タイムテーブル - ホロライブID 3期生(インドネシア) - 切り抜きDB ホロライブID 3期生(インドネシア)のタイムテーブルです。 https://kirinuki.ai/timelines-rss/c/hololive-id3 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 Stream start*🔨🔨 Announcement 🔨🔨*(00:04:09 - 02:36:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/249/e/9383 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Ini bukan bgm game kocak, this is not game bgm(00:04:34 - 00:05:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/274/e/351 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan so hard trying so hard to not laugh and not talk(00:05:51 - 00:06:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/351/e/369 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan will not read your chat, I will read your chat(00:06:09 - 00:06:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/369/e/375 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Garemm-chan intro(00:06:15 - 00:06:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/375/e/399 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Gonna play plateup but gonna play that long. Staff-san still waiting to fix the problem(00:06:39 - 00:07:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/399/e/432 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan ngangguk ngangguk moment(00:07:12 - 00:07:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/432/e/455 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela told which one are them in the game (Kaela red, Mchan blue)(00:07:35 - 00:07:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/455/e/475 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela teach mchan to play(00:07:55 - 00:08:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/475/e/487 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan kesabaran setipis tissue(00:08:07 - 00:08:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/487/e/511 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Asking Mchan which recipe they want to do, mchan want coffee(00:08:31 - 00:09:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/511/e/543 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Laugh bcs mchan still bring the food from the practice(00:09:03 - 00:09:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/543/e/563 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan is comedian confirmed(00:09:23 - 00:10:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/563/e/616 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Teach mchan how to make coffee and serve it*🔨🔨 Game Start 🔨🔨*(00:10:16 - 00:12:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/616/e/731 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 *🔨 **** Game 1 - Black coffee (Normal Mode) 🔨**[Day 1]*(00:12:11 - 00:12:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/731/e/753 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Baku hantam nunggu sampai mchan bisa dulu(00:12:33 - 00:13:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/753/e/800 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 YAY MCHAN IS DOING THE WORK, Im happy i can read the chat now(00:13:20 - 00:14:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/800/e/846 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 OK OK I'll DO (pemaloe suggest to make many call)(00:14:06 - 00:14:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/846/e/892 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Berpikir Mchan (reorganize restaurant)(00:14:52 - 00:15:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/892/e/911 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LETS GOOOOO (Open the resto)(00:15:11 - 00:15:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/911/e/936 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 UWEEE GAME OVER, NGAMUK ORANG NYA (game over already)(00:15:36 - 00:16:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/936/e/994 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LC : Maafin kaela mchan, K : WHAAAT ? WHAT DO I DO ?(00:16:34 - 00:17:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/994/e/1045 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 FASTER FASTER GO AWAY...dhlh (game over)(00:17:25 - 00:17:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1045/e/1075 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 This is not my fault or mchan fault, its game fault(00:17:55 - 00:18:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1075/e/1092 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Explain to mchan the function of the phone, mchan dhlh after knew about that(00:18:12 - 00:19:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1092/e/1160 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 No one queueing. Kaela said it's not fun (bcs not making call)(00:19:20 - 00:19:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1160/e/1183 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Hope mchan still want to play with me after this(00:19:43 - 00:20:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1183/e/1200 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 YAY WE DID IT (Done day 1)*[Day 2]*(00:20:00 - 00:20:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1200/e/1220 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan start thinking the game is hard but its not really that hard (its bcs kaela make many call)(00:20:20 - 00:21:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1220/e/1286 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan menyesal main sama ela ? iya sepertinya (di jawab sendiri sama ela)(00:21:26 - 00:22:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1286/e/1333 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 AH VERY EZ LAH, WHERE IS THE HARD PART(00:22:13 - 00:22:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1333/e/1355 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Cant chill, after this we can play turbo(00:22:35 - 00:22:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1355/e/1375 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 AH VERY EZ WHAT GAME IS THIS (Done day 2)(00:22:55 - 00:24:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1375/e/1479 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Just have very professional tactic, mchan want to do the harder one. Coffee is too ez+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*[Spaghetti practice session]*(00:24:39 - 00:25:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1479/e/1554 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Teach mchan to make spaghetti(00:25:54 - 00:26:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1554/e/1602 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 EH THREW KEMANE ? WHERE TO THREW ?(00:26:42 - 00:27:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1602/e/1668 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan play with keyboard, so its hard. Should i use the keyboard and mchan play with controller ?(00:27:48 - 00:29:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1668/e/1752 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 HOLD OOOOOOOON(00:29:12 - 00:29:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1752/e/1785 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan controlling the red and kaela is the blue one (they switch)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(00:29:45 - 00:31:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1785/e/1864 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 *🔨 **** Game 2 - Spaghetti (Normal Mode) 🔨*(00:31:04 - 00:33:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/1864/e/2015 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 AYO AYO NGAPAIN, HAYOOO HAYOOOO (try to make mchan panic in practice mode)(00:33:35 - 00:35:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2015/e/2115 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 AYO AYO NGAPAIN, HAYOOO HAYOOOO (try to make mchan panic in practice mode)*[Day 1]*(00:33:35 - 00:35:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2015/e/2100 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ITS TIME TO CAAAAAAALL(00:35:00 - 00:35:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2100/e/2115 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 EAAAAAA EAAAAAAAAA(00:35:15 - 00:43:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2115/e/2581 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 MCHAN SO PRO, Making 2 spaghetti at the same time(00:35:30 - 00:35:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2130/e/2151 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WOW SO GOOD THANK YOU (Finish first spaghetti)(00:35:51 - 00:37:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2151/e/2247 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Just realized there is trash(00:37:27 - 00:37:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2247/e/2276 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Ok lets goooo (Done day 1)*[Day 2]*(00:37:56 - 00:39:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2276/e/2374 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 NAISU, SEE ? IM WORKING (Help make tomato sauce)(00:39:34 - 00:39:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2374/e/2394 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WEEEE THATS SO FAST LETS GOOOO (mchan finish making 2 spaghetti)(00:39:54 - 00:41:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2394/e/2470 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 YAY *PACHI PACHI EEEEEZZZZ*[Day 3]*(00:41:10 - 00:41:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2470/e/2497 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WHY THERE IS NO RESEARCH DESK ???(00:41:37 - 00:42:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2497/e/2564 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Make 2 call(00:42:44 - 00:43:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2564/e/2581 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 HAYOOO HAYOOO PIRING PIRING (make mchan panic)(00:43:01 - 01:00:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2581/e/3605 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela baru tahu 1 panci buat 2 porsi(00:44:13 - 00:44:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2653/e/2677 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LAH KENAPA MAU BUANG PIRING ??? (Kaela want to yeet the plate instead serve spaghetti)*[Day 4]*(00:44:37 - 00:45:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2677/e/2706 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Told mchan what happen if game over in day 4(00:45:06 - 00:46:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2706/e/2800 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan confuse where to put the coffee table(00:46:40 - 00:48:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2800/e/2894 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Semangaaaat ganbatte ! Telpon gak sih ? kata aku telp ya (Cheer up mchan and make many call)(00:48:14 - 00:50:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/2894/e/3031 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Very peaceful, very ez(00:50:31 - 00:50:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3031/e/3052 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LETS GOOOOO WIIII, PRO !*[Day 5]*(00:50:52 - 00:51:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3052/e/3075 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Finally got research desk(00:51:15 - 00:52:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3075/e/3141 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 NGAMBIL MEJA BANYAK BANYAK, GAK ADA TEMPAT YA GUYS(00:52:21 - 00:54:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3141/e/3250 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 5 still very ez, we can reach day 15(00:54:10 - 00:54:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3250/e/3270 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan mandiri, kaela stretching (Kaela think mchan doesnt need her and she just stretching)*[Day 6]*(00:54:30 - 00:58:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3270/e/3489 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Got nothing to do, ITS TIME TO CALL(00:58:09 - 01:00:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3489/e/3605 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 MARAH MARAH MARAH ANGRY ANGRY(01:00:05 - 01:07:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3605/e/4064 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 MARAH MARAH MARAH ANGRY ANGRY*[Day 7]*(01:00:05 - 01:01:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3605/e/3681 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela gak peka, chef nya sampai buang sampah sendiri(01:01:21 - 01:01:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3681/e/3707 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan want to take bamboo as side dish(01:01:47 - 01:02:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3707/e/3751 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan change decision every 3 second(01:02:31 - 01:04:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3751/e/3878 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Want to practice first to make bamboo, play safe(01:04:38 - 01:05:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3878/e/3913 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I just gonna watch here bcs why not (Watch mchan pratice)(01:05:13 - 01:06:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3913/e/3966 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 GANBATTE GANBATTE GANBATTE(01:06:06 - 01:06:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3966/e/3994 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I got nothing to do ~(01:06:34 - 01:07:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/3994/e/4045 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 No one ordering the bamboo(01:07:25 - 01:07:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4045/e/4064 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WOAH SO MANY PEOPLE COMING IN...HMMM I WONDER WHY(01:07:44 - 01:08:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4064/e/4137 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 MARAH MARAH MARAH (customer start to angry)(01:08:57 - 01:09:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4137/e/4197 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 MCHAN MULAI PUSING GUYS. Mulai garuk-garuk kepala (Mchan start to get confuse)(01:09:57 - 01:15:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4197/e/4515 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 MCHAN MULAI PUSING GUYS. Mulai garuk-garuk kepala (Mchan start to get confuse)*[Day 8]*(01:09:57 - 01:13:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4197/e/4384 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kitchen is TOO SMOL(01:13:04 - 01:14:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4384/e/4456 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Hmmmm nothing to do(01:14:16 - 01:15:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4456/e/4515 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 CALL CALL CALL HIEHIE(01:15:15 - 01:16:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4515/e/4608 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Cant put plate in prep station(01:16:30 - 01:16:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4590/e/4608 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 HAYO MARAH MARAH ANGRY ANGRY(01:16:48 - 01:17:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4608/e/4633 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 HAYOOOO NO SPAGHETTI HAYOOOO(01:17:13 - 01:17:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4633/e/4665 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 CHEF BAMBOO CHEF BAMBOOO(01:17:45 - 01:25:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4665/e/5159 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Minum dulu gak sih mchan, drink first(01:18:16 - 01:18:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4696/e/4725 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan suka makan bamboo ? oh enggak (kaela ask if mchan like eat bamboo or not)(01:18:45 - 01:41:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4725/e/6090 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 CAKE LETS GO MY FAV(01:19:25 - 01:20:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4765/e/4813 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Teach mchan how to make cake(01:20:13 - 01:22:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4813/e/4925 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 AYO PELAN-PELAN BISA....Bisa gila(01:22:05 - 01:22:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4925/e/4945 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 BISA TAPI MATI, BISA TAPI PANIK+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(01:22:25 - 01:22:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4945/e/4974 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 *🔨 **** Game 3 - Cakes (Normal Mode) 🔨**[Day 1]*(01:22:54 - 01:24:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/4974/e/5047 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 We dont need the sink for the cakes(01:24:07 - 01:25:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5047/e/5159 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 AYOOO AYOO LUPA AYOOOO APA HAYO(01:25:59 - 01:26:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5159/e/5184 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 GOSONG GOSONG(01:26:24 - 01:37:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5184/e/5840 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WEEEEEE *pachi pachi (mchan succes make the first cake)(01:26:44 - 01:27:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5204/e/5251 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Cake recipe is kaela fav in plateup(01:27:31 - 01:27:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5251/e/5263 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Manager boleh tabok talent gak ? gak boleg guysss*[Day 2]*(01:27:43 - 01:29:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5263/e/5375 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LC : ​​dia yang lupa mencet, kocak, K : YA SABAAAARRRR (Forgot to start)(01:29:35 - 01:29:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5375/e/5395 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Aku sama holoh3ro juga baik guys gak cuma sama mchan, "zeta jangan gitu" "kobo sini sini"(01:29:55 - 01:30:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5395/e/5455 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Weeee udah jago guys, sangat cepat. GAMER !*[Day 3]*(01:30:55 - 01:32:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5455/e/5561 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LC : Buset jago banget M-chan, K : Perasaan kalian gak pernah gitu deh ke aku "GILA JAGO BANGET KAMU KAELA"(01:32:41 - 01:33:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5561/e/5605 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 SO GOOD MCHAN IS FAST LEARNER(01:33:25 - 01:33:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5605/e/5622 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 UWIIIIII *pachi pachi*[Day 4]*(01:33:42 - 01:34:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5622/e/5652 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan want to add flavour, its to ez already. YAKIN ?(01:34:12 - 01:34:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5652/e/5690 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela explain how to make cake with different flavour(01:34:50 - 01:35:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5690/e/5732 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan want to talk, so kaela need to mute(01:35:32 - 01:36:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5732/e/5768 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan want to try new strat(01:36:08 - 01:36:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5768/e/5794 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan is very shy, mchan privacy (reason why no mchan voice)(01:36:34 - 01:37:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5794/e/5840 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 BASKOM NYA DI MASUKIN KE OVEN GUYS(01:37:20 - 01:44:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5840/e/6256 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 INI GAME OVER GAK SIH GUYS (Restaurant over)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*[Stir fry practice session]*(01:37:54 - 01:39:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5874/e/5947 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan want to try stir fry(01:39:07 - 01:39:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5947/e/5982 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Teach mchan how to make stir fry+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(01:39:42 - 01:40:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/5982/e/6040 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 *🔨 **** Game 4 - Stir fry (Normal mode) 🔨**[Day 1]*(01:40:40 - 01:41:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6040/e/6072 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Tur diatur atur ~(01:41:12 - 01:41:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6072/e/6090 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan shaking head like crazy when kaela ask if mchan like pare/bitter gourd(01:41:30 - 01:41:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6090/e/6110 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan really love eating salt ??? salt become snack(01:41:50 - 01:43:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6110/e/6233 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan really love eating salt ??? salt become snack*🔨🔨 Just kaela challenge uncle roger 🔨🔨*(01:41:50 - 01:55:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6110/e/6957 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 SEMANGAT YOK BISA YOK(01:43:53 - 01:44:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6233/e/6256 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 JUST SO CLOSE UNTIL THE CONTROLLER THREW AWAY(01:44:16 - 01:44:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6256/e/6271 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 HAYOOOO ANGRY ANGRY(01:44:31 - 01:46:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6271/e/6376 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ADIOS (day 1 already game over)(01:45:06 - 01:46:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6306/e/6376 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Gosong moment, mchan panic(01:46:16 - 01:49:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6376/e/6547 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan make the wrong stir fry, ADIOS (game over)(01:47:06 - 01:48:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6426/e/6527 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 CLUTCH (mchan put the plate in wrong table, kaela help mchan)(01:48:47 - 01:49:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6527/e/6547 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 MULAI PUSING TAMPAKNYA SAUDARA SAUDARA(01:49:07 - 01:53:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6547/e/6813 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 NEED PLATE AND SERVER, LETS GOOOO YAY*[Day 2]*(01:50:08 - 01:53:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6608/e/6813 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 GOSONG GOSONG GOSONG(01:53:33 - 01:53:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6813/e/6835 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Explain what is "Gosong"(01:53:55 - 01:54:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6835/e/6866 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Explain what is "Gosong"*🔨🔨 When kaela is the one who panic 🔨🔨*(01:53:55 - 02:38:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6835/e/9507 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Liat nama resto nya, see the resto name (Work hard, play hard)*[Day 3]*(01:54:26 - 01:55:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6866/e/6957 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 UNCLE ROGER DO YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH ME ? IF YOU DONT WANT TO PLAY WITH ME, YOU SKILL ISSUE(01:55:57 - 01:56:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6957/e/6988 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 UNCLE ROGER DO YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH ME ? IF YOU DONT WANT TO PLAY WITH ME, YOU SKILL ISSUE*🔨🔨 Instead of mchan, kchan is the one who respond us 🔨🔨*(01:55:57 - 02:01:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6957/e/7273 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 HAYOOO MARAH MARAH GOODBYE (Game over)(01:56:28 - 01:57:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/6988/e/7060 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 EYAAAAAAA (game over again)(01:57:40 - 01:57:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7060/e/7072 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan masih sehat ?(01:57:52 - 01:58:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7072/e/7134 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 If fail again, they want to change the menu(01:58:54 - 01:59:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7134/e/7173 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Changing the game guys, not the game(01:59:33 - 02:00:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7173/e/7236 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 EAT FASTER EAT FASTER(02:00:36 - 02:00:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7236/e/7257 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Restaurant over(02:00:57 - 02:55:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7257/e/10510 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan gonna respond to chat first, very busy(02:01:13 - 02:01:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7273/e/7297 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 NOT YOU GUYS, RESPOND TO WORK(02:01:37 - 02:01:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7297/e/7311 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 HELLO EVERYONE...MY NAME IS KCHAN (K-chan respond to chat)(02:01:51 - 02:55:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7311/e/10510 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 OK WE GONNA GO DUMPLING(02:02:45 - 02:03:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7365/e/7426 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Teach mchan how to make dumpling(02:03:46 - 02:05:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7426/e/7536 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 MAAP GUYS ERROR (press wrong button to quit)(02:05:36 - 02:05:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7536/e/7549 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I think mchan tired of me(02:05:49 - 02:06:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7549/e/7586 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Dumpling ilang ? dumpling gone ?(02:06:26 - 02:07:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7586/e/7626 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Finally they can choose dumpling+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(02:07:06 - 02:07:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7626/e/7671 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 *🔨 **** Game 5 - Dumpling (Normal mode) 🔨*(02:07:51 - 02:08:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7671/e/7685 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 This should be the last run, almost 6.30 and studio staff still waiting them*[Day 1]*(02:08:05 - 02:11:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7685/e/7910 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 OK LETS GOOOO UWIIII (finish 1st day)*[Day 2]*(02:11:50 - 02:13:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7910/e/7987 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Semangaaattttt semangaaaaat semangaaat (try to cheer mchan)*[Day 3]*(02:13:07 - 02:17:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/7987/e/8247 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Okay i gonna call !(02:17:27 - 02:18:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/8247/e/8292 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 So far so good(02:18:12 - 02:18:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/8292/e/8304 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 DONE YAY (done day 3)*[Day 4]*(02:18:24 - 02:19:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/8304/e/8344 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ICE CREAM MY FAVOURITE~(02:19:04 - 02:19:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/8344/e/8392 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WAIT DAIJOBU DESU, ALL GOOD(02:19:52 - 02:20:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/8392/e/8433 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Ice cream ice cream, no one want ice cream ?*[Day 5]*(02:20:33 - 02:23:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/8433/e/8634 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 EAT FASTER(02:23:54 - 02:24:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/8634/e/8664 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LC: Mchan suruh ngomong. K: Mchan dari tadi udah ngomong sama aku gaes(02:24:24 - 02:24:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/8664/e/8688 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 VERY EZ, TOO EZ*[Day 6]*(02:24:48 - 02:25:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/8688/e/8733 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Today I learn so hard how to play with keyboard(02:25:33 - 02:27:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/8733/e/8879 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Need to call, this is too ez(02:27:59 - 02:29:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/8879/e/8964 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 After this can get safety hob*[Day 7]*(02:29:24 - 02:32:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/8964/e/9137 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Dumpling with soy sauce is good but this is in the game, more work not good(02:32:17 - 02:33:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/9137/e/9183 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Ini game over udah selesai gaes. Tenang(02:33:03 - 02:33:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/9183/e/9215 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Bingung, keyboard issue(02:33:35 - 02:34:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/9215/e/9264 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WOW IM VERY CONFUSE WITH THE CONTROLLER*[Day 8]*(02:34:24 - 02:36:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/9264/e/9383 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela try to stream again tonight but we'll see(02:36:23 - 02:51:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/9383/e/10310 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan laughing at kaela(02:38:27 - 02:38:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/9507/e/9525 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 TIDACK! TIDACK! (clutch moment)(02:38:45 - 02:39:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/9525/e/9591 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 TIDACK! TIDACK! (clutch moment)*[Day 9]*(02:38:45 - 02:39:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/9525/e/9591 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela will not let the stream to end, while Mchan already expected it to end(02:39:51 - 02:40:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/9591/e/9652 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela will not let the stream to end, while Mchan already expected it to end*🔨🔨 Food that mchan likes 🔨🔨*(02:39:51 - 01:18:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/9591/e/4725 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Wiiii day 9 ! Day 9 with mchan, lets go(02:40:52 - 02:43:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/9652/e/9786 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 GG VERY EZ*[Day 10]*(02:43:06 - 02:46:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/9786/e/9981 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela told Mchan to take the sharp knife(02:46:21 - 02:48:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/9981/e/10087 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela teach mchan how to use heated mixer(02:48:07 - 02:48:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/10087/e/10126 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 We talking about about speed now !(02:48:46 - 02:49:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/10126/e/10153 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Ini mah call ae lah ! Customer very slow(02:49:13 - 02:55:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/10153/e/10510 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela want to mute a bit. Talking with mchan (?)(02:50:18 - 02:51:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/10218/e/10264 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Need to end stream right here, family wait her for dinner(02:51:04 - 02:51:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/10264/e/10310 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela will try to stream again after dinner(02:51:50 - 02:52:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/10310/e/10358 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela will try to stream again after dinner*🔨🔨 Make mchan panic 🔨🔨*(02:51:50 - 00:33:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/10310/e/2015 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Tenang saja semua baik baik saja, booking studio ada jam-jam nya(02:52:38 - 02:53:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/10358/e/10399 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 OtsulemaoTags credit : Pewnya and satria(02:53:19 - 02:55:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/1GtNGDqXDMY/s/10399/e/10510 Fri, 19 Apr 24 16:00:00 +0900 【PlateUp!】baku hantam with garemMchan【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Stream start*[Special Timestamp]**🔨🔨 Announcement 🔨🔨*(00:01:00 - 00:28:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/60/e/1699 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Greets everyone (She holding the mic)(00:01:20 - 00:01:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/80/e/100 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I'm holding the mic because no place to put the mic(00:01:40 - 00:02:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/100/e/125 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 She said will type using feet(00:02:05 - 00:02:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/125/e/155 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Harus control suara juga, She keep her voice low (Worry about the regulation)(00:02:35 - 00:04:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/155/e/247 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Trying to arrange out mic position(00:04:07 - 00:06:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/247/e/360 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Warn everyone if suddenly distortion sound. It means its fall from her lap(00:06:00 - 00:07:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/360/e/442 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Her mic is pretty heavy(00:07:22 - 00:07:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/442/e/477 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Gimana gak emosian di suruh megang mic(00:07:57 - 00:08:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/477/e/520 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Tomorrow kaela gonna meet garemm chan(00:08:40 - 00:09:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/520/e/540 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kokop mic(00:09:00 - 00:10:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/540/e/603 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Scream with low voice(00:10:03 - 00:10:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/603/e/627 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 All of my stream will be unexcitedly excited (because of the mic setting)(00:10:27 - 00:11:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/627/e/667 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Pegel guys, ganti tangan dulu (Change to left hand to holding mic)(00:11:07 - 00:11:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/667/e/708 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kursi nya gak ada senderan, menguji endurance (Kaela dont have proper chair, really test her endurance)(00:11:48 - 00:12:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/708/e/771 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela introduction (soft version)(00:12:51 - 00:15:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/771/e/914 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Really curious about her voice in stream(00:15:14 - 00:15:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/914/e/959 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Omela appear(00:15:59 - 00:17:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/959/e/1046 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 This is not karaoke mic, very heavy. Not comfortable to hold(00:17:26 - 00:18:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1046/e/1093 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 She told the brand of the mic (Samson C01U Pro)(00:18:13 - 00:20:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1093/e/1202 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 The mic give her a lot of memories. First interview using this mic, buy the mic together with pc kun(00:20:02 - 00:21:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1202/e/1265 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mic yang di pakai buat debut beda dengan ini (She using different mic when debut, not the one that she use right now)(00:21:05 - 00:22:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1265/e/1364 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mic yang di pakai buat debut beda dengan ini (She using different mic when debut, not the one that she use right now)*🔨🔨 Offkai event 🔨🔨*(00:21:05 - 00:46:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1265/e/2770 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela is good, excited to stream but not her hand...