Lamy Ch. 雪花ラミィ

📢 配信のハイライト(見どころ)を見る 

📋 #雪花ラミィ





日からデジタル配信開始! - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


00:24:00 - 01:35:15
start - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @user-fv7rb8kv1k 様 
00:02:35 - 01:16:33
昼活の理由&昼配信があると寝られなくなった話 - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:03:24 - 00:05:45
チキンタツタが食べたいラミィ&マック雑談 - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:05:45 - 00:10:50
ポルカが寝てるのか疑問に思うラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:10:50 - 00:11:40
ショートスリーパー雑談 - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:11:40 - 00:13:24
ラミィは7時間は寝ないと無理&夜更かしの心理や睡眠の重要性について - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:13:24 - 00:15:00
番長のどうぶつの森の切り抜きとショートのギャップに驚くラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:15:00 - 00:17:10
ノエル先輩の愛包ダンスホールに癒されるラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:17:10 - 00:17:51
ホロメンの名言集を見た感想 - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:17:51 - 00:20:18
自分の名言が欲しいラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:20:18 - 00:22:41
続・ホロメンの名言集を見た感想 - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:22:41 - 00:24:18
日からデジタル配信開始! - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


00:24:00 - 01:16:33
ライブ配信の難しさについて語るラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:24:18 - 00:25:45
有名人がコメントに現れて驚くラミィ(ユリコタイガーさん) - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:25:45 - 00:27:30
自分の推しがラミィ以外を推していて人知られず振られることが多いラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:27:30 - 00:30:57
ホロライブプロダクションでソロライブを行う難しさについて語るラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:30:57 - 00:38:27
Twinkle 4 You(ねぽらぼライブ)もデビュー当時から言っていた - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

Twinkle 4 You(ねぽらぼライブ)もデビュー当時から言っていた

2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:38:27 - 00:39:37
案件ソロライブの可能性 - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:39:37 - 00:42:49
バーチャル空間でのトークイベントをしてみたい&課題 - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:42:49 - 00:45:10
ころね先輩の名言&褒めちぎるラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:45:10 - 00:46:35
ホロメンあるある:悩んでいても悩んでないって言う - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:46:35 - 00:47:24
ラミィが最近悟ったこと&すれすれの所で上手くいってるねぽらぼ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:47:24 - 00:50:08
寝不足の危険性について医学的要素を入れて語るラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:50:08 - 00:52:10
有用な商品を語るつもりが怪しげな商品販売トークをするラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:52:10 - 00:54:43
論文が出てる=正しいという証明ではない&商品を探すが見つからないラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:54:43 - 00:59:08
怪しくない話を募集するラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:59:08 - 00:59:48
美容関係の動画は欲見る話…のはずが何故か怪しい話になるラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:59:48 - 01:01:14
スキンケアについて - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:01:14 - 01:02:25
専門家が言う事はすぐ信じるラミィ - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:02:25 - 01:04:50
リンゴ酢の処分方法についてアドバイスをする雪民たち - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:04:50 - 01:06:40
ラミィはドレッシング〇〇〇派&ドレッシング雑談 - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:06:40 - 01:09:59
マヨラーにはなれないラミィ&マヨネーズをかける料理で飯テロされるラミィ(非表示対策のため手前から) - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:09:59 - 01:14:43
終了挨拶 - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:14:43 - 01:15:50
Cパート - 【昼雑談】お昼休みに気軽に立ち寄れる雑談枠【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月22日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:15:50 - 01:16:33
Start! + introduction - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

Start! + introduction

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:02:38 - 00:02:59
start - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:02:41 - 00:03:33
_"today it's been a long while since we last came to the houseboat, so i'd like to stream here! KonLamy!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"today it's been a long while since we last came to the houseboat, so i'd like to stream here! KonLamy!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:02:59 - 00:03:21
_"C: I've been waiting with the snacks i prepared/L: I have a lot too! But before we get to drink there's an announcement about Yukiyozuki!"_ ❄🎴🌙 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: I've been waiting with the snacks i prepared/L: I have a lot too! But before we get to drink there's an announcement about Yukiyozuki!"_ ❄🎴🌙

