 00:10:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/505/e/603 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So with the thought that [I'd like everyone to drink it!] Meiri-san put a lot of effort and brought about 2 varieties! Yeah! There's this!"_(00:08:28 - 00:08:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/508/e/522 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"During autumn, the one currently in development, a [Soarkling Yukiyozuki]; will be released! So if i say what would it's standing position be, it'll be the one in here... The base is this one Yukiyozuki (Season 1 & 2)"_(00:08:42 - 00:09:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/522/e/542 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"The thought that [We'd want for people who don't tend to drink Nihonsku/sake, to enjoy it]... So for the Yukiyozuki that was already easy to drink, there'll be one that'll be even easier to drink! The sparkling Yukiyozuki currently in development, it is scheduled to release around Autumn!"_ :🍂(00:09:02 - 00:09:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/542/e/570 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So the way it stands now is from strongest to weakest, like this... First the dry-tasting in case you'd want to drink with me, then the one that i'd like to drink with everyone! And then the sparkling Yukiyozuki, something like that! It's written here [Sake with meals for connoiseurs. Entry model: For cheering]"_(00:09:30 - 00:10:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/570/e/602 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And, AND! Today i have some of it! The project, it's here! I'd like to drink it, i haven't opened it yet! So i don't know how will this turn to be as a starting point! And i also heard from the staff [We'd like to know your honest impressions please]"_(00:10:02 - 00:10:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/602/e/637 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 微発砲雪夜月試作品が手元にあります(00:10:03 - 00:10:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/603/e/636 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ラミィの日本酒プロジェクトで今後目指したい事(00:10:36 - 00:13:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/636/e/822 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So, for the Nihonshu-making project that i've always been working with Meirin for, what i'm aiming for at this time; i'd like to convey it to you... [Nihonshu/Sake's raw materials, are literally made with rice and water, it's that simple, the flavor's depth, the fragrance, lots of things are expressed in it! So this time we'd like to convey its charm using only Yukiyozuki, pairing it with dishes at different temperatures!] Yeah! This time i have 3 different Yukiyozuki!"_(00:10:37 - 00:11:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/637/e/689 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So, from the cold to the hot Nihonshu, it has a wide range of it! And then, something else i've always wanted to do... Cause matching a delicious Sake with delicious snacks is the best! I intend to convey that! But in this dishes and sake pairing is intended to show you how it gets even tastier! That's what we're aiming for this time!"_(00:11:29 - 00:12:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/689/e/726 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Nihonshu is amazing, even though it's made so simply it has infinite ways to express itself! With changes in temperature, the flavor changes, and if you eat it with snacks it'll be completely different once more!"_(00:12:06 - 00:12:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/726/e/747 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So now [From now on, even more than wanting to convey the charms and width of Sake, we'd like for everyone to drink the {Yukiyozuki starting point} first!] Pardon, since i got this one from Meiri it adds the honorific to my name like that but yeah [This is the bottle of fruity ginjou sake that, together with Lamy-sama; we've been workin on for the past 2 years to refine and perfect] so yeah! It's a new Yukiyozuki! And though i say that, it's this one! The [starting point]!"_(00:12:27 - 00:13:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/747/e/791 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Look a this picture, it surprised me! This is the [Yukiyozuki starting point], the one that at the very beginning i made so that even people who don't drink Nihonshu can enjoy with me! And i'll show an even more surprising photo next, so be surprised!"_(00:13:11 - 00:13:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/791/e/819 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Look at this! Like, even though i'm talking about myself it's so cool! _*_laughs_*_ Isn't it so cool? For the picture i mean!/C: It's the 5 Power Rangers lol/L: True, these are the 5 rangers, the very first one is Yukiyozuki, then Favorite Model, then the other day's released dry taste, and this is this time's! The [Yukiyozuki that went back to its origin]"_(00:13:39 - 00:14:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/819/e/862 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 今まで出た雪夜月シリーズ(00:13:42 - 00:14:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/822/e/889 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Such pretty bottles!/L: Looking at them like this sure makes you feel the history Of Yukiyozuki right? So many have been released! This time there's no celebrati- I mean, Favorite model so... This is rather simpler than it! What's written here says [原点回帰]"_(00:14:22 - 00:14:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/862/e/886 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 *New slide* _"This is the [Origin regression|原点回帰] Yukiyozuki, there's the 2022, the one that started it! This one is the dry one!, the JunmaiDaiginjou! It sure makes you think when you see them both... So i thought, maybe we can do it sparkling too? _*_giggles_*_ we can right, everyone?! I got pretty greedy there for sure!"_ 🍶(00:14:46 - 00:15:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/886/e/923 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 受賞の歴史&欲張りすぎかもしれないラミィ(00:14:49 - 00:15:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/889/e/924 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Prices and presentations, to be sold on friday, on Friday, April 26th.(00:15:23 - 00:16:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/923/e/1002 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 新情報②雪夜月season4販売情報(00:15:24 - 00:17:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/924/e/1027 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"The 1 sho package, it's always so gorgeous isn't it? It has this cloth-like wrapping it up! And the 720 ml bottle, is stored as-is, so if you want them for decoration, i recommend the 1 sho (1.8 Litres) bottle!"_ *giggles*(00:16:42 - 00:17:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1002/e/1027 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And, it'll be released on next friday, April the 26th for the Daiginjou Yukiyozuki! But the other, sparkling Yukiyozuki in plan will be released towards autumn!"_ 🍾(00:17:07 - 00:17:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1027/e/1038 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ペアリング晩酌と豪華なメニュー(飯テロ注意)(00:17:07 - 00:20:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1027/e/1224 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"As for the dry-taste Favorite Model Yukiyozuki! I'll have an evening drink with pairings! And that is, this! Today's menu!"_(00:17:18 - 00:17:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1038/e/1055 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's a bit hard to see but, this is the sparkling Yukiyozuki! 5 degrees! So it's a bit cold after being put to the fridge! I'll eat it with grilled oysters!"_(00:17:35 - 00:17:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1055/e/1070 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Now, the daiginjou Yukiyozuki that we'll release this week, will be served at room temperature, 15°C with a steak!"_(00:17:50 - 00:18:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1070/e/1084 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And then for the dry-tasting Yukiyozuki, this time it'll be drank in hot at 50°C° Together with some crab miso..."_(00:18:04 - 00:18:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1084/e/1092 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Also listen to this! Up until before my manager was with me at home! And if i say why is because we had to prepare a lot of things, so she came... But this time for the hot sake, it was put into a crazy, real Sake heater! Like, i have a device so that i can simply warm my sake at home... But this time it was a very specialized business-like big one! Meiri-san lend it to me! So i'm using it to heat the sake!"_ 🔥(00:18:12 - 00:18:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1092/e/1134 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So it's not even the microwave! It's real, geniune one! So i didn't know how to use it, so after trial and error with my Mane-chan, i learned how to use it now! So it'll be fine, we could heat it up just fine!"_(00:18:54 - 00:19:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1134/e/1153 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's so big, crazy! Like, the kind of pottery you find inside Oden shops!"_(00:19:13 - 00:19:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1153/e/1169 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Here, this is it! The preparation of Meiri's secret Sake heater! This one showing up here, this! THIS is it! This is what we got! Isn't it amazing? I didn't think i'd have this one! So it's being warmed at the living room, next i'll enjoy it"_(00:19:29 - 00:20:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1169/e/1200 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: So like a small foods restaurant?/L: For real! And once again, today's menu!"_ *repeats the aforementioned items*(00:20:00 - 01:16:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1200/e/4586 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"First, i'd like to eat this one, please wait! So, i've been waiting all this time so~ Please wait a bit more!"_(00:20:23 - 00:21:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1223/e/1263 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 微発砲雪夜月(プロトタイプ)5℃ ×焼き牡蠣&興奮を隠しきれないラミィ(00:20:24 - 00:21:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1224/e/1305 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So, first comes the sparkling Yukiyozuki! I'll have this one first! This is really... Ahh could you hear it?"_ *Opening bottle sounds* _"I could hear the fizz of the bottle!"_ *sniffs* _"Ah, but the fragrance..."_(00:21:03 - 00:21:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1263/e/1283 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"The smell of these cooked oysters was big just now, i'm nervous! The feeling that's been a while just made me drool, wait a bit www _*_wipes_*_ i'm nervous!"_ 🤤(00:21:23 - 00:21:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1283/e/1303 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So, Cheers once again, everyone!"_(00:21:43 - 00:22:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1303/e/1326 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 改めて乾杯 &プロトタイプ微発泡雪夜月のレビュー(00:21:45 - 00:27:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1305/e/1645 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I don't know if this is the correct way to express it, but it's like champagne... I wonder... i've drank sparkling nihonshu before but, the foam is pretty minute, amazing! Like, there's also big ones too, and also some that i've had some memory that it was hard to drink but... "_(00:22:06 - 00:22:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1326/e/1363 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 "It's really so detailed like a champagne, it feels so light!"(00:22:43 - 00:22:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1363/e/1373 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's amazing... How to say, this is the kind of talk i don't want to share but, i'd like to have the alcohol volume in the foam reduced _*_giggles_*_ if we do this... Like, it seems very difficult to do from a technical point of view! Since it's already a Nihonshu with a reduced alcohol volume so it must be very hard..."_(00:22:53 - 00:23:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1373/e/1400 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"For me, since i'd like for people who don't drinking sake to get to feel how exquisite it is, i'm very particular about making it easy to drink, after all there's a lot of people who are bad with the remaining alcohol sensation when drinking it right? So that way i'd like to make it even easier for even those people to enjoy! This is like about the third time i drink the sparkling prototype but... It's so easy to drink!"_ 🍾(00:23:20 - 00:23:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1400/e/1439 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This is i think, the easiest to drink one, i've ever had! Pardon, before i indulge in more oysters i'd like to have a 2nd serving... Amazing! But this is still a prototype, so it's possible to do changes on it still! It's amazing, it moved me, so easy to drink! I can chug it down for sure!"_(00:23:59 - 00:24:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1439/e/1464 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I'd like to eat some more oysters~ But yeah this is a prototype, yet you can really look forward to it! We've drank all The Yukiyozuki so far including the [starting point], but still gave a strong feeling of sake, so people who were bad with it, i want you to try it for sure! It's so easier to drink now it surprised me! Ahh yummy oysters!"_ 🦪(00:24:24 - 00:25:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1464/e/1504 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"SO GOOD! The sparkliness of the Yukiyozuki, I said it before but it somewhat gives me the image of a champagne, light, so with oysters it makes both of them match amazing with each other! Of course it'd go great with Japanese cuisine too i think, but also with western food"_(00:25:04 - 00:25:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1504/e/1535 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It fits so well! How to say... I like nihonshu a lot, since i love the punch from alcohol, so taking that in mind is why they made dry-tasting one but, it's so light!"_(00:25:35 - 00:26:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1535/e/1568 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"But it feels like pretty luxurious, since Yukiyozuki is made so naturally and it originally feels luxurious for that, adding the carbonation to it... How to say... It feels so stylish! It's such a stylish flavor, that a couple would drink together in their anniversary!"_ *laughs* 🎉(00:26:08 - 00:26:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1568/e/1581 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ah yeah, with miso soup and carpaccio would go nice yeah! I think it'd pair very well with seafood! It's delicious..."_(00:26:21 - 00:26:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1581/e/1596 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I'd like to pair this with white-meat fish, this time i'm having it with grilled oysters though... But oysters have a pretty strong punch with their flavor so... With white fish, adding the fragrance of Olive oil, it feels it won't interfere with that even!"_(00:26:36 - 00:26:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1596/e/1618 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: What about fried foods?/L: Ahh fried... I wonder, for me i'd go with a dry sake for them! How to say... I also think it'd meet well with Meat, i'll bring it later too after all, so let's try drinking them together... But this is really delicious. I also think it'd pair well with cheese! So good!"_(00:26:58 - 00:27:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1618/e/1644 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ahh this is so easy to drink! i think that people who haven't drank Nihonshu will go [Is this Sake?!] For real, i want you to try it, you who haven't drank! Like, if we gave you this without knowing, i don't think you'd answer this is Sake!"_(00:27:24 - 00:27:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1644/e/1674 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 日本酒飲んだことない人に飲んでほしい&度数は現時点で未定(00:27:25 - 00:29:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1645/e/1789 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: I'm moved.../C: What percent?/L: The alcohol volume, it's still under adjustments, so that's why i can't say anything just yet, but since it's Nihonshu there's a limit to how little we can reduce it to! Technical things"_(00:27:54 - 00:28:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1674/e/1698 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: So that's why we can't brirng the volume very very low, but making it easy to drink is totally different this really is easy to drink! And the oysters are delicious/C: I suppose it's even lower than the [Origin regression] version huh/L: Yeah! This is of course lower than the original Yukiyozuki, whose alcohol volume is 17%, so this is of course lower"_(00:28:18 - 00:29:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1698/e/1790 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: That's just water/L: www i don't get you, why is that water? But this is so good, i really recommend it! Ah but there's more today! So not the place to just gobble it down!"_(00:29:24 - 00:29:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1764/e/1790 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 雪夜月常温15℃ &牛肉のステーキ(00:29:49 - 00:31:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1789/e/1883 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ah yeah, somebody mentioned it not being like Canned Shochu Highball. That one's sweet right? So it's not like that! Because in the end as we wrote before, it's rice and water, so the flavor is very clean! That's why the aftertaste is... How to say, it's like the alcohol doesn't come back to the mouth at all, enough that you'd think it's not alcohol beverage even!"_(00:29:50 - 00:29:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1790/e/1764 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Let's go with the next, but this was amazing, it moved me! You can really have expectation for it! Next (cute english) is the room temperature Yukiyozuki with a beef steak, i really have it so please wait while i bring it!"_(00:29:50 - 00:31:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1790/e/1876 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"First, i'll start with the Yukiyozuki and once again have a toast... Kanpai! Yummy! Yukiyozuki is really delicious while cold of course, but i like it most at room temperature!"_ 🌡(00:31:14 - 00:32:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1874/e/1959 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Amazing, the steak ended up very amazing! [Room temperature and Steak: By being at Room temperature, the fruity qualities of the Daiginjou stand out more. The sweetness and spicy flavor match up well with the hearty flavor of the steak]"_(00:31:16 - 00:31:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1876/e/1906 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 常温?のステーキ(00:31:23 - 00:32:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1883/e/1935 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: this really smells amazing!/C: A steak at room temperature?/L: No no, i mean, it's a hot steak with a room temperature steak! www That was a mess-up! So, i'd like to eat the hot steak with the room temperature sake"_(00:31:46 - 00:31:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1906/e/1874 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 乾杯&常温が一番好きなラミィ(00:32:15 - 00:34:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1935/e/2070 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"If i say why, it's because at room temperature i feel the most of its fragrance! Also even if you heat it is fine but... This room temperature can't lie! It's simply not prone to deceit! This is simply delicious! You can drink it like that, i think it's amazing how simple it is!"_(00:32:39 - 00:33:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1959/e/1988 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So as for Yukiyozuki i don't know how many bottles i've drank of it but, i like it at room temperature the most! It's really good! So for now i'll enjoy it together with this steak, ahh, the steak is melting pretty much, sorry everyone! This time i'll enjoy this meat"_(00:33:08 - 00:33:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/1988/e/2014 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So good...! So yummy...!"_(00:33:34 - 00:33:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2014/e/2031 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"What was this, i can't read it... It says [The room temperature brings about the fruity flavor of Daiginjou] THIS IS TRUE! I wonder why?"_ 🍍🍎🍑(00:33:51 - 00:34:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2031/e/2050 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"No no, i mean, when you drink this with the meat it makes an amazing fragrance stand out! But as for the principle that follows, i don't know why really... Why indeed... What would the reason for the fragrance to turn like that"_(00:34:10 - 00:34:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2050/e/2073 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 肉系おつまみ雑談&ビーフジャーキーは神が作り出したもの(00:34:30 - 00:36:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2070/e/2160 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: I'd like to eat a slice, if only.../L: For those who have Yukiyozuki at hand, how to say... Eat it with a steak just like i'm doing, even if not a steak though/C: You're drunk already/L: No, i haven't drank that much yet!"_ *mogu mogu*(00:34:33 - 00:35:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2073/e/2106 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Coughing.(00:35:06 - 00:35:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2106/e/2116 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Beef Jerky is so good! It's delicious right? I can't really eat hard things because of my braces, so i can't eat beef jerky, but isn't it so good? I think it's something made by the gods, it's really yummy!"_(00:35:16 - 00:35:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2116/e/2145 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Nihonshu drank with meat, it's very good, isn't it? I wonder why... It matches well with fish of course, or seafood too, but with meat as well~ Ahh Salami too! Since Nihonshu's composed of rice and water, generally it doesn't get in the way of your food... It also has such a nice fragrance! It's so good, it's like it overlaps 2 delicious things together, do you understand me?"_(00:35:45 - 00:36:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2145/e/2193 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ×二乗についてふいんき(なぜか変換できない)で理解してほしいラミィ(00:36:00 - 00:38:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2160/e/2286 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ラミィちゃんのかける自乗理論好きラ俺恥(00:36:17 - 01:16:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2177/e/4586 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: It doesn't conflict with the umami/L: Well said! It doesn't conflict with the Umami!"_ *Lamy tries expressing it with math but fails*(00:36:33 - 00:37:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2193/e/2236 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This is good, i mean, it's a synergy effect as you say! When you drink sake, make sure to drink water so next day you don't get an effect! That's something i beg you to do, when you drink sake, also drink water!"_(00:37:16 - 00:37:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2236/e/2268 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: A square multiplication isn't the same as a duplication/L: wwww Sorry! Don't get into too many details! Remember the mood!"_(00:37:48 - 00:38:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2268/e/2290 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 雪夜月と美味しいおつまみは生きてきて良かったと実感する(00:38:06 - 00:39:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2286/e/2360 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Eating delicious things with delicious sake, i didn't have the chance to do that recenylu, so... It makes me think I'm glad to be alive... Feels like [I was born for this reason]"_(Continuing in other comments)(00:38:10 - 01:16:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2290/e/4586 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"The other day i had some canned Shochu Highball & potato chips for an evening drinking stream back in Members-only right? I thought that was good, but having yummy snacks with Yukiyozuki is... Makes me feel glad i was born and alive here"_(00:38:31 - 00:39:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2311/e/2343 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"How to say, there's [Delicious!] And after that comes [i'm glad i am alive]! _*_giggles_*_ it's the best! Once again, nihonshu is really yummy... Today in the background what's written is [Sake/Nihonshu is life]"_ 🥔(00:39:03 - 00:39:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2343/e/2366 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 屋形船背景(雪民作)と細かい小物について(00:39:20 - 00:41:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2360/e/2477 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"There's a lot of versions, you know? It usually reads [Liverface] but today it has [Sake is Life] Yummy... I'm brought to reflection now... Reflecting about life, that is... Ahhh, i'm glad i lived this far, it was for this... Ahhh~ So yummy! Meat and sake are both good!"_ 🥩(00:39:26 - 00:39:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2366/e/2395 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: How many varieties are there?/L: Like 5 of them! This ship was made by listeners, they made a lot, but there's about 5 hanging scrolls as assets! And behind me there's Yukiyozuki right? Over here..."_(00:39:55 - 00:40:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2395/e/2434 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: There's also a Masu! (Wooden cup for sake)/L: Yeah! This is from what we released as merch before! Yeah! People who know it know, it was releaseed together with this one glass for sake, oh www/C: Is this because of the listeners?/L: Yeah! It's thanks to them, they made it, can you see? The Listeners back here, up and down are all having fun!"_ *giggles*(00:40:34 - 00:41:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2434/e/2472 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: I'm using it now!/L: That's good! This glass, i really like it personally! So, I asked the Manager from back then that i wanted to resell it no matter what! And they helped me do that, but i can't anymore"_(00:41:12 - 00:41:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2472/e/2498 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 次に出すお酒関連グッズどうするか問題(00:41:17 - 00:44:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2477/e/2672 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"The other day... We released the hot Sake merch as well, with that it's perfect! This Yukiyozuki, the sparkling and the dry one, you can use this glass for cold sake and the hot one, there's no more than that! The merch we'll release will be over, so what do i do next?!"_(00:41:38 - 00:42:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2498/e/2530 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I'd like to release Nihonshu goods! Ah, a champagne glass would be very good, you know... There's a lot of glasses to drink the nihonshu from! So those with a wide mouth, those with a sunk mouth as well, there's a lot... But you know how in wine glasses, you swirl it a bit and then you smell, and drink, right? So the glass is meant for the sake of enjoying the fragrance of the sake, and that's why the mouth's wide"_ 🍷(00:42:10 - 00:43:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2530/e/2580 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So that's why this time the sparkliness of this Nihonshu, it may be good to drink with a champagne-like glass i think! Maybe it'd be good to release merch like that i think"_(00:43:00 - 00:43:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2580/e/2601 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: A water-color glass?/L: Ahh i wonder... Sorry, this is just from my point of view but, for a blue glass, would it look good as tableware? Would it be fine? It's not a color that'd make you lose appetite would it? _*_giggles_*_ so i'd need to think about it a bit"_(00:43:21 - 00:43:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2601/e/2630 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ahh faceted glass? That's... The glass itself, truth be told, a bit before there was that... It's just that, since more than how expensive it may turn to be; there'd have to be a lot of restrictions to how many you'd be able to purchase... So yeah..."_(00:43:50 - 00:44:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2630/e/2654 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"That's why i stopped, since it seemed that it'd be something that only a few Yukimin could get, yeah... Truth be told i thought about it but yeah... Let's go next then?"_ ​🥃(00:44:14 - 00:44:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2654/e/2671 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Here it is! Hot sake with Crab Miso! I really love this one, for real! This is a matchup i want, i love Crab Miso! I think that Crab Miso is something that reigns supreme in this world! First... AHHH it has a good fragrance!"_ 🦀(00:44:31 - 00:45:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2671/e/2709 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 雪夜月熱燗55℃ ×蟹味噌(00:44:32 - 00:47:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2672/e/2820 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I wonder if i have drank the Yukiyozuki in hot, up until now! At least i feel i haven't heated up the dry-taste Yukiyozuki, so in many senses this is a first..."_(00:45:09 - 00:45:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2709/e/2724 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ah, the oysters, meat and crab miso, it has such a rich fragrance! Alright, this is the secret... What was it? Thingy to heat the sake that Meiri-san lent to me"_(00:45:24 - 00:45:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2724/e/2756 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: It says it's 55°C so we really have it at that temperature!/C: Does it include a thermometer?/L: Yeah, it does! So that way you can adjust it perfectly to the temperature you set... Ahh this is amazing! For winter i'd need to use one for sure! I also want to eat some Oden!"_(00:45:56 - 00:46:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2756/e/2784 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Let's go! Let me enjoy some crab miso... DELICIOUS! It's so good! Let's drink!"_(00:46:24 - 00:46:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2784/e/2804 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Exceptionally, when warmed; the Yukiyozuki favorite Model's dry taste shows up its true value. Please enjoy paired up with a crab miso]~"_(00:46:44 - 00:47:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2804/e/2828 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 熱燗を飲んで優勝するラミィ(00:47:00 - 00:48:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2820/e/2925 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It has such an amazing fragrance standing up! Bringing it close to the nose makes me go [WHOAAAH!]"_(00:47:08 - 00:47:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2828/e/2840 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ahh this is the winner! SO GOOD! SO SO GOOD!"_(00:47:20 - 00:47:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2840/e/2861 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This is crazy...! I can't have enough of this! This is good"_(00:47:41 - 00:47:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2861/e/2875 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Congrats on the winner/L: For real, this wins!, it makes me feel i've existed this long in this world... I'm glad i was born, for real!!!! this would be great with Konowata! That is, the innards of sea cucumber, those are the best, i have some frozen right now! Just that i haven't thawed them so i can't eat"_ 🥒🌊(00:47:55 - 00:48:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2875/e/2912 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Crab Miso's so good! I can't have enough!"_(00:48:32 - 00:48:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2912/e/2925 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Today there were the three varieties! This was really the best order, thinking about it! The sparkling Yukiyozuki came with the Oysters right? We had a toast, it was a terribly good drink to start with! This Prototype is frightening good! Though i think you can pair it with just about anything, all tastes good!"_(00:48:45 - 00:49:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2925/e/2963 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ペアリング晩酌の順番が完璧すぎる(00:48:45 - 00:50:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2925/e/3025 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This was also a victory! Yukiyozuki at room temperature is how i recommend it most"_(00:49:23 - 00:49:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2963/e/2974 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Drinking it cold is also easier to drink! but it feels like [Room temperature won't lie]! The strong points of it simple reach you!"_(00:49:34 - 00:49:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2974/e/2994 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And the dry taste one, there's no way this isn't delicious! Really i... Ahhh, so good!"_ *giggles*(00:49:54 - 00:50:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/2994/e/3024 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This is too yummy, honestly! This... If you love Sake, this is the best, no better than this! Even at Izakaya this is in the high ranks, so enjoying this high level Nihonshu and Crab miso, you'll fly! _*_laughs_*_ so it's dangerous cause you'll fly for sure _*_laughs_*_ I can guarantee you on how good it tastes... I WANT ODEN! Hot oden, i'll fly! So, if i say what makes me happy, is that, the Sake I want to drink, my favorite Sake, was recognized by the world!"_(00:50:24 - 00:51:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3024/e/3076 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 日本酒好きには危険な組み合わせ(飛ぶぞ)(00:50:25 - 00:52:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3025/e/3138 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This one also got an award! The other day at the Fes, i have one at home, A medal award at display, those who have seen it know what i talk about... But that this one also got an award mean that surely Yukihana Lamy has a good taste for Sake!"_(00:51:16 - 00:51:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3076/e/3108 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So, if you heat that sake and have it with Crab miso, you... YOU, you'll fly! No mistaking it, you'll fly! Ahh so good!"_(00:51:48 - 00:52:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3108/e/3130 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I'm glad i'm alive! Ah, there are more things for this moment... This is a personal feeling by the way, but Nihonshu, it really has plenty of obstacles, truth be told... Particularly for young people, since it doesn't stick as much, after all; there's not many chances to drink nihonshu, right?"_(00:52:10 - 00:52:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3130/e/3164 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 日本酒が大好きだから皆に飲んでほしい(00:52:18 - 00:54:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3138/e/3246 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I'm over 200 years old, and i knew it from long ago. But it wasn't until now that i drank Sake more. So rather than just nihonshu, drinking about anything was something i was limited at... But, i love Nihonshu, even though something as delicious as this is around, the fact it's not known, really felt like a waste!"_(00:52:44 - 00:53:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3164/e/3194 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"That's why i made the first Yukiyozuki, with the feeling that [Everyone can drink it], but, seeing the people who've never drank sake, getting to know and enjoy it and writing comments on it, it makes me REALLY so happy! for Meiri-san too! There's also people who tell them something like [Up until now i hadn't drank Sake, but now i drank Yukiyozuki, i know how yummy it is!] It made me glad that i made Yukiyozuki!"_(00:53:14 - 00:53:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3194/e/3232 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Meiri-san, they really do their best to release good, high quality nihonshu everytime, and it's the same for the one to be released next week, the [Origin regression Yukiyozuki], where was the cool picture from before?..."_(00:53:52 - 00:54:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3232/e/3258 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 原点回帰の雪夜月&ラミィの思い(00:54:06 - 00:56:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3246/e/3397 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Here it is! Yukiyozuki's is... For me the Starting point, this is made so you start drinking nihonshu from there, like, it was by thinking about those who haven't drank anything more than anything, that i made this Nihonshu! So, i'd like for people who haven't tried, to try this"_(00:54:18 - 00:54:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3258/e/3295 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And next time we're releasing the sparkling Yukiyozuki, that will get even easier to drink... For me, the yummiest Nihonshu is this, Yukiyozuki! People who don't drink can drink it and think it's delicious, plus! As a nihonshu is really delicious!"