(00:22:44 - 00:24:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1364/e/1452 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Need to take care her mic with soft soft handle or its gonna be break(00:24:12 - 00:25:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1452/e/1507 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Its hard to copy paste with current set up(00:25:07 - 00:25:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1507/e/1544 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 There is nearby police station...(cant be too loud)(00:25:44 - 00:26:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1544/e/1601 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Keep doing whatever you like, no matter what the cost...no dont do that (kaela wisdom)(00:26:41 - 00:28:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1601/e/1699 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Tomorrow schedule : Meet with mchan, stream at studio and have night stream(00:28:19 - 02:19:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1699/e/8358 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Aduh bentar guys...pegel juga. Repositioning(00:30:20 - 00:32:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1820/e/1933 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kepentok mic moment (Mic hit her mouth)(00:32:13 - 00:33:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1933/e/1997 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ADUUUUUH (Mic revenge, keep punching her face)(00:33:17 - 00:35:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/1997/e/2124 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Bisa bisa nya ditanya maen monhun, INI MAEN DUA TANGAN AJA MASIH MIKIIIIIIR(00:35:24 - 00:35:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2124/e/2156 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela show mamaela and her sibling about kaelegskia animation(00:35:56 - 00:37:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2156/e/2245 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Havent met ckia or kaelegskia yet(00:37:25 - 00:37:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2245/e/2270 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Repositioning mouse and mic(00:37:50 - 00:39:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2270/e/2381 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Please mic, dont fall(00:39:41 - 03:17:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2381/e/11850 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 *[ **** Game 1 ]*(00:39:51 - 00:40:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2391/e/2451 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Im pro holo no suika player, no need to worry(00:40:51 - 00:41:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2451/e/2485 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 The fall suika animation its not from game (and she remove it)(00:41:25 - 00:43:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2485/e/2580 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela feels time flies so fast when in japan(00:43:00 - 00:44:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2580/e/2656 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Confuse about the phone to read sb, so she put it on bed(00:44:16 - 00:45:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2656/e/2730 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Posisi mic lagi di atas bantal(00:45:30 - 00:46:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2730/e/2770 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 About the offkai event (one guy ask if she gonna be in the event before the announcement)(00:46:10 - 00:47:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2770/e/2870 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Grindstone panel ? No spoiler, we'll see(00:47:50 - 00:50:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2870/e/3019 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Grindstone panel ? No spoiler, we'll see*🔨🔨 Suddenly she accept all invitation 🔨🔨*(00:47:50 - 00:53:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/2870/e/3206 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 YAY LETS GOOOO MOYI(00:50:19 - 00:53:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/3019/e/3206 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 About many collab invitation. Kaela dm all of partner collab after she think all set up is good(00:53:26 - 02:18:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/3206/e/8298 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 This is definition of touch grass. Remind her about touch grass meme(00:56:41 - 00:58:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/3401/e/3513 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Trying to find rope, so she can hang the mic on clothes hanger(00:58:33 - 01:00:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/3513/e/3605 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mic almost fall when she want to tell story(01:00:05 - 01:00:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/3605/e/3635 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Story when she on plane. Someone laptop fall down from container and hit her. Broke her glasses(01:00:35 - 01:12:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/3635/e/4361 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Portable monitor make red color looks like orange, dark orange(01:09:08 - 01:09:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/4148/e/4199 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 (actual time 1h10m34s) Mamaela udah tertarik sama satu toko baju dan tadi datang sudah agak malam(01:09:59 - 01:11:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/4199/e/4303 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela almost use in ear monitor after find out cant put mic on table(01:11:43 - 01:12:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/4303/e/4361 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Story about items inspection/baggage screening on airport. The officer distracted with the streamdeck not even check the mic. It happen after her mcu when she want to flight to japan(01:12:41 - 01:18:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/4361/e/4734 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Smileeeeeeeeeee(01:18:34 - 01:18:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/4714/e/4734 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Story when someone at hospital said she is not like someone who play game, K : I NEED TO TELL PEMALOE ABOUT THIS(01:18:54 - 01:24:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/4734/e/5090 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Story when someone at hospital said she is not like someone who play game, K : I NEED TO TELL PEMALOE ABOUT THIS*🔨🔨 About WWE 🔨🔨*(01:18:54 - 01:24:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/4734/e/5090 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 She watched clip about the wrestlemania with her brother, so excited(01:24:50 - 01:27:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/5090/e/5261 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Really want to see wwe show live(01:27:41 - 01:28:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/5261/e/5311 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 John cena, do you want to collab with me ? We can play stealth game(01:28:31 - 01:31:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/5311/e/5495 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 John cena, do you want to collab with me ? We can play stealth game*🔨🔨 Soft voice 🔨🔨*(01:28:31 - 01:45:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/5311/e/6314 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Starting to have fun holding the mic, doesnt feel heavy anymore(01:31:35 - 01:32:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/5495/e/5523 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Ask pemaloe what they hear when she shake the mic(01:32:03 - 01:33:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/5523/e/5631 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 TOUCH ZETA TOUCH(01:33:51 - 01:34:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/5631/e/5693 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ADA MOONYAAAA(01:34:53 - 01:38:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/5693/e/5913 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Drink and stretch(01:38:33 - 01:40:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/5913/e/6014 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Suddenly thinking of using clip on mic(01:40:14 - 01:43:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6014/e/6182 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Pemaloe suggest some mic to kaela(01:43:02 - 01:44:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6182/e/6270 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 VERY CAPEK(01:44:30 - 01:45:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6270/e/6314 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Try to talk as soft as possible, so if you want to sleep you can go to sleep(01:45:14 - 01:52:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6314/e/6723 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WHAAAAAAATTTT (wrong move)(01:47:01 - 01:47:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6421/e/6458 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I think kronii hate me so much, its okay kronii...(01:47:38 - 01:48:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6458/e/6480 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 DHLH...let me just put the mic away(01:48:00 - 01:48:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6480/e/6521 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Taruh mic di lutut, i put the mic on my knees. Please dont fall ! balance ! stand !(01:48:41 - 01:49:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6521/e/6588 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (KRONII IS HERE)(01:49:48 - 01:51:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6588/e/6666 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Automatically take the mic from her knees when she got kronii(01:51:06 - 01:52:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6666/e/6723 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Suara sopan(01:52:03 - 01:52:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6723/e/6775 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 surprise visit from my oshi after so long(01:52:19 - 03:17:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6739/e/11850 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Channel edukasi hololive (suddenly become hololive education channel)(01:52:55 - 01:55:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6775/e/6930 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Reading sc and chat with soft voice(01:55:30 - 02:00:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6930/e/7258 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Reading sc and chat with soft voice*🔨🔨 Fun fact about kaela's giggle 🔨🔨*(01:55:30 - 02:00:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/6930/e/7258 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Giggle kaela is very limited in voice pack(02:00:58 - 02:07:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/7258/e/7676 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Giggle kaela is very limited in voice pack*🔨🔨 When stream at studio 🔨🔨*(02:00:58 - 02:21:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/7258/e/8475 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela just knew about the like on superchat(02:07:56 - 02:10:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/7676/e/7805 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Wow so many zeta(02:10:05 - 02:15:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/7805/e/8129 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Guys help...guys give me some luck(02:15:29 - 02:15:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8129/e/8155 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Game over (7416 pts)(02:15:55 - 02:16:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8155/e/8202 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Happy birthday my friend ~(02:16:42 - 02:17:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8202/e/8236 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Where is my friend ? hu hu hu hu but its okay...(02:17:16 - 02:18:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8236/e/8298 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 The en member reply kaela's dm about collab(02:18:18 - 02:18:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8298/e/8326 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 The en member reply kaela's dm about collab*🔨🔨 Some interesting story when vacation 🔨🔨*(02:18:18 - 01:00:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8298/e/3635 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Want to go another run and end stream(02:18:46 - 02:19:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8326/e/8358 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Gonna meeting mchan at 12 pm jst then continue stream at studio, dont know about time probably 1pm jst(02:19:18 - 02:21:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8358/e/8475 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Gonna meeting mchan at 12 pm jst then continue stream at studio, dont know about time probably 1pm jst*🔨🔨 About her mic 🔨🔨*(02:19:18 - 00:17:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8358/e/1046 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 If Kaela stream at studio, Mchan need to wait for her.(02:21:15 - 02:22:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8475/e/8538 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan (ela) ngajak Mchan (garemm-chan). Mchan (garemm-chan) yg situ ga bisa maen game gaes(02:22:18 - 02:23:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8538/e/8604 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan will not do voice reveal if play games(02:23:24 - 02:24:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8604/e/8640 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Maybe can do collab with mchan at 22 april in studio ?(02:24:00 - 02:25:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8640/e/8736 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Maybe can do collab with mchan at 22 april in studio ?*🔨🔨 Imagine kaela gacha game 🔨🔨*(02:24:00 - 03:02:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8640/e/10963 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Wiiii wiiiiii i can talk like this. My voice coming from left to right ~(02:25:36 - 03:17:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8736/e/11850 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 *[ **** Game 2 ]*(02:26:36 - 02:26:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8796/e/8811 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Its nice can talk with you guys again, im happy ~(02:26:51 - 02:28:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8811/e/8899 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Bawa indomie tapi gak ngomong ke orang kalau dia datang ke jp. Soal nya jadwal ngikutin mamaela(02:28:19 - 02:29:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8899/e/8975 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Its gonna be memorable holiday, stream when holding mic(02:29:35 - 02:31:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/8975/e/9060 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Tadaiman't(02:31:00 - 02:32:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/9060/e/9142 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 PUSH PUSH PUSH NONONONO(02:32:22 - 02:32:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/9142/e/9175 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WOW WOW WOW (have 4 bae)(02:32:55 - 02:33:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/9175/e/9230 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WOW ITS NOT EVEN TOUCHING, COOL(02:33:50 - 02:34:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/9230/e/9287 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Result of mcu : KAELA ALIVE (told what doctor said to her)(02:34:47 - 02:38:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/9287/e/9481 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Suddenly coughing. Maybe too much kokoping the mic(02:38:01 - 02:41:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/9481/e/9665 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 GUYS GUYS GUYS (want to absorb pemaloe's luck)(02:41:05 - 02:42:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/9665/e/9752 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 GUYSSSSS GUYYYSSSSS(02:42:32 - 02:44:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/9752/e/9863 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Every single "guys" she said, she successfully take our luck(02:44:23 - 02:45:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/9863/e/9942 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 GUYS ? WHAT IS THAT ? ITS SUPPOSED TO BE KRONII !(02:45:42 - 02:47:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/9942/e/10046 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Nice help (lucky move)(02:47:26 - 02:50:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/10046/e/10226 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Doeeng? Why no doeng? (unit did not combine)(02:50:26 - 02:50:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/10226/e/10234 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 OH NOOOOOOOO (2 bae didnt touch)(02:50:34 - 02:51:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/10234/e/10277 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Game over (5930pts)(02:51:17 - 03:17:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/10277/e/11850 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Should try to find game for today(02:52:17 - 02:53:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/10337/e/10411 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Fighting with her cable (earphone tangled)(02:53:31 - 02:54:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/10411/e/10475 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Reposition the mic, now she looks like pick up the phone(02:54:35 - 02:55:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/10475/e/10512 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Pick up phone simulation(02:55:12 - 02:56:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/10512/e/10564 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Checking SB again(02:56:04 - 02:59:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/10564/e/10752 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 About days with ollie game(02:59:12 - 03:02:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/10752/e/10926 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 JUST PLAY ALL ! (Korone and ollie game)(03:02:06 - 03:02:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/10926/e/10963 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela want to have gacha game, for her game reference(03:02:43 - 03:05:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/10963/e/11140 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela want to have gacha game, for her game reference*🔨🔨 The secret of hololive studio 🔨🔨*(03:02:43 - 03:05:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/10963/e/11140 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Hololive studio better than universal studio, HAVE ROLLER COASTER AND TRANSFORMER ?(03:05:40 - 03:07:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/11140/e/11244 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 HOLOLIVE STUDIO SECRET (Nice title for clip)(03:07:24 - 03:09:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/11244/e/11357 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 About the pebbles twit and got viral(03:09:17 - 03:11:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/11357/e/11481 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Showing it's 2 AM at JP (showing clock)(03:11:21 - 03:11:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/11481/e/11513 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Talking about her l2d(03:11:53 - 03:14:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/11513/e/11698 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Otsulemao(03:14:58 - 03:15:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/11698/e/11740 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 FINALLY I CAN PUT THIS MIC. AKHIRNYA BISA TARUH MIC(03:15:40 - 03:16:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/11740/e/11801 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Now kaela use earphone mic(03:16:41 - 03:17:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/EC5ZIibFva8/s/11801/e/11850 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:45:00 +0900 【Holo no Suika】IM BACK WITH THE SET UP CHECK【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Start(00:01:47 - 00:54:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/107/e/3242 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now ERO? What is this?(00:02:17 - 00:03:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/137/e/209 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now okeee?(00:02:54 - 01:54:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/174/e/6890 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta’s face ingame character(00:03:29 - 00:04:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/209/e/240 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “Apa? Kontrol?” They teasing Iofi(00:04:00 - 00:05:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/240/e/340 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “Aku si paling ga sepuh disini disuruh introduction”(00:05:40 - 00:06:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/340/e/392 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Funny moment bergetar moment(00:06:32 - 00:06:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/392/e/408 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Do you guys know our plan? READ IT! (Ingame plan & how to play)(00:06:48 - 01:34:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/408/e/5677 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Game 1(00:08:22 - 00:48:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/502/e/2939 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now They trying camera, panic moment because the film is not enough(00:08:47 - 00:09:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/527/e/591 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Game starts, underground. They start to vlogging(00:09:51 - 00:10:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/591/e/645 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta! Get the shoot! WOO! we jumping for content!(00:10:45 - 00:11:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/645/e/691 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now They heard monster’s noises? LET’S GO(00:11:31 - 00:12:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/691/e/737 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Funny moment, they got attacked, GOCEK GOCEK(00:12:17 - 00:13:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/737/e/786 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Look! For another content! Jump Out!(00:13:06 - 00:13:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/786/e/826 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “Wah lihat guys banyak content!”(00:13:46 - 00:14:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/826/e/865 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “Am I dead? Look! Wait, I’m not”(00:14:25 - 00:15:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/865/e/934 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “Jadi Content Creator itu mudah guys”(00:15:34 - 00:15:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/934/e/953 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Something chase them(00:15:53 - 00:16:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/953/e/980 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Day 1 done, back to home and see the result of recording(00:16:20 - 00:17:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/980/e/1036 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now They laughing watching the recording where they are laughing(00:18:13 - 00:18:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/1093/e/1126 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now They laughing because Zeta did a selfie when the battery almost died(00:18:46 - 00:19:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/1126/e/1188 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now They laughing because someone is like possessed(00:21:26 - 00:21:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/1286/e/1319 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now BREAKING NEWS! (Role like a TV reporter)(00:21:59 - 00:24:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/1319/e/1441 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now First Record – Epel asked if Zeta like to eat lizard(00:24:01 - 00:24:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/1441/e/1465 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Ollie closed the door while Zeta still outside(00:24:25 - 00:24:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/1465/e/1495 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Trying jumping transition but they did not in same pattern(00:24:55 - 00:25:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/1495/e/1524 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “YOW GUYS WHAT’S UP WE ARE IN THE UNDERGROUND!” (History & Suku Alien)(00:25:24 - 00:27:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/1524/e/1661 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “Pemirsa, sekarang kita ada di dunia bawah” Reporter Role funny(00:27:41 - 00:28:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/1661/e/1721 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta said if they got attacked here, it could be a content. Yep, they got attacked after that, funny moment(00:28:41 - 00:30:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/1721/e/1835 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now React to Iofi being alone like lost child(00:30:35 - 00:30:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/1835/e/1855 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Iofi got chased but she didn’t know, while the other scream to her (Why Iofi didn’t know that?)(00:30:55 - 00:32:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/1855/e/1949 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Explanation about Underground Monster(00:32:29 - 00:35:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/1949/e/2137 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “Minum Susu, Zeta ga mau tidur, suara ngorok”(00:35:37 - 00:36:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2137/e/2168 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Last Day of Game 1(00:36:08 - 00:36:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2168/e/2215 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Nice Extreme Opening by Ollie, jumping for height(00:36:55 - 00:38:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2215/e/2286 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta “Wah lihat ada ikan!” and then they got chased by monster(00:38:06 - 00:38:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2286/e/2313 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “Why moment”(00:38:33 - 00:39:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2313/e/2355 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now With flashlight on hand, Zeta is alone(00:39:15 - 00:40:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2355/e/2433 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta vlogging time! Like she wanted to back to Plane(00:40:33 - 00:41:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2433/e/2477 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta arrived at the plane, but where’s the others?(00:41:17 - 00:42:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2477/e/2542 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “SEPUH KOK MATI DULUAN, CIEEE” Zeta teasing Ollie(00:42:22 - 00:44:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2542/e/2640 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now They laughing watching “Ada ikan” moment (Snail)(00:44:18 - 00:45:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2658/e/2731 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “ZETA MASIH HIDUP? AKU TERHARU” Zeta, Iofi and Epel(00:45:31 - 00:46:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2731/e/2794 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Watching the recording of Day 2 (They died in here)GAME 2(00:46:34 - 00:50:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2794/e/3008 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now good🤣(00:46:59 - 01:54:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2819/e/6890 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Game 2(00:48:59 - 01:27:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/2939/e/5262 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Yow guys, look, this is how girls when they go shopping(00:50:08 - 00:50:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3008/e/3053 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now They happy while showing emotes they bought while laughing(00:50:53 - 00:51:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3053/e/3083 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Underground, Game 2, Day 1(00:51:23 - 00:51:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3083/e/3095 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “Hi guys asdasdfqwe (idk what Ollie said), Jangan lupa like & subscribe!”(00:51:35 - 00:52:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3095/e/3140 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now They found starfish! Wait, they got attacked! (Content), don’t forget to like & subs!(00:52:20 - 00:53:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3140/e/3232 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “Snake? You are not here!”(00:53:52 - 00:54:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3232/e/3276 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now End (Don’t forget to Like & Subscribe)[Pre-Game, After Game & Other Topic](00:54:02 - 00:02:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3242/e/137 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta & Ollie surprised because Iofi was so far far away from the plane (More than 50k KM)(00:54:36 - 00:55:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3276/e/3337 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now L MINUS? Limit?(00:55:37 - 00:56:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3337/e/3395 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now They recoding the Soundboard, laughing together(01:00:56 - 01:02:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3656/e/3721 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now They recording like News Reporter again, but with soundboard this time. Also, Zeta forgot to turned off the camera after recording(01:02:01 - 01:03:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3721/e/3824 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta nyasar moment again(01:03:44 - 01:04:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3824/e/3862 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now They got attacked by Spider while recording(01:04:22 - 01:05:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3862/e/3913 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “TOLONG AKU WOI, INI ADA LABA-LABA! PULANG AJA! PULANG KEMANA??” Zeta & Ollie conversation(01:05:13 - 01:06:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/3913/e/4007 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now They wanted to return, but when closed the door, one of monster was inside the plane, they panic(01:06:47 - 01:07:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/4007/e/4060 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta’s reaction to the “This is Great Footage” recording(01:08:27 - 01:10:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/4107/e/4236 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Iofi wangy wangy to Zeta’s bed(01:10:36 - 01:11:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/4236/e/4280 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Day 3, Last Day of Game 2(01:11:20 - 01:13:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/4280/e/4407 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Recording & Action time – Zeta being reporter while she got electrocuted by Epel(01:13:27 - 01:15:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/4407/e/4530 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta interviewing Epel, recording (Soundboard theme)(01:15:30 - 01:16:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/4530/e/4615 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta wants to interview one of the monsters, but then they got attacked(01:16:55 - 01:18:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/4615/e/4714 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now They interview the monster, but why he just standing quiet there? Silent and then attack by the monster(01:18:34 - 01:19:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/4714/e/4789 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now LOUD SOUND WARNING & RIP EAR - Attacked by the monster(01:19:49 - 01:21:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/4789/e/4883 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “Ga gitu moment” by Zeta(01:21:23 - 01:22:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/4883/e/4970 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Recording again! “Wah, aku kembali lagi!” & Also, Ollie using laughing soundboard(01:22:50 - 01:23:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/4970/e/5038 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Recording, Iofi fall & Zeta thumbs up(01:23:58 - 01:24:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5038/e/5062 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now SIUUU & KRIK KRIK(01:24:22 - 01:24:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5062/e/5094 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now DON’T FORGET TO LIKE & SUBSCRIBE!(01:24:54 - 01:25:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5094/e/5126 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Watching the recording of Day 3(01:25:26 - 01:26:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5126/e/5205 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta laughing watching her recording thumbs up & krik krik(01:26:45 - 01:28:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5205/e/5299 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Game 3[Gameplay, Moments, Etc]GAME 1 (Zeta as Cameraman in Day 1)(01:27:42 - 00:08:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5262/e/527 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta’s reaction to sounboard ingame(01:28:19 - 01:29:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5299/e/5394 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Sliding Whistle & Laughing sounboard by Zeta, it supposed like this(01:29:54 - 01:30:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5394/e/5419 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Died moment together(01:30:19 - 01:32:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5419/e/5535 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now It looks like broadcast music?(01:32:15 - 01:36:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5535/e/5787 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now For Zeta, if she not in good condition or got flu, she always ate spicy food, and more spicy(01:34:37 - 01:52:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5677/e/6725 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Look, what a sweet hug emotes(01:36:27 - 01:37:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5787/e/5823 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Watching the recording of Day 1(01:37:03 - 01:39:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5823/e/5961 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Day 2(01:39:21 - 01:42:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/5961/e/6141 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Recording time! Dancing, Bye Bye and Epel got hit by Door moment(01:42:21 - 01:44:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/6141/e/6263 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Oh no, the monster is angry(01:44:23 - 01:44:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/6263/e/6295 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta put that mic to Mixer, gyatt(01:44:55 - 01:46:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/6295/e/6394 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Zeta interviewing in panic situation(01:46:34 - 01:47:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/6394/e/6433 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now “INI ADA 2 MONSTER WEI”(01:47:13 - 01:48:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/6433/e/6508 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now HELLLO! SELFIE TIME!