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:03:21 - 00:03:41
重要なお知らせをしたいが飲みたい欲が抑えられないラミィ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:03:33 - 00:04:19
_"Though i want to drink so, let's talk while we drink right? Can i open the Yukiyozuki? Since we can't begin anything unless we toast!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Though i want to drink so, let's talk while we drink right? Can i open the Yukiyozuki? Since we can't begin anything unless we toast!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:03:41 - 00:04:09
_"Wait a bit as i prepare to have a toast! Ahh, when you newly open a Yukiyozuki it smells so well!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Wait a bit as i prepare to have a toast! Ahh, when you newly open a Yukiyozuki it smells so well!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:04:09 - 00:04:22
乾杯 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:04:19 - 00:05:06
_"So everyone! Thank you for your hard work today, Kanpaaaaaai!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So everyone! Thank you for your hard work today, Kanpaaaaaai!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:04:22 - 00:04:45
_"Since i'll drink a lot of Nihonshu, or rather, Yukiyozuki, i brought the ochoko/sake cup i have at home! So i'm using some that i don't tend to, they're small! You can finish it in 3 sips!"_ 🍶 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Since i'll drink a lot of Nihonshu, or rather, Yukiyozuki, i brought the ochoko/sake cup i have at home! So i'm using some that i don't tend to, they're small! You can finish it in 3 sips!"_ 🍶

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:04:45 - 00:05:06
_"So, let's talk about lots of things, are you prepared? I'll start with the new info, so are you prepared for it? you are right? This time Meiri prepared a lot of files, so let's look them together!s/C: I'm ready/L: Alright, please prepare as you do! Ahh, drinking Yukiyozuki after a while is so yummy!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So, let's talk about lots of things, are you prepared? I'll start with the new info, so are you prepared for it? you are right? This time Meiri prepared a lot of files, so let's look them together!s/C: I'm ready/L: Alright, please prepare as you do! Ahh, drinking Yukiyozuki after a while is so yummy!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:05:06 - 00:05:54
今日の配信は色んな新情報有 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:05:06 - 00:06:23
_"L: Look, i have the Yukimin stick today to! To explain using this!/C: My heart's beating so fast it may come out my mouth/L: It's not info to be THAT much nervous about! www, right now Omarun revealed her new outfit, she became a delinquent once again"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"L: Look, i have the Yukimin stick today to! To explain using this!/C: My heart's beating so fast it may come out my mouth/L: It's not info to be THAT much nervous about! www, right now Omarun revealed her new outfit, she became a delinquent once again"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:05:54 - 00:06:22
Thumbnail with the history of Yukiyozuki. - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

Thumbnail with the history of Yukiyozuki.

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:06:22 - 00:07:00
ラミィの日本酒プロジェクトの簡単な振り返り - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:06:23 - 00:08:25
_"It's starting to have a pretty long history, Yukiyozuki, that is! Season 1, it was the real start of Yukiyozuki!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"It's starting to have a pretty long history, Yukiyozuki, that is! Season 1, it was the real start of Yukiyozuki!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:07:00 - 00:07:16
_"In Season 2, Then it got a Bronze Medal at the world's class International Wine Challenge, the IWC! That way, the Yukiyozuki was recognized by the entire world, in season 2!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"In Season 2, Then it got a Bronze Medal at the world's class International Wine Challenge, the IWC! That way, the Yukiyozuki was recognized by the entire world, in season 2!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:07:16 - 00:07:28
_"As for Season 3... Since during season 1 they based themselves hoping that people who don't really drink Sake would be able to enjoy it too and they made it, that's season 1 but, rather than that, make up what i'd like to drink! A dry-taste Yukiyozuki! And taking what i'd like in consideration is that they made Yukiyozuki season 3!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"As for Season 3... Since during season 1 they based themselves hoping that people who don't really drink Sake would be able to enjoy it too and they made it, that's season 1 but, rather than that, make up what i'd like to drink! A dry-taste Yukiyozuki! And taking what i'd like in consideration is that they made Yukiyozuki season 3!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:07:28 - 00:08:03
_"Then came Season 4! So that it turned out that the sake i wanted to drink and gulp down in one go; also won the IWC's bronze medal! It's amazing isn't it?! I think so!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Then came Season 4! So that it turned out that the sake i wanted to drink and gulp down in one go; also won the IWC's bronze medal! It's amazing isn't it?! I think so!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:08:03 - 00:08:28
新情報①微発砲雪夜月開発中 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:08:25 - 00:10:03
_"So with the thought that [I'd like everyone to drink it!] Meiri-san put a lot of effort and brought about 2 varieties! Yeah! There's this!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So with the thought that [I'd like everyone to drink it!] Meiri-san put a lot of effort and brought about 2 varieties! Yeah! There's this!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:08:28 - 00:08:42
_"During autumn, the one currently in development, a [Soarkling Yukiyozuki]; will be released! So if i say what would it's standing position be, it'll be the one in here... The base is this one Yukiyozuki (Season 1 & 2)"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"During autumn, the one currently in development, a [Soarkling Yukiyozuki]; will be released! So if i say what would it's standing position be, it'll be the one in here... The base is this one Yukiyozuki (Season 1 & 2)"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:08:42 - 00:09:02
_"The thought that [We'd want for people who don't tend to drink Nihonsku/sake, to enjoy it]... So for the Yukiyozuki that was already easy to drink, there'll be one that'll be even easier to drink! The sparkling Yukiyozuki currently in development, it is scheduled to release around Autumn!"_ :🍂 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"The thought that [We'd want for people who don't tend to drink Nihonsku/sake, to enjoy it]... So for the Yukiyozuki that was already easy to drink, there'll be one that'll be even easier to drink! The sparkling Yukiyozuki currently in development, it is scheduled to release around Autumn!"_ :🍂