_(00:54:55 - 00:55:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3295/e/3318 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"We're told often about how it could be high in price but, this is something i tell you everytime: As a Nihonshu, it's feels normal, in the sense that... This is the quality of the nihonshu that you could drink normally and it costs this much! Just this, it's not expensive at all when it comes to a sake!"_ 🍶(00:55:18 - 00:55:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3318/e/3353 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Like, even if you think [But it's a collab with Lamy so it'll be expensive for sure!] It's not! It's very appropriate for a Nihonshu! So, i want it to get to those who've never drank up until now, even more than before!"_(00:55:53 - 00:56:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3353/e/3380 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Meiri-san does his best every time, with the price, the amount, and making sure lots of people know it... How to say, we really do our best together"_(Continuing in other comments)(00:56:20 - 01:16:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3380/e/4586 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And now, next time, next week, for the first time in 2 years, the Yukiyozuki that you'd been expecting for will be sold once again! And this, by October or so... We'll get the one sparkling Yukiyozuki that's currently under development!"_(00:56:36 - 00:57:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3396/e/3420 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 微発砲雪夜月は本当に飲みやすい(00:56:37 - 00:58:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3397/e/3495 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"As i drank it earlier i was really surprised, it's so easy to drink! Personally, though i drink sake myself, and though i think it's not good to use champagne or wine as an example; i think the closest to it would be champagne, let me drink again...(00:57:00 - 00:57:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3420/e/3446 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ahh this is crazy, i reminisced Christmas for a moment there! Back at the residence i'd celebrate christmas with the family... And we'd have parties at home, or something like"_ 🎄(00:57:26 - 00:57:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3446/e/3459 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I remembered of a time i drank back then... SO GOOD! It's hot but even then it's so easy to drink! Amazing! I wonder if nobody has done it before, to give to Holomems and tell them [What alcohol is this?] Like seeing [Can you tell if this is Nihonshu or?] You get me?"_(00:57:39 - 00:58:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3459/e/3494 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Does that mean that we're settled to drink Yukiyozuki this christmas?/L: True, Meiri is super fast to ship things! Something that surprises me everytime! It's Meiri who sells them... And they sell out, but the very next day they're already starting to send things! Since it's SO fast, sometimes I even worry about it! That's how much! Like, the latest would be 1 week for you to get it, they're absurdly fast! I imagine that Meiri gets pressured but, they're very fast!"_(00:58:14 - 00:59:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3494/e/3541 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 明利酒類のサービスの良さについて語るラミィ(00:58:15 - 01:05:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3495/e/3909 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: It arrives before i even get the notice it was sent/L: _*_Laughs_*_ IT'S CRAZY! Meiri-san really works hard/C: I got it in about 3 days/L: But for real, that's how they work! Like, i think they send them by order number, but the people in charge of that sure makes sure they arrive fast! For me, i always get my own portion but... How to say, i always go like [Eh? Already?]"_(00:59:01 - 00:59:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3541/e/3583 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And more over, the packaging is too perfect too, how to say it doesn't allow for it to roll or break and makes me think how long it takes for them to pack it like that! Isn't it perfect? Meiri-san sure are amazing! Like, they wrap it in bubble wrap so much too! And they do for all of them! I think that's amazing... But i think that's good since there's many parts where it could break so that's why you'd need to properly prepare of course..."_ 📦(00:59:43 - 01:00:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3583/e/3635 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Also, this is from time ago, from back at the beginning, as i egosurfed, it said that the label, when put into the fridge; it'd peel! Someone wrote that! So I told Meiri-san that [The Label is peeling off, this happened... If possible, i'd like if we got one that's hard to peel], and as i told them that, the next batch the label was hard to remove, isn't that amazing? They're so quick and reliable i thought!"_(01:00:35 - 01:01:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3635/e/3675 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Of course, i think that if you keep it in preservation long, it would end up peeling, but can't be helped, that's just how it is! It's just that... For these that i have stored in my fridge, they haven't peeled at all, so i don't really know what change they implemented, but it's amazing, i think"_(01:01:15 - 01:01:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3675/e/3700 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Something that makes me amazed from Meiri eveytime too, is that everytime they send a sake, they send a letter together with the sake everytime! With their feelings in written like [Thank you for supporting us, let's do our best together!] in a letter... _*_giggles_*_ Meiri-san are really polite!"_ 🙏(01:01:40 - 01:02:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3700/e/3734 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Of course! For the customers who get it too, it makes them feel closer to them, maybe... It was yesterday or the day before? They did the opening of the warehouse after the New year, i think that they did a tasting though, but then the Yukiyozuki was brought then, yesterday? Yeah! Meiri the listeners were pretty close there too!"_(01:02:14 - 01:02:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3734/e/3769 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: It was yesterday, i was there/L: YOU WERE?! You're all amazing! _*_giggles_*_ It's amazing for sure, everytime they put so much effort, to improve and value it... With the thought that Yukimin could drink it, it always shows up in the package... That is always sent out fast"_ *laughs* ⚡(01:02:49 - 01:03:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3769/e/3796 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I think that preparing the packages of that much amount must be so tough! For the amount you think they prepare, it's about 5 times though! (I know the amount produced) but, it running out everytime makes me very happy and think it's amazing but... Because i know the amount, like, normally, things like [It broke/the packaging wasn't good/The package wasn't good/It's not arriving] would happen, and because the amount increases, and they're the fastest at sending things; i think that the fact they don't change how they express things is amazing... It hasn't changed from the beginning, it's really amazing..."_(01:03:16 - 01:04:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3796/e/3855 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So this time the next week will go on sale, the amount prepared for this week was so much but i think that it'll run out right away once again, so that's why i think you'll also get it in your hands fast... For sure, if you haven't drank Yukiyozuki, if you can get it in your hands, that'd make me happy..."_(01:04:15 - 01:04:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3855/e/3884 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: And next time, to make it easier to drink this time, there's the sparkling, this really is good. But i don't know how things will turn in terms of changes just yet, so it's possible i go [Oh, it was yummier the other day] but! The prototype at present is really yummy! I hope this gets to you!/C: Want to buy it, but i'm a minor so i can't/L: That... There's plenty actually! Like a mom who promises you to open something after a certain time, but yeah, sake is after you turn twenty! So minors, please wait until then!"_ 👦(01:04:44 - 01:05:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3884/e/3929 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 お酒は二十歳になってから(01:05:09 - 01:06:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3909/e/3975 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Meiri will definitely keep doing their best for many years i think! If it's them i'm sure they can do it though! So please wait till you're an adult"_(01:05:29 - 01:05:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3929/e/3948 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Something i found Surprising, though i thought there's not that many minors in the Yukimin, there actually are! Who tell me [I can't drink yet/Now i'm 20 so i can finally frink Yukiyozuki!] Or so, it surprises me to hear them!"_(01:05:48 - 01:06:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3948/e/3976 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 忖度なしでベストマッチなペアリング晩酌を決めるラミィ(01:06:15 - 01:08:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3975/e/4093 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This time i'd like to announce what the best match for me was... Wait..."_(01:06:16 - 01:06:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3976/e/3994 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Actually, if this was just the normal, i'd go and share something like [This will be released next week so i really recommend it!] But honestly, this was my favorite... Sorry, I don't want to lie to you, so for me honestly, this was the best combination!"_(01:06:34 - 01:07:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/3994/e/4027 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: But this will be the one that will release next week! This is for connoiseurs! But yeah, the crab miso and this Favorite, it's the best!/C: Must buy crab miso!/L: The Yukiyozuki sold this time, i think it has a good fragrance even when hot... Like, cold is easier to drink! But i think that since it's made like that, if you have it cold is easier to drink, if at room temperature, it won't lie to you, the fragrance of GInjou will be strong, a yummy nihonshu! But yeah, hot is more for connoiseurs, since the alcohol flavor goes *boom*, and YukiYozuki is pretty fruity, so it's quite sweet-tasting, but when hot it's also somewhat dry so it's good if you look for that!"_(01:07:07 - 01:08:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4027/e/4091 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ahh it was long since i last had delicious Sake and food, the ultimate contest for me... I don't want to end yet, but, can i drink the hot sake a little bit more? With crab miso, that pairing is crazy i mean!"_(01:08:11 - 01:08:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4091/e/4135 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 まだ終わりたくないラミィ(01:08:13 - 01:09:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4093/e/4153 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ahh the meat's gotten cold, it's hard now... Oh, yummy! It's still hot!"_(01:08:55 - 01:09:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4135/e/4152 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Blue cheese? Actually, when i asked about what snacks could this pair well with; Blue Cheese was one of the options! But i truly have one trauma with Blue cheese"_ 🔵🧀(01:09:12 - 01:09:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4152/e/4174 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ブルーチーズにトラウマがあるラミィ(01:09:13 - 01:11:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4153/e/4260 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"One time, when i was eating at the residence there was a platter of assorted cheese, back then, i hadn't eaten Blue Cheese yet, so i thought it must've been yummy! But once i held it in my hand and ate it, my hand got the smell right away! And my hand really smelled! www Even if i washed it it didn't go away! And though i'd have eaten smelly things before, the smell not going away from my hands became a trauma of sorts"_(01:09:34 - 01:10:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4174/e/4215 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: And at that point, i liked the flavor of blue cheese, but i was bad with it, it really didn't go away it surprised me!/C: Eating blue cheese with bare hands is no good/L: For real! If you do it, it'll remain on your fingers for like 3 days!"_ 🖐(Continuing in other comments)(01:10:15 - 01:16:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4215/e/4586 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Aren't delicious things pretty smelly? There's a lot! I wonder why... Like they smell, my dad likes them a lot! Back at the residence he'd eat them pretty often but... They really smelled! And because once warm both flavor and fragrance changed, the residence was full of all sorts of smell"_ 👃(01:10:40 - 01:11:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4240/e/4275 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 くさや雑談(非表示対策のため途中から)(01:11:00 - 01:12:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4260/e/4357 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And when i got out of the room at nightime, the smell would get in even stronger, and i thought [STINKS! Ah, so dad is eating smelly things again] and as i went downstairs it turned to be... But when he told me [Lamy, eat it!] and i was like [Ah but it's so good... But stinks] like the richness is all condensed! It's just that the smell makes it unappealing, but it's so good..."_(01:11:15 - 01:11:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4275/e/4313 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Crab miso too, the looks are a bit grotesque but when eating it, it's so good!"_(01:11:53 - 01:12:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4313/e/4327 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So for last i'd like to eat some smelly- I mean, there was nothing smelly today www, some crab Misso and Sparkling... Ahh i see! But this is... Wait"_(01:12:07 - 01:12:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4327/e/4345 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This, not the sparkling but, the Crab Miso would meet well with the room temperature Yukiyozuki when heated, i can't have enough of this"_(01:12:25 - 01:12:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4345/e/4356 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So, now that i drank, it was high pace, how long did i drink for? It was plenty... One hour... But, no, not today! Next week's the 26th... Nope, nope...nope, nope... This is it!"_(01:12:36 - 01:13:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4356/e/4381 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 今日の配信まとめ(01:12:37 - 01:13:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4357/e/4402 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: On the 26th it'll be released! I'll be under your care! Definitely, those who haven't drank sake, i'd like for you to try it/C: Doraemon?/L: Ah, www, this is totally unrelated by the way but"_(01:13:01 - 01:13:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4381/e/4406 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ホロライブ公式から出たラミィのツッコミショートは撮りおろし(01:13:22 - 01:15:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4402/e/4527 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"In Hololive's official channel there was a clip of me going Tsukkomi to everything going wrong with listeners, like a short video! That reminded me a bit of that clip but, oh, it wasn't a clip, it was new material! Yeah, the one with Mt. Fuji!"_(01:13:26 - 01:13:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4406/e/4433 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"There was some sort of script, so the staff were like [You go Tsukkomi, since everyone else will go Boke] and i got the script for the Boke! _*_giggles_*_ so how i reacted Tsukkomi to that was really all fresh taken!"_(01:13:53 - 01:14:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4433/e/4454 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: So there were comments who said [Ah Yukimin are so funny!] But that's wrong, it was Cover's staff, people who you don't know, going Boke... So that was it, definitely watch that clip! It's not a clip though/"_(01:14:14 - 01:14:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4454/e/4474 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Was there no Tsukkomi script?/L: No, there wasn't, they were like [Be tsukkomi to all of this] instead..."_(01:14:34 - 01:14:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4474/e/4485 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Staff is like that, sometimes they make weird Hologra episodes... It was a strange work, so i'll be under your care from here on, hololive and Meiri-san too, i'll be under your care!"_(01:14:45 - 01:15:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4485/e/4506 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Let's do another evening drinking Zatudan another time since i have plenty of it! I'll buy plenty of snacks from the convenience store, so see you there!"_(01:15:06 - 01:15:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4506/e/4522 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"But today i haev the role of ending without getting drunk, so that's it! People who haven't bought it yet, please do so! Ahh good, a Golden Week evening drinking would be nice! Let's do that!"_ 🏆(01:15:22 - 01:15:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4522/e/4542 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 終了挨拶(01:15:27 - 01:15:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4527/e/4549 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"OtsuLamy everyone! At end i'd like some hot with crab miso!"_(01:15:42 - 01:16:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4542/e/4561 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cパート&優勝(01:15:49 - 01:16:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4549/e/4586 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Meowth: DELICIOUS! I'm glad to be alive!"_ 🐱Without anything else, thank you for the wonderful Evening drinking stream Lamy-chan! And congratulations on yet another succesful release! It's honestly amazing how much effort you've all put into it, and inspiring at the same time! 🙏(01:16:01 - 01:16:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/ckKq4mV93wI/s/4561/e/4586 Sun, 21 Apr 24 20:00:00 +0900 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Start! But there's only Lamy _"Ah wait, Kanatan, as i was wondering whether or not to wait for her she opened her frame, let's bring her voice in!"_(00:01:56 - 00:02:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/116/e/132 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 start&通話開始(00:01:57 - 00:02:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/117/e/147 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: It's me! Sorry Lamy! I was catching up!/L: I really didn't get any message or anything so i was thinking what was going on! Kanatan!/K: I finally caught up to you!/L: Get into the lobby! I'm all by myself/K: What lobby?/L: It's on DM's... At any rate sorry, just started by myself, so you were playing up until now huh"_(00:02:12 - 00:02:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/132/e/158 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 アンジャッシュ状態になるゴリレバ(00:02:27 - 00:06:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/147/e/377 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: I finally got into it/L: How far did you go to?/K: Iceborne's first Tobi-Kadachi's subspecies (Viper)/L: Ahh i see! It's amazing, from what time have you been playing today?/K: __(00:02:38 - 00:13:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/158/e/780 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Let's wait for Kanatan, ah well, but i'll carry you today/K: Really? Eh but, i wonder... Maybe you continued on, i saw you playing offstream!"_(00:03:12 - 00:03:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/192/e/209 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: I've continued but not on the story!/K: Is that so? Is there any material you want to gather?/L: Yeah! There is! But i won't know until you come up"_(00:03:29 - 00:04:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/209/e/253 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 Volume check. 🔉(00:04:13 - 00:04:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/253/e/296 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Yeah because Kanatan hasn't established the lobby i'll do so and Kanatan can come over/K: Yeah Ok!/L: Return to the Title, there should be a friend's meeting place option there... I should have it there, but when i looked earlier it wasn't there"_(00:04:56 - 00:05:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/296/e/324 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 Big Kanatan. 💫(00:05:24 - 00:05:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/324/e/353 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: So you're here, are you already at the lobby?/K: I'll enter right now!/L: Got it! Sorry everyone. Thank you Heimin for the hard work/K: And thank you for the wait Yukimin! Let's make Lamy's voice bigger"_(00:05:53 - 00:06:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/353/e/374 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Kanatan's partially small though/L: Ahh i can't do anything about that though"_(00:06:14 - 00:06:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/374/e/386 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 雪民に煽られるかなたん(00:06:17 - 00:06:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/377/e/398 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: There you are!/K: Am i in?/L: Aren't we similar though?/K: you mean our outfits?/L: That too, but our heads are blue even"_(00:06:26 - 00:07:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/386/e/434 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 再びすれ違うゴリレバ(00:06:38 - 00:07:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/398/e/453 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 Kanata Noticing she has a Poogie companion flying by her.(00:07:14 - 00:07:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/434/e/445 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: Lamy, what do you want to do? I want to see if we can do the orders?/L: Is there one you want to face off again?/K: For me? The one i think i can do... Master i think?/L: So IceBorne level right?"_(00:07:25 - 00:07:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/445/e/472 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 どれを受注するか相談(00:07:33 - 00:09:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/453/e/570 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: There's Pukei-Pukei subspecies and Paolumu too/L: Well, i'm fine with that though/K: What's MTwo?/L: Means Master 2 maybe?/K: Did you do that?"_(00:07:52 - 00:08:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/472/e/490 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Today i was playing MonHun with Yukimin Members since 2 until just earlier/K: Didn't you continue a lot then?/L: No, we hunted for event quests/K: Is that so?/L: So that's why, do what you feel like/K: oh but i haven't changed my gear for Iceborne armor/L: Ah, me too, about only earlier i changed it a little bit!/K: Is that so, what armor was it?/L: A very fitting one! I haven't made all of it though!/K: Gear, so let's try to look for gear?/L: What do you want to make?"_(00:08:10 - 00:08:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/490/e/529 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: Which one was it? There was a cute one, was it the shark's? Let's try seeing it.../L: Fine!"_(00:08:49 - 00:09:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/529/e/552 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: It's been a while since a collab from solo, hasn't it?/L: Ye-Yeah! Ah but Kanatan, there was that Non-Gorilliver thing too, let everyone listen!/K: What was it?/L: You'll know if you see LINE/K: Ah yeah we wanted to think about something that was different than [Gorilliver]!/L: Yeah! Kanatan thought about it!/K: Like for instance [待雪草] or [SnowDrop]"_ ❄(00:09:12 - 00:10:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/552/e/600 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 ゴリレバに変わるユニット名候補(00:09:30 - 00:12:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/570/e/750 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: And she thought SnowDrop was nice!/K: I said that but, what do you think, isn't it cool?/L: Sounds Strong! Though since the Tag is probably already existent, we can't promise it'll be/K: Ah certainly... SnoDro/L: Maybe there's already like that even shortening/K: It's fun cause it sounds like [Sand/砂] and [Mud/泥]/L: wwww"_(00:10:00 - 00:10:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/600/e/631 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 Fireworks. _"L: It somewhat can't compare to Gorilliver!/K: It doesn't change from Gorilliver then!/L: SnowDro is subtly loud though, even though Snow Drops are so pretty/K: Yeah! Oh, Drops mean [雨] you mean?/L: It means [雫]/K: Oh, so Ame is [Rain]?/L: Yeah, Shizuku means Drop, Rain is Ame!/K: I see/L: What's with you, are you alright? Are you tired?/K: wwww All good! So does that mean Snow Droplets then?/L: Yeah! Though i can't imagine how that is honestly!/K: That's true..."_(00:10:31 - 00:11:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/631/e/677 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: Yeah! Though [YukiNeKamy] doesn't change that much from Gorilliver so i also rejected that one/L: What?/K: [YukineKamy!]/L: What's that?/K: www/L: Sorry, it's the first time i hear of that one! What is it?/K: It's Lamy's [雪], the [Ne/音] from Amane, and then the [Ka] from Kanata and [My] from Lamy/L: What is that..."_ 😆(00:11:17 - 00:11:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/677/e/706 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: It's very Lame isn't it?/L: Well rather than that, SnowDrop is better.../K: Oh, but there's no tag we made for it yet/L: Yeah, that's how it is... Also sorry, there's nothing i particularly want, so we can go for any you feel like going"_(00:11:46 - 00:12:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/706/e/731 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: They're saying Gorilliver is the best/K: Let's spread it throughout the world.../L: Ehhh?/K: We have so many units and-/L: So that it compares it with Mikomet? In terms of name?/K: Yeah, Mikomet is amazing as a unit"_(00:12:11 - 00:12:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/731/e/757 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 運営にスルーされるゴリレバ(00:12:30 - 00:15:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/750/e/920 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Actually when you compare Mikomet with Snowdrop, it sounds pretty right?/K: www it sounds like we do the same job! You can even do 3D/L: Yeah, Gorilliver sounds different for that/K: Gorilliver, the staff are a bit concerned about it?/L: Yeah, it's not popular with staff!/K: They don't know it yet!"_(00:12:37 - 00:12:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/757/e/779 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: About gorilliver, you know when at the live they ask you [Who do you want to sing with as a unit?] right?/K: Yeah!/L: I tried for Gorilliver.../K: Really?/L: But they were like [Is there anything like that?] ww/K: So you just let it pass/L: Yeah... And then you went with KanaMari right?/K: Yeah www/L: Unfortunately/K: I mention Gorilliver often to the staff/L: Really?/K: For real! I've proposed it for several things!/L: But it all gets ignored huh/K: But if you don't have it pinned on someone/L: NOOO Please let it stick with someone!"_(00:12:59 - 00:13:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/779/e/836 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 __ today/L: Amazing!/K: I kept you waiting on the KonLamy/L: It's evening already, so it's Good Evening! Are you not hungry?"_(00:13:00 - 00:03:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/780/e/192 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: But, the people watching our stream right now, it may stick with them/K: Of course there's listeners who do!/L: But it starts from there! It's the listeners whom we depend on making it popular on!/K: Or it won't begin! We spread it out and then think about something fancier for it/L: But we wouldn't be able to take it back though, are you alright with it?/K: Gorilliver you mean? True, we'd have gotten so far then!/L: What to do then, do we keep with Gorilliver or not?"_(00:13:56 - 00:14:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/836/e/874 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: But what to do Lamy-chan? Would we be able to sing pretty songs under the name Gorilliver?/L: True... Gorilla and Liver are somewhat... JUST POST SOMETHING THOUGH!/K: Sorry www/L: It's not a Zatsudan stream!/K: HAHAHA/L: It's MonHun! How many hours have you worked for this after all?/K: I was very slow, i tried my best to catch up to you!/L: You're tired for sure/K: Not at all!"_(00:14:34 - 00:15:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/874/e/902 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: Let's go for the Paolumu?/L: Alright~/K: Let's go then? I don't know well which monster i need to defeat to get certain materials/L: Then let's go for the Paolumu!/K: Alright let's go, will you carry me Lamy?/L: Pardon, i'm not really able to carry though/K: Really? It's fine Lamy!/L: Ah, it's telling me [You can't participate in this quest since you haven't progressed enough in the story]/K: Eh? So did i pass you?/L: Have i been overtaken?"_ 👀(00:15:02 - 00:15:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/902/e/940 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 ストーリーをぬかされたと思って煽られるラミィ (1)(00:15:20 - 00:17:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/920/e/1075 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: You caught up to me huh... Then, can i be the one that posts?/K: Of course! I'll princess carry (*Carry as in, the game sense*) you!/L: For real?/K: I'll princess carry you, cinderella!"_ 👸(00:15:40 - 00:16:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/940/e/975 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: I'd like to go for Rathian then/K: That's nice! Rathian!"_(00:16:15 - 00:17:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/975/e/1035 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: Master degree, ahh it seems strong!/L: Yeah, i have some materials from Rathian i'd like to get/K: Ahh, i'm getting the cutscene, please wait for me?/L: Do i get going then?"_(00:17:15 - 00:18:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1035/e/1085 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 ストーリーをぬかされたと思って煽られるラミィ (2)(00:17:55 - 00:18:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1075/e/1085 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 *Into quest* _"L: Oh, i hadn't eaten anything/K: Ah, haven't you eaten yet?/L: It's alright, you can go ahead and beat it up/K: Can i finish it then?/L: Sure, go ahead!"_(00:18:05 - 00:19:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1085/e/1140 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 特殊闘技場:雌火竜マスター編&早速プロレスが弾む二人(00:18:05 - 00:19:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1085/e/1147 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: Leave it to me!"_ *Kanatan scream, fight against Rathian start* 🐉(00:19:00 - 00:19:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1140/e/1154 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 愉悦するラミィ (1)(00:19:07 - 00:19:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1147/e/1167 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: It's strong, stupid strong! (Kanatan breaks)/L: I'll go down then! But yeah, it's because it's Master!/K: So it's this strong?!/L: Ah Kanatan! It's bad, Kanatan, princess carry me! I'll die!"_(00:19:14 - 00:20:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1154/e/1229 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 愉悦するラミィ (2)(00:19:27 - 00:22:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1167/e/1374 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"C: There's two who can cut/L: True! Let's do this Kanatan, let's cut it's tail/K: Leave it to me!/L: But because you're princess carrying me you'll cut it for me right?/K: Yeah! Cause Lamy is the cutest in the world!/L: wwww What a kind world that is then!"_(00:20:29 - 00:20:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1229/e/1259 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"K: After all, keeping a princess waiti- ahh i'll die, i don't wanna..."_(00:20:59 - 00:21:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1259/e/1305 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Oh but i like how our clothes are matching even! Ahh this may be bad!"_(00:21:45 - 00:22:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1305/e/1354 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Still not there yet?/K: I'm aiming for the tail~"_(00:22:34 - 00:23:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1354/e/1384 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 Kanatan carting. _"K: I died/L: Ahhh, but we can do it, you only carted once! Ahh i may die..."_(00:23:04 - 00:23:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1384/e/1416 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 スタンプ誤爆(00:23:25 - 00:24:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1405/e/1490 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 Panik Lamy asking Kanatan for help.(00:23:36 - 00:24:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1416/e/1447 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 日からデジタル配信開始!https://cover.lnk.to/HatsukoiPatissiere(00:24:00 - 02:22:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1440/e/8534 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 Rathian fell into Pitfall trap.(00:24:07 - 00:24:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1447/e/1463 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: I leave the tail to you, Kanatan!/K: Ok ok, leave it to me, Lamy, you can cut the tail too right?/L: I can, i'm using greatsword/K: Let's cut it then!/L: I'll do my best... Scary!"_(00:24:23 - 00:27:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1463/e/1629 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 あえんびえん(00:24:50 - 00:25:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1490/e/1520 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 研ぎは見逃さないレイア(00:25:20 - 00:27:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1520/e/1620 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 あえんびえん2(00:27:00 - 00:27:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1620/e/1654 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 Burning idols noises. 🔥(00:27:09 - 00:27:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1629/e/1645 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Now! i don't know what you do, but GO!/K: Nice!/L: It's something that falls from above!/K: Amazing!"_(00:27:25 - 00:28:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1645/e/1696 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 あえんびえん3(00:27:34 - 00:31:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1654/e/1895 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 Lamy's expert use of the Dragonator.(Continuing in replies)(00:28:16 - 02:22:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1696/e/8534 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 ころろんラミィちゃんが可愛い(00:29:26 - 00:44:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1766/e/2646 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 尻尾切断(00:31:35 - 00:33:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/1895/e/2010 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 2乙・突然の死(00:33:30 - 00:35:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/2010/e/2144 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 今後の進行:双方ストーリーのムービー確認後、片方のクエスト合流(00:39:30 - 00:40:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/2370/e/2421 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 パオウルム―亜種登場(00:41:03 - 00:43:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/2463/e/2605 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 かなた先輩の配信に合流&関わっちゃいけないタイプのパオウルム―亜種(00:43:25 - 00:45:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/2605/e/2714 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 コラボでも差し込んでいくの好き。(00:44:06 - 02:22:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/2646/e/8534 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 パオウルム―戦開始?