(01:48:28 - 01:49:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/6508/e/6575 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Watching the recording of Day 2(01:49:35 - 01:54:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/6575/e/6890 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Ollie original Visual Novel – Days with Ollie[Games](01:52:05 - 00:08:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/IlJ4AWjw8Fo/s/6725/e/502 Thu, 18 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【CONTENT WARNING】Hey, I'm a comedy vlogger now Start(00:01:54 - 03:22:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/114/e/12145 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Already slept before play this stream (From 1 hour into 5 hours)(00:02:30 - 00:03:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/150/e/222 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Imagine this is not real time live chat(00:03:42 - 00:04:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/222/e/288 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM How long since Zeta play Valorant, talking about what she missed (AREA15, BIBOO, etc)(00:04:48 - 00:23:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/288/e/1394 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Game 1 : Spike Rush(00:10:31 - 00:22:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/631/e/1329 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Oi, don’t underestimate Zeta okay(00:11:20 - 00:12:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/680/e/731 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Quote from Zeta about Issue(00:12:11 - 00:12:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/731/e/778 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Somehow her mouse broken, look(00:12:58 - 00:14:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/778/e/851 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Is this what you called, “NEO DIFF?”(00:14:11 - 00:14:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/851/e/899 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM See? Broken mouse again(00:14:59 - 00:17:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/899/e/1048 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM cita-citaku terkabul ngebunuh oshi 😂(00:15:30 - 03:23:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/930/e/12209 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM BYE BYE? HAHA but reload doko(00:17:28 - 00:26:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/1048/e/1599 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Game 2 : Unrated(00:22:09 - 01:08:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/1329/e/4118 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Talking about veggies that Zeta ate, but she doesn't know it name(00:23:14 - 01:37:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/1394/e/5844 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM 18 April 2024, Content Warning collab at 20.00 (GMT +7) / 22.00 JST[Games](00:25:34 - 00:10:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/1534/e/631 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Zeta 1 vs 2(00:26:39 - 00:30:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/1599/e/1812 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Is Zeta halu at this moment? Peak and died(00:30:12 - 00:34:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/1812/e/2069 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Zeta wan wan to her teammate(00:34:29 - 00:36:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/2069/e/2165 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM WAN WAN Harder? Okay(00:36:05 - 00:36:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/2165/e/2202 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM ALT TAB KOCAK(00:36:42 - 00:41:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/2202/e/2482 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Come in! Come to me (To the enemy)(00:41:22 - 00:43:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/2482/e/2588 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Zeta asking her teammate to do WAN WAN(00:43:08 - 00:48:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/2588/e/2895 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Ke ALT TAB lagi(00:48:15 - 00:48:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/2895/e/2912 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Happy Zeta warcry(00:48:32 - 00:49:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/2912/e/2942 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM The thing about what?(00:49:02 - 00:52:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/2942/e/3138 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Jumpscare(00:52:18 - 00:54:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/3138/e/3246 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Zeta slide but rip aim, laughing(00:54:06 - 00:57:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/3246/e/3446 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Wait, how to defuse?(00:57:26 - 01:09:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/3446/e/4198 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Game 3 : Swiftplay(01:08:38 - 01:20:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/4118/e/4817 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM For Zeta, this is not her first time to hear her fans’s voice(01:09:58 - 01:12:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/4198/e/4330 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM For Zeta, she plays better if playing while quiet(01:12:10 - 01:13:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/4330/e/4387 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM T-Bag enemy let’s go!(01:13:07 - 01:22:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/4387/e/4966 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Game 4 : Swiftplay(01:20:17 - 01:36:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/4817/e/5802 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM See? Zeta said she is top global (She explained about ISO Agent)(01:22:46 - 01:28:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/4966/e/5328 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Smoke what Smoke dHLH(01:28:48 - 01:30:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/5328/e/5435 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM “Thank you for all this time, thank you parents, thank you Zecretary.” Died, “nevermind” (Like Formal Speech)(01:30:35 - 01:32:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/5435/e/5562 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Look how reflect Zeta is(01:32:42 - 01:33:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/5562/e/5586 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM BAU BAU ACE WOOO (FMWC Impression later)(01:33:06 - 01:39:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/5586/e/5997 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Game 5 : Competitive(01:36:42 - 02:10:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/5802/e/7855 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Want to have another free talk stream to tell the story about her holiday(01:37:24 - 01:38:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/5844/e/5906 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM For now, Zeta will have another work & responsible (A lot)(01:38:26 - 01:39:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/5906/e/5952 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Imagine, after long holiday you get a ton of homework be like(01:39:12 - 01:49:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/5952/e/6584 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM ASMR Gaming(01:39:57 - 01:42:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/5997/e/6164 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM When on holiday, Zeta met with her big family(01:40:12 - 01:40:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/6012/e/6054 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM The big family don’t know that Zeta is a streamer(01:40:54 - 01:43:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/6054/e/6218 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Big family to Zeta “What is her job now?” Zeta just sweating(01:41:38 - 01:43:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/6098/e/6202 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Blind Shot from Zeta(01:42:44 - 01:44:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/6164/e/6268 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM L Should’ve said Zeta is comedian[Gameplay, Game Moment, Etc](01:43:22 - 00:11:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/6202/e/680 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM L Main family (Father & Mother) knows, but other family, nope(01:43:38 - 01:41:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/6218/e/6098 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM “What am I even shooting at”, got hit by Cypher’s Trap, etc, died(01:44:28 - 01:46:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/6268/e/6363 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Jumpscare from Cypher enemy made Zeta surprised but she just 360 scope him(01:46:03 - 01:50:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/6363/e/6624 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Zeta said Korone’s outfit is really good, and her impression(01:49:44 - 02:05:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/6584/e/7504 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM ALT + Tab moment from Zeta again (What just happened out there?)(01:50:24 - 01:51:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/6624/e/6709 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM RIP aim moment (Zeta almost out it, she got bait by decoy before)(01:51:49 - 01:55:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/6709/e/6954 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Oh look, a fish! (Gekko Ultimate)(01:55:54 - 01:56:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/6954/e/6976 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM ALT + Tab moment(01:56:16 - 02:02:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/6976/e/7353 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Enemy Yoru teleported in front of Zeta, jumpscare(02:02:33 - 02:16:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/7353/e/8205 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Talking about that Zeta open Youtube Studio, she said that her female viewers is increased for past 5 months(02:05:04 - 02:07:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/7504/e/7621 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM RIZZ from Zeta & Trying to create another RIZZ (Furball)(02:07:01 - 02:11:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/7621/e/7903 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Game 6 : Swiftplay(02:10:55 - 02:38:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/7855/e/9536 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Zeta trying to make rizz about Cat(02:11:43 - 02:12:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/7903/e/7949 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Talking about playing Monster Hunter World(02:12:29 - 02:13:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/7949/e/8019 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM L For beginner, maybe she could play with Iofi first(02:13:39 - 03:21:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/8019/e/12088 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM ALT TAB(02:16:45 - 02:22:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/8205/e/8570 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM kobo chat(02:22:33 - 03:23:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/8553/e/12209 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM YOW KOBO, Zeta’s student is here!(02:22:50 - 02:26:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/8570/e/8777 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Gekko impression by Zeta(02:26:17 - 02:27:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/8777/e/8864 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Desk slam moment(02:27:44 - 02:35:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/8864/e/9328 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM @ *Zeta victory*(02:28:36 - 02:30:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/8916/e/9050 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM @ *Zeta laugh*(02:30:50 - 03:23:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/9050/e/12209 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Kobo to viewers “Kalian ga boleh ngobrol sama Zeta”(02:35:28 - 02:42:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/9328/e/9779 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Game 7 : Competitive (With Kobo)(02:38:56 - 00:02:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/9536/e/150 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Zeta teasing Kobo(02:42:59 - 02:48:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/9779/e/10085 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Zeta sliding into 5 enemies (Ga gitu moment)(02:48:05 - 02:56:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/10085/e/10584 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Zeta sliding into enemies but this time while using Ultimate(02:56:24 - 02:58:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/10584/e/10680 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Zeta proud so much to Kobo (Coach & Student role)(02:58:00 - 03:04:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/10680/e/11071 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Kobo singing HELP!! To boost their moral(03:04:31 - 03:13:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/11071/e/11595 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Trying slide with pistol into enemy(03:05:41 - 03:09:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/11141/e/11373 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Look how Kobo save the team, Zeta is impressed with her(03:09:33 - 03:20:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/11373/e/12002 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM L Continue(03:13:15 - 03:05:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/11595/e/11141 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Imagine you in Zeta’s membership but you playing with Kobo Kanaeru(03:20:02 - 03:23:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/12002/e/12209 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Zeta will build & upgrade her PC soon[Holiday Topics] She will talk more in free talk stream(03:21:28 - 01:40:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/12088/e/6012 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Stream End, Otsu!==Announcement==(03:22:25 - 00:25:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/H3t1KWzwaKU/s/12145/e/1534 Thu, 18 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0900 【VALORANT】top global neon is back!!!!! I LEFT AIM CHAN LONG AGO I DON'T NEED AIM MUAHAAAHAHA RIP AIM Stream start(00:03:50 - 00:04:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/230/e/273 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Actually perfect timing (The official update and the stream timing)(00:04:33 - 00:05:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/273/e/311 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Pre-Game talk. Talks about the perfect timing of the LC update, LC's new maps, telling how she's got exhausted bcs of the MCU and vacation preps, about one of her clippers are not single anymore, etc.* == Games == *(00:04:33 - 00:12:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/273/e/737 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela bring shorter cable, prev was long(00:05:11 - 00:06:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/311/e/362 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Doesn't know how long she's gonna streams(00:06:02 - 00:06:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/362/e/389 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela very exhausted right now (from all the stuff she's doing)(00:06:29 - 00:08:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/389/e/481 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 New map very scary(00:08:01 - 00:09:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/481/e/595 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 One of Kaela's clipper is not single anymore according to one of Pemaloe's SC(00:09:55 - 00:12:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/595/e/737 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 === Game 1(00:12:17 - 00:12:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/737/e/776 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 => Game 1(00:12:17 - 00:20:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/737/e/1207 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Udah ngucapin ke biboo(00:12:56 - 00:13:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/776/e/829 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Why there is teleporter already? Ini punya siapa?(00:13:49 - 00:14:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/829/e/863 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 We need(00:14:23 - 00:14:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/863/e/893 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Don't exit. Just get fired(00:14:53 - 00:14:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/893/e/897 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Fired time (then later start a new quota again)(00:14:57 - 00:15:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/897/e/955 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Ehh saje, why trying so hard lah saje?(00:15:55 - 00:18:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/955/e/1092 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 UWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. (impressed to Saje bcs of trying hard)(00:18:12 - 00:18:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1092/e/1105 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Saje try hard. When we all want to die, she try hard(00:18:25 - 00:19:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1105/e/1143 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Fired moment(00:19:03 - 00:19:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1143/e/1164 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Welcome back (reset quota)(00:19:24 - 00:20:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1164/e/1207 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 1 - Adamance (Trying out the new map)(00:20:07 - 00:29:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1207/e/1789 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 K : What's this map?? Idk...(00:20:25 - 00:21:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1225/e/1282 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela want to see and try new trap(00:21:22 - 00:22:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1282/e/1336 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Some Kaeluarga showed Kaela new item (Easter egg)(00:22:16 - 00:22:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1336/e/1346 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela died because of the egg (speechless)(00:22:26 - 00:23:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1346/e/1395 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Seeing Kaeluarga commit sudoku (speechless)(00:23:15 - 00:23:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1395/e/1436 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela confused how the egg explode(00:23:56 - 00:25:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1436/e/1545 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Watching someone attempting to take beehive(00:25:45 - 00:25:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1545/e/1558 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 SEE?? That's predicted!!!! (One Kaeluarga ded after tried to take the beehive)(00:25:58 - 00:26:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1558/e/1602 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 DE DE DENG! (watching someone fall top of beehive)(00:26:42 - 00:27:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1602/e/1647 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 OH NO 3 BABOONS THEEEREEEEE...????(00:27:27 - 00:27:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1647/e/1673 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Baboon party moment(00:27:53 - 00:28:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1673/e/1696 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela just laugh with the choatic moment(00:28:16 - 00:28:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1696/e/1700 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela just know that the baboon is also taking items(00:28:20 - 00:28:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1700/e/1732 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaeluarga : Kenapa sih Kaela meledak tadi???(00:28:52 - 00:29:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1732/e/1769 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Cannot use the monitor moment(00:29:29 - 00:29:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1769/e/1789 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 == Day 2 - Adamance(00:29:49 - 00:30:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1789/e/1807 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela cannot do anything (bugged)(00:30:07 - 00:30:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1807/e/1834 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Free items already after the ship got landed(00:30:34 - 00:30:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1834/e/1858 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela watch one of Kaeluarga flying (because of new mobs)(00:30:58 - 00:31:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1858/e/1876 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Greeting the robot moment(00:31:16 - 00:31:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1876/e/1882 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 K : Sir.. can i punch you??? (Talk to the robot)(00:31:22 - 00:31:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1882/e/1906 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela stand on top of the robot(00:31:46 - 00:32:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1906/e/1923 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaeluarga: Mbak kerja mbak, K: Ini lagi kerja. Penguasa robot(00:32:03 - 00:32:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1923/e/1970 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 What is going on with the bird?? (Bird trying to approaches Kaela but it's bugged)(00:32:50 - 00:33:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/1970/e/2015 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Someone died because of beehive(00:33:35 - 00:33:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2015/e/2035 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Now beehive even bugged. They just watch bee and birds in front of them(00:33:55 - 00:34:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2035/e/2053 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 K : WOW.. Now i'm the bee master..(00:34:13 - 00:34:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2053/e/2078 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela asked some baboons if they wanna come to the party too(00:34:38 - 00:36:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2078/e/2162 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 K : Oh no.. giant(00:36:02 - 00:36:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2162/e/2187 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela gonna ask the giant to fight her. Fighting with robot(00:36:27 - 00:37:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2187/e/2247 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Now baboon join the party(00:37:27 - 00:39:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2247/e/2347 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Want to try to go down(00:39:07 - 00:39:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2347/e/2353 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 K : I think they wanted me... (All the monster around them)(00:39:13 - 00:39:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2353/e/2378 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 THE GIANT THE GIANT THE GIANT! (Kaela scream letting the others know that the giant is approaching)(00:39:38 - 00:40:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2378/e/2448 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Running going back to ship(00:40:48 - 00:41:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2448/e/2475 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela somehow survived against all odds(00:41:15 - 00:41:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2475/e/2506 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 K : The robot doing nothing... (Confused bcs the robot is not activated)(00:41:46 - 00:42:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2506/e/2539 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Still bugged cannot do anything(00:42:19 - 00:42:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2539/e/2570 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela is immortal right now? Want to fight monster(00:42:50 - 00:43:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2570/e/2586 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 == Day 3 - Adamance(00:43:06 - 00:43:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2586/e/2604 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela ded after tried to jump off from the ship bcs they said she's immortal(00:43:24 - 00:44:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2604/e/2646 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela blame others saying she was immortal but died(00:44:06 - 00:44:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2646/e/2677 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Watching one of Kaeluarga stuck under the ship(00:44:37 - 00:45:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2677/e/2709 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Tells saje to throw the egg to Kaeluarga that got stuck(00:45:09 - 00:45:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2709/e/2750 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 INI DRAMA APA LAGI? INI DRAMA KUNCI YG DI KAPAL DRAMA TELOR(00:45:50 - 00:46:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2750/e/2796 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela jinx that both of Kaeluarga she's spectated will be ded...(00:46:36 - 00:47:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2796/e/2854 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Watching the attempt to save (kill) someone using easter egg(00:47:34 - 00:50:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/2854/e/3006 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Want Satria to bring the dog to the ship(00:50:06 - 00:50:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3006/e/3034 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 One of Kaeluarga got abandoned by ship moment (Drama end)(00:50:34 - 00:51:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3034/e/3069 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 == Deadline Day(00:51:09 - 00:52:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3069/e/3145 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela think she is immune to boss?(00:52:25 - 00:53:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3145/e/3197 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Trying to call boss to attack her(00:53:17 - 00:53:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3197/e/3220 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela ded after mocking the company monster boss(00:53:40 - 00:54:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3220/e/3266 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaeluarga spend money to buy teleporter and bee costume(00:54:26 - 00:55:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3266/e/3300 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela skill issue cannot take the bee costume(00:55:00 - 00:55:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3300/e/3311 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela cried after Kaeluarga bullied her bcs she cannot use the bee costume(00:55:11 - 03:49:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3311/e/13776 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 == Game 2(00:56:04 - 00:56:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3364/e/3398 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 => Game 2(00:56:04 - 00:58:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3364/e/3512 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 The room is broken ?(00:56:38 - 00:56:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3398/e/3415 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela planned to restart the save file...(00:56:55 - 00:57:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3415/e/3451 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 The bee suit is gone...(00:57:31 - 00:58:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3451/e/3512 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 = Day 1 - Assurance(00:58:32 - 00:58:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3512/e/3530 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 1 - Assurance(00:58:32 - 01:06:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3512/e/4011 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 lagi berusaha masuk kayak nya(00:58:50 - 00:59:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3530/e/3560 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela failed to jump to fire exit(00:59:20 - 00:59:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3560/e/3591 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela blame someone after she failed to jump to the fire exit access(00:59:51 - 01:00:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3591/e/3611 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Where is the trap ???(01:00:11 - 01:00:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3611/e/3621 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Someone take the apparatus(01:00:21 - 01:01:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3621/e/3666 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 DUAAARRR (kaeluarga just doing what oshi say, step on landmine. Kaela ded too)(01:01:06 - 01:01:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3666/e/3707 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaeluarga asked Kaela if she wants to talks about her ded. K : THANKYOU!(01:01:47 - 01:02:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3707/e/3776 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela gonna get her revenge and blow 4 people after this(01:02:56 - 01:04:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3776/e/3848 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 DUAR JUST DUAR LAH YOU CAN DO IT (She try to jinx kaeluarga to stap on landmine)(01:04:08 - 01:04:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3848/e/3876 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LC : Jadi spectator mulu la.. maen donk. K : Ini lagi maen!(01:04:36 - 01:05:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3876/e/3944 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 SKLL ISSUE ? ITS FOR CONTENT. We are playing content warning right now(01:05:44 - 01:06:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3944/e/3995 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela gonna explode all of this(01:06:35 - 01:06:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/3995/e/4011 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 == Day 2 - Adamance (foggy)(01:06:51 - 01:07:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4011/e/4038 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 2 - Adamance (foggy)(01:06:51 - 01:15:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4011/e/4553 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaeluarga panic bcs the foggy(01:07:18 - 01:08:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4038/e/4090 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Almost Kaelost moment(01:08:10 - 01:08:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4090/e/4110 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 TAKE TAKE (kaela take apparatus, kaeluarga panic)(01:08:30 - 01:09:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4110/e/4169 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Someone using the flashbang(01:09:29 - 01:09:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4169/e/4199 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Ask the bird to make her fly, then the bird makes Kaela fly(01:09:59 - 01:11:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4199/e/4287 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela screams to the dog that appeared around their ship (Still in revenge mode to the Kaeluarga)(01:11:27 - 01:12:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4287/e/4348 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Eyeless dog in front of her and died (attacked)(01:12:28 - 01:13:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4348/e/4404 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaeluarga just kill thumper with the easter egg(01:13:24 - 01:13:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4404/e/4436 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Laughing after kaeluarga ded by another thumper(01:13:56 - 01:14:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4436/e/4489 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Watching Kaeluarga approached by Baboon(01:14:49 - 01:15:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4489/e/4509 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LETS GOOO (Laugh and applause after kaeluarga eaten by dogs)(01:15:09 - 01:15:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4509/e/4553 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 == Day 3 - Adamance (Foggy)(01:15:53 - 01:16:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4553/e/4583 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 3 - Adamance (Foggy)(01:15:53 - 01:25:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4553/e/5155 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaeluarga panic after knew the moons its foggy again(01:16:23 - 01:16:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4583/e/4593 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 K : Skill issue... foggy just play laaaaahh..(01:16:33 - 01:17:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4593/e/4653 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Found big room(01:17:33 - 01:17:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4653/e/4678 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 HELLO RIGHT HERE (Call other kaeluarga, ask for help)(01:17:58 - 01:18:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4678/e/4713 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WAIT WHAT??? WHY THE BIRD IS HERE???(01:18:33 - 01:19:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4713/e/4781 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WOOOOOO RUUUUUNNN (Yippie angry)(01:19:41 - 01:20:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4781/e/4807 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WHATS GOING ON (Laugh at kaeluarga chased by yippie)(01:20:07 - 01:20:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4807/e/4834 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela searches the way with Kaeluarga to get to the ship from this moon's fire exit(01:20:34 - 01:21:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4834/e/4892 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 FLY FLY FLY (Told the bird to take her flying)(01:21:32 - 01:22:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4892/e/4934 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela want to fight Baboon(01:22:14 - 01:22:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4934/e/4968 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 COME HERE BABOON IM READY TO FIGHT (kaela and kaeluarga vs baboon)(01:22:48 - 01:23:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4968/e/4983 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 One Kaeluarga said that Kaela hit them(01:23:03 - 01:23:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/4983/e/5028 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 BABOON HERE WLLLEEEEEE(01:23:48 - 01:24:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5028/e/5065 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Laughing after someone ded by the baboon on ship (And suddenly dog respawn too)(01:24:25 - 01:25:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5065/e/5111 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 The baboon is trying to fight the dog(01:25:11 - 01:25:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5111/e/5122 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela decide to leave(01:25:22 - 01:25:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5122/e/5155 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 BUNNY SUIT????!!!??? (Decided to boght it)(01:26:52 - 01:27:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5212/e/5239 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 YEAAHHHH (Kaela buying bunny suit)(01:27:19 - 01:27:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5239/e/5271 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Bug ? Boss dont want to take the items ?(01:27:51 - 01:28:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5271/e/5315 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela smashing the bell bcs the boss doesn't any sign to come out..