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:09:02 - 00:09:30
_"So the way it stands now is from strongest to weakest, like this... First the dry-tasting in case you'd want to drink with me, then the one that i'd like to drink with everyone! And then the sparkling Yukiyozuki, something like that! It's written here [Sake with meals for connoiseurs. Entry model: For cheering]"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So the way it stands now is from strongest to weakest, like this... First the dry-tasting in case you'd want to drink with me, then the one that i'd like to drink with everyone! And then the sparkling Yukiyozuki, something like that! It's written here [Sake with meals for connoiseurs. Entry model: For cheering]"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:09:30 - 00:10:02
_"And, AND! Today i have some of it! The project, it's here! I'd like to drink it, i haven't opened it yet! So i don't know how will this turn to be as a starting point! And i also heard from the staff [We'd like to know your honest impressions please]"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"And, AND! Today i have some of it! The project, it's here! I'd like to drink it, i haven't opened it yet! So i don't know how will this turn to be as a starting point! And i also heard from the staff [We'd like to know your honest impressions please]"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:10:02 - 00:10:37
微発砲雪夜月試作品が手元にあります - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:10:03 - 00:10:36
ラミィの日本酒プロジェクトで今後目指したい事 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:10:36 - 00:13:42
_"So, for the Nihonshu-making project that i've always been working with Meirin for, what i'm aiming for at this time; i'd like to convey it to you... [Nihonshu/Sake's raw materials, are literally made with rice and water, it's that simple, the flavor's depth, the fragrance, lots of things are expressed in it! So this time we'd like to convey its charm using only Yukiyozuki, pairing it with dishes at different temperatures!] Yeah! This time i have 3 different Yukiyozuki!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So, for the Nihonshu-making project that i've always been working with Meirin for, what i'm aiming for at this time; i'd like to convey it to you... [Nihonshu/Sake's raw materials, are literally made with rice and water, it's that simple, the flavor's depth, the fragrance, lots of things are expressed in it! So this time we'd like to convey its charm using only Yukiyozuki, pairing it with dishes at different temperatures!] Yeah! This time i have 3 different Yukiyozuki!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:10:37 - 00:11:29
_"So, from the cold to the hot Nihonshu, it has a wide range of it! And then, something else i've always wanted to do... Cause matching a delicious Sake with delicious snacks is the best! I intend to convey that! But in this dishes and sake pairing is intended to show you how it gets even tastier! That's what we're aiming for this time!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So, from the cold to the hot Nihonshu, it has a wide range of it! And then, something else i've always wanted to do... Cause matching a delicious Sake with delicious snacks is the best! I intend to convey that! But in this dishes and sake pairing is intended to show you how it gets even tastier! That's what we're aiming for this time!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:11:29 - 00:12:06
_"Nihonshu is amazing, even though it's made so simply it has infinite ways to express itself! With changes in temperature, the flavor changes, and if you eat it with snacks it'll be completely different once more!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Nihonshu is amazing, even though it's made so simply it has infinite ways to express itself! With changes in temperature, the flavor changes, and if you eat it with snacks it'll be completely different once more!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:12:06 - 00:12:27
_"So now [From now on, even more than wanting to convey the charms and width of Sake, we'd like for everyone to drink the {Yukiyozuki starting point} first!] Pardon, since i got this one from Meiri it adds the honorific to my name like that but yeah [This is the bottle of fruity ginjou sake that, together with Lamy-sama; we've been workin on for the past 2 years to refine and perfect] so yeah! It's a new Yukiyozuki! And though i say that, it's this one! The [starting point]!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So now [From now on, even more than wanting to convey the charms and width of Sake, we'd like for everyone to drink the {Yukiyozuki starting point} first!] Pardon, since i got this one from Meiri it adds the honorific to my name like that but yeah [This is the bottle of fruity ginjou sake that, together with Lamy-sama; we've been workin on for the past 2 years to refine and perfect] so yeah! It's a new Yukiyozuki! And though i say that, it's this one! The [starting point]!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:12:27 - 00:13:11
_"Look a this picture, it surprised me! This is the [Yukiyozuki starting point], the one that at the very beginning i made so that even people who don't drink Nihonshu can enjoy with me! And i'll show an even more surprising photo next, so be surprised!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Look a this picture, it surprised me! This is the [Yukiyozuki starting point], the one that at the very beginning i made so that even people who don't drink Nihonshu can enjoy with me! And i'll show an even more surprising photo next, so be surprised!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:13:11 - 00:13:39
_"L: Look at this! Like, even though i'm talking about myself it's so cool! _*_laughs_*_ Isn't it so cool? For the picture i mean!/C: It's the 5 Power Rangers lol/L: True, these are the 5 rangers, the very first one is Yukiyozuki, then Favorite Model, then the other day's released dry taste, and this is this time's! The [Yukiyozuki that went back to its origin]"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"L: Look at this! Like, even though i'm talking about myself it's so cool! _*_laughs_*_ Isn't it so cool? For the picture i mean!/C: It's the 5 Power Rangers lol/L: True, these are the 5 rangers, the very first one is Yukiyozuki, then Favorite Model, then the other day's released dry taste, and this is this time's! The [Yukiyozuki that went back to its origin]"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:13:39 - 00:14:22
今まで出た雪夜月シリーズ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:13:42 - 00:14:49
_"C: Such pretty bottles!/L: Looking at them like this sure makes you feel the history Of Yukiyozuki right? So many have been released! This time there's no celebrati- I  mean, Favorite model so... This is rather simpler than it! What's written here says [原点回帰]"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: Such pretty bottles!/L: Looking at them like this sure makes you feel the history Of Yukiyozuki right? So many have been released! This time there's no celebrati- I mean, Favorite model so... This is rather simpler than it! What's written here says [原点回帰]"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:14:22 - 00:14:46
*New slide* _"This is the [Origin regression|原点回帰] Yukiyozuki, there's the 2022, the one that started it! This one is the dry one!, the JunmaiDaiginjou! It sure makes you think when you see them both... So i thought, maybe we can do it sparkling too? _*_giggles_*_ we can right, everyone?! I got pretty greedy there for sure!"_  🍶 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