(00:45:14 - 00:46:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/2714/e/2769 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 1乙(00:46:40 - 00:48:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/2800/e/2920 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 フラグ即回収(00:48:40 - 00:49:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/2920/e/2980 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 役に立たないボルボロス(00:49:40 - 00:51:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/2980/e/3060 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 アウェイすぎるところで戦闘再開(00:51:00 - 00:52:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/3060/e/3125 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 プケプケ(パオウルム―)(00:52:05 - 00:53:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/3125/e/3215 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 励ましあうゴリレバ(00:53:35 - 00:57:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/3215/e/3450 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 スパダリかなた先輩(00:59:37 - 01:01:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/3577/e/3714 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 2パンのかなた(01:01:54 - 01:09:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/3714/e/4176 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 キャンプに戻ろうと思ったら…(01:09:36 - 01:09:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/4176/e/4199 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 反省会&対策準備(非表示対策のため手前から)(01:09:59 - 01:18:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/4199/e/4683 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 クエスト:ねむりの飛竜とよっつの目玉(01:18:03 - 01:19:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/4683/e/4740 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 パオウルム―亜種戦開始(01:19:00 - 01:19:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/4740/e/4764 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 閃光弾を投げ慣れないラミィ (1)(01:19:24 - 01:20:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/4764/e/4820 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 閃光弾を投げ慣れないラミィ (2)(01:20:20 - 01:22:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/4820/e/4928 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 ボルボロス乱入(01:22:08 - 01:22:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/4928/e/4960 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 ラッシュ&ダウン(01:22:40 - 01:23:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/4960/e/5000 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 急に寝て余裕を見せるパオウルム―亜種(アンチくんの睡眠攻撃によるもの)(01:23:20 - 01:24:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/5000/e/5063 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 舐めプをするパオウルム―亜種に復讐を誓うゴリレバ(01:24:23 - 01:25:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/5063/e/5111 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 シビレ罠を置くラミィVS空気を読まないパオウルム―亜種(01:25:11 - 01:27:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/5111/e/5240 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 結果(01:27:20 - 01:31:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/5240/e/5480 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 ラッキー1乙(01:31:20 - 01:38:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/5480/e/5892 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 睡眠ケルビ、永眠させようとするかなた先輩(01:38:12 - 01:39:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/5892/e/5988 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 眠るラミィ&起こそうとして眠るみーしゃん(01:39:48 - 01:42:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/5988/e/6143 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 何も期待されないボルボロス君(01:42:23 - 01:42:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/6143/e/6174 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 アンチの声マネ(01:42:54 - 01:43:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/6174/e/6225 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 罠の仇(01:43:45 - 01:46:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/6225/e/6396 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 最終決戦(01:46:36 - 01:48:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/6396/e/6480 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 寝るラミィおこそうとするかなた先輩(01:48:00 - 01:49:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/6480/e/6547 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 2乙(盛り上がってきたな)(01:49:07 - 01:50:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/6547/e/6610 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 捕獲に切り替え(01:50:10 - 01:53:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/6610/e/6780 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 捕獲&配信の見栄えを気にする二人(01:53:00 - 01:54:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/6780/e/6865 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 最後にもう一クエスト(01:54:25 - 01:56:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/6865/e/6973 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 クエスト:水飲ミ場ヲ占拠セヨ!(01:56:13 - 01:57:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/6973/e/7042 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 プケプケ亜種登場(01:57:22 - 01:58:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/7042/e/7080 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 プケプケ亜種戦開始(01:58:00 - 01:58:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/7080/e/7127 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 語彙力なくなるラミィ(01:58:47 - 02:00:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/7127/e/7237 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 かなた先輩合流&上からも下からも出すプケプケ亜種(02:00:37 - 02:02:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/7237/e/7376 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 可愛いツィツィをディスるラミィ(02:02:56 - 02:04:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/7376/e/7480 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 罠を無視するプケプケ亜種(02:04:40 - 02:05:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/7480/e/7537 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 ツィツィの理解者(ストーカー)ラミィ(02:05:37 - 02:10:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/7537/e/7810 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 (疲れて)可愛い声出してられないよ!(02:10:10 - 02:11:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/7810/e/7868 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 陸珊瑚(おかさんご) &読めるホロメン0人説(02:11:08 - 02:12:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/7868/e/7930 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 しっぽ切断&口も塞いでしまえ!(02:12:10 - 02:13:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/7930/e/7992 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 ツィツィに邪魔されるゴリレバ(02:13:12 - 02:14:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/7992/e/8057 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 シャワーを浴びるラミィ(02:14:17 - 02:16:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/8057/e/8163 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 溜めったの真溜めラミィちゃんはまだまだ伸びるよ(02:15:14 - 02:22:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/8114/e/8534 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 撃破(02:16:03 - 02:17:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/8163/e/8222 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 三下ムーブをするかなた先輩(02:17:02 - 02:19:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/8222/e/8340 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 最後に腕相撲勝負(02:19:00 - 02:19:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/8340/e/8384 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 腕相撲1戦目(02:19:44 - 02:20:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/8384/e/8405 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 2戦目(02:20:05 - 02:20:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/8405/e/8427 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 3戦目&チート疑惑(02:20:27 - 02:20:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/8427/e/8447 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 チートやチーターやそんなん!(02:20:47 - 02:21:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/8447/e/8474 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 最終勝負&ED(02:21:14 - 02:22:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oNLrebahWH8/s/8474/e/8534 Sat, 20 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活10日目!ゴリレバの絆!!【#ゴリレバ/ホロライブ】 Start, no intro!(00:00:00 - 00:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/0/e/21 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 声入り(00:00:16 - 00:01:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/16/e/72 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ah sorry sorry sorry! (x10) For some reason i didn't notice the time, sorry about it! So i skipped the opening, for real sorry!"_(00:00:21 - 00:00:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/21/e/45 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Just now i was checking the layered and thinking how it'd look but then time passed and i didn't notice, so sorry for skipping the opening!"_ + Introduction. ☃(00:00:45 - 00:01:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/45/e/65 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: You played MonHun?/L: Yeah and i didn't notice the time!"_(00:01:05 - 00:01:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/65/e/75 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 プリンセス衣装&差分追加(00:01:12 - 00:02:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/72/e/152 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Also after a long while i'm wearing the princess outfit! I thought that surprisingly this hairstyle doesn't cover the stream as much"_ 👸(00:01:15 - 00:01:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/75/e/88 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"By the way, i just got it updated too, Look! A Yukimin is being impaled!"_ *giggles* _"So it got many miscellaneous updates so i'll show you in another date!"_(00:01:28 - 00:01:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/88/e/104 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: I was really impatient, it surprised me! Also i haven't done the start tweet/C: Impaled?!/L: Yeah! The other NePoLaBo members are stabbing their listeners so a Yukimin is part of it too!"_(00:01:44 - 00:02:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/104/e/152 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Today we'll play Iceborn! No, Not Partner (相棒) but Aibo/Iceborn (アイボー) _*_giggles_*_ so from today Iceborne it is!"_(00:02:32 - 00:02:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/152/e/160 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 今日からアイボ&重ね着が出来ずにやさぐれるラミィ(00:02:32 - 00:04:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/152/e/249 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"No no, if i say why i was checking the layered armors is because there's an event clothing that looks like me! I thought maybe i could have that as layered!"_(00:02:40 - 00:03:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/160/e/198 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: The Layered is until after you clear Iceborne's story/L: REALLLYYY?! Is that so? I see... Let's go then?"_(00:03:18 - 00:04:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/198/e/249 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Guy: Fufu, i knew you'd come, member of the assigned party]/L: Why do you act like that? We're part of the same fleet!"_(00:04:09 - 00:05:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/249/e/304 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 古代樹の森の異変&5期団にギスギスを感じるラミィ(00:04:09 - 00:05:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/249/e/312 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Departing on quest.(00:05:04 - 00:05:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/304/e/317 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 探索:古代樹の森(00:05:12 - 00:05:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/312/e/350 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: so a Legiana subspecies so suddenly?/C: Did his way of speaking sound wrong?/L: Well i feel that the assigned party is treated different. 5th fleet, 5th fleet i mean! By the way, it's not the same as 5th generation. We are from the audition squad"_(00:05:17 - 00:08:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/317/e/514 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 受付嬢にイキるラミィ&本当に虫一匹いないのかな? (1)(00:05:50 - 00:07:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/350/e/434 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 受付嬢にイキるラミィ&本当に虫一匹いないのかな? 07:47 08:12 (2)(00:07:14 - 00:07:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/434/e/467 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 受付嬢にイキるラミィ&本当に虫一匹いないのかな? 08:12 (3)(00:07:47 - 00:08:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/467/e/492 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 受付嬢にイキるラミィ&本当に虫一匹いないのかな? (4)(00:08:12 - 00:09:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/492/e/552 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: It's about time i get new gear! I want some/[Handler: What i've always wanted to ask you is, why did you come to the new Land?]/L: She finally asked.../[Handler: Oh but, guess we'll have to talk another time!]/L: WHY You always postpone the topic! it's been like 5 times now! That you go [Oh, we'll have this talk later!] What are you doing? Ah, she says the same as everyone, it's too silent"_(00:08:34 - 00:09:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/514/e/552 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cutscene. _"C: The crotch area (Of the character Lamy just spoke to) is amazing.../L: WHERE ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!"_ 👀(00:09:12 - 00:09:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/552/e/557 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 アイスボーンOP(00:09:12 - 00:10:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/552/e/654 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Oh my, Legiana is here! I wonder why do i see a slug in Legiana... EHHH?! Wait, Legianas are flocking?! Is that how they were?!"_(00:09:17 - 00:10:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/557/e/605 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: is this the Legiana's voices?/[Handler: Are they singing?]/L: No way, he legianas started a singing stream faster than me! I'm surprised!"_ 🎵(00:10:05 - 00:10:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/605/e/638 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"WAHHH It was the opening!"_(00:10:38 - 00:13:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/638/e/782 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 調査拠点:作戦会議&察しが良いラミィ(00:10:54 - 00:16:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/654/e/983 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Commander: Alright, i'll select the investigators to dispatch, you stay here, and protect everyone]/L: Me? What will i do?"_(00:13:02 - 00:13:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/782/e/820 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"There, the [Blue star that lights the path] words! What is that... He says it very often but honestly i don't get it still... What is that actually?/C: Nobody knows/L: www"_(00:13:40 - 00:14:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/820/e/892 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: What should i do, can i look at the equipment? What would you recommend? To enter Iceborn, since this pre-gear is not good right? I'd need Iceborne gear/[Man: Are you determined?]/L: Well yeah, if not i wouldn't come here. I'm already called the blue star, does that mean me? It's pretty suggestive"_ ☄(00:14:52 - 00:15:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/892/e/922 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: What do you recommend everyone?/C: Odogaron gear is sexy/L: Sexiness isn't that important to me though"_(00:15:22 - 00:16:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/922/e/978 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cutcene.(00:16:18 - 00:16:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/978/e/1010 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 レイギエナの群れを追って新たな場所へ(00:16:23 - 00:18:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/983/e/1086 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Wait, isn't it cold? Maybe it is... Ah, Mi-shan's outfit also fits well!"_(00:16:50 - 00:17:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1010/e/1050 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Amazing, so the ship was vertical! I see!... Glasses?! Pardon, that surprised me, a new item showed up"_(00:17:30 - 00:18:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1050/e/1130 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 新大陸発見&みーしゃんに圧をかけるラミィ(00:18:06 - 00:20:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1086/e/1210 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Third Fleet Master: Going any more would be dangerous/Handler: Eh?! Even though it was a little bit more to it!/Master: I'll take the steering, you go inside/L: *nods*/Handler: As expected of you, my partner! Agree!]/L: i don't know, I didn't say anything! OIOIOI! I hadn't said anything!"_(00:18:50 - 00:19:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1130/e/1157 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ah Mi-san too, why don't you come with me but you do with the Handler? Why didn't you come with me when i did? It's always like that, Mi-san!"_(00:19:17 - 00:19:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1157/e/1190 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"After all i'm too used to this... Isn't there plenty of snow? Will i fight here? Isn't the footing pretty bad?"_(00:19:50 - 00:20:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1190/e/1209 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Handler: Amazing... so white...! And cold!]/L: She lost her vocabulary www. But yeah, you need to start a fire in this kind of place, Fire would be utmost!"_ 🔥(00:20:09 - 00:20:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1209/e/1245 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 探索:新大陸&重ね着入手(00:20:10 - 00:23:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1210/e/1394 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Fluffy Lamy got a layered armor. _"It's cute! The Urfa, how about it? It matches with Mi-san doesn't it? Oh, Mi-san is using it too"_(00:20:45 - 00:21:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1245/e/1288 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"There's chili! As you'd expect because it's cold! We can make hot drinks now, so we drink it to combat the cold..."_(00:21:28 - 00:21:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1288/e/1304 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Just that by that explanation, hot drinks are just chili... So you're drinking chili isn't it?/C: Spicy.../L: Yeah!/C: It's mixed/L: With what?"_(00:21:44 - 00:22:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1304/e/1332 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: There's no traces of civilization huh... All nature... Oh, there's a mammoth like-thing! That's meat for sure!"_(00:22:12 - 00:22:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1332/e/1352 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ポポを犠牲にするブラントドスに怒りを覚えるラミィ なお 48:45 (2)(00:22:24 - 00:48:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1344/e/2925 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Handler: There's Popo!]/L: Popo! So you're Popo!"_ *Attacks it*(00:22:32 - 00:22:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1352/e/1375 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: it's not Polka! That's not what the [Po] stands for! After all you sure gave raw meat... Oh, there's a lot of raw meat, Popo!"_ 🥩(00:22:55 - 00:23:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1375/e/1409 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 肉焼きの腕を見せつけるラミィ()(00:23:14 - 00:24:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1394/e/1453 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 首を傾げるラミィちゃんが可愛いよし、腕鈍ってないな!(00:23:20 - 02:06:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1400/e/7607 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Lamy cooking meat and vibing.(00:23:29 - 00:23:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1409/e/1418 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ah no, that was wrong, i messe dthe button, for real, look, everyone!"_ *Gets undercooked meat and Lamy.exe stops working*(00:23:38 - 00:24:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1418/e/1440 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 日からデジタル配信開始!https://cover.lnk.to/HatsukoiPatissiere(00:24:00 - 03:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1440/e/11601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 *Cooks again* _"There, look! Let's eat this meat and forget"_(00:24:00 - 00:24:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1440/e/1467 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 微サイコパスラミィ(00:24:13 - 00:25:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1453/e/1520 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Eating this in front of the Popos, how cruel!"_(00:24:27 - 00:25:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1467/e/1547 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 迷子になった?受付嬢を探すラミィ (2)(00:24:48 - 00:25:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1488/e/1551 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 迷子になった?受付嬢を探すラミィ (1)(00:25:20 - 00:24:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1520/e/1488 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cutcene. _"It sure must take stamina to walk in the snow, it's tiring isn't it? Independently of drinking a hot drink or not"_(00:25:47 - 00:27:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1547/e/1627 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ブラントドス登場(00:25:51 - 00:27:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1551/e/1656 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"a shark? This way of appearing is like a shark's, the BGM is Shark-like too, it does _*_dun dun dun dun!_*_ ... Beotodus! That head looks sturdy! This is our first fight!"_ *Fight vs Beotodus start*(00:27:07 - 00:28:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1627/e/1707 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 クエスト:はじまりの洗礼!?  ブラントドス戦開始(00:27:36 - 00:28:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1656/e/1710 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I can't see, what should i do? Where are you swimfins? Show them to me... Ow! WAIT it did have legs though! Oi, wait! It had normal legs just no-"_ *carts* _"HEY I DIED THOUGH!"_ 💀(00:28:27 - 00:29:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1707/e/1767 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 アイスボーンの洗礼を受けるラミィ(00:28:30 - 00:29:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1710/e/1760 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 おすすめ酒定食?(00:29:20 - 00:31:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1760/e/1909 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Special Sake meal]! After all when cold drinking sake will warm you up... wah! Is this the recommended? No natter how you look at it is an amazing meat! Is this the Popo's?"_(00:29:27 - 00:31:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1767/e/1872 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 自分用(00:30:35 - 03:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1835/e/11601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Wait, my nose is really ichy... No no, it's not an excuse, it really is... Ah hello there! Wait though!"_(00:31:12 - 00:34:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1872/e/2080 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 バフバロ発見(00:31:49 - 00:34:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/1909/e/2077 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 縄張り争いを見守るラミィ(00:34:37 - 00:37:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2077/e/2259 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ahh a dangerous one came! What was it? I just know it was no good! You can't beat that for sure, let me sharpen... AMAZING! It took 1229 damage! So strong!"_(00:34:40 - 00:37:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2080/e/2254 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Alright, let's sharpen... Today my nose's been really itchy, maybe it's because... Mi-san, her hair's been... Eh? LET'S GOO! But Mi-san's been shedding a lot of fur, from her winter fur to the summer fur. Today she also let out a big furball, more like, i brushed her, and it itches my nose"_ 🐈(00:37:34 - 00:42:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2254/e/2563 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 みるくの抜け毛が凄い話(00:37:39 - 00:42:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2259/e/2564 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Take this, Fool! _*_misses_*_ ... That was nothing... Nothing~"_(00:42:43 - 00:43:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2563/e/2608 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 オラァバカめ()(00:42:44 - 00:43:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2564/e/2586 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 陣地を守りたいラミィVSブラントドス (1)(00:43:06 - 00:44:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2586/e/2660 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ラミィ泳いでる!(00:43:25 - 00:47:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2605/e/2820 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Oh? I'm riding a fish, i'm swimming, everyone!"_(00:43:28 - 00:44:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2608/e/2694 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 陣地を守りたいラミィVSブラントドス (2)(00:44:20 - 00:43:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2660/e/2605 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This thing's crazy, it swims in both soft and hard sports alike as if it was water!"_(00:44:54 - 00:47:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2694/e/2833 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 やる気のないブラントドスに困惑するラミィ(00:47:00 - 00:48:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2820/e/2887 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"SEEIII! Se-II! Eh? Why will the battle BGM not play?"_(00:47:13 - 00:47:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2833/e/2869 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's eating Popos, like if it was an alligator... Is it food time? It suddenly began eating"_ 🐊(00:47:49 - 00:48:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2869/e/2887 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ah The Popos are sad seeing the corpse! How could you do this, you fish! Popos are alive too!"_(00:48:07 - 00:49:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2887/e/2966 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ポポを犠牲にするブラントドスに怒りを覚えるラミィ なお (1)(00:48:07 - 00:22:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2887/e/1344 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ポポを犠牲にするブラントドスに怒りを覚えるラミィ なお (3)(00:48:45 - 00:49:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2925/e/2994 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's almost time isn't it? To ride, isn't it? The first time we do on Iceborne!"_(00:49:26 - 00:49:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2966/e/2986 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: But you rode before!/L: Yeah but... I did but didn't, i mean, It wasn't through Clutch Claw right?"_(00:49:46 - 00:52:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2986/e/3166 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 最終決戦(00:49:54 - 00:50:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/2994/e/3009 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 甦りのラミィ(00:50:09 - 00:51:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3009/e/3075 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 イキリラミィ(00:51:15 - 00:52:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3075/e/3137 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 クラッチクローをしたいラミィ(00:52:17 - 00:53:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3137/e/3180 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Seems like it'd be delicious as Hirezake (Fish fin with sake)/L: True!"_ 🍶(00:52:46 - 00:53:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3166/e/3188 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 撃破&ひれ酒を飲みたいラミィ(00:53:00 - 00:54:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3180/e/3256 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Victory! _"Such pretty fins, i mean... Scales! They shine like gold!"_(00:53:08 - 00:53:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3188/e/3226 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I'd like to drink some Hirezake! But it's like in terms of season, it's not the ticket- i mean, the season for it... That'd have to be on winter... But i'm always on that season! It's the season for sake always!"_(00:53:46 - 00:54:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3226/e/3260 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 新拠点設営&再度キャラメイクしたいラミィ(00:54:16 - 00:55:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3256/e/3310 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Aw so cute! Such a nice face! I'm a bit concerned about my face all the time though"_(00:54:20 - 00:54:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3260/e/3293 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Oh, they're sure hyped! Making up a base real fast like this!"_(00:54:53 - 00:55:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3293/e/3308 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Angel meowing. _"Wasn't it similar?"_ 🐱(00:55:08 - 00:56:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3308/e/3394 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ここの声真似めちゃかわいい毎度モンスター達へのツッコミが面白すぎるw(00:55:10 - 03:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3310/e/11601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 猫ラミィ(00:55:10 - 00:55:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3310/e/3345 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 新拠点名および今後の方針(00:55:45 - 00:58:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3345/e/3497 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Commander: Huh, {base} and {The surroundings} don't feel quite good though]/L: Oh, i can name it?! Can i try to guess it? Ah, no way i'll do right?/[Commander: Yeah, the name of our base will be {Seliana}]/L: Yeah, i didn't get it right"_(00:56:34 - 00:57:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3394/e/3442 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: It wasn't Unylia/L: Unylia isn't in ruins like this though, stop!"_(00:57:22 - 00:58:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3442/e/3524 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 撮影キットチュートリアル(00:58:17 - 00:59:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3497/e/3595 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Camera tutorial.(00:58:44 - 00:59:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3524/e/3580 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I mean... Like, i can take it but i don't want to keep it, don't misunderstand, everyone!"_(00:59:40 - 01:00:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3580/e/3604 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 食事(アンタ誰よ!? )(00:59:55 - 01:01:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3595/e/3717 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Who are you?! Where's the chef? And the chef? Was he left at the base? WWAHHH so yummy! She's a mom!"_(01:00:04 - 01:01:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3604/e/3702 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Moving to Hoarfrost Reach. _"L: Ahh! Ah nevermind, i can make it in time.../[Handler: Our mission this time is to ensure the safety of the supplies transportation route]/L: That said! I'll be fighting something right? I know!"_(01:01:42 - 01:02:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3702/e/3743 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 探索:渡りの凍て地&モンハンがわかってきたラミィ(01:01:57 - 01:02:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3717/e/3754 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: LamySpoilers/L: I mean, i won't be doing MonHun putting any more airs after all!"_(01:02:23 - 01:02:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3743/e/3762 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 渡りの凍て地ムービー(01:02:34 - 01:03:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3754/e/3830 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Is this an Onsen? WHAT WAS THAT NOW, SO CUTE! An Onsen in MonHun, it's been a while, how long i wonder, since we had Onsens? Back when i played PSP i think!"_ 🛀(01:02:42 - 01:03:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3762/e/3832 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 (受付嬢に)嫌われたかもしれない(01:03:50 - 01:05:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3830/e/3900 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Where did she go? She didn't go anywhere? She just kept going and left me here right? Oh no, there she is... Sorry! I'm just having fun here!"_(01:03:52 - 01:04:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3832/e/3850 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Handler:...]/L: She's just ignoring me... she may hate me, thinking [This girl can't read the mood]"_ *sobs* _"C: You'll get lost right away/L: I'm not lost, but Researching!"_(Continuing in replies)(01:04:10 - 03:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3850/e/11601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Ah the Onsen! Let's get in! That's good, i'm being healed!/[Handler: That seems to feel nice]/L: It does, enter here!"_(01:05:00 - 01:05:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3900/e/3919 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 温泉を楽しむラミィ(01:05:00 - 01:05:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3900/e/3922 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"These ones are cute, ahh what was that cute growl now! Can we catch them? Let's catch endemic life!"_ 🐒(01:05:19 - 01:05:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3919/e/3946 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ギンセンザルを可愛がるラミィ(01:05:22 - 01:05:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3922/e/3950 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Pearlspring Macaque]! Let's catch this one too... Eh? What are you... It was a stone! It wasn't a Pearlspring Macaque... IT WAS SIMILAR FROM BEHIND!"_ 🪨(01:05:46 - 01:06:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3946/e/3984 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ギンセンザル?を捕まえるラミィ(01:05:50 - 01:06:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3950/e/4002 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Put on your glasses!/L: I mean, it looked the same from behind! It was not my bad!"_ 👓(01:06:24 - 01:06:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3984/e/3998 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cutscene.(01:06:38 - 01:07:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/3998/e/4047 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 バフバロ登場(01:06:42 - 01:08:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4002/e/4084 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Yup, we can't defeat this, oh amazing, that was so manly of me! To protect and watch over her! SO BIG!"_(01:07:27 - 01:07:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4047/e/4058 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"There it is, Banbaro who showed before! It's face is godlike, the kind i can't defeat!"_ *Fight vs Banbaro starts* 🦣(01:07:38 - 01:08:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4058/e/4089 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 クエスト:力仕事はバフバロにお任せ開始&バフバロ戦開始(01:08:04 - 01:09:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4084/e/4157 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It seems like i can take that tail, SO HUGE!"_(01:08:09 - 01:09:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4089/e/4158 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ブラントドスの復讐&ダメ出しするラミィ(01:09:17 - 01:11:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4157/e/4290 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Beotodus came here! That's probably weak! Though it's showing us it's intent to try today! Though the other time he took 1229 damage, Today it'll do it for sure... Oh, 1229 damage again, he got defeated today again!/C: Revenge Match/L: And it's escaping!"_(01:09:18 - 01:12:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4158/e/4329 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 きぃきぃきぃ!?(01:11:30 - 01:11:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4290/e/4312 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 反抗期なバフバロ君(01:11:52 - 01:16:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4312/e/4567 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's breaking things over and over right away, are you on the rebellious age? Yeah... It is..."_(01:12:09 - 01:13:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4329/e/4393 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Eh? Doesn't it mean i'm invincible when fighting in the onsen?"_(01:13:13 - 01:17:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4393/e/4670 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 蘇るラミィ2(01:16:07 - 01:17:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4567/e/4640 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 飛び乗るのが好きなラミィ&ブラントドスのリベンジマッチを期待するラミィ(01:17:20 - 01:19:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4640/e/4790 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Bk tskr. 🙏(01:17:50 - 01:21:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4670/e/4886 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 イヤな予感が当たった(01:19:50 - 01:20:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4790/e/4815 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 バカめ!ちょっとこっちにくるがいい(01:20:15 - 01:20:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4815/e/4842 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ラッシュ(01:20:42 - 01:21:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4842/e/4873 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 お気に入りの場所を乗っ取られるラミィ(01:21:13 - 01:23:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4873/e/4988 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 *Lamy can't hit* _"What are you doing rolling in such a place, idiot?! You're the worst!"_(01:21:26 - 01:23:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4886/e/4988 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ah it started again! Where is it?! Nice! 1600+ damage! Nice, that's far more than those 1200 it did to you, nice! Buut you get 1200 again, in terms of accumualted damage you lose, you're being beaten"_(01:23:08 - 01:23:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4988/e/5035 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 リベンジマッチの解説をするラミィ(01:23:08 - 01:24:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/4988/e/5075 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It got a good damage though, over 1600 damage, for a fish that is!"_(01:23:55 - 01:24:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5035/e/5085 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 崩落事故発生&混乱するラミィ(01:24:35 - 01:26:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5075/e/5182 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Falling in avalanche. 