(01:28:35 - 01:29:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5315/e/5359 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Quit the room, will sell the items in next game (bug)(01:29:19 - 01:29:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5359/e/5374 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 === Game 3(01:29:34 - 01:30:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5374/e/5439 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 => Game 3(01:29:34 - 01:35:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5374/e/5711 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Bukan kacang ok, kacang berungtung we kick(01:30:39 - 01:30:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5439/e/5451 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WHOSE MIC IS THAT ? (feedback)(01:31:42 - 01:32:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5502/e/5521 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 AAAAAAAAAA (testing mic)(01:32:01 - 01:33:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5521/e/5596 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Want to buy bunny suit but not on the store(01:33:16 - 01:35:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5596/e/5711 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 == Day 1 - Embrion(01:35:11 - 01:36:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5711/e/5797 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Timing aja kan ??? (try to dodge the spike trap)(01:36:37 - 01:37:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5797/e/5869 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Another spike trap(01:37:49 - 01:39:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5869/e/5959 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela playing with the door (open/close it) so Kaeluarga cannot enter(01:39:19 - 01:40:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/5959/e/6006 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Found apparatus room(01:40:06 - 01:40:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6006/e/6025 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 One Kaeluarga decided to take the apparatus(01:40:25 - 01:40:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6025/e/6041 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LETS GO WE ALL DIE TOGETHER(01:40:41 - 01:41:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6041/e/6071 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Encountered Nutcracker(01:41:11 - 01:41:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6071/e/6104 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 YOK BISA YOK MATI SEMUA(01:41:44 - 01:42:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6104/e/6123 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Ded got shot by nutcracker after passed the slime(01:42:03 - 01:42:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6123/e/6151 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 NICE WOHOOOO (Laugh and applause after someone ded by the trap)(01:42:31 - 01:42:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6151/e/6178 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 One Kaeluarga got chased by the robots after getting out of the building(01:42:58 - 01:44:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6178/e/6255 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 the juke master(01:43:10 - 03:49:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6190/e/13776 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Itu yakin itu. Di kantor sendirian teriak2 itu. HUA HUA HUA!(01:44:15 - 01:45:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6255/e/6329 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 == Day 2 - Embrion(01:45:29 - 01:45:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6329/e/6349 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 They all go to fire exit(01:45:49 - 01:46:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6349/e/6380 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela and Kaeluarga found the Embrion's fire exit(01:46:20 - 01:47:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6380/e/6459 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Some Kaeluarga encountered Coilhead??(01:47:39 - 01:48:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6459/e/6491 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 The coilhead block the way(01:48:11 - 01:48:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6491/e/6511 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 And now the nutcracker respawn(01:48:31 - 01:49:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6511/e/6540 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela ded shoot by nutcracker(01:49:00 - 01:49:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6540/e/6564 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Whats going oooooon, whats going ooooon(01:49:24 - 01:50:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6564/e/6600 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WOOOOOOOOOOOO (Seeing one Kaeluarga almost got killed by coilhead)(01:50:00 - 01:50:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6600/e/6615 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Giant join party(01:50:15 - 01:51:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6615/e/6663 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Robot vs giant. Pemaloe roasting the robot, aim issue(01:51:03 - 01:51:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6663/e/6703 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WOOO OWOOO WOOOOO (The robot attack the giant)(01:51:43 - 01:51:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6703/e/6715 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 The giant ded??? (After the robots shooting at it)(01:51:55 - 01:52:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6715/e/6770 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaeluarga panic after the robot start to attack them(01:52:50 - 01:53:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6770/e/6788 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaeluarga successfully leaving the moon(01:53:08 - 01:53:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6788/e/6816 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 == Day 3 - Embrion(01:53:36 - 01:53:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6816/e/6831 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 K : Why the Embrion always got clear weather?? I want Embrion eclipse 3 times(01:53:51 - 01:54:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6831/e/6887 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Found spike trap(01:54:47 - 01:57:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/6887/e/7042 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WAAAAAAAA WAAAAAA (Poor yippie geprek, ded bcs the trap)(01:57:22 - 01:58:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7042/e/7097 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Encountered spore lizard(01:58:17 - 01:58:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7097/e/7121 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 DEAD END DEAD END....WOOOOO WHAT IS HAPPENING (chaos moment bcs the spike trap, one of kaeluarga ded)(01:58:41 - 01:58:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7121/e/7135 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela somehow survived the double spike trap(01:58:55 - 02:00:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7135/e/7230 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Already 5 pm, robot awake(02:00:30 - 02:00:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7230/e/7249 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 You good bro? (One of Kaeluarga got jumpscared by the robot)(02:00:49 - 02:01:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7249/e/7277 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 K : WOAAAA LETSGOOOOOO. The robots starts shooting(02:01:17 - 02:01:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7277/e/7306 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Is that worm ? the big one. WIll the worm eat the robot ?(02:01:46 - 02:02:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7306/e/7327 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WHAT???? WHAT IS HAPPENING?? WHY IT'S SUDDENLY CRITICAL INJURY????(02:02:07 - 02:02:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7327/e/7365 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 STOP DUNG DANG DUNG DANG DENG DONG (robot sound)(02:02:45 - 02:03:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7365/e/7415 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Leaving the moon..(02:03:35 - 02:04:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7415/e/7451 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 == Deadline day(02:04:11 - 02:05:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7451/e/7537 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Deadline day(02:04:11 - 02:09:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7451/e/7743 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 YAAAAAYYYYY (someone ded by boss)(02:05:37 - 02:06:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7537/e/7584 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Another one died because of boss(02:06:24 - 02:06:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7584/e/7607 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 YAAAY (Finally the boss takes the item)(02:06:47 - 02:07:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7607/e/7634 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Someone block the way to enter the ship(02:07:14 - 02:08:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7634/e/7702 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Cant vote in the company(02:08:22 - 02:08:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7702/e/7729 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Decide to leave room and sell the items in next game(02:08:49 - 03:49:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7729/e/13776 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 === Game 4(02:09:03 - 02:09:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7743/e/7797 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 => Game 4(02:09:03 - 02:15:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7743/e/8115 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Check mic. AAAAAAAAAA(02:09:57 - 02:10:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7797/e/7809 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 DENGER BANG DENGER(02:10:09 - 02:10:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7809/e/7825 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 GAK USAH DI KOKOP, NOT KOKOP THE MIC(02:10:25 - 02:10:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7825/e/7845 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Buy inverse teleporter(02:12:55 - 02:14:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/7975/e/8043 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 buying hazard suit(02:14:03 - 02:15:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8043/e/8115 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 1 - Embrion(02:15:15 - 02:19:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8115/e/8398 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 K : We have 400, no ded okay???(02:15:24 - 02:15:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8124/e/8137 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 NO ONE STAYING IN THE SHIP (told everyone to use inverse)(02:15:37 - 02:16:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8137/e/8176 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Niceee (after avoid the spike trap)(02:16:16 - 02:17:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8176/e/8242 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Crushing ? wow great (one of kaeluarga ded)(02:17:22 - 02:17:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8242/e/8252 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 K : Take apparatus..? ok good. Kaeluarga : OK gass..(02:17:32 - 02:18:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8252/e/8285 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WOW someone just duaaarr the easter egg and ded + coil head spawn(02:18:05 - 02:18:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8285/e/8337 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 After coilhead and yippie, Kaela encountered thumper. Then ded after that(02:18:57 - 02:19:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8337/e/8346 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WOOOOOOOOO NO ONE MAKE IT (all ded)(02:19:06 - 02:19:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8346/e/8390 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 300 EZ LAH WHY SO AFRAID(02:19:50 - 02:19:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8390/e/8398 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 2 - Embrion(02:19:58 - 02:28:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8398/e/8935 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 So many traps(02:21:11 - 02:22:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8471/e/8534 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 EMMMMMM ALMOST ALMOST (someone almost ded bcs the spike trap)(02:22:14 - 02:22:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8534/e/8575 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Heard Thumper sound approaching(02:22:55 - 02:23:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8575/e/8631 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 IF THUMPER JUST BOOM THE THUMPER WITH THE EGG(02:23:51 - 02:24:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8631/e/8649 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela commands Kaeluarga to bait the thumper to the spike trap(02:24:09 - 02:24:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8649/e/8695 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Ded and silent (bcs the spike trap)(02:24:55 - 02:25:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8695/e/8742 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Robot battle lets go(02:25:42 - 02:26:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8742/e/8765 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 This 3 people dont know the way back(02:26:05 - 02:26:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8765/e/8796 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Haiyaaa the robot very passive, attack lah robot(02:26:36 - 02:27:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8796/e/8833 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WOW WOW WOW What are the shooting at ? (robot awake and start shooting)(02:27:13 - 02:27:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8833/e/8865 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 THANK YOU GOODBYE FOREVER (one of kaeluarga inverse and find the main entrance)(02:27:45 - 02:28:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8865/e/8889 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Watching one of kaeluarga run from the robot but crew on ship leave him(02:28:09 - 02:28:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8889/e/8935 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 3 - Embrion(02:28:55 - 02:37:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8935/e/9471 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Some Kaeluarga decided to just walk to the building(02:29:24 - 02:29:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8964/e/8996 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela gonna teleport someone who not bringing items, to use inverse teleporter together(02:29:56 - 02:31:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/8996/e/9089 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 She make confuse one of kaeluarga(02:31:29 - 02:31:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9089/e/9102 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WHY SO MAD???(02:31:42 - 02:32:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9102/e/9123 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WHY WE ALL TELEPORT IN SAME PLACE(02:32:03 - 02:32:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9123/e/9133 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WHAT IS THAT SOUND ?(02:32:13 - 02:32:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9133/e/9139 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Died because of spike trap(02:32:19 - 02:32:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9139/e/9176 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 HIYEAAHHH WOWOWOWO THATS TOO CLOSE (kaeluarga chased by coil head)(02:32:56 - 02:35:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9176/e/9328 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Suddenly everyone scream KAELAAAAAA(02:35:28 - 02:36:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9328/e/9363 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 YOUR LAST WORD LETS GOOO (watching kaeluarga try to run from the robot)(02:36:03 - 02:36:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9363/e/9396 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 NEXT ONE LETS GO (another kaeluarga try to dodge the robot)(02:36:36 - 02:37:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9396/e/9471 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Deadline Day(02:37:51 - 02:44:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9471/e/9856 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela got so many content by dying(02:38:07 - 02:40:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9487/e/9602 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela geprek, ded bcs the ship(02:40:02 - 02:42:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9602/e/9728 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 They start killing each other to reach quota(02:42:08 - 02:43:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9728/e/9824 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 The dont spend all money ?? WE GONNA LOST ALL MONEY(02:43:44 - 02:44:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9824/e/9856 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 === Game 5(02:44:16 - 02:44:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9856/e/9896 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 => Game 5(02:44:16 - 02:46:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9856/e/9965 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Dont forget to hydrate(02:44:56 - 02:45:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9896/e/9922 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Check mic AAAAAAA(02:45:22 - 02:45:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9922/e/9940 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Suddenly they all become cat(02:45:40 - 02:46:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9940/e/9965 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 == Day 1 - Adamance(02:46:05 - 02:46:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9965/e/9976 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 1 - Adamance(02:46:05 - 02:55:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9965/e/10547 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 NO ONE STAYING ON THE SHIP(02:46:16 - 02:46:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9976/e/9997 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Hmmm ? where am i ?(02:46:37 - 02:46:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/9997/e/10005 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Niceee niceee (one of kaeluarga stuck)(02:46:45 - 02:47:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10005/e/10066 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 They dont want to go out...(02:47:46 - 02:47:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10066/e/10076 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Laugh and hit table after see one of kaeluarga ded in front of her (spike trap)(02:47:56 - 02:48:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10076/e/10099 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 TERDIAM ~ HANYA BISA ~(02:48:19 - 02:49:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10099/e/10157 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Owwwh slime slime !(02:49:17 - 02:52:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10157/e/10333 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 SINI SINI MANA ??? YAUDAH LES GOOOO (Confuse about kaeluarga info about the way out)(02:52:13 - 02:52:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10333/e/10378 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LAGI NGIKUTIN ORANG DEPAN KOCAK (try to go back to ship with other pemaloe)(02:52:58 - 02:53:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10378/e/10419 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WOW NO ONE IN THE SHIP ? AMAZING(02:53:39 - 02:54:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10419/e/10443 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Dont want to teleport, WE JUST WATCH(02:54:03 - 02:54:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10443/e/10475 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 NAH NAH YIPPIE. THIS ONE NO NEED TELEPORT(02:54:35 - 02:55:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10475/e/10502 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Watching some Kaeluarga ded by baboon.. then also ded(02:55:02 - 02:55:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10502/e/10515 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 EYAAAAA LETS GOOOO WOOOO (all ded)(02:55:15 - 02:55:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10515/e/10547 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 2 - Adamance(02:55:47 - 03:02:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10547/e/10973 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LC : besok besok kalau ada baboon buka pintu nya ya, K : OK OK EZ(02:56:04 - 02:56:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10564/e/10601 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I DONT WANT FIRE EXIT. I WANNA FIGHT(02:56:41 - 02:57:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10601/e/10650 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Just fire exit just like that ?(02:57:30 - 02:57:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10650/e/10668 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Jinx quicksand(02:57:48 - 02:58:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10668/e/10688 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela try to take beehive and make other panic(02:58:08 - 02:58:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10688/e/10720 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Suddenly the bridge fell down(02:58:40 - 02:59:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10720/e/10756 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 BELOM BELOM MATI, MASIH HIDUP(02:59:16 - 02:59:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10756/e/10779 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 PANIC BCS THE QUICKSAND(02:59:39 - 03:00:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10779/e/10811 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 NAGA WHERE ? DED ?(03:00:11 - 03:00:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10811/e/10834 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LETS GO TAKE TAKE TAKE (ask pemaloe to take the beehive)(03:00:34 - 03:00:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10834/e/10848 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela ded bcs of the bee(03:00:48 - 03:01:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10848/e/10869 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 This group is really weird, ITS JUST BEEHIVE(03:01:09 - 03:01:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10869/e/10902 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ITS ONLY 1 BEEHIVE, WHATS GOING ON(03:01:42 - 03:02:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10902/e/10923 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 DHLH DHLH (dog enter the ship)(03:02:03 - 03:02:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10923/e/10936 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 All ded again...(03:02:16 - 03:02:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10936/e/10973 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 3 - Adamance(03:02:53 - 03:14:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10973/e/11677 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 500 ez 1 day(03:03:06 - 03:04:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/10986/e/11056 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 YAUDAH PERGI PERGI (Fight with one kaeluarga)(03:04:16 - 03:04:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11056/e/11078 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WAIT WHAT ? SOMEONE DED ALREADY (spike trap)(03:04:38 - 03:04:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11078/e/11095 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 SPIKE IYA SPIKE IYA SPIKE IYA(03:04:55 - 03:05:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11095/e/11119 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 INI SIAPA SIH YANG NGOMONG ? DONT GO BUAT SIAPA ?(03:05:19 - 03:05:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11119/e/11137 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaeluarga : SEHAT ? (after kaela scream passing trough the spike trap)(03:05:37 - 03:06:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11137/e/11192 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LET ME SHOW YOU HOW TO DO IT (parkour)(03:06:32 - 03:07:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11192/e/11224 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Yaaaa cant push(03:07:04 - 03:07:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11224/e/11235 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Laugh after two kaeluarga fall, kaela block the way(03:07:15 - 03:08:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11235/e/11294 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Laugh and hit table, after she got the third victim (failed to jump)(03:08:14 - 03:08:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11294/e/11329 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Niceee so good (bridge broken and worm appear)(03:08:49 - 03:09:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11329/e/11374 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 NOT ENOUGH LA WE GO BACK AGAIN (only 100+ on ship)(03:09:34 - 03:09:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11374/e/11394 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 THUMPER THUMPER LETS GOOOO (after inverse)(03:09:54 - 03:10:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11394/e/11452 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 AYO @PewNyaa SEMANGAT, YOU CAN DO IT(03:10:52 - 03:11:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11452/e/11505 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WE CANT ZENLOSS LIKE THAT(03:11:45 - 03:11:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11505/e/11511 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 EMMMMMMM (and applause, one of kaeluarga ded bcs the dogs)(03:11:51 - 03:12:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11511/e/11571 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Jinx last kaeluarga to get eaten by dogs(03:12:51 - 03:13:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11571/e/11629 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 HAIYA ITS ONLY GET 200, DO YOU THINK ITS PLAYGROUND ? THIS IS WORKPLACE(03:13:49 - 03:14:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11629/e/11677 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 == Day 4 - Adamance(03:14:37 - 03:14:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11677/e/11689 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 4 - Adamance(03:14:37 - 03:24:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11677/e/12253 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 TONIGHT I CANT PLAY THAT LONG BUT ZENLOSS AT 500(03:14:49 - 03:15:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11689/e/11758 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Invite kaeluarga to the turret(03:15:58 - 03:16:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11758/e/11798 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 This is watchalong ! (they see the turret together)(03:16:38 - 03:17:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11798/e/11824 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 One of kaeluarga ask kaela to teach him parkour(03:17:04 - 03:17:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11824/e/11844 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 SEE ? VERY EZ (parkour success)(03:17:24 - 03:18:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11844/e/11883 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 NEXT ONE NEXT ONE (one of kaeluarga failed to jump)(03:18:03 - 03:19:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11883/e/11963 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LAST DAY GOT MANY ITEMS(03:19:23 - 03:20:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/11963/e/12028 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaeluarga told kaela to throw easter egg to baboon(03:20:28 - 03:21:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12028/e/12079 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Why its not exploding ??? (the easter egg)(03:21:19 - 03:21:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12079/e/12099 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 They try to threw the egg but the egg not explode(03:21:39 - 03:22:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12099/e/12156 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela have enough and left everyone behind(03:22:36 - 03:23:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12156/e/12183 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Fired time(03:23:03 - 03:49:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12183/e/13776 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Its only 3 hours but if start another run...its gonna be till morning(03:24:13 - 03:25:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12253/e/12323 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Post-game talk, reading dono's, talks about her preparations for tomorrow and the day later, making Biboo's birthday greeting in Thai, etc.* Full and detailed Timestamps are on the reply section *(03:24:13 - 03:49:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12253/e/13776 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Check everything that she need to streaming(03:25:23 - 03:26:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12323/e/12363 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Cant start another game(03:26:03 - 03:26:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12363/e/12392 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Robot is crazy, still need to learn new map(03:26:32 - 03:27:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12392/e/12435 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela not yet meet the butler and the 1.5k map(03:27:15 - 03:27:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12435/e/12463 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Want to say HBD beejoe if its already 14 in all timezone(03:27:43 - 03:28:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12463/e/12509 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela record "HBD BEEJOE" with her phone(03:28:29 - 03:29:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12509/e/12582 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan already told Kaela safe flight. K: BELOM MCHAN!(03:29:42 - 03:30:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12582/e/12609 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Recording Happy Birthday to Beejoe in Thai language(03:30:09 - 03:35:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12609/e/12947 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Try to say happy birthday in thai language from sc and record it with her phone(03:35:47 - 03:36:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/12947/e/13019 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Play the recording(03:36:59 - 03:38:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/13019/e/13087 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela retake the recording(03:38:07 - 03:39:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/13087/e/13140 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Okay thats better(03:39:00 - 03:41:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/13140/e/13296 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 My second Vietnamese SC:(03:40:37 - 03:49:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/13237/e/13776 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 You dont need to worry kaela will take care her family(03:41:36 - 03:43:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/13296/e/13431 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I will survive the mcu and 3 days without internet.(03:43:51 - 03:47:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/13431/e/13660 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 You have 3 days to sleep and after that we gonna fight again(03:47:40 - 03:47:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/13660/e/13678 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Otsulemao bye bye...EH WHY NO BGM ? (then she play kaelegskia ending)(03:47:58 - 03:49:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/13678/e/13741 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 This is one is nice ! "see you soon, thanks for watching" (use old background)(03:49:01 - 03:49:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/CgZmGt9zc_A/s/13741/e/13776 Sun, 14 Apr 24 21:45:00 +0900 【Lethal Company】last stream before i go【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ribut ribut dah tuh wkwk😂(00:14:00 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/840/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? dirasuki birjon(00:21:09 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/1269/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? "coba gimana perasaannya" 🤣🤣(00:28:05 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/1685/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? paling alamak ngakak cik😂(00:28:18 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/1698/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? bang dyland "Allah hu Akbar" seperti melihat sesuatu yang mengerikan woekoekei(00:29:42 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/1782/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Otak :Aku : 0_0(00:37:31 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/2251/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? aku pake payung🗿🤣🤣(00:37:35 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/2255/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Puncak komedi(00:40:16 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/2416/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? kata Bang Windah cara viral adalah buka helm kobo 🤣(00:44:12 - 00:46:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/2652/e/2790 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? “yang berdarah dijomokin” kobo : “aku mau…” 🤨(00:46:30 - 01:18:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/2790/e/4705 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? TF BANG WINDAH 🤣(01:18:25 - 01:42:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/4705/e/6136 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? kobo emote(01:28:09 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/5289/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? WKWK(01:31:25 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/5485/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Bang Windah modus peluk2 kobo 🤣(01:42:16 - 02:04:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/6136/e/7496 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? macam movie(01:54:50 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/6890/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? jumscare momen(01:56:25 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/6985/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? momen para pemberani(01:56:30 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/6990/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? 