*New slide* _"This is the [Origin regression|原点回帰] Yukiyozuki, there's the 2022, the one that started it! This one is the dry one!, the JunmaiDaiginjou! It sure makes you think when you see them both... So i thought, maybe we can do it sparkling too? _*_giggles_*_ we can right, everyone?! I got pretty greedy there for sure!"_ 🍶

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:14:46 - 00:15:23
受賞の歴史&欲張りすぎかもしれないラミィ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:14:49 - 00:15:24
Prices and presentations, to be sold on friday, on Friday, April 26th. - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

Prices and presentations, to be sold on friday, on Friday, April 26th.

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:15:23 - 00:16:42
新情報②雪夜月season4販売情報 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:15:24 - 00:17:07
_"The 1 sho package, it's always so gorgeous isn't it? It has this cloth-like wrapping it up! And the 720 ml bottle, is stored as-is, so if you want them for decoration, i recommend the 1 sho (1.8 Litres) bottle!"_ *giggles* - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"The 1 sho package, it's always so gorgeous isn't it? It has this cloth-like wrapping it up! And the 720 ml bottle, is stored as-is, so if you want them for decoration, i recommend the 1 sho (1.8 Litres) bottle!"_ *giggles*

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:16:42 - 00:17:07
_"And, it'll be released on next friday, April the 26th for the Daiginjou Yukiyozuki! But the other, sparkling Yukiyozuki in plan will be released towards autumn!"_ 🍾 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"And, it'll be released on next friday, April the 26th for the Daiginjou Yukiyozuki! But the other, sparkling Yukiyozuki in plan will be released towards autumn!"_ 🍾

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:17:07 - 00:17:18
ペアリング晩酌と豪華なメニュー(飯テロ注意) - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:17:07 - 00:20:24
_"As for the dry-taste Favorite Model Yukiyozuki! I'll have an evening drink with pairings! And that is, this! Today's menu!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"As for the dry-taste Favorite Model Yukiyozuki! I'll have an evening drink with pairings! And that is, this! Today's menu!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:17:18 - 00:17:35
_"It's a bit hard to see but, this is the sparkling Yukiyozuki! 5 degrees! So it's a bit cold after being put to the fridge! I'll eat it with grilled oysters!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"It's a bit hard to see but, this is the sparkling Yukiyozuki! 5 degrees! So it's a bit cold after being put to the fridge! I'll eat it with grilled oysters!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:17:35 - 00:17:50
_"Now, the daiginjou Yukiyozuki that we'll release this week, will be served at room temperature, 15°C with a steak!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Now, the daiginjou Yukiyozuki that we'll release this week, will be served at room temperature, 15°C with a steak!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:17:50 - 00:18:04
_"And then for the dry-tasting Yukiyozuki, this time it'll be drank in hot at 50°C° Together with some crab miso..."_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"And then for the dry-tasting Yukiyozuki, this time it'll be drank in hot at 50°C° Together with some crab miso..."_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:18:04 - 00:18:12
_"Also listen to this! Up until before my manager was with me at home! And if i say why is because we had to prepare a lot of things, so she came... But this time for the hot sake, it was put into a crazy, real Sake heater! Like, i have a device so that i can simply warm my sake at home... But this time it was a very specialized business-like big one! Meiri-san lend it to me! So i'm using it to heat the sake!"_ 🔥 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Also listen to this! Up until before my manager was with me at home! And if i say why is because we had to prepare a lot of things, so she came... But this time for the hot sake, it was put into a crazy, real Sake heater! Like, i have a device so that i can simply warm my sake at home... But this time it was a very specialized business-like big one! Meiri-san lend it to me! So i'm using it to heat the sake!"_ 🔥