🏔(01:24:45 - 01:26:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5085/e/5180 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"There it is again WAHH! The revenge match starts again! How much damage will it take? Looking forward to it! The first move is... Banbaro! Or... No way, Banbaro is limping and escaping! It doesn't have that much HP to fight the fish!"_(01:26:20 - 01:27:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5180/e/5244 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 リベンジマッチの解説をするラミィ2(01:26:22 - 01:27:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5182/e/5244 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Dissing on the fish?/L: Well... It dealt surprisingly lot of damage so for me it went up the scale"_(01:27:24 - 01:27:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5244/e/5256 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 魚をディスった結果ブーメランを食らうラミィ(01:27:24 - 01:28:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5244/e/5283 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: There's a person who fell against that fish/L: Lame, imagine losing... Eh, Yukihana Lamy did? I don't know that person _*_giggles_*_ i don't know, i feel i've heard the name and sounds like she's cute but Ohhh it's sleeping..."_(01:27:36 - 01:30:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5256/e/5402 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 最終決戦 と見せかけて追いかけっこ開始(01:28:03 - 01:29:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5283/e/5367 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 キレて物にあたるタイプは嫌なラミィ(01:29:27 - 01:30:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5367/e/5400 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 かわいいのがいると思ったらみーしゃんやん…誰!?お前は!?(01:30:00 - 01:30:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5400/e/5445 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I thought this wa ssomething cute but It was just Mi-sa-... Wait it's not Mi-san, who are you?!/C: That's a skunk.../L: There's skunks in this world?"_ 🦨(01:30:02 - 01:30:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5402/e/5445 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"A heated development! Fight! Show me something... Oh no, it's no longer interested in weak things, that's sad, to not even be taken as an opponent, it makes my heart hurt"_(01:30:45 - 01:36:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5445/e/5760 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 激熱展開を期待するが肩透かしをくらうラミィ(01:30:45 - 01:32:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5445/e/5520 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 最終決戦と見せかけて追いかけっこPart2(01:32:00 - 01:33:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5520/e/5588 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 激熱展開を期待するが肩透かしをくらうラミィPart2(01:33:08 - 01:35:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5588/e/5755 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 マスターに上がってもナイス切断です!(01:35:34 - 03:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5734/e/11601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 尻尾を切って気持ちよくなるラミィ(少し〇ッキー風味)(01:35:55 - 01:36:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5755/e/5800 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Finally cut the tail. _"ALRIGHT! That felt so good! All that's left is riding!"_(01:36:00 - 01:36:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5760/e/5797 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"For the rest, let's use Clutch claw, it's totally my victory, I'm fine even raising the flags. Because i'm confident i won't lose, coming this far i'm not losing for sure, 100%"_(01:36:37 - 01:37:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5797/e/5860 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 勝利を確信してフラグを建てまくるラミィ(01:36:40 - 01:37:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5800/e/5830 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 もう(石と)間違えない(01:37:10 - 01:37:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5830/e/5857 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 撃破(01:37:37 - 01:38:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5857/e/5902 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Victory! _"Phew! It sure was big!"_(01:37:40 - 01:38:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5860/e/5899 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 バフバロの股間で素材を剥ぎ取るラミィ(01:37:52 - 03:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5872/e/11601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's a big, crazy poop, do you get me? It's a crazy shape for a poop, the kind a grade schooler would draw it like"_(01:38:19 - 01:38:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5899/e/5938 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 うんちがすごくうんち(01:38:22 - 01:39:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5902/e/5958 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Ah with this, i'd like to see, not Materials, gear i mean, it's about time they show up right? For both the fish and banbaro/C: It will/L: Let's check it out then!"_(01:38:58 - 01:39:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5938/e/5977 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 輸送隊到着(01:39:18 - 01:41:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5958/e/6068 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: i wonder if it's cute/L: L: For me, i think it would be"_(01:39:37 - 01:39:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5977/e/5987 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This guy being this naked in this cold place, he's strong for sure... He looks cold though! His breath's super white www, Just say it's cold! Wear something atop that!"_(01:39:47 - 01:40:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/5987/e/6015 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Eh, you're returning?!/[Commander: I must return to the base, you, would you be willing to take command of this investigation?]/L: EHH?! YOU?!"_(01:40:15 - 01:40:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6015/e/6048 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"That's nice, that scar on the forehead is cool! Scars on the forehead or brows, they're cool right? My big Brother has one on the side of his eye, i thought it was cool!"_(01:40:48 - 01:41:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6048/e/6084 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 お兄様にカッコいい傷があると思ったら… &セリエナのメンバー紹介(01:41:08 - 01:48:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6068/e/6487 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So i thought my big brother's scar was cool, so one time i asked him [Hey big bro, how did you get that scar atop your eye?] and he told me [I fell from my bycicle] _*_laughs_*_ and i thought [LAMEEEE!] That wasn't cool at all!"_ 🚴(01:41:24 - 01:45:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6084/e/6309 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Look at that kind face, so soothing, ths juicy meat seems so good, like it'll melt on your mouth! Gratin is nice too, i haven't eaten it... Nor Beef Stew but... It's been a while since i last did!"_(01:45:09 - 01:45:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6309/e/6335 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Lamy Granny Palico.(01:45:35 - 01:47:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6335/e/6477 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Going to Hoarfrost Reach again. _"C: Are you fine with the gear?/L: Khhhh i forgot!"_(01:47:57 - 01:49:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6477/e/6574 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 探索:渡りの凍て地&女子会(01:48:07 - 01:49:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6487/e/6560 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 フィールドマスターと別れて痕跡探し(01:49:20 - 01:51:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6560/e/6705 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Handler: Let's search for Legiana traces?]/L: Alright! But... what happens if i go the direction where the granny went?"_(01:49:34 - 01:55:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6574/e/6903 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 あちこち探索した結果迷子になるラミィ(01:51:45 - 01:53:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6705/e/6797 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 楔虫を捕獲しようと頑張るラミィ&知らんわい!(01:53:17 - 01:54:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6797/e/6895 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 つまりラミィってこと?(01:54:55 - 01:55:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6895/e/6930 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It says [Snow and moon flower] does that mean it's me?"_(01:55:03 - 01:57:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6903/e/7030 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 古代竜人の写真を撮る際に一部分が気になるラミィ(01:55:30 - 01:57:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6930/e/7030 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 何故か股間に注意するラミィ(01:56:20 - 01:37:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/6980/e/5872 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Lamy sliding noises.(01:57:10 - 01:58:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7030/e/7132 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 下り坂にテンションがあがるラミィ(01:57:10 - 01:58:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7030/e/7094 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 トビカガチ亜種登場(01:58:14 - 01:59:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7094/e/7174 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Is that bad news? So cool! It came here huh! Doesn't it look hot? Like a lizard"_(01:58:52 - 01:59:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7132/e/7172 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Tobi Kadachi subspecies?! SO you're a subspecies! No please, i dislike them, because they move so much..."_ *Fight against Viper Tobi Kadachi start*(01:59:32 - 02:03:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7172/e/7423 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 クエスト:氷土の番人・トビカガチ亜種開始・トビカガチ亜種戦開始(01:59:34 - 02:01:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7174/e/7300 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 自然を味方にするカガチ亜種(02:01:40 - 02:03:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7300/e/7383 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 アンジャナフ亜種発見(02:03:03 - 02:03:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7383/e/7422 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 うんちしてるやん!(02:03:42 - 02:04:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7422/e/7445 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Wait, did you just poop?"_ 💩(02:03:43 - 02:05:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7423/e/7500 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 風に乗ってジャンプ攻撃をしたいラミィ (1)(02:04:05 - 02:04:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7445/e/7497 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 風に乗ってジャンプ攻撃をしたいラミィ (2)(02:04:57 - 02:05:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7497/e/7559 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Mi-san being blown away by spikes.(02:05:00 - 02:07:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7500/e/7672 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 アンジャナフ亜種の作った隙を活用してやりたかった事をキメるラミィ(02:05:59 - 02:06:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7559/e/7607 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 カン!カン!カン!カン!(02:06:47 - 02:07:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7607/e/7635 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 本日のカンカンタイム雪民にとっても癒やしなひととき助かる。(02:06:47 - 03:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7607/e/11601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 楔虫を活用したくなるラミィ(02:07:15 - 02:08:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7635/e/7714 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Don't poison me right after taking the antidote, i can't deal with that..."_(02:07:52 - 02:13:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7672/e/8023 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ドSラミィ(NDK)(02:08:34 - 02:10:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7714/e/7823 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 逃げさせていただきます(逃げられない)(02:10:23 - 02:11:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7823/e/7914 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 カエルを活用するラミィ&連続バカめ!(02:11:54 - 02:12:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7914/e/7937 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 何度もカエルで状態異常を狙うラミィ(02:12:17 - 02:13:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7937/e/7980 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 連続バカめ!part2(02:13:00 - 02:13:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/7980/e/8020 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 何度も毒にされた恨みを晴らすラミィ(02:13:40 - 02:14:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8020/e/8043 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"A poison gourd! Get poisoned, you who uses poison, die to it! FOOL!"_(02:13:43 - 02:14:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8023/e/8040 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"CAN YOU FEEL It now -mr krabs?-, how tough it IS to be poisoned?!"_(02:14:00 - 02:20:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8040/e/8438 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 危機一髪(02:14:03 - 02:17:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8043/e/8250 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 連続傷つけ&カガチ亜種のお尻の穴を増やすラミィ(02:17:30 - 02:18:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8250/e/8303 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ここから前足、頭、尻尾って傷つけてほぼどこを切ってもいいダメージが入るようにしたのにも関わらず最初に攻撃した部位が1番硬い後ろ足なのが面白すぎるしめっちゃかわいいw(02:17:32 - 03:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8252/e/11601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 自然に救われるラミィ(02:18:23 - 02:20:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8303/e/8430 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 カッコよく決めたいのに恥ずかしい思いをするラミィ(02:20:30 - 02:21:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8430/e/8468 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Alright, now, come! Wait no.. THERE! What's with you, don't make me have embarrassing moments!"_(02:20:38 - 02:22:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8438/e/8555 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ラッキー攻撃(02:21:08 - 02:22:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8468/e/8520 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 全てが上手くいかない(02:22:00 - 02:23:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8520/e/8590 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Nice Play! (Lamynglish) ❤(02:22:35 - 02:24:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8555/e/8642 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 クラッチクロー(石ころ)(02:23:10 - 02:23:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8590/e/8610 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 これは行けるんじゃない()(02:23:30 - 02:23:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8610/e/8634 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 カガチ亜種に同情するラミィ(02:23:54 - 02:25:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8634/e/8700 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"i feel sorry for you, being cornered by this dum Hunter"_(02:24:02 - 02:31:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8642/e/9060 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 楔虫ジャンプ攻撃をかっこよく決めたいラミィ(02:25:00 - 02:26:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8700/e/8812 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 一つの真実に気がつくラミィ(02:26:52 - 02:28:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8812/e/8930 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 バカめ(自分が)(02:28:50 - 02:29:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8930/e/8985 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 一時撤退(02:29:45 - 02:32:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/8985/e/9124 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Let me go back~/C: Your opponent is on the verge of death/L: Maybe, but i AM too!"_(02:31:00 - 02:38:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9060/e/9517 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 捕獲に挑戦(02:32:04 - 02:38:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9124/e/9482 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 捕獲に挑戦した結果(02:38:02 - 02:38:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9482/e/9510 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 自分用この声めちゃ好き(02:38:25 - 03:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9505/e/11601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 落とし穴にラミィが混乱する内に捕獲成功(02:38:30 - 02:39:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9510/e/9592 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Pitfall trap seemingly breaks. But Viper Tobi Kadachi is caught.(Continuing in replies)(02:38:37 - 03:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9517/e/11601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: You were so slow with the tranq bombs i Lol'd/L: I can't help it, i'm not accustomed to using them! I don't tend to capture after all, but I see, so after hitting with the tranq bombs they still have effect after a while? I didn't know!"_(02:39:28 - 02:46:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9568/e/9989 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 氷漬けの船と残された資料(02:39:52 - 02:42:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9592/e/9733 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 相棒交代(02:42:13 - 02:44:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9733/e/9848 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 受付嬢に対して厳しいリスナーが多いなか、優しいなラミィちゃん・・・(02:43:50 - 03:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9830/e/11601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 調査拠点アステラ:亜種の目撃情報(02:44:08 - 02:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9848/e/9953 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 新装備を確認(02:45:53 - 02:46:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9953/e/9984 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ここにいる人はみんなお胸が見えてる(02:46:24 - 02:46:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9984/e/10009 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Generally you can see the chests of these people..."_ *Checking armor*(02:46:29 - 02:49:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/9989/e/10196 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ツィツィ装備を気に入るラミィ (1)(02:46:49 - 02:49:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10009/e/10150 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ツィツィ装備を気に入るラミィ (2)(02:49:10 - 02:49:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10150/e/10180 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 終了挨拶をしようとするが事故発生&武器確認(02:49:40 - 02:55:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10180/e/10530 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Lamy echo. _"Sorry, i opened a stream screen so it's an endless Lamy, that's hell"_ (*Note: Heaven for Yukimin*) 🙏*Looking at weapons and cutely reading their names*(02:49:56 - 02:56:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10196/e/10616 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 妖怪1足りない発生(02:55:30 - 02:56:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10530/e/10596 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 探索:竜結晶の地(02:56:36 - 02:57:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10596/e/10650 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I said i'd end the stream, but i ended up coming to mine here..."_(02:56:56 - 02:57:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10616/e/10650 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"The first time we see the Antis today! They're angry they didn't have a chance to appear... Eh? You're kidding me! Wait a bit... I was logged out from my account, wait..."_(02:57:30 - 03:00:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10650/e/10801 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 今日も怒ってるアンチ君&激おこアンチに制裁をくらうラミィ(02:57:30 - 03:00:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10650/e/10802 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Don't you think it'd be nice to look a tthe map?/L: Nah, if i look at the map i can't have an adventure!"_(03:00:01 - 03:02:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10801/e/10923 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 地図なんてみて冒険は出来ない&モンハンワールドにおける探索の楽しみを語るラミィ(03:00:02 - 03:02:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10802/e/10950 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Yeah, i keep forgetting things so i keep seeing new things that i already saw before, that's already new info for me, it's wonderful right?"_(03:02:03 - 03:02:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10923/e/10958 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 イライラした時の対応アドバイス(03:02:30 - 03:04:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10950/e/11084 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Aren't you jealoous of that, everyone?/C: Sometimes it irritates me/L: In those times, eat your favorite foods and close the stream! Ah, or mute, eat some sweets, then after 15 or 20 minutes if you think i'm still at it, watch again"_ *giggles* 🫂(03:02:38 - 03:03:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10958/e/10988 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Or maybe see another Holomem, so you don't accumulate stress! You don't have to force yourself to watch a stream, since i'm taking your precious 1 minute, 1 second! You don't have to use it on me, but if you wish, feel free to/C: i use it everyday/L: It's not like you have to actually, it'd feel like i'm stealing your time, are you alright with it?"_ 👍(03:03:08 - 03:04:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/10988/e/11082 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Can i get angry?/L: What did we say we'd do when you get angry? Close the stream, yeah!"_(03:04:42 - 03:05:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11082/e/11104 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 イライラした時はどうするんだっけ?(03:04:44 - 03:05:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11084/e/11103 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 アンチのマネをするラミィ(03:05:03 - 03:06:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11103/e/11187 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Complain to Lamy?/L: If you did you'd be like those antis _*_*anti noises*_*_ are you fine being paired with them like that? No right?"_(03:05:04 - 03:05:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11104/e/11125 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Similar!/L: Was i?/C: Your anti impression was good/L: Amazing, I'm not told that often actually, if you tell me that compared to the Holomems impression the antis' one is good, is not something i'd like to use often, maybe only now i think"_(03:05:25 - 03:09:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11125/e/11355 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 自分からブーメランにあたりにいくラミィ (2)(03:05:48 - 03:09:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11148/e/11352 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 自分からブーメランにあたりにいくラミィ (1)(03:06:27 - 03:05:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11187/e/11148 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 コハクを美味しそうだと思うラミィ&幼ラミィの思い出(03:09:12 - 03:11:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11352/e/11490 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Actually, don't people honestly wish they have those Amber with insects inside that they sell at the precious stones shop, right? Answer Honestly... Don't you want that? And yet it looks a bit delicious somewhat"_(03:09:15 - 03:09:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11355/e/11383 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _C: I don't.../L: Liar... Are you being contrarian to me? Let's go back"_(03:09:43 - 03:09:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11383/e/11396 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: I want, but i don't want to eat them/L: They look like candy though! But thinking there's bugs inside makes me not want to"_ ♦🦟(03:09:56 - 03:10:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11396/e/11408 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This is from long, LONG ago! When i was really, really small! But really from when i was a little girl and i started having my memories, Not exaggerating!"_(03:10:08 - 03:10:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11408/e/11420 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"When Father went to overseas for a job, when he returned he brought a souvenir candy with a bug inside! It was pretty gross to me though"_(03:10:20 - 03:10:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11420/e/11445 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: And it was like Amber candy with a bug inside, was it a spider? No, it was a scorpion!/C: Did you eat it?/L: No way i would! But it was a pretty outrageous souvenir for your small daughter!"_ 🦂(03:10:45 - 03:11:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11445/e/11490 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Ending. _"Thank you everyone, next stream is... What day is today? I'd like to stream tomorrow"_(03:11:30 - 03:11:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11490/e/11512 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 終了挨拶&日曜日までの予定(03:11:30 - 03:12:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11490/e/11560 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Saturday has a collab and Sunday has an evening drinking stream so if so... I wonder if i could, i feel i can't though, i HAVEN'T finished my submissions"_(03:11:52 - 03:12:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11512/e/11537 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I did 2 submissions but there's one big one remaining, and my throat's not in the best condition, so maybe tomorrow i won't stream, but saturday and Sunday, see you there"_(03:12:17 - 03:12:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11537/e/11557 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Until next stream we meet, OtsuLamy! Today's lucky item are *candy*!"_ 🍬(03:12:37 - 03:12:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11557/e/11568 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cパート(03:12:40 - 03:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11560/e/11601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: I'd like to know the time for the evening drinking on sunday!/L: Sorry, i don't know the time for it! I don't know, I'll tell you later!"_ 🍶(03:12:48 - 03:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/FxwTgPIQkMo/s/11568/e/11601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活9日目!アイスボーン突入じゃい!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Oh, it seems like i could do the vertical stream huh, so it's like this!"_(00:01:44 - 00:02:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/104/e/124 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 声入り(00:01:46 - 00:02:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/106/e/126 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Start!(00:02:04 - 00:02:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/124/e/143 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 start(00:02:06 - 00:03:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/126/e/222 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I'm Hololive's 5th generation: Yukihana Lamy, i'm waking up, good morning~ Today's the first vertical stream, i'm confirming with the smartphone, there's 2 BGM? Sorry, seems i could do it~"_ 🎶(00:02:23 - 00:03:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/143/e/183 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: You look cute but you seem alright?/L: Well i'm just waking up so my head's all foggy"_(00:03:03 - 00:03:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/183/e/194 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Mi-san, you say Good morning too/C: The stream post?/L: I forgot, let me do it..."_(00:03:14 - 00:03:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/194/e/219 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"If i say why did i make this stream right now is because later today at noon i'll go to the salon and have my head all pretty, and i have a lot of accumulated work when i return, and i have to do it... So maybe it'll take a lot of time and make my throat raspy so, doing a night stream would be tough i thought, so i wanted to try morning instead"_(00:03:39 - 00:04:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/219/e/265 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 今日の予定(00:03:42 - 00:04:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/222/e/268 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: The one where it took 10 minutes to progress on a single minute?/L: Yeah! And that's not because i've been procrastinating, it's like... I'm recording a song, singing a cover, the full song is SO SO difficult so because of that i can't continue!"_(00:04:25 - 00:05:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/265/e/304 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 提出物に苦戦してる理由(00:04:28 - 00:07:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/268/e/477 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So that alone is pretty tough, and it's also somewhat time-limited, so for that one about 80% has been done already, but i can't continue on it, it's too difficult! But if i don't do it fast... I'm doing my best but yeah, it's a cover, i've been singing for 4-5 hours and my throat's in shambles!"_(00:05:04 - 00:05:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/304/e/353 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And, I'm recording it at home, by using a software called [Studio one], it shows up at what Take you're at in the moment, how many are right now?"_ ⏺(00:05:53 - 00:06:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/353/e/378 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Right now it's like at the 600th take... So i finished the melody A and the chorus, that alone took about 600 takes..."_(00:06:18 - 00:06:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/378/e/404 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 /L: For both of them? so that means(00:06:40 - 01:27:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/400/e/5239 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So my throat is really... _*_giggles_*_ It's very difficult! And because it's a cover that requires mixing, to some extent; even if the pitch is somewhat off; you can get it corrected"_(00:06:44 - 00:07:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/404/e/434 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's just that, i don't really like fixing things through mixing... If possible i'd like to get the pitch and expression the way they are... So because i keep retaking it myself it's now like at the 600th take... For real... Yeah, from here"_(00:07:14 - 00:07:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/434/e/462 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And that song has a lot of harmonics too! Like 3 different types! It feels so far away, so it really is like 10 minutes for a single minute! Generally for covers you take it until the end, like you do the main melody, after that you listen to it again, and make sure that the energy up to the end matches! Like, the beginning is singing in a very clean, polite voice, while the background has me singing in a very cheerful voice! So if that doesn't match how it was at the beginning i go all the way back to the start, Melody A"_(00:07:42 - 00:08:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/462/e/522 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 歌ってみたあるある(00:07:57 - 00:09:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/477/e/560 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So at the end, me ending up retaking the A melody has me in some kind of an endless loop now... But other people have done that cover, and, i think like [Seems they sang the lyrics multiple times], so i really won't overlap the takes, because i want to do my best at the Solo part, right?"_(00:08:42 - 00:09:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/522/e/559 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 A.M... But you can't know right?"_(00:09:00 - 01:05:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/540/e/3952 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Take it by parts?/L: That's... When i release covers i always follow the order from the beginning, but when i do recording for songs? Also for Original songs, there's many ways to record them, the person doing the recording has their way to do it"_(00:09:19 - 00:09:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/559/e/593 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Q:パート分けで撮ってる?(00:09:20 - 00:12:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/560/e/740 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So, how to say, it depends on the person? We have a director, and they tell you how to do the take for the day, so from start to ending we sing, and we retake those parts that they don't seem to like"_(00:09:53 - 00:10:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/593/e/619 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"As for the chorus, you need to hype it up, so you have to let out your voice for sure... Also during parts other than the chorus, so generally the melody is the same all around, A melody and B Melody are the same at the start, that's why, it has the same pitch?"_ 🎼(00:10:19 - 00:10:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/619/e/643 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So from the same melody, you take it bit by bit, and at the end you record the chorus. After that you take the main melody in full, and then you do the harmonics, and also the spoken parts too, and the shouts too! So then at the end you have it all..."_(00:10:43 - 00:11:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/643/e/670 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 __ huh... Holomems are usually sleeping at this time, about only(00:11:00 - 02:06:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/660/e/7605 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So it really depends on the time and place... I wonder though... So from the beginning there's a lot of recording even following the order"_(00:11:10 - 00:11:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/670/e/687 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Thinking about a 5 minutes song for 600 times seems quite crazy/L: It's not 5 minutes long song played 600 times though! I'm still taking care of a few seconds, about 30 seconds per time! A part that i sing for about 30 seconds is the one i've taken 600 times"_ *giggles* _"It really is tough, i can't see the end!"_(00:11:27 - 00:12:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/687/e/732 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Give it your best at recording, Looking forward to it!/L: Thank you, i'll do my best...!/C: You can believe on the mixer to some extent/L: Well... In the end though, i'm the kind that goes better the more takes i accumulate!"_ 🙏(00:12:12 - 00:12:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/732/e/756 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ねぽらぼで収録するときの課題(00:12:20 - 00:16:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/740/e/1010 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I think i spoke about this before but, Omarun is the type that does it best at the first time (Even dance), and i'm the type that improves dance and singing the more i do repeats"_ 🎪(00:12:36 - 00:12:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/756/e/776 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So, for the NePoLaBo live we had, where we called one guest, that time Omarun and me were the opposite type, so If we didn't do it in few takes Omarun would be worn out, and because i couldn't wait to grow up, i, how to say... Had to do it in my best in the first time or so"_(00:12:56 - 00:13:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/776/e/808 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: During recording as well, doing retakes? I'm the kind that gets better the more i accumulate tries, so i even ask them [Please let me retake this until i do it well] and i do it over and over/C: Lamy has stamina?/L: Oi oi, i'm #1 of it you know! For some reason i have fitness..."_(00:13:28 - 00:14:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/808/e/850 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Nenechi is also the practicing type though/L: Ah yeah, Nene too! The more she gets retakes she gets better! Shishiron does it well even if it's 1 or 5 times without change"_(00:14:10 - 00:14:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/850/e/866 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: How much would you run for marathon running?/L: I don't do that, i say i don't but i may, it's just that i am afraid, since i originally had asthma, so i feel some dread about running... But yeah, it healed! It's just that when i went to the gym on the running machine i generally do a running 40 minute course"_ 🏃‍♀(00:14:26 - 00:15:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/866/e/909 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And then for about 1 minute straight i run increasingly faster, like i go fast, then walk, fast and walk, that's how i've done these two times. After that i use a lot of machines, exercise and at the end i run once again"_(00:15:09 - 00:15:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/909/e/940 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Interval training is good for Heart fitness/L: Somehow i think that's the best, like walking would be fine too, but that way you wouldn't see the end of it right? I'm bad with feeling like that, so that's why i prefer if it shows me on ascreen! Like [how long until i finish running and then walkign!] it makes me happier to see that on screen/C: How many times you do gym per week?