😂(01:56:34 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/6994/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Peak Content 🥶(01:58:54 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/7134/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? NGAKAK BACA AYAT KURSI BANGKEE 💀💀💀💀(01:58:57 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/7137/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? TF BANG UPI 🤣(02:04:56 - 02:08:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/7496/e/7720 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Asal turun ae lu kobra 🤣(02:08:40 - 02:15:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/7720/e/8154 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? ini terlucu upi lumpuh 😂😂(02:11:51 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/7911/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? DUARR(02:15:54 - 02:36:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/8154/e/9367 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Kobo skandal dengan bang Windah 🥰🤣(02:29:06 - 02:36:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/8946/e/9417 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? kwkwkwk(02:29:07 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/8947/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? ngakak brutal😂(02:33:44 - 02:51:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/9224/e/10300 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Kobo dan Bang Windah berpelukan sampe bang windah basah 🤨(02:36:07 - 02:41:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/9367/e/9705 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? “SUKIYO, BANG ITU SUAMI KAMU YA BANG ? IYA”(02:36:57 - 02:52:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/9417/e/10378 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Kobo mengakui sebagai Kunti Biru 🤣(02:41:45 - 02:55:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/9705/e/10525 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Epic moments(02:51:40 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/10300/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? penampakan hantu biru(02:52:53 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/10373/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? The real Hantu Biru 🤣(02:52:58 - 03:01:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/10378/e/10870 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Insting bang windah sangat tajam ygy 🥶(02:55:25 - 02:56:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/10525/e/10614 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? moment bang windah clutch parah(02:55:39 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/10539/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Dyland Pross : “itu namanya Insting SS, STREAM SNIPE” 🤣 “Bang Windah : SS itu Insting SAHABAT SEJATI” 🥰(02:56:54 - 02:29:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/10614/e/8946 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Kobo lebih milih shopee ketimbang tokopedia 😅(03:00:57 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/10857/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Kobo : “AKU JOMOK” 🤨(03:01:10 - 03:01:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/10870/e/10886 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? BANG UPI : “KOBO JOMOK KOBO ? KOBO : “IYA” 🤨(03:01:26 - 03:03:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/10886/e/11005 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Kobo jomok :v(03:01:27 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/10887/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Monsternya dipeluk kobo 🥰(03:03:25 - 03:17:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/11005/e/11820 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? GIMMICK KOBRA 🤣(03:17:00 - 03:17:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/11820/e/11878 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Noo Kobo mati gara-gara Alwan Gacha 😭(03:17:58 - 03:22:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/11878/e/12142 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Kobo diisengin Dyland Pross 🤣(03:22:22 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/12142/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? wkwk(03:24:22 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/12262/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? ketawanya kobu luce bet(03:39:00 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/13140/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Kunti Biru(03:43:56 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/13436/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Pliss part😂(03:43:58 - 03:45:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/qjT4ngvX4Tc/s/13438/e/13553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 22:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】BOROX JADI CONTENT CREATOR HORROR !!!! APAKAH CAMERAMEN SELAMAT?? Stream start(00:02:58 - 00:04:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/178/e/283 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Dont know if this game have ending or not*=== GAME START ===**[ WEEK 2 ]*(00:04:43 - 00:04:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/283/e/296 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 5(00:04:56 - 00:05:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/296/e/309 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela try to manage flask maker (need many fiber)(00:05:09 - 00:06:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/309/e/376 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ So I'm trying to wait for 200 fiber flask(00:06:16 - 00:08:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/376/e/485 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Already finished packing her clothes. But still checking the cabin luggage(00:08:05 - 00:08:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/485/e/518 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela'll give 4 HBD for @imadokii(00:08:38 - 00:09:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/518/e/569 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela'll tell us when the start of her holiday(00:09:29 - 00:12:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/569/e/738 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to expand the workshop(00:12:18 - 00:12:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/738/e/767 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Collecting rocks while waiting for the fiber flask(00:12:47 - 00:13:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/767/e/783 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Full inventory as always(00:13:03 - 00:14:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/783/e/841 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Unlock meg@ crate and build it(00:14:01 - 00:14:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/841/e/888 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ It's still need to be short tho(00:14:48 - 00:15:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/888/e/932 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Back to collecting stone(00:15:32 - 00:16:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/932/e/986 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wrong tools moment (when collecting stone)(00:16:26 - 00:17:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/986/e/1040 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I really want to get better pickaxe. This is really slow(00:17:20 - 00:18:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/1040/e/1113 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ This game is fun, Kaela can't stop playing it(00:18:33 - 00:19:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/1113/e/1165 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Best part of this game, this game is offline so she can play without internet(00:19:25 - 00:21:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/1165/e/1298 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Still not enough to build bottle maker(00:21:38 - 00:22:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/1298/e/1352 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 6(00:22:32 - 00:24:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/1352/e/1460 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Running out of space again...help(00:24:20 - 00:24:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/1460/e/1489 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to unlock bottle maker but not enough money(00:24:49 - 00:26:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/1489/e/1596 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Checking the quest(00:26:36 - 00:27:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/1596/e/1642 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Forgot if Odie's quest is done or not(00:27:22 - 00:29:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/1642/e/1758 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I want to chop allnof this tree too. Let me in(00:29:18 - 00:31:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/1758/e/1864 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Another boomer song that Kaela knows(00:31:04 - 00:31:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/1864/e/1887 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Eh, the one that tua is not me (blaming SC)(00:31:27 - 00:32:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/1887/e/1977 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Checking shroompedia(00:32:57 - 00:33:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/1977/e/2036 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wait, why ash. It's should be brick right(00:33:56 - 00:35:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2036/e/2108 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ YABE YABE YABE! (All brick gonna turn to ashes)(00:35:08 - 00:36:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2108/e/2171 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Making another kiln(00:36:11 - 00:38:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2171/e/2339 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ RUNNING OUT OF STONE AGAIN ? (For expand)(00:38:59 - 00:39:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2339/e/2377 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Don't think can sell raw ingredient(00:39:37 - 00:40:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2377/e/2444 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to expand workshop(00:40:44 - 00:41:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2444/e/2491 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Searching for fiber(00:41:31 - 00:42:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2491/e/2529 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 7(00:42:09 - 00:42:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2529/e/2548 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ 1 day 1k, Need 10 days to make bottle maker(00:42:28 - 00:42:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2548/e/2566 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Oooh, nice one.. (expand done)(00:42:46 - 00:43:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2566/e/2597 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Reorganize workshop(00:43:17 - 00:43:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2597/e/2631 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Why's broken? (Furnace connection to chest)(00:43:51 - 00:44:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2631/e/2658 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Why it's easy to get broken huh? (furnace/potion maker connection)(00:44:18 - 00:44:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2658/e/2681 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Furnace still broken and confused(00:44:41 - 00:46:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2681/e/2772 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Tunggu tunggu WAIT WAIT (She dismantle the furnace)(00:46:12 - 00:46:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2772/e/2813 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Ok it's working now, u do u (Furnace works again after she rebuilt it)(00:46:53 - 00:47:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2813/e/2865 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ continue to rearrange her tools(00:47:45 - 00:48:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2865/e/2916 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Fiber issue (want to make another meg@ crate but cant)(00:48:36 - 00:49:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2916/e/2981 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Fiber, fiber, fiber. Give me fiber(00:49:41 - 00:52:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/2981/e/3131 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wow, that's crazy(00:52:11 - 00:53:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/3131/e/3226 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wow, this one so beeg. 20 thousand of coins??(00:53:46 - 00:55:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/3226/e/3304 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Trying to used flask instead of bottles(00:55:04 - 00:57:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/3304/e/3423 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Change crate to chest(00:57:03 - 00:58:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/3423/e/3502 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to make bottle maker, but trying to be efficient(00:58:22 - 01:00:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/3502/e/3642 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 About playing VCR, Kaela will not join*[ SUBJECT IN SCHOOL THAT KAELA LIKE AND DISLIKE ]*(01:00:42 - 01:52:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/3642/e/6760 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ About playing VCR, Kaela will not join(01:00:42 - 01:01:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/3642/e/3718 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela extra monitor size(01:01:58 - 01:02:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/3718/e/3755 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Ooey, I want to go sleep but not like that(01:02:35 - 07:40:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/3755/e/27623 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Tentang ketiduran di lantai(01:03:24 - 01:04:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/3804/e/3851 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Planning to build distiller(01:04:11 - 01:06:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/3851/e/3967 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Doing trial and error crafting(01:06:07 - 01:07:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/3967/e/4051 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ About showering with dish soap(01:07:31 - 01:09:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/4051/e/4199 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ About game ending, Kaela not sure have one or not (actual time 1h10min29sec)(01:09:59 - 01:11:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/4199/e/4260 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Emang honey penting ya ? is honey important in this game ?(01:11:00 - 01:12:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/4260/e/4355 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Imagine if can get 100% (money from selling potion), that's gonna be easier(01:12:35 - 01:12:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/4355/e/4377 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Pc chan never knows about laptop chat, so pc chan cant be jealous(01:12:57 - 01:14:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/4377/e/4447 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ About 3am America time stream(01:14:07 - 01:15:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/4447/e/4513 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Inventory full again(01:15:13 - 01:15:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/4513/e/4559 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I'll not going back before full full(01:15:59 - 01:17:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/4559/e/4636 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Searching for iron(01:17:16 - 01:17:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/4636/e/4661 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Go back using teleporter(01:17:41 - 01:18:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/4661/e/4704 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Imagine not having iron, couldn't be me(01:18:24 - 01:20:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/4704/e/4858 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Rearrange her workshop(01:20:58 - 01:22:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/4858/e/4963 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ LC : Safe flight ya ela, K : BELUM SABAR BELUM(01:22:43 - 01:23:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/4963/e/5006 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Glass.... Glass.... (want to make glass)(01:23:26 - 01:23:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5006/e/5028 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Why bgm is gone? Bgm doko?(01:23:48 - 01:23:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5028/e/5036 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I'm okay if someone call me "mbak"(01:24:34 - 01:25:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5074/e/5120 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Stamina kayak gorilla ? Maybe bcs im gorilla ? dont you think so ?(01:25:20 - 01:26:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5120/e/5161 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ No, no, no. No mbah ela(01:26:01 - 01:27:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5161/e/5222 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Making glass. Please don't break(01:27:02 - 01:27:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5222/e/5246 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Need to grind sandstone to wait the other proses to done(01:27:26 - 01:30:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5246/e/5458 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela always had hard time to connect the chest(01:30:58 - 01:32:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5458/e/5522 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Is it working or not? Is is because of the flask? (bottler)(01:32:02 - 01:32:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5522/e/5552 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ The bottler suddenly broken(01:32:32 - 01:34:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5552/e/5666 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Oh, it's work. Amazing~(01:34:26 - 01:35:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5666/e/5746 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Yeah maybe....(failed to make potion, forgor to make bottler)(01:35:46 - 01:37:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5746/e/5828 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Imagine having no woods(01:37:08 - 01:39:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5828/e/5981 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Testing the potion machine again(01:39:41 - 01:39:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5981/e/5997 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ YEAHH~ Strength potion! (Potion machine works)(01:39:57 - 01:41:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/5997/e/6070 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Checking what barbarian needs again(01:41:10 - 01:41:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6070/e/6111 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to try another ingredient combination(01:41:51 - 01:42:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6111/e/6134 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Got Intellect potion after combine blue and yellow(01:42:14 - 01:43:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6134/e/6196 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Got agility potion (green + yellow)(01:43:16 - 01:43:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6196/e/6234 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Trying Blue and Green ingredient. Kaela think it's gonna explode(01:43:54 - 01:44:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6234/e/6290 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Agility pronounciation(01:44:50 - 01:45:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6290/e/6310 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ If Kaela make notes on this game, it's gonna be a lot(01:45:10 - 01:45:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6310/e/6322 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ DUAAARR (Potion machine explode)(01:45:22 - 01:46:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6322/e/6383 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I think no one need wisdom potion(01:46:23 - 01:47:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6383/e/6447 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Dont passed out first, dont passed out first (almost midnight)(01:47:27 - 01:47:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6447/e/6470 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Anti-Venom? Why suddenly anti-venom? (got anti-venom potion)(01:48:26 - 01:49:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6506/e/6554 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela forgot where to get bracket fungi(01:49:14 - 01:49:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6554/e/6555 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Forgot where to get fungi(01:49:15 - 01:49:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6555/e/6588 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Check if there is wiki of this game(01:49:48 - 01:50:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6588/e/6615 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Find potion cheat sheet(01:50:15 - 01:50:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6615/e/6657 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ LC: Udah nyontek, masih bingung juga. K: Ini tuh kek kimia. Udah salin masih bingung(01:50:57 - 01:52:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6657/e/6760 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela dislike biology, hate chemistry, love math and like physic(01:52:40 - 01:53:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6760/e/6817 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela dislike biology, hate chemistry, love math and like physic(01:52:40 - 01:53:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6760/e/6817 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 History is fun, unless it was in exam(01:53:37 - 01:54:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6817/e/6859 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ History is fun, unless it was in exam(01:53:37 - 01:54:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6817/e/6859 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela don't have brain capacity for politics*[ KAELA WAS ASKED IF HAVE ANY PLAN MINECRAFT WITH NERISSA OR BIBOO ]*(01:54:19 - 03:22:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6859/e/12138 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela don't have brain capacity for politics(01:54:19 - 01:56:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6859/e/6979 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Need go to old wood(01:56:19 - 01:59:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/6979/e/7152 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wulelalalalala~ (encountered with screaming plant again)(01:59:12 - 01:59:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7152/e/7181 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Found Odie(01:59:41 - 02:00:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7181/e/7208 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Bilang dong dari tadi! Bang aku udah jual semua bang! (already sold poison potion)(02:00:08 - 02:00:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7208/e/7225 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ WLEEE WLEEE WLEEEE (screaming plant)(02:00:25 - 02:01:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7225/e/7278 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ HIYAAAAAA WLEAAAAAA RUN RUN (chased by bees)(02:01:18 - 02:03:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7278/e/7393 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Hilang fokus gegara suara random ? Berarti salah lebah nya(02:03:13 - 02:05:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7393/e/7515 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Teleport aja ga sih? (too long to walk, decide to use teleport)(02:05:15 - 02:06:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7515/e/7568 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to mix red and blue ingredient for potion, but blue doko?(02:06:08 - 02:06:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7568/e/7591 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Trying blue and red ingredient, still got anti-venom(02:06:31 - 02:07:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7591/e/7646 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Owh there is luck potion, literally (from wiki)(02:07:26 - 02:08:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7646/e/7712 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I want to have bottle maker so badly ~(02:08:32 - 02:09:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7712/e/7758 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Just realized she have many many empty bottle(02:09:18 - 02:09:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7758/e/7782 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Boulete okay or not boulete? Duar? Boom? (testing crafting using boulete)(02:09:42 - 02:10:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7782/e/7828 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Try to c00k boulete and got sauteed mushroom(02:10:28 - 02:11:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7828/e/7898 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Bottle move to chest? Question mark?(02:11:38 - 02:12:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7898/e/7947 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Lah why suddenly its become rejuvenation ? YAAAAAY (Finally success make rejuvenation potion)(02:12:27 - 02:13:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/7947/e/8026 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Checking if have new tools(02:14:48 - 02:16:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/8088/e/8168 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ WOW REALLY ? (Try Timelost tomahawk)(02:16:08 - 02:17:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/8168/e/8237 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Amazing, i think im having fun (chopoing tree with timelost tomahawk)(02:17:17 - 02:17:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/8237/e/8275 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela want this kind of axe in Minecraft (Timelost Tomahawk)(02:17:55 - 02:18:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/8275/e/8336 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Trying to hit Mandrake with tomahawk(02:18:56 - 02:19:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/8336/e/8353 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ NENENENENE~ (running from the mandrake)(02:19:13 - 02:26:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/8353/e/8776 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Selling poison potion(02:26:16 - 02:26:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/8776/e/8812 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Pro tip to sleep? Ugh, HBD @imadokii (proceed to give tips about how to sleep by sleep master)(02:26:52 - 02:27:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/8812/e/8821 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Tips how to sleep by sleep master(02:27:01 - 02:30:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/8821/e/9008 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ SC : kapan collab ama risu dan yopi senpai bikin "pejuang malas produktif"?, K : Gimana cerita nya bisa gitu ? gimana coba ?(02:30:08 - 02:30:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/9008/e/9053 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Forgot about the poison(02:30:53 - 02:31:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/9053/e/9109 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Odieeeee where are you ~(02:31:49 - 02:32:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/9109/e/9155 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ WHY THIS GUY GOT SO MANY PROBLEM (odie have new quest after kaela finish the previous one)(02:32:35 - 02:33:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/9155/e/9183 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Bang bisa ga bang? Kalo butuh apa2 itu sekalian gitu loh bang? (mad at Odie keep wanting different potion)(02:33:03 - 02:37:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/9183/e/9431 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Tier 1 and tier 2 antivenom potion, kaela will give odie the sad one(02:37:11 - 02:38:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/9431/e/9495 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Now need to make cure disease potion (for task)(02:40:51 - 02:41:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/9651/e/9702 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Forgot where to get white night ingredient(02:41:42 - 02:43:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/9702/e/9788 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Imagine having no bottle. Couldn't be me(02:43:08 - 02:44:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/9788/e/9844 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Unlock more space for shop crate(02:44:04 - 02:44:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/9844/e/9891 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Finish barbarian quest (need cure disease potion)(02:44:51 - 02:47:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/9891/e/10037 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Finish another task (Zambie's task)(02:47:17 - 02:48:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10037/e/10113 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ IF THAT GUY HAVE PROBLEM AGAIN...(Go to odie )(02:48:33 - 02:50:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10113/e/10205 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Got 100 bottles after finish odie quest(02:50:05 - 02:51:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10205/e/10309 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Checking task list(02:51:49 - 02:52:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10309/e/10343 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Just know from shroompedia that poison is death category(02:52:23 - 02:53:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10343/e/10435 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ ZAMBIE ! Lets go (give wisdom potion to finish the quest)(02:53:55 - 02:54:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10435/e/10466 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Got new tools (Umbra)(02:54:26 - 02:54:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10466/e/10491 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ WHY ? WHY ? (Kaela changing hat to mushroom hat)(02:54:51 - 02:55:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10491/e/10512 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela literally the fun guy right now(02:55:12 - 02:55:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10512/e/10529 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Build cargo lift(02:55:29 - 02:55:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10529/e/10549 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ ODIE AGAIN~ ODIE AGAIN~ (need to talk to Odie)(02:55:49 - 02:56:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10549/e/10576 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Making resistance potion(02:56:16 - 02:56:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10576/e/10604 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kenapa strength? Oeyy~ (got strength potion instead)(02:56:44 - 02:57:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10604/e/10621 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Salah baca gaes~ Wrong information~(02:57:01 - 02:57:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10621/e/10652 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ LAH ? KENAPA AGILITY, Bro yang bener aja...(02:57:32 - 02:58:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10652/e/10684 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ LC: Ela can't read. K: I READ ALREADY!(02:58:04 - 02:58:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10684/e/10706 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Reason why got different potion because unstable(02:58:26 - 03:00:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10706/e/10855 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ She try to collecting mandrake(03:00:55 - 03:01:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10855/e/10889 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Bro ? its just liket that ? really ? (She just knew collecting mandrake is that simple)(03:01:29 - 03:03:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10889/e/10998 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Import and export feature unlocked(03:03:18 - 03:04:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/10998/e/11070 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Owh honey is also yellow right, what if honey is the stable one (energy items)(03:04:30 - 03:05:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11070/e/11125 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Try export item(03:05:25 - 03:05:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11125/e/11142 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ uuuuuwwww 3k ! Thats crazy (more money from export)(03:05:52 - 03:06:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11152/e/11199 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ A little bit more got 1k money(03:06:39 - 03:07:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11199/e/11261 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Study mandrake and find out its unstable(03:07:41 - 03:08:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11261/e/11284 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ DUAAARRR brooooo (potion machine explode)(03:08:04 - 03:09:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11284/e/11352 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Got cat's eye potion(03:09:12 - 03:09:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11352/e/11391 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ How to get the ghost spore? Use bottle?(03:09:51 - 03:11:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11391/e/11493 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Try import storage. K : is this like gacha ???(03:11:33 - 03:13:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11493/e/11586 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Its raining, time to collect honey(03:13:06 - 03:13:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11586/e/11630 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Honey its edible only, how to get the yellow ?