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:18:12 - 00:18:54
_"So it's not even the microwave! It's real, geniune one! So i didn't know how to use it, so after trial and error with my Mane-chan, i learned how to use it now! So it'll be fine, we could heat it up just fine!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So it's not even the microwave! It's real, geniune one! So i didn't know how to use it, so after trial and error with my Mane-chan, i learned how to use it now! So it'll be fine, we could heat it up just fine!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:18:54 - 00:19:13
_"It's so big, crazy! Like, the kind of pottery you find inside Oden shops!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"It's so big, crazy! Like, the kind of pottery you find inside Oden shops!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:19:13 - 00:19:29
_"Here, this is it! The preparation of Meiri's secret Sake heater! This one showing up here, this! THIS is it! This is what we got! Isn't it amazing? I didn't think i'd have this one! So it's being warmed at the living room, next i'll enjoy it"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Here, this is it! The preparation of Meiri's secret Sake heater! This one showing up here, this! THIS is it! This is what we got! Isn't it amazing? I didn't think i'd have this one! So it's being warmed at the living room, next i'll enjoy it"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:19:29 - 00:20:00
_"C: So like a small foods restaurant?/L: For real! And once again, today's menu!"_ *repeats the aforementioned items* - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: So like a small foods restaurant?/L: For real! And once again, today's menu!"_ *repeats the aforementioned items*

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:20:00 - 01:16:26
_"First, i'd like to eat this one, please wait! So, i've been waiting all this time so~ Please wait a bit more!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"First, i'd like to eat this one, please wait! So, i've been waiting all this time so~ Please wait a bit more!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:20:23 - 00:21:03
微発砲雪夜月(プロトタイプ)5℃ ×焼き牡蠣&興奮を隠しきれないラミィ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

微発砲雪夜月(プロトタイプ)5℃ ×焼き牡蠣&興奮を隠しきれないラミィ

2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:20:24 - 00:21:45
_"So, first comes the sparkling Yukiyozuki! I'll have this one first! This is really... Ahh could you hear it?"_ *Opening bottle sounds* _"I could hear the fizz of the bottle!"_ *sniffs* _"Ah, but the fragrance..."_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So, first comes the sparkling Yukiyozuki! I'll have this one first! This is really... Ahh could you hear it?"_ *Opening bottle sounds* _"I could hear the fizz of the bottle!"_ *sniffs* _"Ah, but the fragrance..."_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:21:03 - 00:21:23
_"The smell of these cooked oysters was big just now, i'm nervous! The feeling that's been a while just made me drool, wait a bit www _*_wipes_*_ i'm nervous!"_ 🤤 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"The smell of these cooked oysters was big just now, i'm nervous! The feeling that's been a while just made me drool, wait a bit www _*_wipes_*_ i'm nervous!"_ 🤤

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:21:23 - 00:21:43
_"So, Cheers once again, everyone!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So, Cheers once again, everyone!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:21:43 - 00:22:06
改めて乾杯 &プロトタイプ微発泡雪夜月のレビュー - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

改めて乾杯 &プロトタイプ微発泡雪夜月のレビュー

2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:21:45 - 00:27:25
_"I don't know if this is the correct way to express it, but it's like champagne... I wonder... i've drank sparkling nihonshu before but, the foam is pretty minute, amazing! Like, there's also big ones too, and also some that i've had some memory that it was hard to drink but... "_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"I don't know if this is the correct way to express it, but it's like champagne... I wonder... i've drank sparkling nihonshu before but, the foam is pretty minute, amazing! Like, there's also big ones too, and also some that i've had some memory that it was hard to drink but... "_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:22:06 - 00:22:43
"It's really so detailed like a champagne, it feels so light!" - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

"It's really so detailed like a champagne, it feels so light!"