/L: Once a week~"_ 💪(00:15:40 - 00:16:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/940/e/988 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: And also, i don't seem to sweat really, when running, or rather, if i walk fast for those 40 minutes, i won't, but i will sweat when i do run and walk.../C: Do you have good metabolism?/L: That... I wonder, does it have to do with sweating? I wonder"_(00:16:28 - 00:17:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/988/e/1020 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 汗で蒸れて辛い話(00:16:50 - 00:19:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1010/e/1151 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Maybe it's not good, since i have little muscle mass, they went down, i have little... So i think i don't have a good metabolism... I'd like to make more muscle!/C: It's stored in the chest huh/L: Nope! It doesn't! Or, i wonder... That's too complex, the reason is because more than the chests it's beneath them..."_ *giggles*(00:17:00 - 00:17:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1020/e/1058 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"As for it being stored in the chest... Well it's not like it's starving there but... It's more like the lower part more than the middle part..."_ 👀(00:17:38 - 00:17:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1058/e/1067 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And even when i stream though, i sweat... Yeah... I sweat but that gap in the chest, the part beneath, gets dripping with sweat, but it accumulates in the lower part of the breasts though! So i'm wearing this camisole right now... Can you see? This part beneath the breasts where they're biting into it? _*_giggles_*_ That part here is drenched in sweat, there, look, it's being absorbed into it isn't it?"_ 👀(00:17:47 - 00:18:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1067/e/1116 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Is it like when you do the Seiza- sitting and sweat on your legs?/L: Yeah, just like that! When you do Seiza-style sitting you sweat on the back of your knees right?! That's the same as this!"_(00:18:36 - 00:19:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1116/e/1149 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Do you smell Lamy?/L: i don't think i do? Even now... Yesterday though was very hot and I kept having to record the whole time, so i thought i smelled of sweat, so i thought [Ah today i reek of sweat], then i took my bath and all good"_(00:19:09 - 00:19:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1149/e/1180 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 暑さで汗臭さが気になった(00:19:11 - 00:20:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1151/e/1211 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: it's suddenly hot/L: Yeah! And today, as of this morning even! Yesterday by noon really was hot!/C: As a man i don't get it/L: It's the same as seiza-sitting!"_ 🥵(Continuing in other comments)(00:19:40 - 02:18:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1180/e/8312 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Recently, listen, i've been having a LOT of nightmares recently! Everyday i have a scary dream, why though?!"_(00:20:09 - 00:20:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1209/e/1228 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 最近見た悪夢とその原因を探った話(00:20:11 - 00:24:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1211/e/1445 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Why do i keep having nightmares everyday! Generally i'm being attacked by zombies or something, attacked then chased"_ 🧟(00:20:28 - 00:20:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1228/e/1247 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And then my cat, Milk i thought maybe it was because she climbs onto me and i didn't know, as she always is atop me... So i thought it was because she lays atop me when sleeping... And then"_(00:20:47 - 00:21:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1247/e/1267 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Though i want to sleep with Milk, waking up to nightmares in the morning is pretty horrible! That's why, yesterday i think? I tried to leave Milk on the living room and sleep by myself to know... I did that, and yet i had a nightmare today again, so i don't know what it means... Why"_ 🐱(00:21:07 - 00:21:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1267/e/1301 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And when i woke up in the morning, i also felt sorry for her cause i left her outside and she kept meowing from the other side of the door, i thought [Sorry!]"_(00:21:41 - 00:22:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1301/e/1322 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Could it be you need to change pillows?/L: Ah but i've been using it for 2 years now!"_(00:22:02 - 00:22:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1322/e/1343 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: I'm being chased in my nightmares, that's scary... Even if it's not zombies i'm chased by things!/C: Seems it's high resolution/L: It's very gory also, it sure is HD..."_(00:22:23 - 00:22:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1343/e/1364 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And i end up waking up like [Ahh today i also had a scary dream...!] and it's 5 A.M and I go [I'll try to sleep again] and i do... But then i have weird dreams again after that..."_(00:22:44 - 00:23:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1364/e/1382 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: having lots of scary dreams is because just before you had a bad past that you remember now you're able to be happier. Having lots of happy dreams means that right now you're having a tough time now, so you hope to live happy one day. That's why scary dreams aren't bad things.../L: Ah but, they say that those dreams when you have a feeling of dead aren't bad right? Yeah... That's why, generally scary dreams carry a good meaning, don't they?"_(00:23:02 - 00:23:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1382/e/1419 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"But yeah, still, i want to see good dreams... Like, i don't care about the meaning, i WANT to see good dreams!"_ *giggles*(00:23:39 - 00:24:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1419/e/1444 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 日からデジタル配信開始!https://cover.lnk.to/HatsukoiPatissiere(00:24:00 - 02:18:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1440/e/8312 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ahhh! When on light sleep you see dreams, that's true! Recently because i've had those dreams everyday, i feel i may have been on light sleep! Probably... I think so"_ 😴(00:24:04 - 00:24:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1444/e/1469 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 眠りが浅い説・無呼吸症候群説&もし眠っている所を配信したら(00:24:05 - 00:28:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1445/e/1730 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I don't really sweat when sleeping though, i tend to wake up dry"_(00:24:29 - 00:24:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1469/e/1492 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I wonder though, there's Pokemon Sleep right? It has a recording function, and i would be recorded like [Uhhhh] but nothing else"_(00:24:52 - 00:25:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1492/e/1519 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And i'm the kind that wakes up with the slightest sound while scared, going [What was that?!] i do think i snore a bit though, when i'm too tired it seems i do..."_(00:25:19 - 00:25:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1519/e/1542 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Mikochi said it recorded snores/L: I think sometimes it would record snores though... But i really didn't get them so it's not like i snore everyday then"_(00:25:42 - 00:26:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1542/e/1563 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Do a sleeping stream/L: I'm scared of that, i don't want people to tell me [Lamy REALLY snored!] in that way. When i sleep i'm not conscious right? That's why nothing can be done about what i'd do!"_(00:26:03 - 00:26:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1563/e/1601 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"People saying things like [Lamy sure sleep talks and snored a lot!] i REALLY don't want that!"_(00:26:41 - 00:26:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1601/e/1617 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: You may say you're beating Yukimin/L: www [For real, Yukimin, stop... Stop... *whack*] or so/C: It wouldn't remain even as members-only/L: It'd be legendary already! Maybe i can't even stream that as members only"_(00:26:57 - 00:27:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1617/e/1648 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Do you use a mouthpiece?/L: i don't, because i'm using braces"_ 👄(00:27:28 - 00:27:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1648/e/1669 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Don't you click your tongue?/L: No, i'm really not the type to do that even in real life! I think at most i do that 2 times a year!"_(00:27:49 - 00:28:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1669/e/1694 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Lamy tongue clicks(00:28:14 - 00:28:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1694/e/1714 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Am i bad you say?"_ *tries again*(00:28:34 - 00:28:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1714/e/1731 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 舌打ちしてくれるラミィ(00:28:50 - 00:29:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1730/e/1770 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: That makes 1 one of the two times with us/L: What was it, the other day at MonHun i think? I did it once i think, because i couldn't do it i went like [Ah, i fell down] i thought, but i really won't! Maybe you didn't hear anything though"_(00:28:51 - 00:29:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1731/e/1758 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I think only once when playing games i did a [tch], but a desk slam i think i haven't done a single time on or off stream"_(00:29:18 - 00:29:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1758/e/1793 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 (したことがない)台パン雑談(00:29:30 - 00:32:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1770/e/1954 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: When would you do Lamy?/L: I don't think i've done, ever, i do tap the armrests of my chair but not a desk slam"_(00:29:53 - 00:30:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1793/e/1823 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I don't really get angry at games though, so that's why i don't do desk slams"_ 👊(00:30:23 - 00:30:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1823/e/1852 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 *angel taps* _"Desk slam... It hurts though..."_(00:30:52 - 00:31:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1852/e/1869 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: You're the type that feels down instead/L: That may be, instead of getting angry i'm the kind that goes [Whhyyy] :LamyCry: but not click my tongue or get angry"_(00:31:09 - 00:31:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1869/e/1908 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: The tongue click just now was good/L: Is that so?"_(00:31:48 - 00:32:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1908/e/1923 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I'm bad with people with a strong tone... Yeah, that's why for instance... If watching a stream, they go [Tch *bang!*] i'll go [scary] when playing a game and they speak in a strong tone"_(00:32:03 - 00:32:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1923/e/1952 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Pekora senpai? She can because she's cute"_(00:32:32 - 00:32:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1952/e/1960 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ホロメンは何しても可愛い(00:32:34 - 00:34:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1954/e/2040 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Like, aren't Holomems cute no matter what they do? _*_giggles_*_ And because Holomems are cute you can forgive everything from them, it's all entertainment"_(00:32:40 - 00:33:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1960/e/1984 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Just that sometimes when in YT Timeline (?) my recommended shows unknown people doing live stream, and sometimes i watch. Then if they have pretty strong language and i go [Uhhh~!]"_(00:33:04 - 00:33:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/1984/e/2014 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Seeing it on pro wrestling is fun though/L: But that's entertainment after all right?"_(00:33:34 - 00:33:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2014/e/2036 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: you can't do FPS?/L: Maybe that's a reason why i don't do FPS, i'm scared, because i'm super bad at games so, in there there's also people in voice chat right? I'm scared of being hated by them, so there's that..."_(00:33:56 - 00:34:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2036/e/2078 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 切れられそうで怖い(00:34:00 - 00:35:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2040/e/2111 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: You can turn it off though/L: But you can tell by the attitude right? Like that happens at MonHun too when people are voted to be kicked, or being shot or aimed a gun... If that were to happen to me, my heart would be broken, that's why i can't"_(00:34:38 - 00:35:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2078/e/2111 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I can't do FPS, but i saw a stram of people who become a team and playing for the first time without knowing, like actual people with no FPS experience! Gathered in a Team (of 20?) anyway, the Max number of people, so i saw someone trying that project but... Well, let me say THAT was fun! Because i can't do FPS so i thought this was something i could show up at! Because nobody knows a thing"_ 🎯(00:35:11 - 00:36:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2111/e/2160 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ミリしらエイペックス大会が面白かった(00:35:11 - 00:38:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2111/e/2297 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And they played Apex on that stream, And they just fell at the starting jump! _*_laughs_*_ they didn't know even how to pick weapons, like [How do i use this? How do i shoot?], etc, they'd sometimes punch the others instead of taking a weapon. It was fun _*_giggles_*_ And i thought [I can participate if it's like this] And people were also on voice chat, but because they don't know a thing, they don't even know when an enemy comes up and they fight each other"_(00:36:00 - 00:36:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2160/e/2203 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And the aim was bad too! That was so fun! If so, I'd like to show up in those too, i want you to watch that though! If i'm not like that i'll just flutter around wondering what each thing does, at an FPS tournament that is"_(00:36:43 - 00:37:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2203/e/2234 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"like, before beginning i'd look from afar... And it was 3 people team right? At that point, people usually know their character, but they didn't know any! So based on appearances they went [Maybe this character does this thing, let's try] and they went with their favorite, that was fun"_(00:37:14 - 00:38:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2234/e/2291 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"For me, just walking around is enough, LoL? I don't know it, for real! I only know APEX, and the one that was popular, Valorant? I don't know its rules either"_(00:38:11 - 00:38:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2291/e/2334 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 他の対人対戦ゲームを勧められるラミィ(00:38:17 - 00:41:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2297/e/2508 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"As for street Fighter 6 the other day when i saw Shishiron playing at the tournament, i thought it was fun, but yeah it seemed severely difficult, i thought that myself who just presses on buttons is no good for those"_ *giggles*(00:38:54 - 00:39:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2334/e/2359 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: What was the one that was popular long ago?.../C: Lever clanking isn't good (AKA, when you make too much noise at moving a joystick when playing)/L: Yeah, i'm like that after all, that's all i can do... It's pretty much observing the other party and then becomes a mental war right? I can't do that... Ah, PUBG was it?! Ahh Fortnite! Yeah that is the one! I haven't played or, did i play it once?"_(00:39:19 - 00:40:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2359/e/2422 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _ "Yeah, it should be Fortnite, because it's the game that you fight while building! Roboco senpai played it! I don't play so i just watched, so maybe i'm wrong"_(00:40:22 - 00:40:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2422/e/2442 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Somehow though i can tell it's APEX because i know it, it's fun to watch for me... I don't want to try fighting games, at all! I won't! Like, from here on nor the future, i won't play them! I can only do if it's a tournament of people who don't know a thing"_ 👊(00:40:42 - 00:41:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2442/e/2469 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I also can't play Smash Bros, because i can't really see the opponent and think [I'll do this in response!] For real, i can't do Street Fighter 6 either... I can't..."_(00:41:09 - 00:41:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2469/e/2484 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: I can only play MonHun/C: Sims City?/L: It's not a pvp game right? I can play it alone... Then if so, it's fine, it's fun..."_(00:41:24 - 00:41:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2484/e/2504 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Why can you play MonHun?/L: Because i played it in its earlier era! So i think i can do it... Though i don't know, maybe if i played a PvP game since it's early stage i'd be able to do a lot of things right now, but i can't..."_(00:41:44 - 00:42:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2504/e/2532 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 なんでモンハンは出来るのか&ラミィが怖いこと(00:41:48 - 00:44:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2508/e/2654 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And, MonHun is PvE! But i wonder... Even now if i said i'd play Multiplayer in private, i don't think i could do it..."_(00:42:12 - 00:42:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2532/e/2552 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I think that if i play with Yukimin, even if i'm a bother for them, they may still be fine with it. But if with people who I didn't know at all, i just don't want to be a bother to them"_(00:42:32 - 00:43:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2552/e/2597 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _ "What else was there, games to play with people... I wonder? I'm pretty bad at team fights already, as for MarioKart, i'm totally fine since it's more like a free for all, so it's alright!"_ 🏎(00:43:17 - 00:43:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2597/e/2632 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"But those things i have to play in team, i can't..."_(Continuing in other comments)(00:43:52 - 02:18:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2632/e/8312 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: What about card games like Pokemon?/L: Aren't card games amazing? I think those who can play Card games are amazing! Do you play them? Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, One piece, also Hololive's now! Isn't it amazing for real?"_(00:44:13 - 00:44:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2653/e/2682 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 カードゲーム出来る人は凄い&その理由(00:44:14 - 00:46:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2654/e/2793 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"if i say why i think they're amazing is because the rules for card games are complicated already! And yet they remember every single card's function, also the reaction times to when you must activate them and how to counter the opponent's cards! The strategy and calculation that must require is a lot to think! So people who can do it are amazing for me"_(00:44:42 - 00:45:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2682/e/2728 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Simply put, i'm not very smart myself... So for me thinking about a strategy is very tough, remembering the card rules! And the rules are also redone right? Like, a rule you remembered also changes later right? So i think it's very amazing!"_(00:45:28 - 00:46:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2728/e/2793 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _ "And then for Pokemon, there's the moves right? And how each of them affect! Won't you teach me?"_(00:46:33 - 00:46:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2793/e/2809 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ヒカルの碁状態で神童になりちやほやされたいラミィ(00:46:33 - 00:51:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2793/e/3060 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Like, it'd be nice if a person by my side whispers to me, like the entire effect like [This card does this, the effect is this, the opponent takes x damage then] _*_giggles_*_ If you tell me everything it'd fine! But i can't do it alone! It'd be like [Hikaru no Go]! Though if i have Sai it'd be fine! Also if it was Hikaru's circumstances i'd be fine though, but i won't just be half awake like him!"_(00:46:49 - 00:47:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2809/e/2863 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I totally won't awake, it'll be more like i'm Radio-controlled! Think about it, in Hikaru no Go at the beginning he was controlled by Sai right? And it seemed like he was a really crazy strong guy, and then as he went on he awoke his own ability! And then he gets amazing at Go, that's the kind of story it is!"_ 👻(00:47:43 - 00:48:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2863/e/2892 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"But isn't that honestly amazing? If it was me, i'd want to be pampered in games! _*_laughs_*_ If you do that, maybe i won't be able to do one thing or the other, but if i'm possessed by RC that way, they'll go like [She's amazing, so strong!]"_(00:48:12 - 00:48:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2892/e/2933 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: I think that Hikaru was at elementary back then, maybe? That even though he didn't know anything about Go much he was still THAT good!"_(00:48:53 - 00:49:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2933/e/2964 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: i'm over 200 years old so it's not like a child prodigy... But yeah, being a grade schooler prodigy would be amazing, but since i can't become one now... What should i do?/C: Are 200 years old elves adults?/L: Well yeah, i'm pretty much an adult though. But i don't know anything of the net yet"_(00:49:24 - 00:50:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/2964/e/3003 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Maybe myself, if not as Lamy, but as... How to go... [Miray] would be my card-player name i'd be known as... And people would be like [She's amazing!]... Can I play Card games online?"_(00:50:03 - 00:50:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3003/e/3042 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I don't know, i said before that i don't handle well in PVP gams right? Like aim or such, that's impossible, so i should do something on the net... Eh?! You can play YGO online? Alright, then in YGO i'll become Miray! I may make up a name for myself there"_(00:50:42 - 00:51:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3042/e/3074 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 スバル先輩がサイ(あるいはアテム)だったら(00:51:00 - 00:53:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3060/e/3185 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Something like, even though i don't know the rules i'm crazy strong!"_ *giggles* _"But yeah, without Sai i can't do it... Unless i have Sai who tells me by the ear"_ 👂(00:51:14 - 00:51:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3074/e/3107 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Ask Subaru to whisper to you/L: That'd be a strong burden for her! For me to use her to become Miray that'd be too demanding for her"_(00:51:47 - 00:51:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3107/e/3118 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: And because Subaru senpai's voice is too loud there's a chance (I don't know if you do voice though, maybe it does) that when i do something wrong she goes [No Lamy, that's not it!] and then i'm found out, and then Miray would be known as [oh, it's Lamy-chan after all...]/C: Then not Subaru/L: Yeah!"_(00:51:58 - 00:52:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3118/e/3164 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I wonder if there's anything i'd be genius-good at, don't you wish that too? To be rumored Online as someone that's super good at doing something?"_(00:52:44 - 00:53:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3164/e/3194 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 今からどうにかなるゲームを探す&裏で努力をした話(00:53:05 - 00:56:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3185/e/3368 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: I used to when i was at grade school/L: Oi oi, you need to carry on with your dreams!/C: Aim to be a MonHun Pro/L: I can't, more like something i played from the earlier phases, me playing Monhun since then ended with me like i am... So, no way for me to become that now, this is my limit"_(00:53:14 - 00:53:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3194/e/3232 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Is there any game i can do from0 now? But yeah, i'd like to be strong at card games... There's a certain card game, i downloaded it but... I really can't seem to become good at it"_(00:53:52 - 00:54:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3232/e/3264 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Hear, there was one time we played a card game in Asobi Taizen with Holomems right? No, not the shadow game one... But a normal card game, it's daifugou/Tycoon. That one made people go [Aren't you so good?!] But i really practiced offstream but didn't really get good at it..."_(00:54:24 - 00:55:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3264/e/3304 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"They say that you need to lie, to keep the pokerface right? Even for internet games. As i'm pretty timid myself, i won't play boldly. That's why maybe, for instance, if i had a weak hand on hand and i still said [No, i'm very strong though?] and kept the pokerface all the way through for a match, being able to do that is important right?"_ 🃏(00:55:04 - 00:55:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3304/e/3348 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"But i can't do that... If i think i can't win I give up, i'm pretty bad at playing mental warfare... That's why, if i'm not good at it i can't"_(00:55:48 - 00:56:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3348/e/3369 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ダーツ用具がカッコいい話(00:56:08 - 00:59:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3368/e/3544 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ah i see, Darts! It'd be cool if i was good at it, i don't know the rules though! Wouldn't it be nice to be good at that?/C: Your voice would sound similar though/L: But playing Online that doesn't mean anything right?"_(00:56:09 - 00:56:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3369/e/3391 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Darts! I thought it was cool so one time, so because i'm the type that likes to get into things i searched a lot about it... And then... How to say... How do you call those that you throw? They look so cool in their case! Like [My darts] I didn't get them though, just researched... _*_giggles_*_ How do you call the ones that you shoot?"_(00:56:31 - 00:57:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3391/e/3441 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Wait, the ones you throw are called Darts too? The ones with feathers right?"_(00:57:21 - 00:57:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3441/e/3471 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Yeah, i was thinking about the game called like that! Like, the one game you play bowling... Bowl was it? Sorry, i don't know!"_(00:57:51 - 00:58:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3471/e/3494 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Bowling and pins, yeah! I thought it was Bowl only..."_ 🎳(00:58:14 - 00:58:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3494/e/3512 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: If you combine the barrell and the feathers it becomes a dart/L: What's a barrel? I don't know... But, it's cool! Sorry for the shallow talk right now! But i thought it was cool!"_(00:58:32 - 00:59:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3512/e/3542 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Like, isn't it cool how the beauty workers have a case for their scissors as well? _*_giggles_*_ Aren't those kind of professional supplies very cool? Sorry, i'm talking super shallow right now, like leather cases or so"_(00:59:02 - 00:59:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3542/e/3572 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 その道を究めた職人さんはかっこいい(00:59:04 - 01:00:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3544/e/3653 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Isn't that cool? Doesn't it make you feel like wanting one too? And Then they say [This? I've used this for 10 years now] isn't it cool?!"_(00:59:32 - 01:00:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3572/e/3600 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I'm the kind that thinks that every work that requires effort is amazing, but cratfsmen are amazing i think! Like, without experience you can't become a pro right? Any job is like that though! But i think is cool to go down that path for years!"_(01:00:00 - 01:00:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3600/e/3644 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Technical jobs right?/L: Yeah, i think they're cool.../C: Streamers are like that too/L: Streamers are different, if they go [I'll stream from today!] Then they may become one right away right? It's not like even if they say [I'll stop tomorrow!] anybody would be troubled... Like, people would be troubled though of course! Hololive can't go to that level"_(01:00:44 - 01:01:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3644/e/3681 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 配信者・Vtuberを始めるのは簡単&自分がしてた練習を紹介するラミィ(01:00:53 - 01:06:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3653/e/3989 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"But when you start as a streamer you can pretty much begin from that same day right? Yeah, even as an individual! You don't even need experience and you can start"_(01:01:21 - 01:01:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3681/e/3700 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Even know for streams, when i got into Hololive, there were already plenty of vtubers who seemed they could go into streaming. But now it seems so simple to start!"_ 🙏(01:01:40 - 01:02:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3700/e/3735 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Like, today, and even yesterday's thumbnails... These have templates! You can even buy them for a couple hundred yen too! Like, for the time you'd think you can do thumbnails like this, it'd take a long time right? By a few Yen you can buy it and a high quality thumbnail pops on!"_(01:02:15 - 01:02:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3735/e/3770 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's amazing if people can make their own and cheaper in the end, or make them really quick, but you really can get a Thumbnail right away!"_(01:02:50 - 01:03:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3770/e/3804 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Everyone can do it right away!, there's singing, game, zatsudan streams, templates for them all in a moment! And then buy them, plus it's a free Download too!"_(01:03:24 - 01:03:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3804/e/3824 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's amazing, and also bodies (And i was born in this virtual body myself), but... There's also virtual bodies without souls sold too! I wasn't born like that though... But that's why, even if you decided [I'll start again!] You can really do it! Isn't it amazing? I think so at least"_ 🧟(01:03:44 - 01:04:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3824/e/3856 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"All that's left is talking, OBS is even free, you make an account in Youtube to stream, get OBS, get the free template, all that's left is talking then!"_(01:04:16 - 01:04:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3856/e/3879 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Talking is hard though/L: I think it's fine even if people talk to themselves on stream! I'm talking right now but, when i also do so when i'm not streaming as well"_(01:04:39 - 01:05:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3879/e/3905 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: I practiced, so i could talk! _*_giggles_*_ For myself, ever since i was accepted into Hololive, up until i'd get into streaming, while doing games and such, i'd practice by imagining i was streaming and i spoke by myself all the time, that's how i practiced.../C: At least bring some dolls/L: No, no, that... There's a lot of people watching in Hololive, and commenting, even if i told them that i'd stream guerilla at(01:05:05 - 00:09:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3905/e/540 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Wouldn't you be treated as a crazy girl who talks alone?/L: It's fine since nobody was watching right? It doesn't matter, I was practicing all by myself at home!/C: You're very serious!/L: No no, it's just a matter of getting used and developing the skill of talking even by myself!"_(Continuing in other comments)(01:05:52 - 02:18:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3952/e/8312 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"But that about craftsmen, they're amazing... I wonder how it'd go with games though! Who'd be a suitable kind of streamer for it, i think that those who like talking would be suitable for it... At any rate, someone who can put their thoughts into words. Though i think there's no person who's able to talk alone even while playing alone"_ 🎮(01:06:28 - 01:07:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3988/e/4020 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 配信者に向いてるタイプや例 (HIKAKINや狩野英孝等)(01:06:29 - 01:13:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/3989/e/4408 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Like, putting into words what they think is what streaming is about right? That's why, it's like... How to say, they say what they're thinking right away... _*_giggles_*_ Do you get me? So iif they can do that for one hour, they'd be suitable as a streamer, i think"_(01:07:00 - 01:07:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4020/e/4051 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: They may end up mumbling when palying rhythm games/L: Ahh, that's difficult though... I wonder, i think it depends on the game but, assuming there's people who are watching them, they'd be like [Oh so this is how Lamy-chan thinks] and that's something you can't achieve without monologuing right? That's why if i go [Ah damn, i failed, i messed up here], it beats the purpose of talking endlessly then...!"_(01:07:31 - 01:08:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4051/e/4080 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"But I'd go like [I really like the songs of this rhythm game but this part is very difficult so i alway mess up... Just now i did!] instead. If you can't explain the cirscumstances well, it's difficult then... And even then you'd need to explain the state of affairs in the game as well... So it's pretty multi-tasking isn't it?"_(01:08:00 - 01:08:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4080/e/4108 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Watching comments while playing and talking seems like simple tasking, although is actually multitasking... How to say... It's a matter of seeing if people can do it or not/C: It'd seem fitting for people who like talking/L: Yeah, that's number 1 i think! Like, if you hate talking and then get into streaming, i already don't know what you're in for..."_(01:08:28 - 01:08:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4108/e/4134 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"But, Influencers, they can still do so without talking right? They can simply do videos to introduce stuff... Influencers and streamers are different, so those kind of people may be good for influencers instead, like, video streamers of sorts! As in, even if it's short, they can make fun videos and that'd be more suitable, like, It doesn't necessarily mean they're not good for streaming though. For instance, Hikakin-san always does videos right?"