(03:13:50 - 03:15:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11630/e/11701 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Running out of materials(03:15:01 - 03:15:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11701/e/11725 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Try to kokop/very close to the mic (bcs its raining outside)(03:15:25 - 03:17:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11725/e/11850 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Ihh~ IHHH~ Cannot~ (Got different potion from what she want)(03:17:30 - 03:21:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/11850/e/12061 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Pickaxe boom, satisfying asmr (using kagebunshin pickaxe)(03:21:01 - 03:22:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/12061/e/12138 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 About Nerissa wonder alone in MC and Beejoe want to play more MC with advent*[ TALKING ABOUT MIC SHE BOUGHT FOR VACATION AND KOKOP MIC MOMENT ]*(03:22:18 - 06:45:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/12138/e/24308 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ About Nerissa wonder alone in MC and Beejoe want to play more MC with advent(03:22:18 - 03:24:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/12138/e/12282 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Suddenly loud thunder sound(03:24:42 - 03:27:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/12282/e/12476 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ DUAAAARRR. K : YES THAT SO LOUD YAY (Loud thunder sound)(03:27:56 - 03:30:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/12476/e/12618 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wuuuu nice one ! (1800 from export potion)(03:30:32 - 03:32:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/12632/e/12746 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ DUAR DUAR DUAR! (thunder sound again)(03:32:26 - 03:33:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/12746/e/12819 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ LETS GOOOOO THE BOTTLE MAKER(03:33:39 - 03:36:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/12819/e/12987 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ GOOD BYE GOOD BYE (almost ded bcs bees)(03:36:27 - 03:38:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/12987/e/13097 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Aduh apa ini (investmenst)(03:38:17 - 03:38:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/13097/e/13112 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ WOW ITS GRISELDA INVESTMENT AFTER ALL, I SEE (bank investment)(03:38:32 - 03:39:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/13112/e/13176 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Ooowwwhhh (read benefist of investments)(03:39:36 - 03:41:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/13176/e/13274 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Instead of free money, Kaela want the 25% earning from herbs if sold(03:41:14 - 03:42:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/13274/e/13346 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ TERSERAH UP TO YOU (have enough with booglewoogle)(03:42:26 - 03:43:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/13346/e/13418 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wow this game is so good, tell me how can i stop playing this game (enchant feature unlocked)(03:43:38 - 03:46:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/13418/e/13613 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Boom Boom (try to make bottle maker works)(03:46:53 - 03:47:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/13613/e/13631 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ BEEEUUUGHHH SO GOOD (got quality bottle from bottle maker)(03:47:11 - 03:48:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/13631/e/13681 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela think she need to make it automated all of her machine(03:48:01 - 03:49:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/13681/e/13767 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Suddenly JDON MY SOUL when searching for soul items(03:49:27 - 03:50:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/13767/e/13831 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to try importing many2 ingredients, but no money(03:50:31 - 03:52:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/13831/e/13950 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Sickle sound is very satisfying(03:52:30 - 03:54:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/13950/e/14046 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to see if export mushroom is worth it or not, if its only 1 gold...dhlh(03:54:06 - 03:55:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/14046/e/14151 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Wonder if anyone use sickle like sat set sat set irl(03:55:51 - 07:40:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/14151/e/27623 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 1(03:56:59 - 03:57:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/14219/e/14245 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Got 1k++ from export mushroom(03:57:25 - 03:59:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/14245/e/14367 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Taking notes on potion that increase in price(03:59:27 - 03:59:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/14367/e/14388 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Invest to bank(03:59:48 - 04:03:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/14388/e/14590 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Checking cure disease potion ingredients. K: Soul, My soul(04:03:10 - 04:04:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/14590/e/14659 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Enchant sickle(04:04:19 - 04:05:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/14659/e/14731 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I HAVE IT ALREADY, U ARE TOO LATE (Distiller quest)(04:05:31 - 04:06:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/14731/e/14799 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela speedrun quest(04:06:39 - 04:10:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/14799/e/15018 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Unlimited pickaxd works(04:10:18 - 04:10:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/15018/e/15039 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Today at night gonna be lethal company with Kaeluarga(04:10:39 - 06:38:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/15039/e/23929 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Tomorrow night gonna be lethal company with Kaeluarga(04:10:39 - 04:13:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/15039/e/15235 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ If you want to belok just belok(04:13:55 - 04:18:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/15235/e/15527 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wonder if there any other way to get charcoal beside chopping tree(04:18:47 - 04:19:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/15527/e/15578 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Idol meeting first(04:19:38 - 04:20:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/15578/e/15630 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I go idol meeting for 4 days(04:20:30 - 04:23:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/15630/e/15780 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela is back(04:23:00 - 04:26:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/15780/e/15991 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Chill chill chill (chased by bees)(04:26:31 - 04:27:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/15991/e/16041 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ GO AWAY BEES GO AWAY(04:27:21 - 04:29:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/16041/e/16174 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 2(04:29:34 - 04:30:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/16174/e/16252 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Checking about advance distiller(04:30:52 - 04:32:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/16252/e/16378 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela is an alchemist right now(04:32:58 - 04:33:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/16378/e/16417 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Mau benerin jembatan tapi lagi butuh mana potion(04:33:37 - 04:35:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/16417/e/16536 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to open teleporter near quarry but not enough material(04:35:36 - 04:36:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/16536/e/16570 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Can get the mana potion from mandrake. Don't know if it's faster(04:36:10 - 04:38:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/16570/e/16713 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Money~ Money~ (Want to import ingredients but expensive)(04:38:33 - 04:41:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/16713/e/16868 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Game have many2 achievement (around 60)(04:41:08 - 04:42:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/16868/e/16954 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Found burial mound(04:42:34 - 04:42:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/16954/e/16977 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Now encountered plant that shoot(04:42:57 - 04:43:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/16977/e/16984 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Died because of the plant(04:43:04 - 04:43:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/16984/e/17007 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 3(04:43:27 - 04:45:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/17007/e/17133 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Invest to emporium(04:45:33 - 04:46:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/17133/e/17202 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Say need to fix bridge, wh im here(collecting mushroom)(04:46:42 - 04:47:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/17202/e/17274 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Money money money ~(04:47:54 - 04:56:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/17274/e/17764 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Still need to learn how to make better quality of potion(04:56:04 - 04:57:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/17764/e/17834 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Tell me why its broken now ? (Potion machine)(04:57:14 - 04:58:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/17834/e/17927 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Confused why distiller broken(04:58:47 - 04:59:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/17927/e/17953 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kenapa sih bang, kenapa kira-kira tuh (potion machine duar again)(04:59:13 - 04:59:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/17953/e/17989 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Know the reason why it was broken (both unstable and duar)(04:59:49 - 05:01:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/17989/e/18073 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Brain is not braining(05:01:13 - 05:02:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/18073/e/18124 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ When you try your best ~ but you dont succeed ~(05:02:04 - 05:03:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/18124/e/18182 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Finally it's working again (distiller and potion maker)(05:03:02 - 05:03:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/18182/e/18223 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Build sorter create and confuse how it works(05:03:43 - 05:04:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/18223/e/18267 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ YUK BISA YUK! Bisa~ Ini apaan lagi maksud ny? (after see what the sorter crate needs)(05:04:27 - 05:05:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/18267/e/18340 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Trying the sorter crate mechanics(05:05:40 - 05:07:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/18340/e/18466 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 4(05:07:46 - 05:09:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/18466/e/18592 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela start to understand how the sorter crate works(05:09:52 - 05:13:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/18592/e/18780 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Sorterception(05:13:00 - 05:14:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/18780/e/18893 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Time to chop all trees (raining)(05:14:53 - 05:17:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/18893/e/19035 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela playing minecraft right now(05:17:15 - 05:19:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/19035/e/19156 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to fix teleporter near quarry but not enough clay(05:19:16 - 05:20:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/19156/e/19238 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Finally can fix the teleporter(05:20:38 - 05:21:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/19238/e/19304 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Discover she can teleport (blink) up the cliff(05:21:44 - 05:22:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/19304/e/19348 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Imagine inventory full. Like fr~ Adios(05:22:28 - 05:23:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/19348/e/19388 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ The sky is crying~ Definitely yes(05:23:08 - 05:24:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/19388/e/19450 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Talking to Hazel, she want dash potion(05:24:10 - 05:27:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/19450/e/19628 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Griselda task done(05:27:08 - 05:28:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/19628/e/19697 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela thought Griselda took all of the potions(05:28:17 - 05:29:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/19697/e/19763 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Trying to make charisma potion(05:29:23 - 05:31:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/19763/e/19861 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Time fly so fast~ In game(05:31:01 - 05:32:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/19861/e/19975 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ How~ to JDON?(05:32:55 - 05:33:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/19975/e/19999 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Got fancy rejuvenation potion but still sad(05:33:19 - 05:34:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/19999/e/20046 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela will just do the cure disease task(05:34:41 - 05:35:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/20081/e/20137 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Yes cooper I have so many~ Good good (Dr. Wook want cooper ingot)(05:35:37 - 05:38:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/20137/e/20320 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Di mana dia? Di mana tuh? (Dr. Wook location)(05:38:40 - 05:42:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/20320/e/20525 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Scientist doko? (still searching for Dr. Wook)(05:42:05 - 05:45:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/20525/e/20733 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Still cannot take the wheat, maybe it's cheating(05:45:33 - 05:45:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/20733/e/20741 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Lazy to keep eating food that can help with mining efficiency(05:45:41 - 05:46:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/20741/e/20785 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Lost 2 coins for eating the food(05:46:25 - 05:51:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/20785/e/21084 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to enchant tomahawk but dont have right potion. Dhlh...(05:51:24 - 05:53:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/21084/e/21225 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Repair bridge(05:53:45 - 05:54:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/21225/e/21244 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ AHOY (Meet with carla)(05:54:04 - 05:54:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/21244/e/21260 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ owwwhhh so its just a shortcut...dhlh (to the beach area)(05:54:20 - 05:55:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/21260/e/21331 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ No time for scientist, but have time to sickle ingredients(05:55:31 - 05:57:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/21331/e/21436 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Need many2 go-go berry(05:59:22 - 06:00:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/21562/e/21612 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ The sickle is so brutal(06:00:12 - 06:01:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/21612/e/21679 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ We never really see animation in minecraft, maybe its like this (Using sickle)(06:01:19 - 06:03:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/21679/e/21833 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Now need haste potion(06:03:53 - 06:05:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/21833/e/21910 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Time to enchant tomahawk(06:05:10 - 06:08:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/21910/e/22115 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Bro strawberry bro (cant find strawberry near the city gates)(06:08:35 - 06:09:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/22115/e/22180 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Why all strawberries are gone? I wonder why?(06:09:40 - 06:11:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/22180/e/22283 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Enchant umbra(06:11:23 - 06:14:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/22283/e/22452 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ IYA IYA IYA IYA IYA (Panic bcs got attacked by many thing)(06:14:12 - 06:15:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/22452/e/22558 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Chill game they said...(06:15:58 - 06:16:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/22558/e/22606 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wonder if that thing only spawn at night(06:16:46 - 06:17:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/22606/e/22632 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Reason why kaela go to dangerous place. want to find the doctor(06:17:12 - 06:18:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/22632/e/22690 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ DUAAARRR. K : Whats going on ? its not even unstable (potion machine explode)(06:19:30 - 06:22:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/22770/e/22950 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Discover brain fungus and ignore scientist(06:22:30 - 06:23:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/22950/e/23021 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela approved she's a loot goblin(06:23:41 - 06:24:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/23021/e/23056 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Talk with dr.wook(06:24:16 - 06:24:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/23056/e/23094 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ OWH YOU STUDYING THIS ROCK ? I guess you better run before its too late(06:24:54 - 06:25:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/23094/e/23146 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela know this one rock that can talk too. Even can yell (Biboo)(06:25:46 - 06:26:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/23146/e/23192 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Talk with the rock, name lapis(06:26:32 - 06:28:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/23192/e/23288 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ BE QUIET BIBOOOOOOOO (learn new way to counter kaelaaaaaa)(06:28:08 - 06:30:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/23288/e/23424 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Owh owh owh (just realized she found secret way earlier to go to wook camp)(06:30:24 - 06:33:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/23424/e/23587 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Finally found the not unstable yello ingredients (glo-wing)(06:33:07 - 06:35:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/23587/e/23735 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Show bigger snack bar and read the details(06:35:35 - 06:38:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/23735/e/23929 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Should stop somewhere. Need to touch grass with mamaela(06:38:49 - 06:39:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/23929/e/23962 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Should stop somewhere. Need to touch grass with mamaela(06:38:49 - 06:39:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/23929/e/23962 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Need to buy Indomie for Mchan(06:39:22 - 07:08:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/23962/e/25706 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Need to buy Indomie for Mchan(06:39:22 - 06:42:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/23962/e/24139 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela will not bring many clothes, just bring enough. The rest is food, not for me(06:42:19 - 06:43:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24139/e/24210 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Forget one of gaming equipment will ruin the trip compared to forgetting clothes(06:43:30 - 06:45:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24210/e/24308 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela said the mic that she will bring when vacation is very weird, need to "kokop" it (She gave the example)(06:45:08 - 06:46:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24308/e/24411 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela said the mic that she will bring when vacation is very weird, need to "kokop" it (She gave the example)(06:45:08 - 06:46:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24308/e/24411 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela maybe will bring the pop filter too(06:46:51 - 06:48:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24411/e/24482 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela maybe will bring the pop filter too(06:46:51 - 06:48:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24411/e/24482 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LC : ​​just use a sock instead of pop filter, K: i dont want to kokop my socks...(06:48:02 - 06:48:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24482/e/24522 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ LC : ​​just use a sock instead of pop filter, K: i dont want to kokop my socks...(06:48:02 - 06:48:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24482/e/24522 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ALL GOOD (She threw the pop filter to her luggage)(06:48:42 - 06:49:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24522/e/24579 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ ALL GOOD (She threw the pop filter to her luggage)(06:48:42 - 06:49:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24522/e/24579 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Eh tunggu dulu dong, jangan gitu (Check if the pop filter is broken or not)(06:49:39 - 06:50:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24579/e/24629 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Eh tunggu dulu dong, jangan gitu (Check if the pop filter is broken or not)(06:49:39 - 06:50:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24579/e/24629 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela explain what is "kokop" and she want to make "kokop" famous(06:50:29 - 06:55:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24629/e/24931 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela explain what is "kokop" and she want to make "kokop" famous(06:50:29 - 06:55:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24629/e/24931 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Will continue the game little bit more, pretty hungry(06:55:31 - 06:56:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24931/e/24971 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Will continue the game little bit more, pretty hungry(06:55:31 - 06:56:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24931/e/24971 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Adjusting her mic cable after removing her pop filter(06:56:11 - 06:58:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24971/e/25089 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Adjusting her mic cable after removing her pop filter(06:56:11 - 06:58:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/24971/e/25089 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Gimana gimana ? ini tiba tiba semua pada kokop mic nya ? You guys not "kokoping" the mic right ?(06:58:09 - 06:58:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25089/e/25137 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Gimana gimana ? ini tiba tiba semua pada kokop mic nya ? You guys not "kokoping" the mic right ?(06:58:09 - 06:58:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25089/e/25137 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Again she explaining about kokop mic(06:58:57 - 07:00:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25137/e/25252 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Again she explaining about kokop mic(06:58:57 - 07:00:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25137/e/25252 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WHY ARE EVEN TALKING ABOUT "KOKOP" MIC RIGHT NOW(07:00:52 - 07:01:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25252/e/25310 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ WHY ARE EVEN TALKING ABOUT "KOKOP" MIC RIGHT NOW(07:00:52 - 07:01:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25252/e/25310 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela recommend her genmates, who is good in kokoping mic(07:01:50 - 07:33:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25310/e/27215 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela recommend her genmates, who is good in kokoping mic(07:01:50 - 07:02:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25310/e/25325 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Suddenly passed out(07:02:05 - 07:02:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25325/e/25376 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Kokop kovalskia lets go(07:02:56 - 07:40:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25376/e/27623 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Week 5 - Day 1(07:03:50 - 07:04:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25430/e/25442 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ No one ever care about me passing out in game...(07:04:02 - 07:04:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25442/e/25466 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ If kokoping the mic, its hard to kaela to breath(07:04:26 - 07:06:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25466/e/25610 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ This is new week, probably will end it here right?(07:06:50 - 07:06:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25610/e/25616 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Back to main menu(07:06:56 - 07:08:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25616/e/25706 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Schedule for today : Packing stuff, touching grass and will have lethal company with kaeluarga at night(07:08:26 - 07:09:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25706/e/25779 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 There will be no pejuang senin too(07:09:39 - 07:10:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25779/e/25819 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Thursday will be at japan already but need to set up everything(07:10:19 - 07:11:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25819/e/25893 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela studio schedule at 19 and 20(07:11:33 - 07:12:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25893/e/25931 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela studio schedule at 19 and 22(07:11:33 - 07:12:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25893/e/25957 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Sleep well pemaloe(07:12:11 - 07:12:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25931/e/25957 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Booking studio its mchan initiative(07:12:37 - 07:15:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/25957/e/26134 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela will give tutorial to update lethal company to v50 later.(07:15:34 - 07:18:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26134/e/26333 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela will give tutorial to update lethal company to v50 later.*[ TALKING ABOUT GAME DRIVE ]*(07:15:34 - 07:18:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26134/e/26333 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela might be able to find her gaming phone when packing up(07:18:53 - 07:19:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26333/e/26364 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Explain about game drive. Kaela talk with shiori, kronii and biboo(07:19:24 - 07:21:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26364/e/26462 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela feel dont need steamdeck for now(07:21:02 - 07:21:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26462/e/26500 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Reason why suddenly shiori, kronii,biboo and kaela talk about game drive(07:21:40 - 07:23:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26500/e/26591 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Reason why kaela love the game drive more than her ssd(07:23:11 - 07:26:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26591/e/26779 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Reason why kaela love the game drive more than her ssd*[ KAELA REFUSE TO END STREAM AND PLAYING WITH HER ENDING BGM ]*(07:23:11 - 07:34:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26591/e/27276 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Dont know what gonna be first stream after she arrived(07:26:19 - 07:26:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26779/e/26807 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Now pemaloe ask for Kokop stream(07:26:47 - 07:27:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26807/e/26832 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela want to do membership stream first ? (after she arrived)(07:27:12 - 07:27:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26832/e/26847 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela stream plan when in Japan, will have stream gap from time to time (2-3 hours per stream and taking break)(07:27:27 - 07:29:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26847/e/26959 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Cant promise anything, dont know if its possible to stream or not(07:29:19 - 07:29:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26959/e/26985 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Cant promise anything, dont know if its possible to stream or not*[ ABOUT JOINING VCR RUST ]*(07:29:19 - 01:00:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26959/e/3642 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela sad because have many collab invitation but during her vacation(07:29:45 - 07:30:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/26985/e/27032 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Time to go~ ADIOS! ADIOS!(07:30:32 - 07:31:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27032/e/27079 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela really want to change doctor, if possible closer to her place(07:31:19 - 07:31:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27079/e/27100 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Udah lapar dari 2 jam yang lalu...(07:31:40 - 07:32:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27100/e/27141 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Otsulemao(07:32:21 - 07:32:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27141/e/27160 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 WHAT KOKOP MIC, I DONT KNOW WHAT TO KOKOP(07:32:40 - 07:33:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27160/e/27215 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kokop mic again(07:33:35 - 07:34:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27215/e/27240 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Perhatian perhatian....pintu teater(07:34:00 - 07:34:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27240/e/27276 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Perhatian perhatian....pintu teater*[ KAELA WILL GIVE TUTORIAL V50 LETHAL COMPANY LATER ]*(07:34:00 - 07:15:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27240/e/26134 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Dont want to end stream...(play the ending song again)(07:34:36 - 07:35:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27276/e/27315 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Change bgm to sadder one (old ending song)(07:35:15 - 07:36:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27315/e/27385 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela punch pemaloe with the pop filter(07:36:25 - 07:37:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27385/e/27436 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Dont know why past ela pick this bgm(07:37:16 - 07:37:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27436/e/27457 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaelegskia ending bgm(07:37:37 - 07:38:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27457/e/27492 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 REALLY ? Kaelegskia ending bgm is so cool(07:38:12 - 07:38:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27492/e/27530 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 THE ENDING JUST LIKE THAT ?(07:38:50 - 07:40:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27530/e/27604 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 JUST GO EAT GUYS YEAH (end of stream)(07:40:04 - 07:40:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/QM9mvtj211o/s/27604/e/27623 Sat, 13 Apr 24 21:00:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】we continue the journey【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 *TIMESTAMPS* (start )――――――――(00:07:04 - 00:10:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/424/e/646 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! nanti ada Karaoke Kobolonimbus (next week maybe)(00:10:46 - 00:12:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/646/e/759 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! mencoba ngebalikin ke mode horizontal(00:12:39 - 00:20:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/759/e/1241 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Ewing HD rill datang ke stream Kobo(00:20:41 - 00:23:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/1241/e/1435 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! nanti malem ada collab sama BOROX(00:23:55 - 00:31:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/1435/e/1884 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Tadinya pengen ketemu FuwaMoco...(00:31:24 - 00:32:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/1884/e/1920 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Mau ketemu Mamarine ngasih sesuatu tapi g sempat, jadi kasih ke managernya aja(00:32:00 - 00:33:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/1920/e/2008 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Stream Sibling Day, tadinya mau collab sama Astel & Ollie, ternyata diskem Astel(00:33:28 - 00:47:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/2008/e/2826 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! gimana ceritanya bjir bisa lupa gitu yg ngide(00:35:07 - 02:18:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/2107/e/8313 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Cerita ketemu Kanade, Kobo traktir Kanade dan pergi ke Otter's cafe (cafe berang-berang)(00:47:06 - 00:52:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/2826/e/3138 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! てぇてぇ(00:47:06 - 02:18:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/2826/e/8313 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Foto Ichigo ame(00:52:18 - 00:53:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/3138/e/3228 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Kobo dan Kanade mencoba eskrim Unko(00:53:48 - 00:56:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/3228/e/3360 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Kobo ajak Kanade ke toko squishy juga(00:56:00 - 00:58:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/3360/e/3490 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Kobo lihat clip Calli cerita dinner sama dia(00:58:10 - 01:01:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/3490/e/3715 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Kobo coba nanyain Ao-kun ke Kanade dengan ekspresi tsundere(01:01:55 - 01:04:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/3715/e/3868 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Another food pic(01:04:28 - 01:04:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/3868/e/3889 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Kobo juga ketemu temannya yg dari Italia(01:04:49 - 01:09:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/3889/e/4172 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Kobo tau Kanade mau ngatain Kobo "you little sh*t" di depannya(01:09:32 - 01:10:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/4172/e/4245 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! x Ketemu beberapa member tempus gen 2. Kobo kasih beberapa omiyage ke Flayon(01:10:45 - 01:14:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/4245/e/4495 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Foto ketika lagi di Buta Cafe (Cafe B4bi)(01:14:55 - 01:22:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/4495/e/4950 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! -(01:16:28 - 01:19:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/4588/e/4789 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! 🙏(01:19:49 - 02:18:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/4789/e/8313 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Foto-foto(01:22:30 - 01:23:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/4950/e/5035 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Foto di Butler Cafe & Cerita pengalaman ke Butler Cafe――――――――――――――――(01:23:55 - 01:43:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/5035/e/6209 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! *Handcam Review Squishy*(01:43:29 - 01:49:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/6209/e/6553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Roleplay jualan squishy(01:49:13 - 01:57:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/6553/e/7050 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! w marketing(01:49:18 - 02:18:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/6558/e/8313 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Kobo juga membeli beberapa figurnya Tensura(01:57:30 - 02:18:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/7050/e/8313 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! super thank you!! うれしかったよー!!(02:12:56 - 02:18:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/oOfNu4oznJk/s/7976/e/8313 Sat, 13 Apr 24 17:00:00 +0900 【Free Talk】 REVIEW SQUISHY, KAFE BABI, DAN KAFE BERANG-BERANG?!!! AND LETS TALK MOREEE!!! Stream start*🔨🔨 Pre Talk 🔨🔨*(00:07:46 - 00:08:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/466/e/481 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Thats the longest one ever (intro)(00:08:01 - 00:08:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/481/e/505 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 starts @(00:08:02 - 02:23:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/482/e/8622 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 .