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:22:43 - 00:22:53
_"It's amazing... How to say, this is the kind of talk i don't want to share but, i'd like to have the alcohol volume in the foam reduced _*_giggles_*_ if we do this... Like, it seems very difficult to do from a technical point of view! Since it's already a Nihonshu with a reduced alcohol volume so it must be very hard..."_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"It's amazing... How to say, this is the kind of talk i don't want to share but, i'd like to have the alcohol volume in the foam reduced _*_giggles_*_ if we do this... Like, it seems very difficult to do from a technical point of view! Since it's already a Nihonshu with a reduced alcohol volume so it must be very hard..."_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:22:53 - 00:23:20
_"For me, since i'd like for people who don't drinking sake to get to feel how exquisite it is, i'm very particular about making it easy to drink, after all there's a lot of people who are bad with the remaining alcohol sensation when drinking it right? So that way i'd like to make it even easier for even those people to enjoy! This is like about the third time i drink the sparkling prototype but... It's so easy to drink!"_ 🍾 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"For me, since i'd like for people who don't drinking sake to get to feel how exquisite it is, i'm very particular about making it easy to drink, after all there's a lot of people who are bad with the remaining alcohol sensation when drinking it right? So that way i'd like to make it even easier for even those people to enjoy! This is like about the third time i drink the sparkling prototype but... It's so easy to drink!"_ 🍾

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:23:20 - 00:23:59
_"This is i think, the easiest to drink one, i've ever had! Pardon, before i indulge in more oysters i'd like to have a 2nd serving... Amazing! But this is still a prototype, so it's possible to do changes on it still! It's amazing, it moved me, so easy to drink! I can chug it down for sure!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"This is i think, the easiest to drink one, i've ever had! Pardon, before i indulge in more oysters i'd like to have a 2nd serving... Amazing! But this is still a prototype, so it's possible to do changes on it still! It's amazing, it moved me, so easy to drink! I can chug it down for sure!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:23:59 - 00:24:24
_"I'd like to eat some more oysters~ But yeah this is a prototype, yet you can really look forward to it! We've drank all The Yukiyozuki so far including the [starting point], but still gave a strong feeling of sake, so people who were bad with it, i want you to try it for sure! It's so easier to drink now it surprised me! Ahh yummy oysters!"_ 🦪 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"I'd like to eat some more oysters~ But yeah this is a prototype, yet you can really look forward to it! We've drank all The Yukiyozuki so far including the [starting point], but still gave a strong feeling of sake, so people who were bad with it, i want you to try it for sure! It's so easier to drink now it surprised me! Ahh yummy oysters!"_ 🦪

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:24:24 - 00:25:04
_"SO GOOD! The sparkliness of the Yukiyozuki, I said it before but it somewhat gives me the image of a champagne, light, so with oysters it makes both of them match amazing with each other! Of course it'd go great with Japanese cuisine too i think, but also with western food"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"SO GOOD! The sparkliness of the Yukiyozuki, I said it before but it somewhat gives me the image of a champagne, light, so with oysters it makes both of them match amazing with each other! Of course it'd go great with Japanese cuisine too i think, but also with western food"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:25:04 - 00:25:35
_"It fits so well! How to say... I like nihonshu a lot, since i love the punch from alcohol, so taking that in mind is why they made dry-tasting one but, it's so light!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"It fits so well! How to say... I like nihonshu a lot, since i love the punch from alcohol, so taking that in mind is why they made dry-tasting one but, it's so light!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:25:35 - 00:26:08
_"But it feels like pretty luxurious, since Yukiyozuki is made so naturally and it originally feels luxurious for that, adding the carbonation to it... How to say... It feels so stylish! It's such a stylish flavor, that a couple would drink together in their anniversary!"_ *laughs* 🎉 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"But it feels like pretty luxurious, since Yukiyozuki is made so naturally and it originally feels luxurious for that, adding the carbonation to it... How to say... It feels so stylish! It's such a stylish flavor, that a couple would drink together in their anniversary!"_ *laughs* 🎉