_(01:08:54 - 01:09:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4134/e/4181 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Their videos are very fun! But maybe if i were to say if they're specialized on streaming, that may not be the case after all... They're so good at editing, fun, the plans are focused. And they're good at expressing themselves. So many aspects couple together come in them being so good at posting videos. That's why, maybe it'd be different if they were told to do that for an hour on stream."_(01:09:41 - 01:10:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4181/e/4223 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Kano Eiko by the way, i think he's a genius, i sometimes see him, how to say, i think he's naturally close to Miko senpai"_ 🌸(01:10:23 - 01:10:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4223/e/4247 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 🌸(01:10:39 - 02:18:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4239/e/8312 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Like, he's unintentionally fun and can make things interesting! That even though he's serious, things end up somewhat amusing"_(01:10:47 - 01:11:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4247/e/4283 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Kanou Eiko's MonHun was fun/L: I can watch him stream everything www, even if he's streaming minecraft and he's tired he's amusing, i actually watch as a subject of my study, but he's too natural at it that it seems like there's so little to nothing i can imitate"_(01:11:23 - 01:11:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4283/e/4310 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"His reactions are so fun as well, how to say it, the way things go like themselves... It feels like Miko senpai's streams, the same kind of energy, so i can't! He's so natural, a genius! I saw a Twitter, but when was it...?"_(01:11:50 - 01:12:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4310/e/4344 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"That time he got something like a Bō, and hit one of the lightbulbs at his home with it... There's no way you can think that ahead right? The Nyoibo right?/如意棒 (A staff like the one Sanzang Xuanzang used, then Son Goku in [Journey to the west]), like, he bought the nyoibou that he hoped so much! And then when he waved it he broke a lightbulb right away www... There's no way you can do that right? The comedic timing was good! He was like [I bought it yay!] then he moves it, and bang... He needs to be a genius cause there's no way to do that normally right?"_💡(01:12:24 - 01:13:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4344/e/4408 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Pardon, a package has arrived"_ 📦(01:13:28 - 01:14:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4408/e/4461 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 宅配が届いたので中断(01:13:28 - 01:14:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4408/e/4462 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Pardon!/C: Did you get the magic staff?/L: Ah, it's just something from Amazon, what was it... Let's find out"_(01:14:21 - 01:14:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4461/e/4480 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 再開&縦配信で初めて知ったこと(01:14:22 - 01:15:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4462/e/4548 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This... EHH?! I didn't realize! For this vertical stream in YT, as i thought i'd look into something different in the internet, the stream shows in a corner of the smartphone properly, do you get me? I didn't know that!"_(01:14:40 - 01:15:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4480/e/4507 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Maybe if you watch on smartphone you get what i mean... Yeah,it shows on one side as background!/C: If you have Premium you can do it/L: This is, since for horizontal streams the scream is too small, like, it's fine for zatsudan streams but Game streams would make you unable to see right? This vertical stream makes it easier to see, it's amazing!"_(01:15:07 - 01:15:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4507/e/4539 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Can't do it on android/L: I see, so it has to be iPhone? Ahh i see, It was socks!"_(01:15:39 - 01:15:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4539/e/4553 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 靴下を大量購入した理由(01:15:48 - 01:18:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4548/e/4724 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Maybe it was the bulk of socks i bought"_ 🧦(01:15:53 - 01:16:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4553/e/4564 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"you see, listen, socks are... They get a lot of hair! I wonder if you get me... When i do my laundry, the socks absorb the Kitty's fur and the kitty's fur then accumulates! They become furballs, "_(01:16:04 - 01:16:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4564/e/4596 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And i already add something to take off the cat's fur into the washing machine! So for some reason they still get the cat's fur, so they're socks that get the garbage now"_(01:16:36 - 01:16:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4596/e/4609 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: And as for the socks i'm wearing now, they're black but there's a lot of white thanks to the kitty's fur, so that's why i bought some more.../C: Did they get holes?/L: No, they didn't!/C: You have to put the laundry net/L: That's somewhat bothersome, cause i can't see the socks myself, personally!"_(01:16:49 - 01:17:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4609/e/4644 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Maybe if you put them together with the special socks?/L: Ahh, are you a genius? So as a means to let Them take it all right?"_(01:17:24 - 01:17:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4644/e/4653 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: But, how to say, there's things that get Cat's fur! Eh, you put them all inside the laundry net? Amazing!"_(01:17:33 - 01:17:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4653/e/4664 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"But if you put in the laundry net then at the moment the drying comes they'll all get wrinkly wouldn't they? Like, for Sweaters or bigger clothes, when you put them inside the laundry net, and because i'm the type that uses dryer on the clothes; when they spin around there they'll get all wrinkly and i'm worried that would happen. That's why i don't want to put big clothes inside the laundry net"_🌀(01:17:44 - 01:18:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4664/e/4697 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Won't you iron them?/L: Eh... There's things that when they get all rugged you can fix by ironing... But there's things that can't be fixed, like those that are knit, etc."_(01:18:17 - 01:18:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4697/e/4718 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: this season they're shedding a lot of hair/L: Yesterday i brushed Milk at nightime and she let out a LOT of hair! Enough that i wondered if she was fine!"_(01:18:38 - 01:18:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4718/e/4733 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 みるくをブラッシングした結果(01:18:44 - 01:20:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4724/e/4800 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I was about 3 furballs total! In a single brushing! Enough to make me think if she was fine, like i thought she'd go bald from how much she shed"_(01:18:53 - 01:19:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4733/e/4754 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: How big were the furballs?/L: Actually i don't know how big but probably like a baseball? 3 baseballs Or you know, I don't know because i've never had one in my hand, maybe smaller? Like a tennis ball? I don't know the difference, but i've had a table-tennis ball on my hands before so i'm sure it's a bit bigger than that... But she really let out a lot"_(01:19:14 - 01:19:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4754/e/4794 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Right Mi-san? You recently want a lot of attention, what's wrong? You're a spoiled girl"_ 🐱(01:19:54 - 01:20:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4794/e/4808 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 かまってちゃんなみるく&ラミィの悩みはある?(01:20:00 - 01:22:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4800/e/4922 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Is your hair alright?/L: ww, if i let out that much hair i'd suspect i'm sick again! I'd think [Am i fine? Sick?] Maybe it'd think it's potentially stress. Would i be alright? Since i'm the kind whose stress reflects on the body/C: Anything going on? Want to talk about it?/L: Well, there's really nothing, no concerns i think! And you guys? On the contrary, i'll listen to you"_(01:20:08 - 01:20:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4808/e/4853 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: At most my throat hurts because the cover song didn't go very well so my throat's in pain now... It really does.../C: Eating habits?/L: My body weight went down though, but that's not to worry i'd say, it's just because i haven't eaten"_(01:20:53 - 01:21:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4853/e/4883 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Yeah, i lost that... I lost weight because of the world's ways"_ ⏬(Continuing in other comments)(01:21:23 - 02:18:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4883/e/8312 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I lost my muscles, though i'm doing my best at eating, exercising too... What else was there, there's nothing i'm troubled about, but that i'm worried maybe? Really, really, can i think about it?"_(01:21:31 - 01:21:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4891/e/4916 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"... It's that my original songs can't seem to spread? Like, listen to me..."_ 🫂(01:21:56 - 01:22:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4916/e/4932 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ガチな悩み&みんなへのお願い(01:22:02 - 01:25:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4922/e/5153 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I released HatsuKoi Patissiere recently right? But just the year before there was Lamy Love Fest and i finally released its MV, but it can't seem to spread out... Can you help me with that?"_ 🎶(01:22:12 - 01:22:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4932/e/4952 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Because with my own power, there's nothing i can really do... That's why... It'd really be helpful if you listen to them everyday over and over! No, i'm not changing the topic! I'm properly worried about it, that's why i'm sharing with you!/C: I'm doing my best/L: Do so!"_(01:22:32 - 01:23:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4952/e/4987 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I'd like to do a Sololive in the future! But for that time it'd be important to know how much the original songs are heard right? Just that... It can't spread, it's bad right?/C: How much does it have now?/L: Are you asking that? It's fine... See... The newest song i released 4 weeks ago... _*_*whispers*_*_ (Is at 100,000 video replays)... So... Can you listen to it?~"_(01:23:07 - 01:23:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/4987/e/5029 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 asmr好き(01:23:41 - 02:18:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5021/e/8312 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's playing on the opening video, but yeah... *100,000k views is what it has*, so it'd make me happy if you listen to it, i'll be under your care"_ 🙏(01:23:49 - 01:24:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5029/e/5050 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"If i hug Milk, she sheds hair, so it gets into my face... It's a lot... Wait a bit... Let me take off the hair"_(01:24:10 - 01:24:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5050/e/5072 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: I'm satisfied watching it on the OP already/L: I see... shall i stop playing it there then? It's because i want you to learn the song in the opening, but yeah... If it's there you see it huh... So instead since i wouldn't play it in the opening, in exchange; would you listen to the MV?/C: Wouldn't it be more likely for it to remain in our memories if it plays during the ending?/L: Ahh i see... Let me change to the previous songs then?"_(01:24:32 - 01:25:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5072/e/5122 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: So, instead of that, listen to hatsukoi patissier please?/C: Fleur and Phony would be good"_(01:25:22 - 01:25:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5122/e/5132 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Fleur and Phony are totally different aren't they? And Phony is a cover, so it's no good if i did!/C: if so i wouldn't learn the song"_(01:25:32 - 01:25:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5132/e/5154 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 無茶ぶりするラミィ(01:25:53 - 01:27:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5153/e/5272 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: How many times should i play it per day?/L: 100k times! _*_laughs_*_ If you listen to it 100,000 times it'd be good! Ah, [ハツコイ♡パティシエール] and [Lamy*Love♡Fest☆], listen to them back to back 100,000 times a day!"_(01:25:54 - 01:26:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5154/e/5176 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Aren't 24 hours not enough for it?/L: Let's investigate, how many times per 24h day can you listen to them both? People good at calculating, please say it"_(01:26:16 - 01:26:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5176/e/5208 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: 144 times/L: That's too little isn't it?! So you can only listen to it 144 times.../C: 200/C560 replays isn't it?"_ yt(01:26:48 - 00:06:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5208/e/400 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"When thinking about it... 100,000 is amazing... Thank you all for listening to it, sorry for being selfish... Thank you, but listen to it more, it'd make me happy! Let me drink some energy drink"_(01:27:19 - 01:27:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5239/e/5270 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: I'll stop the stream to listen to it/L: What are you saying... You can watch as BGM though, should i stop the BGM so you can listen to it in the background"_(01:27:50 - 01:28:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5270/e/5294 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 雪民に圧をかけるラミィ(01:27:52 - 01:28:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5272/e/5295 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: what energy drink are you drinking?/L: That one... I won't answer... It's one that got a new grape flavor recently. I really don't drink Energy drinks but they released a new flavor, so it's my favorite's 0 calories drink"_(01:28:14 - 01:28:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5294/e/5331 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 エナドリをよく飲むラミィ(01:28:15 - 01:29:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5295/e/5361 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: It's 0 calorie, though people say it has artificial sweeteners _*_giggles_*_ and that that's why it's bad for the body, and truly, i don't think it's good... But i can't help it... I like it!/C: You can't get energy then/L: True but! Drinks are..."_(01:28:51 - 01:29:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5331/e/5359 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Oh, by the way i have some SAVAS at my hands right now... SAVAS milk protein, fat-free yogurt flavor. If i say why i always have this close by that's because i thought i'd drink it instead of breakfast! But when i took it off the fridge it was frozen! It surprised me, THIS is frozen! Even now..."_ 🥛(01:29:19 - 01:29:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5359/e/5381 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 プロティン雑談(01:29:21 - 01:32:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5361/e/5544 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 SAVAS sounds. _"Can you tell this heavy sound? Even now it's frozen! I didn't put it at the deep part of it though!"_(01:29:41 - 01:30:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5381/e/5402 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"For SAVAS, i drink protein pretty often but i thought i'd want to change the flavor from what i always get in the convenience store! So there's a big 430 ml SAVAS drink, i bought that! And i drank it, but, behind that there was a different flavor!"_(01:30:02 - 01:30:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5402/e/5429 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And that different flavor one wasn't frozen, and yet this one fat-free yogurt was frozen solid! It sure surprised me... Why i wonder..."_(01:30:29 - 01:30:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5429/e/5451 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Buy a good fridge/L: But i just did it! I had a small 2 door fridge up until recently/C: It froze because it has no fat/L: i see! I don't get why but i get it! So a matter of ingredients!"_(01:30:51 - 01:31:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5451/e/5471 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: What flavor do you like?/L: Recently this one with Yogurt flavor is yummy! Yeah, SAVAS milk protein, it has Vitamin B6 and D! Yummy!"_ 🥛(01:31:11 - 01:31:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5471/e/5492 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Making protein though, is pretty bothersome sooo... Honestly... It's not like it's THAT hard to make it but!... How to say, when you can just open and drink it it's convenient/C: you only have to shake it though?/L: Yeah... It's only shaking... Ahh, yummy! This Yogurt flavor may be the one i love the most so far/C: The vanilla one is yummy/L: Vanilla huh/C: Even though you're the fitness king/L: That has nothing to do!/C: At Amazon they sell one with 24 bottles/L: Ah yeah, i recommend buying drinks at Amazon! Things that are heavy consumption, water, coke, soy milk, i recommend, they bring it all the way to your home!"_(01:31:32 - 01:32:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5492/e/5574 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 amazonで飲料系を買うのおすすめするラミィ(01:32:24 - 01:35:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5544/e/5727 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Yeah, i've bought non-label, labeless bottles, and if you do, when you throw it away you don't have to remove the label! As long as you wash the inside"_ 🍾(01:32:54 - 01:33:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5574/e/5602 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Do you still drink soy milk?/L: Yeah! 1 pack per day!"_(01:33:22 - 01:33:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5602/e/5621 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: I like drinks, oh no, i didn't mean the 1 litre pack, just the small ones/C: Are there non label sold/L: Yeah! Just search for [Label-less]. They say it's good to drink lots of water per day right?"_(01:33:41 - 01:34:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5621/e/5652 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: That's why I like drinking on water and beverages too, like tomato juice, veggies juice, soy milk, i gobble on them all! Oh no, i'm not the type that's brought close to the toilet because of that, i wonder if people who do have a quick assimilation, quick renal depuration isn't it?/C: How do you keep it?/L: It's done so already! Like, on my kitchen it's full of those packages"_(01:34:12 - 01:35:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5652/e/5724 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: I like today's outfit combination!/L: It's cause i'm waking up, but it's hot! Let me remove this coat shall i? I'll hug you Yukimin"_(01:35:24 - 01:35:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5724/e/5744 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 暑いので薄着に着替えた上で雪民に見るのを強要するラミィ(01:35:27 - 01:37:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5727/e/5847 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: But this camisole is a bit cold now... It's cold... But that was fuzzy so it was hot/C: I love your hair/L: Thank you~/C: You're hiding them/L: Not at all, LOOK! I have no issue to show them to you! Look at your heart's content!"_ (Thank the heavens)(01:35:44 - 01:36:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5744/e/5781 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Do banzai?/L: Sory, i can't, my arms are frozen here, i can't"_ 🙌(01:36:21 - 01:36:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5781/e/5805 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 通常衣装にお着替えして雪民の要望に応えるラミィ&サービスタイム  要望 (2)(01:36:30 - 01:40:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5790/e/6026 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Lamy's attempt at jumping per chat request.(01:36:45 - 01:37:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5805/e/5831 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: I can't.../C: Something's missing.../L: Can't be helped, even if you say that, i can't!... You know, just you wait, everyone!"_(01:37:11 - 01:37:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5831/e/5874 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 通常衣装にお着替えして雪民の要望に応えるラミィ&サービスタイム  要望 (1)(01:37:27 - 01:36:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5847/e/5790 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Wait, it'll be the usual outfit, wait there..."_(01:37:54 - 01:38:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5874/e/5891 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 She's back, on 3D! _"I'm a bit far you say?"_(01:38:11 - 01:38:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5891/e/5912 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Jumps! Then Banzai was it? Raise my hand and... Yup!"_(01:38:32 - 01:39:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5912/e/5947 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: And then?/L: No. Nothing next, it's Banzai, then Circle, then... Cross! Ahh i can't do cross, circle... I can't do it either!"_ ⭕(01:39:07 - 01:39:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5947/e/5980 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Peace~! There's too much stuff here so.. Wait... Like this?"_(01:39:40 - 01:40:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/5980/e/6004 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Are you watching? Yaay! Hello~ I'm Hololive's 5th generation Yukihana Lamy, YAAAY!"_(01:40:04 - 01:40:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6004/e/6025 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: When it's vertical, it kind of feels like a visit (Like the one you'd have at a prison)/L: _*_laughs_*_ Today they say it's visit and yesterday they said it was prison, when was i imprisoned?"_(01:40:25 - 01:40:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6025/e/6051 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ❤に挑戦(01:40:26 - 01:42:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6026/e/6140 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Doing a heart? been a while, can i do it? Let's see"_ ❤(01:40:51 - 01:41:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6051/e/6084 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Double peace.(01:41:24 - 01:41:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6084/e/6102 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Trying to snap the fingers, but can't.(Continuing in other comments)(01:41:42 - 02:18:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6102/e/8312 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"But with this outfit the coat is hot too you know? It's fuzzy so let me remove it!"_(01:42:07 - 01:42:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6127/e/6154 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 雪国モチーフ× 雪国出身〇 &手がうるさくなるラミィ(01:42:20 - 01:43:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6140/e/6205 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Yeah you have a snow land motif/L: It's not a motif, My home is one! Don't make it like it's a character setting, i'm a lady from Unylia, the snow land! But no, my hands are noisy like this! The movements are too loud they often tell me"_ *Prison wink* 😉(01:42:34 - 01:43:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6154/e/6193 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Turns out she was a Yuki Onna!/L: No, I'm not a Yuki onna! _*_Singing part of Lamy Love Fest [I'm bad with winter]_*_ yeah, i'm bad with winter..."_ ☃🎶(01:43:13 - 01:43:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6193/e/6212 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 冬が苦手なラミィちゃん、動きがかわいい(01:43:20 - 02:18:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6200/e/8312 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 オリ曲の歌詞でダメージを受けるが今回の配信でセーフになるラミィ(01:43:25 - 01:44:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6205/e/6262 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Yeah, i have the song [Lamy*Love♡Fest☆] and it goes [Morning, noon, night, come watch the stream at any time you want!] but i thought i don't actually stream morning, noon and night! So i kind of felt like the worst for that... But now that i did a morning stream today, that's fine now, i'm not lying now!"_(01:43:32 - 01:44:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6212/e/6260 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Banzai please/L: BANZAAAI! Oi where are you looking at, Pervert! Baka!/SC: This year i've heard a lot of Holomem, but you're the one whose voice and way of talking amongst many others is my favorite!/L: Thank you! So in the end you liked me? Thank you~"_ ❤(01:44:20 - 01:45:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6260/e/6301 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 バンザイ→変態!どこ見てんのよバカァ!(01:44:22 - 01:45:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6262/e/6345 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Close your eyes and come close?/L: What do you intend to do? Can't help it, i'll comply though, it's my service time after all"_ *Gets close weirdly* _"www, wait, wasn't that pretty gross how i came close? Maybe that's wrong! That felt a bit gross _*_laughs_*_ like so sudden!"_(01:45:01 - 01:45:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6301/e/6351 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ここの「なんでだよ」好き❤️(01:45:02 - 02:18:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6302/e/8312 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Yooutubeのバグに気がついたラミィ&円卓の騎士(01:45:45 - 01:47:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6345/e/6476 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: What is this? Hey everyone, i noticed a crazy bug in YT! The amount of viewers is bugged, look! It's crazy now!/C: So you noticed/L: I just did! It's bugged! Look, it's lowering progressively!"_(01:45:51 - 01:46:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6351/e/6382 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Now it became, how to say, the 400 of the Round table! If this becomes 12 it'd be like the Knights of the Round Table! I wonder if it can turn into 10 people!"_ ⚔(01:46:22 - 01:46:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6382/e/6410 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"That means that the same people are commenting using lots of accounts right? That's good! But 400 would be plenty"_(01:46:50 - 01:47:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6410/e/6439 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: It also shows up as the subs are 0 if i look into the other streams/L: Really?! Does it mean i have no subs now? Please sub, everyone? Oh, it didn't change!/C: The likes are also only 17/L: Ehh?! Hey if you're 400 press on there then!"_(01:47:19 - 01:47:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6439/e/6469 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Mi-san, please stop that!/C: Do i press a 2nd time then?/L: I'm scared, you'll unsub if you press again then! Did the channel subscriptions change? It was already 1,210,000 to begin with!"_(01:47:49 - 01:48:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6469/e/6494 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 もう少しで202万人になりそうなのにチャンネル登録エラーが発生(01:47:56 - 01:50:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6476/e/6610 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Just about 200 more subs and i'll reach 1.22 M subs, with the people here i could do it! Now's the time!/C: I can't sub though!/L: Ahhh really?!"_(01:48:14 - 01:49:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6494/e/6557 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: I pressed it 4 times/L: I wonder how did that turn... Please don't cancel it though!"_(01:49:17 - 01:49:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6557/e/6574 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Thank you for everything so far/L: Don't leave, noooo!"_ 😢(01:49:34 - 01:50:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6574/e/6606 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: It can't seem to fix, unfortunately!/C: Is this Otsulamy?/L: Wait, i want to be part of this legendary moment a bit more.../C: I can't see the channel subscribers/L: So to that level?/C: It crashed/L: Waaaa?! Really It's crazy?!"_(01:50:06 - 01:50:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6606/e/6630 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 記念パピコを促すラミィ(01:50:10 - 01:54:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6610/e/6840 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: The people watching seem few/L: It's a legendary stream then!/C: Commemorative text (記念パピコ AKA, a form of slang that means [Write to commemorate])/L: I'll do it too!/C: Now i can't see you somewhat/L: And my voice? Oh, thank you for the test SC"_(01:50:30 - 01:51:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6630/e/6660 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: I'm excited!/L: Yeah, we don't get to witness legends do we? So use your membership milestone SC's to write Commemorative Papiko now!"_(01:51:00 - 01:51:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6660/e/6704 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Wait, it's now 372 only! how low will it go?! If i don't see it myself i won't be able to sleep, Youtube got crazy!"_(01:51:44 - 01:52:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6704/e/6724 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"About 12! Let's do the Knights of the round table with this! For sure we can if it goes like this! It's amazing! Though it's 370 people watching the comments are so fast! It's crazy!"_(01:52:04 - 01:53:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6724/e/6799 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: This is Members-exclusive, so you can't use it if you're not a member/C: Now, right?/L: Yeah, maybe now is the time"_(01:53:19 - 01:53:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6799/e/6823 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: It went to 368 now! It's amazong, there's a chance we get down to 12, or even 0!/C: Is it bugged for the others?/L: Maybe everyone in YT is/C: It's a commemoration stream/L: It's a debut stream! Though comments are super fast/C: I want to see people reaching 0/L: Ahh, i'd like to show it! But in this screen i can't show the management stream but i want to show the current actual viewers! Oh, but you can also see it right? It shows on the lower right (left actually) section!/C: I can't even like!/L: Seems neither like nor subscribing!"_(01:53:43 - 01:54:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6823/e/6887 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 どんどん減る同接・加速するコメント欄(01:54:00 - 01:58:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6840/e/7095 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: it's 377 now!/C: The list of subscribers disappeared totally!/L: www So everyone disappeared!"_(01:54:47 - 01:55:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6887/e/6909 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: I can't even get into the channel's page/L: That's crazy! I wonder if there's people who can't enter into streams, let's try doing so from twitter! [There's a lot of bugs, can you get into the stream?]"_(01:55:09 - 01:56:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6909/e/6982 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: There's a lot of things bugging on this end, even now!/C: The viewers count increased by 50/L: it's always going up and down, so it's pretty crazy/C: If I reload i can/L: I see, ah, but someone says they can't like"_(01:56:22 - 01:56:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/6982/e/7016 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Just arriving, what's wrong?/L: YT is bugged so send [Commemorative Papiko] please"_ 🦪(01:56:56 - 01:57:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7016/e/7040 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: I can't sub!/L: yeah it seems you can't subscribe!/C: Can't i send comments?/L: You can... Wait a bit?"_(01:57:20 - 01:57:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7040/e/7066 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Sorry, my legs cramped there... Sorry, please send [kinenPapiko] please? I'll stretch my legs, one of them is cramped, so wait a bit..."_(Continuing in other comments)(01:57:46 - 02:18:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7066/e/8312 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 一旦中座(01:58:15 - 01:59:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7095/e/7190 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 She's back! And her Alarm sounds. ⏰(01:59:50 - 02:00:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7190/e/7204 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 離席中に色々事故が起こったラミィ(01:59:50 - 02:02:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7190/e/7323 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"As i stretched my legs and came back Milk-chan pooped, it smells a lot, what's that! Yeah, you could hear my alarm... Also how long will i keep [Away] on? But yeah! In case i won't wake up, cause i'll go to the salon afterwards... I'd be troubled if so"_(02:00:04 - 02:00:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7204/e/7235 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: She's an animal, she can't know/L: Well, true... But yeah the Toilet cleans automatically so it's fine"_(02:00:35 - 02:00:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7235/e/7249 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: It seems bugged still, it's still going down!/C: Are you alright with the preps to going out?/L: It's fine, that was the alarm that told me i can take things easy"_(02:00:49 - 02:01:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7249/e/7282 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: It seems it won't go any lower than this, it's just a bit lower/L: I'd like to see the knighs of the round/C: Wink please Lamy-chan!/L: _*_winks_*_ what would you like to request me to do? Tell me~/C: Super big Round table/L: Yeah, freaking big!"_(02:01:22 - 02:02:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7282/e/7334 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 じゃんけんから負けた人を追い出す(ウソ)闇のゲームを始めるラミィ(02:02:03 - 02:03:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7323/e/7430 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Rock Paper scissors with Lamy, did you win? ✊​✌​✋(02:02:14 - 02:03:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7334/e/7383 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Round 2!(02:03:03 - 02:03:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7383/e/7433 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 色んな人がいるリスナーたち(02:03:50 - 02:06:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7430/e/7570 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Do you mean if i lose i leave?/L: Don't go anywhere!"_(02:03:53 - 02:04:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7433/e/7471 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Seems i'll start working soon/L: that's fine, go work/C: I'm at work though/L: you who watch my stream at work and send comments, you're amazing, thank you"_(02:04:31 - 02:05:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7471/e/7542 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: You think of people as NEETS lol/L: I don't! Though of course there's maybe NEETs! There's people who are resting off, or who are at school/C: That's NEETs"_(02:05:42 - 02:06:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7542/e/7560 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"No, Taking care of the house is also an important duty!"_(02:06:00 - 02:06:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7560/e/7571 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ホロメン夜型問題&おなマン運動会について(02:06:10 - 02:09:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7570/e/7750 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: NEEts are sleeping at this time/L: At this time... __20% of Holomems are awake at this time... Which by that logic means, 80% of them are NEETs/C: Holomems are almost all night-owls"_ 🦉(02:06:11 - 00:11:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7571/e/660 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"/L: Yeah! Now that you mentioned other Holomems, i'll say... I spoke with Noetan, the Holomems who live in the same apartment complex = OnaMan (Marine, Noel, Lamy), we went to exercise at the Gym, and we called it the [Same apartment sports fes]"_(02:06:45 - 02:07:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7605/e/7637 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So for the first time, we spoke about at what time could we wake up to go, and then one said [During late night anytime is fine!] and i was like [But that's when I'd sleep!] and then [Well at night is fine then!] But even then it'd be = [Late night], and because i'd like to bath after the gym right? That's why for me, before sleeping i want to bath, then i sleep, and also i only have up until midnight! So yeah, she said [But at late night there's no people, it's vacant and we have time to wake up!] and i'm like [But i sleep by then...]"