(00:08:04 - 02:23:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/484/e/8622 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Happy birthday bijoe(00:08:25 - 00:09:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/505/e/557 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii and kaela CW collab its never happened(00:09:17 - 00:09:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/557/e/598 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Intro time, bijou first(00:09:58 - 00:10:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/598/e/620 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela keep pushing beejoe(00:10:20 - 00:10:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/620/e/629 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Shiori intro(00:10:29 - 00:10:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/629/e/646 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii intro(00:10:46 - 00:11:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/646/e/667 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela intro*🔨🔨 Game Start 🔨🔨**🔨 Game 1 - Day 1 (3k views) 🔨*(00:11:07 - 00:11:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/667/e/690 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Game start, they assign each other's role(00:11:30 - 00:12:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/690/e/720 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Shiori is cameramen now(00:12:00 - 00:12:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/720/e/745 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela show bijou the green screen(00:12:25 - 00:12:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/745/e/776 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 They try to record using the green screen + emo biboo on action(00:12:56 - 00:14:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/776/e/850 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Its so loud, my ears(00:14:25 - 00:14:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/865/e/888 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela tells everyone what to film and how to do it(00:14:48 - 00:15:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/888/e/930 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Lets jump here...Wiiiiiii(00:15:30 - 00:15:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/930/e/950 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 This is not horror game, this is funny game(00:15:50 - 00:16:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/950/e/970 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii compares this to lethal company(00:16:10 - 00:17:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/970/e/1024 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Telling everyone about oxygen(00:17:04 - 00:17:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1024/e/1054 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 K: BEEJOE SACRIFICE YOURSELF TO MONSTER (They found nothing)(00:17:34 - 00:17:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1054/e/1075 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 They found bone(00:17:55 - 00:18:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1075/e/1080 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 They found a monster, no one recording and everyone's screaming(00:18:00 - 00:18:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1080/e/1107 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 THROW THE CAMERA ! (they try to save shiori)(00:18:27 - 00:18:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1107/e/1127 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Shiori think she's dying(00:18:47 - 00:19:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1127/e/1154 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Shiori ded(00:19:14 - 00:20:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1154/e/1200 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 WOOOOO NICE RECORD THAT (Meet with mixer monster)(00:20:00 - 00:20:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1200/e/1231 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela told Biboo to tell her last word, but It's actually Kaela last word (kaela ded)(00:20:31 - 00:21:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1231/e/1261 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela call shiorin in isekai(00:21:01 - 00:21:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1261/e/1287 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 WUUUU SOMEONE IS COMING(00:21:27 - 00:22:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1287/e/1332 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo and kroni back to surface but they taking selfie(00:22:12 - 00:22:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1332/e/1358 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Watch the recording(00:23:13 - 00:24:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1393/e/1493 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Laugh at the end of recording, biboo cant finish the last word(00:24:53 - 00:25:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1493/e/1518 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Reading funny comment(00:25:18 - 00:25:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1518/e/1532 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela giving the briefing to all of the member (tips to save someone who got catch by monster)(00:25:32 - 00:26:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1532/e/1581 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 They practice to throw(00:26:21 - 00:27:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1581/e/1625 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 OH YEAH WE NEED TO SLEEP, FORGOT(00:27:05 - 00:27:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1625/e/1645 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela plan to get mic and emotes(00:28:13 - 00:28:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1693/e/1726 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 WHY WE HAVE ZERO MONEY ? (cant buy emotes)(00:28:46 - 00:29:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1726/e/1750 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Start making content in green screen (Shiori news)(00:29:10 - 00:29:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1750/e/1771 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela and Kronii become light crew(00:29:31 - 00:30:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1771/e/1821 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 OUCH~ (falling from the high ground)(00:31:00 - 00:31:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1860/e/1885 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 WOAAAHHH OUCH OUCH (Meet monster)(00:31:25 - 00:31:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1885/e/1905 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela ded(00:31:45 - 00:32:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1905/e/1931 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 They meet with snail man(00:32:11 - 00:32:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1931/e/1951 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 SOMETHING IS COMING (mixer/blender man)(00:32:31 - 00:33:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1951/e/1982 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Wait what? BeeJoe died too? Ohh~(00:33:02 - 00:33:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/1982/e/1995 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela told BeeJoe to never jinx cameraman didn't die(00:33:33 - 00:34:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2013/e/2062 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 WOW! Biboo is very loud! (reading comments)(00:35:09 - 00:35:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2109/e/2159 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 YAY WE REACH THE QUOTA(00:35:59 - 00:36:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2159/e/2181 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 The cameraman is cursed(00:37:13 - 00:37:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2233/e/2259 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Buying emotes(00:37:39 - 00:38:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2259/e/2336 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela buy hugger to heal(00:38:56 - 00:39:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2336/e/2355 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela hug everyone(00:39:15 - 00:40:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2355/e/2400 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela keep hugging biboo(00:40:00 - 00:40:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2400/e/2420 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Now Kaela being clingy to everyone(00:40:20 - 00:40:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2420/e/2431 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 OK NO ONE WANT THE HUG, DONT CALL ME LATER IF NEED HEAL(00:40:47 - 00:41:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2447/e/2467 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela will try to hug the monster later(00:41:07 - 00:41:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2467/e/2517 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Shiori stuck moment(00:41:57 - 00:42:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2517/e/2557 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela try to save shiori(00:42:37 - 00:43:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2557/e/2580 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Now Kaela stuck with Shiori(00:43:00 - 00:43:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2580/e/2601 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 YAY LETS GO (Shiori can get out, not stuck anymore)(00:43:21 - 00:43:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2601/e/2629 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii sulking because Kaela didn't save her before(00:43:49 - 00:44:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2629/e/2660 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela got attack by the monster(00:44:20 - 00:44:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2660/e/2680 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 DO YOU NEED MY HUG KRONII ??? (Kronii got attack by monster)(00:44:40 - 00:45:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2680/e/2729 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Shiori hug kaela to heal(00:45:29 - 00:46:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2729/e/2771 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 OH NOOOO OH NOOO (they cant escape, attacked by red eye monster)(00:46:11 - 00:47:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2771/e/2855 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 not gonna lie thats pretty epic(00:46:24 - 02:23:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2784/e/8622 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela visual bug, kronii got attack by monster(00:47:35 - 00:48:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2855/e/2880 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii GWAKK!(00:48:00 - 00:48:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2880/e/2900 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 KRONIIIIII (Kronii ded inside the ship, all ded)(00:48:20 - 00:48:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2900/e/2933 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Camera save ! (still on ship)(00:48:53 - 00:49:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/2933/e/2962 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 YAY (Got 1.5k views)+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(00:50:50 - 00:51:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3050/e/3071 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 *🔨 **** Game 2 - Day 1 (45k views) 🔨*(00:51:11 - 00:51:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3071/e/3084 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Why the jump is so high? (Quota)(00:51:24 - 00:53:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3084/e/3191 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Want to start record at the underworld (Go to underworld)(00:53:11 - 00:53:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3191/e/3221 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Start recording in front of building(00:53:41 - 00:54:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3221/e/3260 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii happily playing with sound effect(00:54:20 - 00:54:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3260/e/3275 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Making confuse content (Found something)(00:54:35 - 00:54:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3275/e/3290 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 OH NOOOO RUN (Panic bcs the ghost attack them)(00:54:50 - 00:55:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3290/e/3353 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo try to emote beside snail, and got attacked(00:55:53 - 00:56:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3353/e/3392 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Cant hug anymore, they lose it(00:56:32 - 00:57:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3392/e/3441 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 They close the content and back to surface(00:57:21 - 00:58:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3441/e/3492 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Got 17k view but ears bleeding(00:59:54 - 01:00:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3594/e/3627 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela start hug everyone again. Kr : OH NO NOT AGAIN(01:01:53 - 01:02:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3713/e/3745 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii in shambles because Kaela keep hugging her(01:02:25 - 01:02:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3745/e/3762 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Start recording Intro with sound effect(01:03:45 - 01:04:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3825/e/3840 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 ITS TIME TO HUG (When kronii do the intro)(01:04:00 - 01:04:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3840/e/3884 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 WUUUU WHATS THAT (ear monster)(01:04:44 - 01:05:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3884/e/3910 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 UWWWWW WHATS THAT (The ghost attack them)(01:05:10 - 01:05:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3910/e/3930 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela asking if anyone needs heal(01:05:30 - 01:05:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3930/e/3950 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela and Kronii hugging. B: HELB HELB!(01:05:50 - 01:06:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3950/e/3965 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 WOWOWOWOWOWO (The ghost attack kronii)(01:06:05 - 01:06:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3965/e/3990 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Asking for Shiorin but monster appeared(01:06:30 - 01:06:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/3990/e/4005 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 SOMETHING ITS CHASING ME (They panic chased by spider)(01:06:45 - 01:07:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4005/e/4040 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 They thought beejoe ded but she still alive. Screaming to open the door(01:07:20 - 01:08:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4040/e/4120 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 WOWWWOWOWOW (monster appeared again in front of them)(01:08:40 - 01:09:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4120/e/4167 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo panic moment (attacked by monster)(01:09:27 - 01:09:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4167/e/4185 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 (actual time 1h10m28s) Watch recording(01:09:59 - 01:11:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4199/e/4288 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 WHAT IS THAT ??? (Sus moment caugh in 4k)(01:11:28 - 01:11:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4288/e/4318 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 YEAHHH! WE GOING VIRAL! (24k views)(01:11:58 - 01:12:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4318/e/4353 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Buying backflip emote(01:13:17 - 01:13:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4397/e/4417 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 An apple a day, gonna ruin your day - Kaela Kovalskia, 2024(01:13:37 - 01:14:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4417/e/4469 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Doing absurd intro(01:14:29 - 01:14:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4469/e/4496 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii inform about animal statue(01:15:48 - 01:15:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4548/e/4558 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo suddenly floating(01:15:58 - 01:16:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4558/e/4576 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Are you possessed? Are you okay?(01:16:16 - 01:16:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4576/e/4610 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo fell of the ground then ded(01:16:50 - 01:17:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4610/e/4635 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Find the doggo turret and ded (Camera dropped)(01:17:15 - 01:17:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4635/e/4676 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela died with the hug emote and camera(01:17:56 - 01:18:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4676/e/4728 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela ask Biboo how did she start to fly? (It's a cursed object)(01:18:48 - 01:19:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4728/e/4778 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Back to surface(01:19:38 - 01:20:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4778/e/4806 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii ask Kaela to look at their current money ($69)(01:20:06 - 01:20:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4806/e/4827 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 What? Okay~ (7k views)*More timestamp in the comment*(01:21:18 - 02:23:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4878/e/8622 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 *🔨 **** Game 3 - Day 1 (128k Views) 🔨*(01:21:56 - 01:22:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4916/e/4966 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Trying to pronounce defibrilator(01:22:46 - 01:23:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/4966/e/5035 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Going to underworld(01:23:55 - 01:24:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5035/e/5067 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Found laser(01:24:27 - 01:24:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5067/e/5093 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Start making content in front of laster(01:24:53 - 01:25:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5093/e/5107 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela ded trying to go trough pass laser(01:25:07 - 01:25:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5107/e/5136 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 They found out kaela ded by laser and make content of that(01:25:36 - 01:25:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5136/e/5156 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii also ded by laser(01:25:56 - 01:26:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5156/e/5184 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo and shiorin meet with the spider(01:26:24 - 01:26:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5184/e/5209 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo panic bcs everyone ded(01:26:49 - 01:27:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5209/e/5227 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo going back down to check(01:27:07 - 01:27:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5227/e/5256 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo got stuck by the Spider Web and ded(01:27:36 - 01:27:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5256/e/5277 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Ok welcome back (Respawn at surface)(01:27:57 - 01:28:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5277/e/5304 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Ending the day so they can get previous camera(01:28:24 - 01:28:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5304/e/5330 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Cant find previous camera(01:30:20 - 01:30:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5420/e/5434 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 WOOOOOOOOO (meet with mixer man)(01:30:34 - 01:31:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5434/e/5496 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Others asking for Kaela's opinion on the rib they found(01:31:36 - 01:32:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5496/e/5520 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 The found spine(01:32:00 - 01:32:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5520/e/5540 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii ask kaela to combine the ribs and spine(01:32:20 - 01:33:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5540/e/5620 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Encountered a turret(01:33:40 - 01:33:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5620/e/5635 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 WAIT WHAT ? HEEEEELP (kaela attacked by ceiling monster and trapped)(01:33:55 - 01:34:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5635/e/5650 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 NICE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.. (Got shot by doggo turret while got stuck on the ceiling)(01:34:10 - 01:34:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5650/e/5675 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Im dying can someone throw stuff. IM DYING...3 2 1 GOODBYE WORLD (kaela ded)(01:34:35 - 01:35:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5675/e/5742 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Encountered snail guy(01:35:42 - 01:36:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5742/e/5790 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Oh no oh no oh no.. (They got attacked by monster)(01:36:30 - 01:36:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5790/e/5805 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 "Biboo totally okay" (she ded)(01:36:45 - 01:37:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5805/e/5830 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Shiorin ded but kronii didnt know(01:37:10 - 01:37:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5830/e/5876 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Eeuuuuugghhh (Kronii ded bcs run out of oxygen, all ded)(01:37:56 - 01:38:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5876/e/5910 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Realizes that they lost 2 cameras(01:38:30 - 01:38:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/5910/e/5932 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela, Kronii and biboo by giant monster, only shiori survived(01:40:59 - 01:41:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6059/e/6087 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 K : U gud bro? (Talk to (also) ded Kronii)(01:41:27 - 01:42:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6087/e/6135 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 K : Shiori u can do this.. Let's goo Shiori (Only Shiori left now)(01:42:15 - 01:42:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6135/e/6179 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 YES WE ARE SO ALIVE(01:42:59 - 01:43:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6179/e/6203 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 SHIORI GOT THE CAMERA (then she ded attacked by giant monster)(01:43:23 - 01:43:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6203/e/6230 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 The failed and have bad dream+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(01:43:50 - 01:44:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6230/e/6266 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 *🔨 **** Game 4 - Day 1 (3k views) 🔨*(01:44:26 - 01:45:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6266/e/6351 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 K : OK.. Now, what do we do? Try again?(01:45:51 - 01:46:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6351/e/6410 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 They found big apple(01:46:50 - 01:47:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6410/e/6430 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo tried to feed Kronii with the apple. (What a intro)(01:47:10 - 01:47:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6430/e/6469 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 They found ribs and start record it(01:49:11 - 01:50:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6551/e/6639 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Meet with snail man(01:50:39 - 01:51:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6639/e/6701 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 K : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... (Kaela got pulled away by a slime)(01:51:41 - 01:52:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6701/e/6728 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 IM FINE, its just a ride. Very fun (Meet with other again)(01:52:08 - 01:52:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6728/e/6767 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 The dancing and backflip in front of snail man(01:52:47 - 01:53:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6767/e/6818 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 WOW (See slime monster stuck)(01:53:38 - 01:54:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6818/e/6842 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Shiori got attacked by Snail guy..(01:54:02 - 01:55:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6842/e/6900 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Attacked by another monster that push kaela to snail man(01:55:00 - 01:55:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6900/e/6925 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 LETS GO LETS GO BACK (Found stairs)(01:55:25 - 01:55:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6925/e/6943 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 They just realized that Biboo is ded (biboo have the camera)(01:55:43 - 01:56:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6943/e/6983 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Weeeeeee goodbye (all ded run out of oxygen)(01:56:23 - 01:56:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/6983/e/7000 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo told everyone that she got the camera but slime kindap her(01:56:40 - 01:57:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7000/e/7050 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 K : It's hard to be a content-creator.. How many time again we should die??(01:57:30 - 01:57:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7050/e/7066 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 *[ **** Day 2 ]*(01:57:46 - 01:58:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7066/e/7100 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo ask what's the morse code for the word "HELP" and kaela got stuck in door ship(01:58:20 - 01:58:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7100/e/7127 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Encountered Turret Doggo, start shooting and kill biboo(02:00:32 - 02:02:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7232/e/7326 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii think kaela is the monster(02:02:06 - 02:02:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7326/e/7354 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 OH NO ITS COMING (dog turret shoot shiori and kaela)(02:02:34 - 02:03:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7354/e/7392 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii survived and save the camera(02:03:12 - 02:04:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7392/e/7459 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii decide to back to surface(02:04:19 - 02:05:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7459/e/7519 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela said that it's really heard to record the turret bcs of their movement while shooting(02:06:38 - 02:07:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7598/e/7625 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 YAY SLEEP(02:07:05 - 02:07:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7625/e/7646 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 *[ **** Day 3 ]*(02:07:26 - 02:08:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7646/e/7690 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Generally I feel.a bit weirded out by Kaela's voiceless laugh, but at(02:07:40 - 02:23:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7660/e/8622 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Hug its different know (Biboo buying sound card instead of hugger)(02:08:10 - 02:08:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7690/e/7710 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela real laugh reveal !(02:08:30 - 02:08:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7710/e/7732 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Go to underworld(02:08:52 - 02:09:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7732/e/7750 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo over-using the laugh effect from the soundboard(02:09:10 - 02:09:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7750/e/7762 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 They found ribs and kronii make dad joke(02:09:22 - 02:09:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7762/e/7787 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii make another ribs joke(02:09:47 - 02:10:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7787/e/7827 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Biboo found a toy(02:10:27 - 02:11:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7827/e/7862 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Encounter Snail guy(02:11:02 - 02:11:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7862/e/7880 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 BREAKING NEWS : Snail man discovered(02:11:20 - 02:11:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7880/e/7900 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 HELP HELP ITS SO PAINFUL (Kaela ask shiori to record her ded by snail man)(02:11:40 - 02:13:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7900/e/7988 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 They go back to surface(02:13:08 - 02:13:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/7988/e/8025 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela climb the platform and jump(02:13:45 - 02:14:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/8025/e/8052 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Watch recording(02:14:12 - 02:15:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/8052/e/8129 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Got 2.3k views (not enough to reach the quota)(02:15:29 - 02:23:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/8129/e/8622 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Happy Birthday! (to Biboo)(02:17:13 - 02:17:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/8233/e/8260 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Any Announcement??(02:17:40 - 02:17:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/8260/e/8275 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY(02:17:55 - 02:18:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/8275/e/8299 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 THE ROCK IS BORN (two days from now, biboo announce her birthday)(02:18:19 - 02:19:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/8299/e/8363 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela announcement : I will be leaving soon!!!(02:19:23 - 02:19:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/8363/e/8391 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kaela will be at my not so vacation in next 2 weeks(02:19:51 - 02:20:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/8391/e/8423 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Kronii merch check it out, end in 2 days(02:20:23 - 02:21:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/8423/e/8460 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Shiori lemao annoucement, NEW DRESSES + advent content warning collab(02:21:00 - 02:21:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/8460/e/8515 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 OtsuuuuuuuuuTags credit : Pewcha, fyn, naga, DKV and satria(02:21:55 - 02:23:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/gFD0vbv8DXw/s/8515/e/8622 Sat, 13 Apr 24 10:00:00 +0900 【Content Warning】WE'RE GOING VIRALS【hololive】 Stream start(00:01:45 - 00:02:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/105/e/140 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 .(00:02:05 - 04:22:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/125/e/15751 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 The name of the new game(00:02:20 - 00:03:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/140/e/183 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 It's gonna pain for a world wide(00:03:03 - 00:03:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/183/e/209 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I just need afternoon and night stream to make world wide pain*[ REASON WHY SHE STREAM AT 3 AM & VACATION SCHEDULE ]*(00:03:29 - 00:03:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/209/e/228 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kemarin mau stream malam tapi capek banget. Whole day yesterday she was tired bcs of work and she preparing for vacation(00:03:48 - 00:04:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/228/e/270 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela gonna leaving in 2 day(00:04:30 - 00:05:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/270/e/357 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Actually i set up an alarm but i think my body too excited so i woke up at 1(00:05:57 - 00:06:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/357/e/409 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I'm die thank you forever (after watch iofi stream and sleep)(00:06:49 - 00:07:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/409/e/475 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Still find a game to play game tonight(00:07:55 - 00:08:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/475/e/492 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela already retrieve her portable monitor(00:08:12 - 00:08:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/492/e/521 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I'm ready ! I have the mic and already test it, portable monitor is there.(00:08:41 - 00:09:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/521/e/559 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I don't even have steam deck. I just have stream deck. Oh yeah i need to bring my stream deck(00:09:19 - 00:10:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/559/e/618 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Her plan: 3 day first will gonna no content at all and will back on 4th day(00:10:18 - 00:11:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/618/e/662 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 First 3 days she still not in japan, day 4 she already in japan(00:11:02 - 00:11:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/662/e/676 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela don't even think gonna do twitter space, think it's not possible in the 3 days after leaving(00:11:16 - 00:12:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/676/e/723 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela have studio book in fifth days(00:12:03 - 00:13:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/723/e/811 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I fought so much with mchan because mchan tell me "just go 2 weeks with no stream"(00:13:31 - 00:14:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/811/e/884 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan book studio for 2 days(00:14:44 - 00:15:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/884/e/941 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I'll got you, I'll bring anything. I'll tell you at the 4th day(00:15:41 - 00:16:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/941/e/1016 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I think 4th day gonna setting up everything(00:16:56 - 00:17:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1016/e/1071 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 If i running out of clothes JUST BUY LAH(00:17:51 - 00:18:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1071/e/1091 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela will used her sibling and mamaela's luggage to put the oleh"(00:18:11 - 00:19:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1091/e/1143 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 LC: cuma kamu yng rempong. K: eeh, demi bisa stream ya(00:19:03 - 00:21:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1143/e/1277 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela got several invitations for collab during her leave(00:21:17 - 00:22:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1277/e/1359 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I still need to be in the collab at least even i not streaming(00:22:39 - 00:23:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1359/e/1426 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela telling mchan about her definition of her rest(00:23:46 - 00:24:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1426/e/1476 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Have check about SSRBee account that possibly got banned, but not on Kaela's side that ban the account(00:24:36 - 00:26:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1476/e/1596 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 It's not stockholm syndrome, pemaloe just tsun tsun(00:26:36 - 00:27:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1596/e/1661 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 I'll still be here tomorrow(00:27:41 - 00:28:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1661/e/1692 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela saving up games for her trip(00:28:12 - 00:28:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1692/e/1713 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Before I go, I submitted several game yesterday(00:28:33 - 00:31:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1713/e/1909 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Why so hot suddenly, I think i'm too excited for stream(00:31:49 - 00:32:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1909/e/1969 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Since last week, we have been talking about Beejoe b'day(00:32:49 - 00:33:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1969/e/1994 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela will not be there when BeeJoe's birthday(00:33:14 - 00:34:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/1994/e/2056 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Kaela even sent BeeJoe her ticket screenshot (showing why she can't be on her birthday)(00:34:16 - 00:36:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2056/e/2164 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Aku bukan emaknya. Ini hachi ya?