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:26:08 - 00:26:21
_"Ah yeah, with miso soup and carpaccio would go nice yeah! I think it'd pair very well with seafood! It's delicious..."_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Ah yeah, with miso soup and carpaccio would go nice yeah! I think it'd pair very well with seafood! It's delicious..."_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:26:21 - 00:26:36
_"I'd like to pair this with white-meat fish, this time i'm having it with grilled oysters though... But oysters have a pretty strong punch with their flavor so... With white fish, adding the fragrance of Olive oil, it feels it won't interfere with that even!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"I'd like to pair this with white-meat fish, this time i'm having it with grilled oysters though... But oysters have a pretty strong punch with their flavor so... With white fish, adding the fragrance of Olive oil, it feels it won't interfere with that even!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:26:36 - 00:26:58
_"C: What about fried foods?/L: Ahh fried... I wonder, for me i'd go with a dry sake for them! How to say... I also think it'd meet well with Meat, i'll bring it later too after all, so let's try drinking them together... But this is really delicious. I also think it'd pair well with cheese! So good!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: What about fried foods?/L: Ahh fried... I wonder, for me i'd go with a dry sake for them! How to say... I also think it'd meet well with Meat, i'll bring it later too after all, so let's try drinking them together... But this is really delicious. I also think it'd pair well with cheese! So good!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:26:58 - 00:27:24
_"Ahh this is so easy to drink! i think that people who haven't drank Nihonshu will go [Is this Sake?!] For real, i want you to try it, you who haven't drank! Like, if we gave you this without knowing, i don't think you'd answer this is Sake!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Ahh this is so easy to drink! i think that people who haven't drank Nihonshu will go [Is this Sake?!] For real, i want you to try it, you who haven't drank! Like, if we gave you this without knowing, i don't think you'd answer this is Sake!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:27:24 - 00:27:54
日本酒飲んだことない人に飲んでほしい&度数は現時点で未定 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:27:25 - 00:29:49
_"L: I'm moved.../C: What percent?/L: The alcohol volume, it's still under adjustments, so that's why i can't say anything just yet, but since it's Nihonshu there's a limit to how little we can reduce it to! Technical things"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"L: I'm moved.../C: What percent?/L: The alcohol volume, it's still under adjustments, so that's why i can't say anything just yet, but since it's Nihonshu there's a limit to how little we can reduce it to! Technical things"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:27:54 - 00:28:18
_"L: So that's why we can't brirng the volume very very low, but making it easy to drink is totally different this really is easy to drink! And the oysters are delicious/C: I suppose it's even lower than the [Origin regression] version huh/L: Yeah! This is of course lower than the original Yukiyozuki, whose alcohol volume is 17%, so this is of course lower"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"L: So that's why we can't brirng the volume very very low, but making it easy to drink is totally different this really is easy to drink! And the oysters are delicious/C: I suppose it's even lower than the [Origin regression] version huh/L: Yeah! This is of course lower than the original Yukiyozuki, whose alcohol volume is 17%, so this is of course lower"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:28:18 - 00:29:50
_"C: That's just water/L: www i don't get you, why is that water? But this is so good, i really recommend it! Ah but there's more today! So not the place to just gobble it down!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: That's just water/L: www i don't get you, why is that water? But this is so good, i really recommend it! Ah but there's more today! So not the place to just gobble it down!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:29:24 - 00:29:50
雪夜月常温15℃  &牛肉のステーキ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

雪夜月常温15℃ &牛肉のステーキ

2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:29:49 - 00:31:23
_"Ah yeah, somebody mentioned it not being like Canned Shochu Highball. That one's sweet right? So it's not like that! Because in the end as we wrote before, it's rice and water, so the flavor is very clean! That's why the aftertaste is... How to say, it's like the alcohol doesn't come back to the mouth at all, enough that you'd think it's not alcohol beverage even!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Ah yeah, somebody mentioned it not being like Canned Shochu Highball. That one's sweet right? So it's not like that! Because in the end as we wrote before, it's rice and water, so the flavor is very clean! That's why the aftertaste is... How to say, it's like the alcohol doesn't come back to the mouth at all, enough that you'd think it's not alcohol beverage even!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:29:50 - 00:29:24
_"Let's go with the next, but this was amazing, it moved me! You can really have expectation for it! Next (cute english) is the room temperature Yukiyozuki with a beef steak, i really have it so please wait while i bring it!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Let's go with the next, but this was amazing, it moved me! You can really have expectation for it! Next (cute english) is the room temperature Yukiyozuki with a beef steak, i really have it so please wait while i bring it!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:29:50 - 00:31:16
_"First, i'll start with the Yukiyozuki and once again have a toast... Kanpai! Yummy! Yukiyozuki is really delicious while cold of course, but i like it most at room temperature!"_ 🌡 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"First, i'll start with the Yukiyozuki and once again have a toast... Kanpai! Yummy! Yukiyozuki is really delicious while cold of course, but i like it most at room temperature!"_ 🌡