_(02:07:17 - 02:08:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7637/e/7696 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So yeah at the end, we gather at noontime, and then exercise, I shower for night and then i stream for you all if so"_(02:08:16 - 02:08:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7696/e/7714 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Otherwise i'd do morning or noon activities, go to Gym, bath and such... It's healthy, right? It is for sure!/C: It'd look suspicious in terms of the attendees/L: Well, we're all _*_big_*_ after all... Yeah, i'm part of the same apartment group too, Noetan and Marine so..."_ 👀(02:08:34 - 02:09:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7714/e/7743 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Eh? The Bug solved? I think it just did/C: The three sensitive musketeers!/L: www no way! They would... Who would it be for me, from those in Hololive?"_(02:09:03 - 02:09:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7743/e/7779 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 バグが直ってきた&ラミィの考えるセンシティブ三銃士と判断基準(02:09:10 - 02:12:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7750/e/7975 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Sensitive right? Then it'd be Choco sensei, Okayu senpai can be pretty sensitive too, and Noetan, those would be the three sensitive musketeers"_(02:09:39 - 02:10:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7779/e/7800 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I've heard that Okayu Senpai's Members only is super perverted, and Choco sensei's entire existence is pervy. For real! Okayu senpai's Members-only seems super crazy! I don't listen to them so i don't know though... Koyo is sensitive? She doesn't give that image though.../C: Nenechi is a pervert too/L: No, Sensitive is like... When you see the sexiness of a lady, like... Pink Heart kind of thing!"_ 🍙(02:10:00 - 02:10:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7800/e/7844 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"As for Nene, it's just that her head is full of dirty jokes, (same as Marine senpai), so she's not sensitive, just her head is full of dirty jokes, Koyo may be like that too... To say she's sensitive, yeah no, she's more for children!"_(02:10:44 - 02:11:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7844/e/7874 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Like, overflowing with Sexiness! Fauna for instance has overflowing sensitiveness"_(02:11:14 - 02:11:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7874/e/7886 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Matsuri-chan is like that too/L: Yeah she's like for Seiso kids! _*_laughs_*_ she's not Sensitive! She doesn't overflow with eroticism"_ 🏮(02:11:26 - 02:11:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7886/e/7902 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Fauna is truly crazy, she's overflowing with sensitive aura, or rather, more like, sexy... Like her behaviour, mannerisms, even her way of talking"_ 🌿(02:11:42 - 02:12:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7902/e/7923 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: If you talk with her she's like speaking with a sigh, like [*exhales* something something] something like that! Talking with a long breath. It's crazy! She's overflowing with eroticism/C: Early Lamy/L: Early Lamy didn't speak with long breath though! Though the movements are cute, she's like cute and sexy, but so erotic!"_(02:12:03 - 02:12:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7923/e/7954 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Choco sensei is erotic when walking, talking, even if she doesn't intend to, what she says is erotic"_(02:12:34 - 02:12:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7954/e/7973 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Now that it seems it's fixed, try subbing to the channel please?"_(02:12:53 - 02:13:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7973/e/8000 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Youtubeの状態回復確認を理由にチャンネル登録を促すあざとラミィ(02:12:55 - 02:15:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/7975/e/8107 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Lamy you're good!/L: No no i mean, just try? Just to see? :3 Like and sub~/C: If it got cancelled?/L: Then try subbing to me? Just to confirm~"_(02:13:20 - 02:13:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/8000/e/8039 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Amazing! _*_claps_*_ There's people who could! Maybe here there's people who haven't tried yet, i know that!"_(02:13:59 - 02:15:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/8039/e/8114 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 登録者122万人達成&高評価もお願いするラミィ(02:15:07 - 02:16:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/8107/e/8167 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 🎉*Congrats for 1.22M subs Lamy!*🎉(02:15:14 - 02:16:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/8114/e/8203 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 雪民「それで嬉しいか? 」ラミィ「 嬉しいけど!? 」(02:16:07 - 02:16:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/8167/e/8203 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So since the bug seems to have solved and i need to prepare to go to the salon, get my hair done pretty, prepare and then do a lot of submission work until nightime... And do my best... But i'm glad i could do the vertical stream! And you subbed to the channel too~ Also pressed that Like and we saw the bugs, and you sent the commemorative Papiko! Alright!"_(02:16:43 - 02:17:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/8203/e/8237 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 終了挨拶(02:16:43 - 02:17:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/8203/e/8254 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So, let's do our best today too, thank you for the SC and comments, thank you, OtsuLamy!"_ 🙏(02:17:17 - 02:17:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/8237/e/8254 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Lamy vertical ending. _"This is my ending screen, the BGM is playing too... Thank you for the 1.22 M subs and subbing! If you don't cancel I'd be happy!"_(02:17:34 - 02:17:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/8254/e/8274 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cパート(02:17:34 - 02:18:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/8254/e/8312 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Today's lucky item is _*_tap tap_*_ _*_Yogurt drinks!_*_ Or Yogurt otherwise... OtsuLamy!"_ 🥛😫it's finished! I finally did it!Thank you for everyone who patiently waited on these, and yet they're not the most timestamps i've ever written, but it's tough after a day at work 😅Thank you for the legendary and succesful first vertical stream Lamy-chan! 🙏(02:17:54 - 02:18:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/nqQFTVUnxh0/s/8274/e/8312 Wed, 17 Apr 24 09:00:00 +0900 【朝雑談】縦型配信チャレンジ朝活(寝起き)【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 start(00:02:29 - 00:04:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/149/e/270 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 今日プレイしようと思ってたゲームと雑談配信になった理由(00:04:30 - 00:07:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/270/e/475 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 雪民(ころね先輩作)も一緒(00:07:55 - 00:08:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/475/e/517 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 縦型配信の準備とその理由(00:08:37 - 00:10:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/517/e/650 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 今日はゆっくりとお話する理由(00:10:50 - 00:12:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/650/e/753 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ASMRもやりたいと思ってる(00:12:33 - 00:13:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/753/e/801 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 オールナイトユニーリア(ラジオ配信)をする可能性(00:13:21 - 00:14:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/801/e/870 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Youtubeチャンネルの配置や再生リスト順の悩み(00:14:30 - 00:17:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/870/e/1023 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 女子トーク&髪のお手入れ雑談(00:17:03 - 00:19:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/1023/e/1140 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 シャワーヘッドに懐疑的なラミィ(00:19:00 - 00:20:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/1140/e/1243 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 節電効果も疑問があるラミィ&LEDを交換した時のエピソード(00:20:43 - 00:23:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/1243/e/1428 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 人の口コミやランキングに弱いラミィ&服を購入した時のお話(00:23:48 - 00:27:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/1428/e/1645 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 日からデジタル配信開始!https://cover.lnk.to/HatsukoiPatissiere(00:24:00 - 02:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/1440/e/7221 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 反抗期なポケトーク(00:27:25 - 00:28:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/1645/e/1710 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 世界各地?から聞いてる雪民達(00:28:30 - 00:30:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/1710/e/1804 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 各地のレジャーランドを紹介されるラミィ(00:30:04 - 00:32:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/1804/e/1960 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ねねちと温泉行きたい&温泉での過ごし方雑談(00:32:40 - 00:36:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/1960/e/2186 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 水風呂は苦手なラミィ&サウナ雑談(00:36:26 - 00:38:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/2186/e/2310 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 チルとか整うって何!?(00:38:30 - 00:41:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/2310/e/2460 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 寒暖差による身体の負担を考えてしまうラミィ(00:41:00 - 00:42:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/2460/e/2575 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 毛穴パックに憧れるが危険性について説明するラミィ(00:42:55 - 00:45:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/2575/e/2744 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 興味本位で実験体にされそうになる雪民(00:45:44 - 00:49:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/2744/e/2977 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 マスクをしている事で安心しちゃう(00:49:37 - 00:51:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/2977/e/3088 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ずっと通ってた美容院を変えた理由(00:51:28 - 00:55:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/3088/e/3300 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ホットペッパービューティーの達人ラミィ(00:55:00 - 00:56:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/3300/e/3376 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 レビューの判断基準を考えるラミィ(00:56:16 - 01:02:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/3376/e/3750 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ラミィの使ってるマウスとキーボードについて(01:02:30 - 01:07:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/3750/e/4052 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ポケトークの知られざる機能に驚くラミィ(01:07:32 - 01:08:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/4052/e/4109 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ショートカットキーが覚えられないお母さんラミィ(01:08:29 - 01:09:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/4109/e/4199 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 自分の興味がない事は記憶能力が薄いラミィ&エピソード(01:09:59 - 01:11:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/4199/e/4308 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 色んなタイプのタクシー運転手雑談(01:11:48 - 01:19:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/4308/e/4753 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 接客業をしてる人は凄いと思う(01:19:13 - 01:21:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/4753/e/4870 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 自分の話でマネちゃんに疑心暗鬼になりかけるも信じて褒めちぎるラミィ&てぇてぇエピソード集(01:21:10 - 01:26:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/4870/e/5190 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 恋愛相談からみるくの恋愛相談を断るラミィ(01:26:30 - 01:28:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/5190/e/5320 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 何か人生相談ある&ころさんモノマネ(01:28:40 - 01:29:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/5320/e/5367 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Q:老後が不安です(01:29:27 - 01:32:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/5367/e/5559 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 回線問題と今の住居にした理由(01:32:39 - 01:35:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/5559/e/5704 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ホロライブシティ構想を話すラミィ(01:35:04 - 01:41:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/5704/e/6066 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ポケトークもよう爆笑しとる(01:41:06 - 01:43:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/6066/e/6182 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ここめちゃわろたわw(01:41:14 - 02:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/6074/e/7221 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 本日のニャースママーッ!(01:42:12 - 02:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/6132/e/7221 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 天国な家の不安点(01:43:02 - 01:45:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/6182/e/6330 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 お花見オフ会0人の動画を見たラミィ(01:45:30 - 01:54:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/6330/e/6843 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 終了挨拶&みるくさんにコメントを求めるラミィ(01:54:03 - 01:56:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/6843/e/6990 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 明日の予定(01:56:30 - 01:59:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/6990/e/7175 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cパート&提出物の進捗状況(01:59:35 - 02:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/aSVyKisJ_bs/s/7175/e/7221 Tue, 16 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【夜雑談】たまにはまったり喋ろうよ【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Coughing 🫂(00:01:10 - 00:01:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/70/e/95 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 start&焦って色々と出来てないラミィ 02:38 (2)(00:01:10 - 00:02:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/70/e/158 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cute Lamy sounds~ ❤(00:01:35 - 00:02:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/95/e/130 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Typing sounds ⌨(00:02:10 - 00:02:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/130/e/165 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 start&焦って色々と出来てないラミィ  (3)(00:02:38 - 00:04:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/158/e/278 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Start!(00:02:45 - 00:02:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/165/e/171 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 start&焦って色々と出来てないラミィ (1)(00:02:45 - 00:01:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/165/e/70 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ahh there's a lot of things going on bad, KonLamy! Sorry! My bad!"_(00:02:51 - 00:03:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/171/e/193 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Pardon, up until just now i was rebooting the PC cause it wouldn't work, i got nervous, sorry about not being able to do a lot of things! Sorry, i rushed it up and started hurriedly"_(00:03:13 - 00:04:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/193/e/247 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I haven't started Pocketalk either, Pocketalk? Please react?"_(00:04:07 - 00:04:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/247/e/277 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cute jumps. ❤(00:04:37 - 00:04:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/277/e/291 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ジャンプで誤魔化すラミィ(00:04:38 - 00:04:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/278/e/291 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Earlier i heard that as we defeated the three elder dragons we'll get into Iceborne! So, today we may get into Iceborn right? That'd make me very happy! Oh, Jump more you say?"_*Setting up her shortcuts, etc*(00:04:51 - 00:05:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/291/e/336 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 アイスボーンいけるかもしれない(00:04:51 - 00:05:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/291/e/311 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ジャンプをして小銭を落とすラミィ(00:05:11 - 00:05:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/311/e/328 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ゲーム開始(00:05:28 - 00:05:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/328/e/347 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Just... I haven't prepared anything, dum dum!/C: Did you do 1up?/L: I didn't! Oh, I went to the Gym today! I did exercise!"_(00:05:36 - 00:05:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/336/e/359 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ジムに行ってきました(00:05:47 - 00:06:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/347/e/390 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Isn't it great that i went to the Gym? I ran today! So, i'm very tired! Ah but what should i do, go with Teo or Kushala?"_(00:05:59 - 00:07:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/359/e/443 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 マイセット設定変更(00:06:30 - 00:10:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/390/e/615 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: What should i put here that you think? I don't need the stamps/C: Kushala is pretty bothersome/L: Really? I'm scared..."_(00:07:23 - 00:09:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/443/e/599 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Let's make some cooler drinks? I don't have any"_(00:09:59 - 00:11:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/599/e/697 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 アイテム購入先がわからないラミィ (2)(00:10:00 - 00:11:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/600/e/713 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 アイテム購入先がわからないラミィ (1)(00:10:15 - 00:10:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/615/e/600 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Ahh a sneeze... It didn't come... It doesn't/C: It was at the topmost of the list.../L: Wait.../C: Would like to make some nails too/L: Nails? What is that?"_ 💅(00:11:37 - 00:11:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/697/e/718 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 親指の爪を折ったラミィ(00:11:53 - 00:12:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/713/e/772 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Also, today i broke my thumb's nail quite a lot, for real... I mashed it, and it's broken now from the base all the way so now my thumb's nail hurts a lot, will i make one to replace it then?"_ 😭(00:11:58 - 00:14:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/718/e/880 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 牛になっちゃう(00:12:52 - 00:16:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/772/e/1004 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Did you register the shortcuts?/L: Can i? I don't think i did"_(00:14:40 - 00:16:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/880/e/1003 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Let's try and see how it goes! Either way since there's no way i get this in one-go, let's go against Teostra first?"_(00:16:43 - 00:17:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1003/e/1029 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 様子見で古龍に挑戦(00:16:44 - 00:17:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1004/e/1030 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: For now throw paintballs to it/L: That system is far gone isn't it?"_(00:17:09 - 00:17:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1029/e/1067 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 クエスト: 爆炎のテオ・テスカトル(00:17:10 - 00:18:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1030/e/1105 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: The paintballs of the heart!/L: What's that even..."_(00:17:47 - 00:17:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1067/e/1076 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Let's go, Teo-san? I'm scared! I wonder if i can predict it! It's definitely big, scary and hot right?!"_(00:17:56 - 00:18:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1076/e/1104 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: After all today is solo hunt/L: But hear, wouldn't you want to fight against strong enemies by yourself? Its fine to hunt with everyone but, once you clear it yourself you feel like playing with others! So the first time you'd want to clear it yourself"_(00:18:24 - 00:19:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1104/e/1154 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 初見はソロでやりたいラミィ(00:18:25 - 00:19:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1105/e/1182 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"HOT! If i don't drink the cooler drink i'll die, i won't be able to endure the heat"_(00:19:14 - 00:19:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1154/e/1181 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cutscene.(00:19:41 - 00:20:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1181/e/1211 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 テオ・テスカトル登場 (これはししろん呼んだ方がいい)(00:19:42 - 00:21:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1182/e/1260 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cute Lamy scared when seeing Teostra's face. _"L: Really?! Isn't this impossible? This is bad news! Better call Shishiron..."_(00:20:11 - 00:20:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1211/e/1257 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 *Fight against Teostra start* 🔥(00:20:57 - 00:21:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1257/e/1308 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 テオテスカトル戦開始(00:21:00 - 00:22:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1260/e/1348 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"The tail's scary, can i cut it?"_(00:21:48 - 00:23:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1308/e/1386 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 何事!?(00:22:28 - 00:24:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1348/e/1457 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"What is that? AHHH i thought so"_(00:23:06 - 00:24:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1386/e/1469 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 日からデジタル配信開始!https://cover.lnk.to/HatsukoiPatissiere(00:24:00 - 03:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1440/e/10821 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 上手に(ラミィが) 焼けました・1乙(00:24:17 - 00:25:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1457/e/1520 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Carted. _"C: you got well done/L: Ahh i was cooked well done just there.."_(00:24:29 - 00:25:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1469/e/1510 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Let's try changing places? Maybe someplace not as hot"_(00:25:10 - 00:25:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1510/e/1520 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Though somehow i can feel a chance, I don't feel the despair, the one i felt yesterday, i truly thought it was impossible yesterday!"_(00:25:20 - 00:25:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1520/e/1555 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 昨日の方が絶望感あった(00:25:20 - 00:28:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1520/e/1696 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I thought [this isn't good, i can't clear it] Today i don't feel like that"_(00:25:55 - 00:26:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1555/e/1590 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ここの強化撃ちびっくりしたラミィちゃんの成長まじですごい(00:26:32 - 03:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1592/e/10821 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Lamy evasion noises. 🤸‍♀(00:28:16 - 00:29:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1696/e/1746 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 イヤヤヤヤヤヤヤヤヤ(00:28:16 - 00:29:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1696/e/1742 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 2乙(嘘でしょ)(00:29:02 - 00:30:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1742/e/1809 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Carted. _"You're kidding me! Ahh... It's impossible i can no longer feel the possibility..."_(00:29:06 - 00:29:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1746/e/1776 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 猫の気持ちがわかりません (3)(00:29:30 - 00:32:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1770/e/1970 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Think about how the cat would feel!/L: True, i don't think i've thought about a cat yet"_(00:29:36 - 00:30:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1776/e/1809 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Aren't you guarding?/L: Nope, what is that? I haven't heared about it~"_(00:30:09 - 00:30:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1809/e/1825 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ガードって何&実はガード縛り(00:30:09 - 00:30:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1809/e/1855 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"No, hear, i actually thought i'd use guard this run, but i heard it was better not too, so i reached the conclusion i didn't need it after all"_(00:30:25 - 00:31:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1825/e/1914 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 猫の気持ちがわかりません (1)(00:30:55 - 00:31:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1855/e/1886 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 導入(00:31:26 - 00:29:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1886/e/1770 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This is a good place, it isn't hot!"_ *Re-engaging*(00:31:54 - 00:33:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1914/e/1982 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 読み間違えたラミィ・3乙(00:32:50 - 00:34:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1970/e/2049 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 *Carts for the third time, GG* _"Ah well... That was just a preview of it..."_(00:33:02 - 00:33:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/1982/e/2034 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Let's go to preview fight 2?/L: Yeah, let's go for previews 3 and 4 too"_(00:33:54 - 00:34:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2034/e/2077 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 クエスト: 爆炎のテオ・テスカトル&ソードマスターも手伝いに来てほしい(00:34:09 - 00:36:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2049/e/2182 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"You're the sword master right?! Do something!"_ ⚔(00:34:37 - 00:35:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2077/e/2140 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"There it is... So rampaging... Where are you going?! Wait!"_(00:35:40 - 00:36:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2140/e/2190 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 テオ・テスカトル戦開始&ねこの気持ちになるラミィ(00:36:22 - 00:37:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2182/e/2225 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 *Fight against Teostra Round 2 Start*(00:36:30 - 00:37:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2190/e/2226 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ダウンさせるのを絶対に諦めないラミィ(00:37:05 - 00:40:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2225/e/2424 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Riding Teostra. 🔥(00:37:06 - 00:37:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2226/e/2248 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I'm not giving up no matter what"_(00:37:28 - 00:40:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2248/e/2428 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 猫の気持ち結論&今日はずっと猫の気持ちを調べてたラミィ(00:40:24 - 00:41:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2424/e/2505 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So the conclusion is... i don't know! I can't understand this cat's feelings"_(00:40:28 - 00:40:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2428/e/2442 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I actually researched about it today, about [Cat's feelings]... When sleeping, or rather, when i wake up, she's always atop me until i get up, so i wonder what kind of feeling that was and researched about it, but it seems i can't trust what it said this time (As for Teostra)"_(00:40:42 - 00:41:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2442/e/2512 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 >>(00:41:43 - 00:51:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2503/e/3100 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 何やってんのアンタ!?(00:41:45 - 00:46:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2505/e/2770 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Bk Tskr. 🙏(00:41:52 - 00:42:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2512/e/2555 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Here comes the explosion, alright nice! Nice explosion"_(00:42:35 - 00:43:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2555/e/2609 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Mi-san is carrying the bug all around but i can't seem to reach to it"_(00:43:29 - 00:44:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2609/e/2685 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Let's go! It's maybe in the hot place so we need the cooler drink... Hello!"_ *Re-engaging*(00:44:45 - 00:46:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2685/e/2784 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 自爆するテオにゃん(00:46:10 - 00:47:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2770/e/2825 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 今回もナイスお仕事でした! (1)(00:46:22 - 01:31:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2782/e/5504 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Tail cut!(00:46:24 - 00:47:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2784/e/2825 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"What was that? Did you say something now?"_ 💬(00:47:05 - 00:48:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2825/e/2891 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ポエム(00:47:05 - 00:47:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2825/e/2845 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 アツアツアツ(00:47:25 - 00:48:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2845/e/2881 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 猫の気持ちを理解してくるラミィ (1)(00:48:01 - 00:48:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2881/e/2927 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"After that you lose stamina right?! _*_Brings it down_*_ Good, i can be greedy now!"_(00:48:11 - 00:48:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2891/e/2922 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Did i understand the cat's feelings now? Ahh, this is what it got into earlier! (Lava burst) Idiot! After all it's sure a cat!"_(00:48:42 - 00:50:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2922/e/3040 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 猫の気持ちを理解してくるラミィ (2)(00:48:47 - 00:50:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/2927/e/3000 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ミエナイミエナイ(00:50:00 - 00:53:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3000/e/3197 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's somewhat in taters though?"_(00:50:40 - 00:51:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3040/e/3062 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It seems we can do this, doesn't it?! Oh, she used a Vigorwasp? I may need it"_(00:51:02 - 00:52:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3062/e/3176 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 >>>(00:52:34 - 00:57:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3154/e/3429 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 *Teo moves* _"It looks good right? Better than i thought! Let's go take it's hair (Tail) It should be around here..."_(00:52:56 - 00:53:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3176/e/3210 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 猫は今は毛の生え代わりの時期(00:53:17 - 00:54:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3197/e/3295 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: It's shedding fur season/L: Yeah, kitties are letting out a lot of hair, they're shedding the winter hair and into Summer's, mine's shedding a lot, so maybe Teo is in that time too, as a cat"_ *Re-engaging* 🐱(00:53:30 - 00:54:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3210/e/3293 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Limping Teostra. _"Could it be? Wait, let's not think that, when i do is when it's over"_(00:54:53 - 00:55:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3293/e/3340 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 フラグ建築回避(00:54:55 - 00:55:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3295/e/3344 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Cute sleeping face~"_(00:55:40 - 00:56:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3340/e/3373 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Wait, it has heterochromia, so cool! One eye is blue, the other's red!"_(00:56:13 - 00:57:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3373/e/3470 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 オッドアイかっこよ!(00:56:15 - 00:56:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3375/e/3417 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 火柱に引っかけようとして自分が引っかかるラミィ(00:56:57 - 00:57:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3417/e/3427 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 2連続乙の危機を無敵時間とみーしゃんで乗り切るラミィ(00:57:07 - 00:57:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3427/e/3452 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 >>>-(00:57:09 - 00:58:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3429/e/3480 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 一旦退却(00:57:32 - 01:02:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3452/e/3749 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Let's run, see you!"_ 🏃(00:57:50 - 00:58:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3470/e/3490 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 奇跡(00:58:00 - 03:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3480/e/10821 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"SCARY! Mi-san you were afraid right? I thought i was a goner!"_(00:58:10 - 00:58:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3490/e/3526 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Just a bit more for Teo/L: Yeah i think if we don't underestimate it we can do it"_(00:58:46 - 01:01:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3526/e/3670 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I'm scared, when you think you can do it is the most dangerous since you get conceited, let's not fall into that, carelessness is the greatest enemy they say, right? So let's calm down"_(01:01:10 - 01:02:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3670/e/3733 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's sleeping again, last time we aimed for the head, so let's do the same this time"_(01:02:13 - 01:04:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3733/e/3885 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 真・最終決戦(01:02:29 - 01:04:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3749/e/3880 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 最後はカッコよく決めるラミィ(01:04:40 - 01:05:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3880/e/3930 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Victory! "REALLY?! That was too nice!" 👏(01:04:45 - 01:05:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3885/e/3920 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: That was super cool!/L: Really?~ Let's see it's sleeping face, that was very cool? Also, did it actually have Heterochromia? I wonder..."_(01:05:20 - 01:07:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3920/e/4051 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 オッドアイではないことを知ったラミィ(01:05:30 - 01:06:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3930/e/3982 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 調査拠点:二つ名がついたラミィ&総司令にツッコむラミィ(01:06:22 - 01:07:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/3982/e/4056 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Oi swordmaster you didn't do anything!"_(01:07:31 - 01:08:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4051/e/4092 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ポエマーなソードマスター(01:07:36 - 01:09:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4056/e/4160 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"He's somewhat talking in poem! Am i white wind, blue star? WHAT am i even?!"_(01:08:12 - 01:08:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4092/e/4122 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Your surnames are increasing bit by bit/L: for real, i can't understand it!"