(00:36:04 - 00:36:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2164/e/2189 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 PRETEND TO BE ME, BE THERE, BE KAELA (in beejoe bday)(00:36:29 - 00:38:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2189/e/2321 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Start game(00:38:41 - 00:39:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2321/e/2350 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 About grindstone bday version, today collab will gonna be a teaser, will say Happy Birthday to BeeJoe later on Content Warning collab*[ ABOUT CHEER UP EVENT MESSAGE ]*(00:39:10 - 02:25:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2350/e/8710 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 About grindstone bday version, today collab will gonna be a teaser, will say Happy Birthday to BeeJoe later on Content Warning collab*[ WEEK 1 ]*(00:39:10 - 00:39:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2350/e/2383 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Choose origin(00:39:47 - 00:40:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2387/e/2405 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela thought she need to make potion(00:40:05 - 00:41:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2405/e/2491 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela choose wizard because the hat(00:41:31 - 00:42:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2491/e/2525 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Barbarian is a big nono(00:42:05 - 00:42:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2525/e/2569 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Check gear(00:42:49 - 00:43:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2569/e/2616 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Read griselda's guides(00:43:36 - 00:44:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2616/e/2680 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wait wait~ 1 by 1 (reading guide)(00:44:40 - 00:46:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2680/e/2771 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Read perfect potion guide(00:46:11 - 00:47:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2771/e/2873 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela confuse mement(00:47:53 - 00:48:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2873/e/2899 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ NANI KORE BROOOO (Confuse what to do)(00:48:19 - 00:48:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2899/e/2926 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ LC: theres arrow on dialog. K: oooooh(00:48:46 - 00:48:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2926/e/2928 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela's phone blocked the guide arrow from Kaela's view(00:48:48 - 00:50:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/2928/e/3053 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I'm not sweetie ~ I'm bittery ~(00:50:53 - 00:51:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3053/e/3070 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Why should I consume this? (potion)(00:51:10 - 00:51:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3070/e/3076 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ WHAT? (throw up after consume potion)(00:51:16 - 00:51:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3076/e/3104 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Even better, you said you're great(00:51:44 - 00:52:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3104/e/3151 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ She move the l2d(00:52:31 - 00:54:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3151/e/3243 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ L2D gone(00:54:03 - 00:55:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3243/e/3306 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Move her L2D on top right with the rude bar(00:55:06 - 00:56:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3306/e/3415 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ WAIT WHAT YOU SAID I JUST WOKE UP (npc call it a day for now)(00:56:55 - 00:57:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3415/e/3424 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wow its looks like im looking at the time(00:57:25 - 00:57:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3445/e/3457 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ CAAAAAT ! (first thing that she see after woke up)(00:57:37 - 00:59:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3457/e/3588 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ No study, big brain already(00:59:48 - 01:00:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3588/e/3639 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ WOWOWOWOWOWO (she sat set sat set)(01:00:39 - 01:00:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3639/e/3659 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Owhhh ok ok understandable (teleporter)(01:00:59 - 01:01:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3659/e/3676 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Discover she can use teleporter later and tell map not showing where she's at(01:01:16 - 01:01:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3676/e/3704 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Hooooo (First time collecting proudcap)(01:01:44 - 01:02:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3704/e/3738 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Suddenly got chased by bee(01:02:18 - 01:03:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3738/e/3795 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Discover she can roll(01:03:15 - 01:03:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3795/e/3827 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Thats actually so true (Confuse how to unsubscribe after subscribe to something)(01:03:47 - 01:05:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3827/e/3908 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Mailman gonna send 5 bottles a day? That's crazy(01:05:08 - 01:05:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3908/e/3923 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Potion making tutorial(01:05:23 - 01:05:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3923/e/3956 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Just one ? terus bagaimane ? just wait ? (after put ingridient)(01:05:56 - 01:06:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3956/e/3995 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ should i start??(01:06:35 - 01:07:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/3995/e/4023 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ YEEEAAAY *done making potion(01:07:03 - 01:08:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4023/e/4098 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ BoggleWoggle said Kaela was teacher pet. K: I'M NOT TEACHER'S PET!(01:08:18 - 01:08:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4098/e/4139 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ 3 hours, 3 hours. You can chat again on collab (someone unsub to Kaela's channel)(01:08:59 - 01:09:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4139/e/4157 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ ME ???? (booglewoogle said she kill old master)(01:09:17 - 01:09:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4157/e/4199 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I do know this word but i didn't know how to pronounce it (Oblige)(01:09:59 - 01:11:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4199/e/4273 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Check controller settings(01:11:13 - 01:12:50) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4273/e/4370 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ There is no run but i keep pressing the shift(01:12:50 - 01:13:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4370/e/4404 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Asking if there's any weight limit(01:13:24 - 01:15:47) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4404/e/4547 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Start build crate and connect it each other(01:15:47 - 01:21:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4547/e/4864 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ What wo wo wo (skipping dialong)(01:21:04 - 01:21:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4864/e/4894 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Put the ingredients and the bottle on the crate(01:21:34 - 01:21:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4894/e/4909 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ WHY SUDDENLY I HAVE SO MANY BOTTLE(01:21:49 - 01:22:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4909/e/4933 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ UUUUWWWIII UUUWWWWIII (start brew the potion)(01:22:13 - 01:23:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4933/e/4981 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Why the "your" like that?(01:23:01 - 01:23:40) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/4981/e/5020 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Wonder if rest it will make it faster (brew poster)(01:23:40 - 04:22:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/5020/e/15751 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Ini begini nih ? The bottle like this ? rolling here rolling there (on the floor)(01:24:53 - 01:25:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/5093/e/5156 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wow that so slow (collecting stone)(01:25:56 - 01:26:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/5156/e/5189 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ New JP vocab(01:26:29 - 01:28:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/5189/e/5308 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Owwwhhh i can do this...amazing (Can charge)(01:28:28 - 01:30:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/5308/e/5454 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Go to city gates(01:30:54 - 01:33:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/5454/e/5584 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Arrived at City Gates and making potion stall(01:33:04 - 01:35:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/5584/e/5733 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Know can passed out from exhaustion(01:35:33 - 01:35:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/5733/e/5742 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ LAAAAAHHH (bottle break)(01:35:42 - 01:36:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/5742/e/5791 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ LC: Did something broken? K: Nope, nothing. All good(01:36:31 - 01:36:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/5791/e/5795 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Go to old mine to harvest mageroot(01:37:19 - 01:39:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/5839/e/5954 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Found iron rock and Copper(01:39:14 - 01:40:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/5954/e/6006 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ She's wondering if she on the right place (for mageroot)(01:40:06 - 01:40:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6006/e/6034 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Inventory full?? You must be kidding me(01:40:34 - 01:41:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6034/e/6084 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Oooh! Found mageroot(01:41:24 - 01:42:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6084/e/6127 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Ooooh amethyst!! Let's goo(01:42:07 - 01:43:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6127/e/6189 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Got achievement for destorying things(01:43:09 - 01:45:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6189/e/6314 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Use BoggleWoggle teleport service? OKAY! OKAY!(01:45:14 - 01:46:00) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6314/e/6360 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wuuuuuuu (first time earn money)(01:46:00 - 01:46:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6360/e/6391 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Kaela's being robbed with -25% cut(01:46:31 - 01:46:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6391/e/6409 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 5(01:46:49 - 01:48:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6409/e/6500 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Study centipede(01:48:20 - 01:49:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6500/e/6563 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ What's should i do now?(01:49:23 - 01:50:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6563/e/6610 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I read the guide already. Hello?(01:50:10 - 01:51:04) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6610/e/6664 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I have been away only for 2 minutes(01:51:04 - 01:51:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6664/e/6698 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ How? (she need to build kiln)(01:51:38 - 01:52:24) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6698/e/6744 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Amazing~ (look at expanding menu)(01:52:24 - 01:52:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6744/e/6762 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wonder how make the kiln work(01:52:42 - 01:52:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6762/e/6774 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ About review of the game(01:52:54 - 01:53:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6774/e/6818 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Clay for brick? We playing Minecraft right now?(01:53:38 - 01:54:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6818/e/6842 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Journey to search kiln(01:54:02 - 01:55:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6842/e/6914 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I do have a clay (start making brick)(01:55:14 - 01:57:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/6914/e/7064 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Confused how to even go north east(01:57:44 - 01:58:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7064/e/7082 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Don't have money to rebuild the bridge(01:58:02 - 01:58:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7082/e/7103 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ NO MONEY~(01:58:23 - 01:59:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7103/e/7150 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wondering if she can pin the quest(01:59:10 - 02:00:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7150/e/7235 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Sleep to fastened the production(02:00:35 - 02:00:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7235/e/7241 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 6(02:00:41 - 02:01:12) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7241/e/7272 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wondering the purposes of customer level(02:01:12 - 02:02:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7272/e/7333 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ New quest - bracket fungi(02:02:13 - 02:03:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7333/e/7382 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Trying to pronounce fungi(02:03:02 - 02:03:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7382/e/7410 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Why 50 bottles per day? It's should be only 5 right?(02:03:30 - 02:05:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7410/e/7515 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ WHERE'S ODIE? Olds Wood?(02:05:15 - 02:06:57) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7515/e/7617 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Found Odie, The Courier(02:06:57 - 02:07:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7617/e/7672 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Chanterelle? Nani Chanterelle?(02:07:52 - 02:08:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7672/e/7696 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to take bees(02:08:16 - 02:09:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7696/e/7741 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Ooh, that's how we do it (taking bees)(02:09:01 - 02:11:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7741/e/7865 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Strawberry? How to get strawberry?(02:11:05 - 02:12:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7865/e/7971 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Study new item(02:12:51 - 02:13:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7971/e/7996 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Why's all edible? (item she got)(02:13:16 - 02:14:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/7996/e/8047 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Do trial and error with chanterelle(02:14:07 - 02:14:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8047/e/8062 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to put chanterelle (in potion maker) but also cannot(02:14:22 - 02:14:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8062/e/8093 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wondering why she have so many chanterelle(02:14:53 - 02:15:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8093/e/8141 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wrong build. She build crate instead of chest. K: Can I be mad with myself?(02:15:41 - 02:16:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8141/e/8195 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ The side effect of eat centipede and yeah i always sad and angry(02:16:35 - 02:17:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8195/e/8249 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ How to make charcoal?(02:17:29 - 02:17:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8249/e/8263 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Sometimes I smart...no thanks to minecraft i guess (after make charcoal)(02:17:43 - 02:19:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8263/e/8391 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela said this game need basic idea of how things works, if not ADIOS(02:19:51 - 02:21:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8391/e/8506 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Satu2 banget ga sih(02:21:46 - 02:22:15) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8506/e/8535 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wondering where she got the coal(02:22:15 - 02:22:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8535/e/8574 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Oh night time I need to sleep...i dont wanna sleep(02:22:54 - 02:23:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8574/e/8596 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Oooh, well rested buff??(02:23:16 - 02:23:35) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8596/e/8615 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 7(02:23:35 - 02:23:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8615/e/8632 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Strawberry doko?(02:23:52 - 02:25:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8632/e/8710 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Context: Kaela wrote something for cheer up pop up store(02:25:10 - 02:28:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8710/e/8939 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Context: Kaela wrote something for cheer up pop up store(02:25:10 - 02:27:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8710/e/8830 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ That the first time Kaela's Mandarin courses paid off. Kaela even show it to Papaela and Mamaela(02:27:10 - 02:28:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8830/e/8939 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Mchan really trust me with that, thats nice (Her mandarin handwriting)*[ TONIGHT SCHEDULE ]*(02:28:59 - 04:20:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8939/e/15607 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Mchan really trust me with that, thats nice (Her mandarin handwriting)(02:28:59 - 02:29:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8939/e/8991 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ There is english translation and handwritten by kaela too(02:29:51 - 02:30:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/8991/e/9051 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Why it's 25 now?? It's something like gacha?? (daily bottles)(02:30:51 - 02:31:44) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9051/e/9104 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ WAAAA RUUUUUN HELP HELP (chased by bees)(02:31:44 - 02:33:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9104/e/9182 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ OH THIS IS STRAWBERRY ! aaaahh strawberry (Harvesting strawberry)(02:33:02 - 02:34:26) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9182/e/9266 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Maybe that's not necessary(02:34:26 - 02:35:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9266/e/9301 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Stop shaking (talk with tully)(02:35:01 - 02:37:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9301/e/9423 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Too many strawberry moment, throwing away the chanterelle(02:37:03 - 02:37:28) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9423/e/9448 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Realized haven't check SB(02:37:28 - 02:39:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9448/e/9571 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ 9 + 10? Standing butterfly(02:39:31 - 02:39:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9571/e/9595 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Haachama said she had many elytra before. She was just panic(02:39:55 - 02:40:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9595/e/9621 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Eh why 21 ? owh its just a meme. Ok try again (9+10)(02:40:21 - 02:41:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9621/e/9665 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ 9+10.....21 ! See I update with the meme(02:41:05 - 02:42:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9665/e/9738 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Full full full why its full ~(02:42:18 - 02:44:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9738/e/9893 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ About the meaning of "Color me shocked"(02:44:53 - 02:45:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9893/e/9922 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Pecel atau lontong sayur ? Lontong sayur sih tapi kalau buat sarapan sih...mendingan pare(02:45:22 - 02:46:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9922/e/9977 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to give strawberry to Griselda but can't(02:46:17 - 02:47:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/9977/e/10054 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Will there be any monster at night? No right?(02:47:34 - 02:47:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/10054/e/10063 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ WEEEEEIIII RUUUUUUN (from bees)(02:47:43 - 02:50:36) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/10063/e/10236 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Chop chop trees ~(02:50:36 - 02:51:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/10236/e/10261 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ EXPAND TIME !(02:51:01 - 04:22:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/10261/e/15751 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 1(02:51:23 - 02:51:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/10283/e/10319 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Special quest from customer. K : SORRY I CANT HELP THANK YOU(02:51:59 - 02:55:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/10319/e/10509 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ IDK HOW TO MAKE IT (rejuvenation potion)(02:55:09 - 02:56:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/10509/e/10563 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Glass coming from the sand, how to even get the sand ?(02:56:03 - 02:59:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/10563/e/10786 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I need many many woods(02:59:46 - 03:00:06) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/10786/e/10806 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I think you guys need to remind me about my collab, i can play this game forever(03:00:06 - 03:00:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/10806/e/10858 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela think there'll be discord notif soon(03:00:58 - 03:02:37) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/10858/e/10957 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Finally she can put wood and stone in chest(03:02:37 - 03:03:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/10957/e/11039 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Oh no my brain (set up crates for kiln)(03:03:59 - 03:04:56) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11039/e/11096 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kenapa tuh? Huh? (Furnace suddenly not working)(03:04:56 - 03:06:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11096/e/11170 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Naaah gitu dong, gitu dong (fix the furnace)(03:06:10 - 03:07:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11170/e/11221 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Kaela explain why furnace not working before(03:07:01 - 03:08:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11221/e/11303 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Pink chest ? idk if i can do that(03:08:23 - 03:08:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11303/e/11332 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Placement of chest is bothering her(03:08:52 - 03:09:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11332/e/11382 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to make extractor(03:09:42 - 03:11:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11382/e/11502 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Stop playing with the chicken(03:11:42 - 03:13:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11502/e/11612 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wowowowoow~ What's that?? (weird looking plant)(03:13:32 - 03:14:51) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11612/e/11691 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Hiyaaa~ (mimicking the weird plants)(03:14:51 - 03:15:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11691/e/11720 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Found fishing spot(03:15:20 - 03:15:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11720/e/11743 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Passed out(03:15:43 - 03:15:53) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11743/e/11753 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 2(03:15:53 - 03:18:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11753/e/11902 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Success make poison potion(03:18:22 - 03:20:02) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/11902/e/12002 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Bro stop bro. Now it's broken(03:20:02 - 03:21:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12002/e/12087 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Make random potion(03:21:27 - 03:21:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12087/e/12118 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Go-go berry somehow working (making potion)(03:21:58 - 03:22:52) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12118/e/12172 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Make potion with white-night(03:22:52 - 03:23:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12172/e/12200 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Making cure disease potion(03:23:20 - 03:23:30) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12200/e/12210 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Ga muat bang. That's very expensive(03:23:30 - 03:24:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12210/e/12282 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Collab is okay. Mchan trying to stop Kaela from streaming (during vacation)(03:24:42 - 03:26:41) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12282/e/12401 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Put all the item to chest(03:26:41 - 03:27:20) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12401/e/12440 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Mama longfangs ok too? Okay2(03:27:20 - 03:27:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12440/e/12475 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Mama longfangs become poison too? No new one?(03:27:55 - 03:29:13) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12475/e/12553 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Wow, i need to unlocked the bridge(03:29:13 - 03:29:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12553/e/12574 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Want to Fixing the bridge but need stone(03:29:34 - 03:31:18) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12574/e/12678 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Doesn't feels like very effective but ok(03:31:18 - 03:32:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12678/e/12736 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Scarecrow, you see what this?? Talk to me or I'll chop you down(03:32:16 - 03:32:58) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12736/e/12778 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Find new location, rumah kobo (lighthouse)(03:32:58 - 03:36:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12778/e/12974 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ It's actually enough (stone)(03:36:14 - 03:37:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/12974/e/13034 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ try to fix the bridge but missing the coins(03:37:14 - 03:37:34) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13034/e/13054 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 3(03:37:34 - 03:38:14) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13054/e/13094 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Finally fix the bridge(03:38:14 - 03:38:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13094/e/13122 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Owh is that apple ?(03:38:42 - 03:39:21) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13122/e/13161 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ UUHHH? What's that? (Beetle rolling sandstone)(03:39:21 - 03:39:48) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13161/e/13188 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ OWWWHHH THATS HOW YOU GET SANDSTONE (From destroying beetle)(03:39:48 - 03:40:39) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13188/e/13239 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Aaaahhh ok, now we are talking funtastic (got sand from standstone)(03:40:39 - 03:41:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13239/e/13283 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ BRO! BRO!? (full inventory)(03:41:23 - 03:42:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13283/e/13337 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Uuuuuu oooooooo~ (arrived at beach)(03:42:17 - 03:43:09) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13337/e/13389 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ OkAy BrUh~ (After reading Carla quest)(03:43:09 - 03:45:16) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13389/e/13516 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ From what we know, it's should be sand right? (making glass)(03:45:16 - 03:47:42) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13516/e/13662 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ So many become poison and healing potion (testing new item)(03:47:42 - 03:49:10) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13662/e/13750 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Selling poison potion to NPC Hazel(03:49:10 - 03:50:08) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13750/e/13808 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I have my brekkie at 2, you have problem bro ?(03:50:08 - 03:51:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13808/e/13891 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ TREES?? (searching for trees to chop)(03:51:31 - 03:54:17) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/13891/e/14057 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ WIIIHHH HIH (hitting sus plant and almost got poison)(03:54:17 - 03:56:32) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/14057/e/14192 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Caaarlaaaaa~ (want to submit quest)(03:56:32 - 03:57:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/14192/e/14227 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Quest complete(03:57:07 - 03:58:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/14227/e/14311 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ ITS EXPENSIVE ~ (to upgrade inventory)(03:58:31 - 03:58:45) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/14311/e/14325 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ GSH way of reading Chunk conversation(03:58:45 - 04:00:05) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/14325/e/14405 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Day 4(04:00:05 - 04:03:19) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/14405/e/14599 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Confuse how to connect extractor with the bottler(04:03:19 - 04:03:33) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/14599/e/14613 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Found the problem why can't place the chest(04:03:33 - 04:06:22) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/14613/e/14782 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Broo, connect~ (try to connect extractor)(04:06:22 - 04:07:01) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/14782/e/14821 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Sabar, patience is the key(04:07:01 - 04:08:29) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/14821/e/14909 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Still trying to connect extractor(04:08:29 - 04:09:27) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/14909/e/14967 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Finally its connect (extractor and bottler)(04:09:27 - 04:10:49) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/14967/e/15049 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ How can I make bottle? (searching for bottle maker)(04:10:49 - 04:11:25) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/15049/e/15085 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Make crusher and flask maker(04:11:25 - 04:12:03) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/15085/e/15123 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ What resources to make flask ?(04:12:03 - 04:14:43) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/15123/e/15283 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I got notification from steam "Shiorin play content warning"(04:14:43 - 04:15:11) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/15283/e/15311 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Just wait until 21 and I'll sleep and go(04:15:11 - 04:16:55) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/15311/e/15415 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ I'll just get login it'll be good(04:16:55 - 04:18:46) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/15415/e/15526 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ We'll try figure it out in the next stream(04:18:46 - 04:19:23) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/15526/e/15563 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┣ Sleep and day 5(04:19:23 - 04:19:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/15563/e/15578 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 ┗ Don't know when this game save*=== POST-GAME ===*(04:19:38 - 04:19:54) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/15578/e/15594 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Ok its time to leave. Thank you everyone(04:19:54 - 04:20:07) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/15594/e/15607 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Will continue this game tonight if she can't find the game for tonight(04:20:07 - 04:20:38) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/15607/e/15638 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 Otsulemao(04:20:38 - 04:20:59) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/15638/e/15659 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 This is 3 am for eu bro right now(04:20:59 - 04:22:31) https://kirinuki.ai/timelines/v/STIFONmBDCI/s/15659/e/15751 Sat, 13 Apr 24 05:30:00 +0900 【The Magical Mixture Mill】new grind?【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】