_(01:08:42 - 01:09:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4122/e/4195 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 かみかみラミィ (1)(01:09:20 - 01:09:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4160/e/4176 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Commander: {However! The research on new land is extremely valuable. If you have the will to continue investigation, please consider it} that's what it says. All new investigation will be done here, and that means more hardships will come... So, what will it be? Is there any volunteer?]/L: Of course, you can't without me, if i wasn't here what would you do? You'd all be done for!~ So, guess i'll stay here~"_ 😏(01:09:25 - 02:41:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4165/e/9699 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 かみかみラミィ (2)(01:09:36 - 01:09:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4176/e/4199 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Let's go meet Kushala, shall we? Ahh scary!"_(01:09:55 - 01:11:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4195/e/4285 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 クエスト: 鋼鉄のクシャルダオラ(非表示対策のため手前から)(01:09:59 - 01:11:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4199/e/4288 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cutscene starts _"It was pretty close to the camp"_(01:11:25 - 01:12:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4285/e/4322 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 クシャルダオラ登場(01:11:28 - 01:12:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4288/e/4358 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Isn't that wind pressure amazing? About 10 times more so than i thought"_(01:12:02 - 01:13:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4322/e/4397 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 クシャルダオラ戦開始(01:12:38 - 01:13:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4358/e/4410 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"That seems like a tough body!"_(01:13:17 - 01:14:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4397/e/4442 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 クシャルダオラの厄介さを体験するラミィ(01:13:30 - 01:14:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4410/e/4445 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's not coming down at all, what's with this guy?!"_(01:14:02 - 01:14:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4442/e/4470 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 下りないクシャルダオラ・キレるラミィ(01:14:05 - 01:16:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4445/e/4570 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"That just now felt like it's finishing move"_ 🌪(01:14:30 - 01:16:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4470/e/4606 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 回りのもので何とかできるか?(01:16:10 - 01:16:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4570/e/4610 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ahh no good, i can't get close, what a troublesome guy!"_(01:16:46 - 01:17:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4606/e/4635 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 全然だめですぅ!(01:16:50 - 01:17:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4610/e/4670 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Aim for the edge/L: Of what?"_(01:17:15 - 01:17:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4635/e/4662 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Re-engaging Daora.(01:17:42 - 01:17:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4662/e/4676 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ドジっ子クシャルダオラ(01:17:50 - 01:22:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4670/e/4968 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"What EHHHH?! what's wrong?! That was a lucky chance or, is it stupid?"_(01:17:56 - 01:18:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4676/e/4716 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Nice Clutch Claw use.(01:18:36 - 01:19:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4716/e/4798 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"The head, i don't know if i can hit it or not, so maybe the head and tail"_*Returns to camp, looking for Flash pods*(01:19:58 - 01:23:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4798/e/5020 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 閃光弾を取りにキャンプへ(01:22:48 - 01:27:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/4968/e/5241 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"What were we looking for again? This assortment feels so wrong..."_(01:23:40 - 01:25:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5020/e/5137 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I can only carry 3?!"_✨(01:25:37 - 01:26:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5137/e/5205 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Maybe it'd have been good to get more flashbugs..."_(01:26:45 - 01:27:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5205/e/5244 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 風圧で戦闘をはじめられないラミィ(01:27:21 - 01:28:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5241/e/5300 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"The wind pressure didn't let me hit"_(01:27:24 - 01:27:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5244/e/5259 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Hitting the tail to re-engage.(01:27:39 - 01:29:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5259/e/5354 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 初の閃光弾を中々使えないラミィ (1)(01:28:20 - 01:29:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5300/e/5354 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Lamy's nice Flash pod.(01:29:14 - 01:31:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5354/e/5507 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 初の閃光弾を中々使えないラミィ (2)(01:29:14 - 01:30:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5354/e/5435 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 可愛い悲鳴(01:30:35 - 01:34:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5435/e/5680 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 今回もナイスお仕事でした! 2:19:10 (2)(01:31:44 - 02:19:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5504/e/8350 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Got the tail!(Continuing in replies)(01:31:47 - 03:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5507/e/10821 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Let's sharpen... The camp's close so... Or, are we fine? Let's go back next time"_(01:32:22 - 01:34:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5542/e/5670 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Next time it flies we do it"_(01:34:30 - 01:35:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5670/e/5701 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 違う、そうじゃない(01:34:40 - 01:35:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5680/e/5700 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 届け!この想い() (1)(01:35:00 - 01:36:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5700/e/5770 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Reach, my feelings! Ahh, i couldn't reach it!"_(01:35:01 - 01:35:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5701/e/5734 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Pro Lamy flashbanging Kushala 🌪(01:35:34 - 01:35:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5734/e/5742 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 届いた想い(01:35:39 - 01:37:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5739/e/5825 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Reach, mt feelings! They did! My feelings reached!"_(01:35:42 - 01:37:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5742/e/5820 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 届け!この想い() (2)(01:36:10 - 01:35:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5770/e/5739 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Let's go back, shall we? Bye!"_(01:37:00 - 01:37:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5820/e/5843 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 閃光弾補充のため一旦退却(01:37:05 - 01:38:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5825/e/5935 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ah Pocketon-kun isn't moving? Ok~Ok, so Pocketon-kun's feelings aren't reaching either"_(01:37:23 - 01:39:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5843/e/5944 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ピカらせ名人ラミィ(01:38:55 - 01:40:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5935/e/6012 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Re-engaging.(01:39:04 - 01:40:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/5944/e/6019 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 同期達の言葉&こちとら一人で戦っとんねん(01:40:12 - 01:41:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6012/e/6080 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Leader: If you're injured fall back and wait for your chance, if you act recklessly i'll get angry at you! I'm used at being scolded myself though, but listen to these recommendations this time, right?]/L: What are you even saying? I'm fighting all by myself you know?"_(01:40:19 - 01:41:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6019/e/6095 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 閃光弾ミス&何でだよ!(01:41:20 - 01:42:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6080/e/6120 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Once more please, reach, my feelings! Ahh it didn't!"_(01:41:35 - 01:42:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6095/e/6150 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 勝手に?ダウンした(01:42:00 - 01:42:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6120/e/6177 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Aren't you tired? Let me ride then!"_ 🤠(01:42:30 - 01:43:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6150/e/6234 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 おかしいな&3流悪役みたいなセリフを吐くラミィ(01:42:57 - 01:48:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6177/e/6500 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Will you be alright with time?/L: True... I forgot there was a limit on it"_(01:43:54 - 01:44:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6234/e/6250 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"6 more flashbangs, that means i have 2 more runs for it"_(01:44:10 - 01:46:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6250/e/6374 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"The amount of damage just now, it was about 300 right? And for the tail it's about 50's per hit, It isn't a good cost/performance"_(01:46:14 - 01:47:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6374/e/6450 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ah? For you to hide, so cowardly!"_(01:47:30 - 01:48:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6450/e/6499 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ah i used two of them, dummy! Why did i do that!"_(01:48:19 - 01:48:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6499/e/6523 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 操作ミスで連続で投げてしまうラミィ(01:48:20 - 01:49:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6500/e/6594 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Yeah, if i think about the time i get nervous and can't do anything, so let's calm down"_(01:48:43 - 01:49:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6523/e/6550 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _Though yeah, if this didn't work i'd increase my bugs to be flashbang Lamy, that seems hard to do"_(01:49:10 - 01:49:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6550/e/6592 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Are you sleeping at such a tall spot? I can't climb there..."_(01:49:52 - 01:50:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6592/e/6647 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 段差が登れなくなるラミィ(01:49:54 - 01:50:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6594/e/6644 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Re-engaging Kushala.(01:50:47 - 01:51:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6647/e/6683 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ahh the time's notif! (10 minutes remaining)"_(01:51:23 - 01:51:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6683/e/6702 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 残り10分(01:51:25 - 01:54:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6685/e/6850 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Maybe it's weakened and i can do it... Not!"_ *clutch claw miss*(01:51:42 - 01:52:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6702/e/6733 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Wait, think calmly... This is bad... Careful, careful..."_(01:52:13 - 01:52:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6733/e/6763 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Should i return and get more flashbangs?"_(01:52:43 - 01:53:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6763/e/6790 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Peko playing notif.(01:53:10 - 01:54:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6790/e/6854 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 撃破&初見0乙に喜ぶラミィ(01:54:10 - 01:55:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6850/e/6946 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 VICTORY! 👏(01:54:14 - 01:54:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6854/e/6867 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I thought it was no good for sure!"_(01:54:27 - 01:54:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6867/e/6895 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Somehow we gotthem 0/2!"_ (In Lamy's favor)(01:54:55 - 01:55:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6895/e/6937 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Now i can do Teostra and Kushala with everyone!"_(01:55:37 - 01:56:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6937/e/6997 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 研究拠点: 大団長からの報告&誰が待ってるか気になるラミィ(01:55:46 - 01:57:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6946/e/7024 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Admiral: Oh true, i have a message for you, from an old friend, {Let's fulfill the promise to meet once again, i'll be waiting for you by the boat}]/L: For real, who is that person?!"_(01:56:37 - 01:56:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/6997/e/7019 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: You'll know when you meet them/L: For real?"_(01:56:59 - 01:57:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7019/e/7058 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 何かを察する総司令&ツッコむラミィ(01:57:04 - 01:58:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7024/e/7093 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Commander: Don't forget, your partner (The Handler) will always be at your side no matter when]/L: Really? She was never there when i fought!"_(01:57:38 - 01:58:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7058/e/7106 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 自分の活躍を触れ回って欲しいラミィ(01:58:13 - 01:58:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7093/e/7133 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 YAAAY!(01:58:26 - 01:58:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7106/e/7116 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I really thought i couldn't do it, but i was able to do it"_(01:58:36 - 01:59:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7116/e/7150 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 旧友が誰か考察するラミィ(01:58:53 - 01:59:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7133/e/7186 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: You met them once/L: Ehh?! Who?!"_(01:59:10 - 01:59:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7150/e/7194 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 収束の地へ(01:59:46 - 02:01:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7186/e/7264 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 9 stars quest unlocked.(01:59:54 - 02:00:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7194/e/7220 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Eating some food. _"Let's go with recommended... Once i finish this, the friend... So that means... Is this difficult?"_(02:00:20 - 02:00:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7220/e/7256 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: You almost meet the friend/C2: It's a Last boss after all!/L: I see, true, it's the last boss"_(02:00:56 - 02:01:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7256/e/7275 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 クエスト:収束の地(02:01:04 - 02:01:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7264/e/7280 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"A wyverian?! Could it be that person who talks casually to me? No? Who is it? Seems i've met once"_(02:01:15 - 02:01:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7275/e/7306 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 旧友に会って思い出すラミィ(02:01:20 - 02:03:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7280/e/7410 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"AHHH! i've met him before yeah!"_(02:01:46 - 02:02:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7306/e/7344 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: So this person was that great? _*_giggles_*_ well i remember now though/[Seeker: We'll cross the river and investigate the place. You, who have surpassed everything, let's go together...]/L: I see/C: He actually wasn't/L: Like, it wasn't like me going [AHHH!] but more like [Ahh...!] It was more like that/C: He's very popular/L: Is that so? Let's go, shall we? [Ride on the boat?/*yes*]"_(02:02:24 - 02:03:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7344/e/7416 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 決戦の地へ&来ない相棒にショックを受けるラミィ(02:03:30 - 02:05:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7410/e/7532 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Handler: Are you really going?]/L: They told me my partner would be by my side all the time just earlier and she's left behind? Is it like [Only you can go]/C: Mi-san is there/L: But but, my partner said she'd be by my side!"_(02:03:36 - 02:04:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7416/e/7454 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Mi-san is so cute! What a good face!"_(02:04:14 - 02:04:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7454/e/7497 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So pretty! It's like heaven!"_(02:04:57 - 02:05:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7497/e/7538 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 古龍の生体エネルギーと御対面(02:05:32 - 02:05:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7532/e/7558 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Wahh something seems very dangerous here!"_(02:05:38 - 02:06:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7538/e/7574 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 例の場面(02:05:58 - 02:07:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7558/e/7624 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 *Crystal explodes* _"This is pretty bad i think, Ahh it's over... EHH?! He's down?! Something's being born!"_(02:06:14 - 02:06:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7574/e/7613 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It's somewhat pretty though, a Blue Dragon... It's cool how it has those eyes! Hey, what are you going to do after saying [This is bad!]?!/[Admiral: I get it, i believe in you!]/L: What for?!/[Admiral: I'll take him to a safe place, you, stop it here!]/L: EHH?! NO WAY!"_(02:06:53 - 02:07:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7613/e/7644 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 嘘でしょ!?(02:07:04 - 02:07:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7624/e/7656 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Admiral: I'll definitely come back!]/L: Mi-san is leaving too?! EHHH?! Ah, she didn't leave me!"_ *Fight against ??? start*(02:07:24 - 02:09:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7644/e/7742 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ラスボス戦開始(02:07:36 - 02:08:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7656/e/7717 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 大団長に助けを求めるラミィ(02:08:37 - 02:08:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7717/e/7738 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 戻ってこないのあのおじさん!?(02:08:58 - 02:10:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7738/e/7810 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ahh i'm stunned again, i get stunned right away!"_(02:09:02 - 02:09:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7742/e/7789 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I can't reach, it's so high!"_(02:09:49 - 02:11:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7789/e/7875 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ゼルダを思い出すラミィ(02:10:10 - 02:11:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7810/e/7895 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"This guy's gear is cool, maybe"_(02:11:15 - 02:14:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7875/e/8070 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 即フラグ回収(02:11:35 - 02:12:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7895/e/7970 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 4ぬぞ~(02:12:50 - 02:14:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/7970/e/8073 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Handler: Keep it up, partner! I'll follow by! No matter what i'm here! Together with you!]/L: You're not! What are you saying?! Ah this is bad... Vigorwasp? Ahhh"_ *Carts and sad Lamy*(Continuing in replies)(02:14:30 - 03:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8070/e/10821 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 受付嬢にツッコむラミィ&1乙(02:14:33 - 02:17:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8073/e/8246 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It moved now?!"_(02:16:13 - 02:17:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8173/e/8260 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 第二段階&混乱するラミィ(02:17:26 - 02:17:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8246/e/8270 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Wait, this is different than what i heard?"_(02:17:40 - 02:19:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8260/e/8354 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ちらちラミィ(02:17:50 - 02:19:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8270/e/8380 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 今回もナイスお仕事でした! (3)(02:19:10 - 03:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8350/e/10821 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Oh, i got the tail! So it's the kind you can take the tail of, i didn't know"_(02:19:14 - 02:20:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8354/e/8417 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 おててが掛け声になるラミィ(02:19:40 - 02:20:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8380/e/8415 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 勢いって大事(02:20:15 - 02:23:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8415/e/8606 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Lamy fighting sounds. 💪(02:20:17 - 02:22:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8417/e/8536 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Was that a growl of pain?! Is it hurt?"_(02:22:16 - 02:23:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8536/e/8599 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 本日のニャースニャースもよう古龍を狩猟しとる。(02:22:57 - 03:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8577/e/10821 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I can't reach, How long is this fight going for?"_(02:23:19 - 02:25:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8599/e/8712 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 許可を貰ってラスボスの真下で研ぐラミィ(02:23:26 - 02:25:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8606/e/8720 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: You can hit it with the slinger/L: I see, let's do that later"_(02:25:12 - 02:26:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8712/e/8789 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ちんじゃう!(02:25:20 - 02:26:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8720/e/8793 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It fell by itself though?"_(02:26:29 - 02:26:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8789/e/8799 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 場所が良かった(悪かった) &2乙・何でや!(02:26:33 - 02:30:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8793/e/9000 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Got one-shot by sudden explosion. 💥(02:26:39 - 02:27:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8799/e/8823 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"The place the arms where at exploded you mean?... What? Hey what should i do?"_(02:27:03 - 02:27:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8823/e/8846 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Wait, i don't have Mega potions!"_(02:27:26 - 02:27:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8846/e/8876 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Honey please (Legendary MonHun meme)/L: Let's go get some more"_ 🍯(02:27:56 - 02:28:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8876/e/8926 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"My nose... Sorry... Can i mute, sorry? I'd like to blow my nose pretty hard, so wait a bit..."_(02:28:46 - 02:29:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8926/e/8974 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Perfect, let's go then?! I wonder if i can do this, i'm nervous..."_(02:29:34 - 02:30:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/8974/e/9040 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 最終決戦(02:30:00 - 02:30:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9000/e/9020 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ちょーいちょいちょいちょい待てー(02:30:20 - 02:30:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9020/e/9044 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Wait, it's hot over there!"_(02:30:40 - 02:31:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9040/e/9096 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 引きこもるラミィ(02:30:44 - 02:33:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9044/e/9191 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Slinger Ammo, anything is fine! I'm recruiting!"_(02:31:36 - 02:33:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9096/e/9185 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It hurts right? It's enough, you can stop now! Enough! I've done my best too! REST!"_(02:33:05 - 02:33:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9185/e/9227 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Sなようで必死さがにじみ出るラミィ(02:33:11 - 02:33:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9191/e/9227 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It fell by itself? Mi-san did it?!"_(02:33:47 - 02:34:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9227/e/9291 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 誰も信用できねぇ!みーしゃんしか信用できない!(02:33:47 - 02:34:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9227/e/9277 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 恨み節での勝利(02:34:37 - 02:36:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9277/e/9397 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Victory!(02:34:51 - 02:35:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9291/e/9352 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Congratulations for Iceborne Lamy-chan!/L:I got into Iceborne myself! Thank you all!"_(02:35:52 - 02:37:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9352/e/9420 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 モンスターハンターワールドED(02:36:37 - 02:38:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9397/e/9495 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I must be really popular with everyone! After all i defeated it by myself!"_(02:37:00 - 02:37:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9420/e/9440 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Now go L-A-M-Y-Y!"_ 🥳(02:37:20 - 02:37:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9440/e/9465 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"ALRIGHT I'LL DRINK SOME COKE! YUMMY!"_(02:37:45 - 02:38:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9465/e/9501 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 全てを超えた先で一乙おじさんに文句を言うラミィ(02:38:15 - 02:41:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9495/e/9661 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"The Oji-san! What did you do in the end?! Because of you i had to fight a fight meant for three all by myself!"_(02:38:21 - 02:40:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9501/e/9617 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"[Commander: Eveyrone, gather. I got a reply from the guild {Great job with unraveling the Elder Dragon gathering phenomenon. After receiving the report, the guild has given this new species of Elder Dragon a name, It has been therefore been officially named Xeno'Jiiva}]/L: Xeno'jiiva?"_(02:40:17 - 01:09:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9617/e/4165 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 デレラミィ(02:41:01 - 02:41:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9661/e/9710 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ahh now i want beer... and Meat"_(02:41:39 - 02:41:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9699/e/9710 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 The credits. Congratulations on clearing World, Lamy!(02:41:50 - 02:42:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9710/e/9767 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 スタッフロール&感想タイム(02:41:50 - 02:43:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9710/e/9798 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Ah with this, I can hunt World's monsters with everyone! But i didn't have my partner since the first mons- Ahh cute! A Pilot Hare!"_(02:42:47 - 02:43:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9767/e/9792 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: But yeah, at the beginning, or for a first run you'd wwant to fight the monsters alone right?/C: Lamy-chan playing Multi?/L: I will! There's one collab settled already! Yup! It's just that maybe i won't hunt any first-time monsters"_(02:43:12 - 02:43:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9792/e/9816 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 コラボももう決まってる(02:43:18 - 02:44:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9798/e/9887 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Solo graduation!/L: But i already played with Nene you know!"_(02:43:36 - 02:44:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9816/e/9844 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Imaginary Multi/L: that'd made me feel so sorry though!"_(02:44:04 - 02:44:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9844/e/9864 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"It was sure fast, World went by in a flash, but it's nice! To finish World in this week's Sunday and continue next week!"_(02:44:24 - 02:44:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9864/e/9884 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 The antis masks. :🎭(02:44:44 - 02:45:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9884/e/9934 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 アンチを倒しにいく決意(02:44:47 - 02:45:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9887/e/9952 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cute Excited Lamy, but it was just the credits.(02:45:34 - 02:46:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9934/e/10016 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 アンチと和解せよ(02:45:52 - 02:46:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/9952/e/10018 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Mi-san!"_ *Grabbing her kitty* _"This time, the actual Mi-san is with me~ You won't say a thing? you worked hard for sure!"_(02:46:56 - 02:47:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10016/e/10070 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 リアルみーしゃんを甘やかすラミィ(02:46:58 - 02:48:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10018/e/10094 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: Mi-san so cute, you have such a nice face! You're a beauty! There there, you did your best!/C: She's like [No comment]/L: www"_(02:47:50 - 02:48:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10070/e/10090 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: Mi-san may be troubled/L: yeah i've always been calling her name so she may have been like [Me? But i'm here already?] Because she was always by my side but i wasn't turning to her, so she may be like [Are you calling me or not?]"_(02:48:10 - 02:48:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10090/e/10109 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 ゲームのみーしゃんへの呼びかけに反応してたリアルみるくさん(02:48:14 - 02:50:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10094/e/10211 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"When i called her name on stream like [MI-SAN!] she was snuggling by my legs and she was like [me?] I troubled you right?~"_ 🐱(02:48:29 - 02:50:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10109/e/10209 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I'm hungry! By the way, sorry, this is McDon even though we're at MonHun but, Sanrio has a Happy set with them... Since yesterday was it? So i ordered two today, one with pancakes and the other one was the burger set"_(02:50:09 - 02:50:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10209/e/10234 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 マックのサンリオコラボを堪能したラミィ(02:50:11 - 02:51:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10211/e/10290 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"And i got a Cinnamoroll in one of them! So that's why because i ate 2 Happy meals, and that's with the frieds too; that i did my best in exercising"_(02:50:34 - 02:51:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10234/e/10300 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 研究拠点:アイスボーン チュートリアル案内(02:51:30 - 02:52:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10290/e/10344 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"The place won't changed after all? Yay, i unlocked the HR rank limit! And i'm 16 now! And now Monster Hunter World Iceborne is here! Legiana in the ancient forest?!"_(02:51:40 - 02:52:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10300/e/10344 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Wants to see equipment to see how it increase.(02:52:24 - 02:52:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10344/e/10360 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 更新された色んな装備を確認&試着(02:52:24 - 02:54:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10344/e/10469 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Oh I can do Layered armor now! OkOk!"_*Checking armor*(02:52:40 - 02:53:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10360/e/10405 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: What's this?! Miko senpai! So cute! Blossoming ticket? This is so cute, the appearance is all!/C: It's Lamy-like!/L: True, maybe its? If i change it's color.../C: It's an event thing/L: Does that mean i can't get them? I want to do layered though"_(02:53:25 - 02:54:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10405/e/10468 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"C: What if you gather materials?/L: I see, lobbies to gather? Like, the other day in members-only i posted in community to do some quests and played with people, but i'll ask for your help once again, sorry, my japanese was bad"_(02:54:28 - 02:55:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10468/e/10522 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 メン限での素材集め手伝い依頼(02:54:29 - 02:57:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10469/e/10668 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I like this headpiece though, isn't it like a Shinigami? Like [I've come for you...] I want to do this one changing colors though, Let's do myself in the best appearance"_ ☠(02:55:22 - 02:57:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10522/e/10667 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"So well, thank you everyone! Let's meet again next week, this week, and continue on!"_(02:57:47 - 02:58:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10667/e/10683 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 終了挨拶(02:57:48 - 02:58:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10668/e/10693 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"L: World was sure good! Looking forward to Iceborne!/C: Mi-san has gear too/L: yeah it should have increased, let's end as we see her equipment..."_(02:58:03 - 02:59:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10683/e/10770 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 オトモ装備確認(02:58:13 - 02:59:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10693/e/10770 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"Until Next stream we meet! Tomorrow... Is there something or not? I have plenty of work so i may end up taking a break to finish it, so... Until Next stream we meet, OtsuLamy, good night!"_(02:59:30 - 03:00:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10770/e/10800 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 明日の予定(02:59:30 - 02:59:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10770/e/10798 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 Cパート(02:59:58 - 03:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10798/e/10821 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】 _"I cleared World, YES! Banzai! Then Circle, then Circle!"_ ⭕Without anything else to add, congratulations on clearing the main Game, Lamy-chan! 🙏You were wonderful from beginning to end, the Elder Dragons were sure difficult, but you did it still! 😄And More so, you cleared them all by yourself, that's amazing!I'm looking forward to Iceborne next, it'll be fun for sure!Sleep well Princess, and good luck with Tomorrow's work! I Love you!(03:00:00 - 03:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/HP4KmuCcQqc/s/10800/e/10821 Sun, 14 Apr 24 19:00:00 +0900 【モンスターハンター:ワールド】モンハン生活8日目!テオ&クシャル討伐!!【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】