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:31:14 - 00:32:39
_"Amazing, the steak ended up very amazing! [Room temperature and Steak: By being at Room temperature, the fruity qualities of the Daiginjou stand out more. The sweetness and spicy flavor match up well with the hearty flavor of the steak]"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Amazing, the steak ended up very amazing! [Room temperature and Steak: By being at Room temperature, the fruity qualities of the Daiginjou stand out more. The sweetness and spicy flavor match up well with the hearty flavor of the steak]"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:31:16 - 00:31:46
常温?のステーキ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:31:23 - 00:32:15
_"L: this really smells amazing!/C: A steak at room temperature?/L: No no, i mean, it's a hot steak with a room temperature steak! www That was a mess-up! So, i'd like to eat the hot steak with the room temperature sake"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"L: this really smells amazing!/C: A steak at room temperature?/L: No no, i mean, it's a hot steak with a room temperature steak! www That was a mess-up! So, i'd like to eat the hot steak with the room temperature sake"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:31:46 - 00:31:14
乾杯&常温が一番好きなラミィ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:32:15 - 00:34:30
_"If i say why, it's because at room temperature i feel the most of its fragrance! Also even if you heat it is fine but... This room temperature can't lie! It's simply not prone to deceit! This is simply delicious! You can drink it like that, i think it's amazing how simple it is!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"If i say why, it's because at room temperature i feel the most of its fragrance! Also even if you heat it is fine but... This room temperature can't lie! It's simply not prone to deceit! This is simply delicious! You can drink it like that, i think it's amazing how simple it is!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:32:39 - 00:33:08
_"So as for Yukiyozuki i don't know how many bottles i've drank of it but, i like it at room temperature the most! It's really good! So for now i'll enjoy it together with this steak, ahh, the steak is melting pretty much, sorry everyone! This time i'll enjoy this meat"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So as for Yukiyozuki i don't know how many bottles i've drank of it but, i like it at room temperature the most! It's really good! So for now i'll enjoy it together with this steak, ahh, the steak is melting pretty much, sorry everyone! This time i'll enjoy this meat"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:33:08 - 00:33:34
_"So good...! So yummy...!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So good...! So yummy...!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:33:34 - 00:33:51
_"What was this, i can't read it... It says [The room temperature brings about the fruity flavor of Daiginjou] THIS IS TRUE! I wonder why?"_ 🍍🍎🍑 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"What was this, i can't read it... It says [The room temperature brings about the fruity flavor of Daiginjou] THIS IS TRUE! I wonder why?"_ 🍍🍎🍑

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:33:51 - 00:34:10
_"No no, i mean, when you drink this with the meat it makes an amazing fragrance stand out! But as for the principle that follows, i don't know why really... Why indeed... What would the reason for the fragrance to turn like that"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"No no, i mean, when you drink this with the meat it makes an amazing fragrance stand out! But as for the principle that follows, i don't know why really... Why indeed... What would the reason for the fragrance to turn like that"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:34:10 - 00:34:33
肉系おつまみ雑談&ビーフジャーキーは神が作り出したもの - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:34:30 - 00:36:00
_"C: I'd like to eat a slice, if only.../L: For those who have Yukiyozuki at hand, how to say... Eat it with a steak just like i'm doing, even if not a steak though/C: You're drunk already/L: No, i haven't drank that much yet!"_ *mogu mogu* - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: I'd like to eat a slice, if only.../L: For those who have Yukiyozuki at hand, how to say... Eat it with a steak just like i'm doing, even if not a steak though/C: You're drunk already/L: No, i haven't drank that much yet!"_ *mogu mogu*

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:34:33 - 00:35:06
Coughing. - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:35:06 - 00:35:16
_"Beef Jerky is so good! It's delicious right? I can't really eat hard things because of my braces, so i can't eat beef jerky, but isn't it so good? I think it's something made by the gods, it's really yummy!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Beef Jerky is so good! It's delicious right? I can't really eat hard things because of my braces, so i can't eat beef jerky, but isn't it so good? I think it's something made by the gods, it's really yummy!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:35:16 - 00:35:45
_"Nihonshu drank with meat, it's very good, isn't it? I wonder why... It matches well with fish of course, or seafood too, but with meat as well~ Ahh Salami too! Since Nihonshu's composed of rice and water, generally it doesn't get in the way of your food... It also has such a nice fragrance! It's so good, it's like it overlaps 2 delicious things together, do you understand me?"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Nihonshu drank with meat, it's very good, isn't it? I wonder why... It matches well with fish of course, or seafood too, but with meat as well~ Ahh Salami too! Since Nihonshu's composed of rice and water, generally it doesn't get in the way of your food... It also has such a nice fragrance! It's so good, it's like it overlaps 2 delicious things together, do you understand me?"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:35:45 - 00:36:33
×二乗についてふいんき(なぜか変換できない)で理解してほしいラミィ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:36:00 - 00:38:06
ラミィちゃんのかける自乗理論好きラ俺恥 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @Vtenco_ch 様 
00:36:17 - 01:16:26
_"C: It doesn't conflict with the umami/L: Well said! It doesn't conflict with the Umami!"_ *Lamy tries expressing it with math but fails* - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: It doesn't conflict with the umami/L: Well said! It doesn't conflict with the Umami!"_ *Lamy tries expressing it with math but fails*

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:36:33 - 00:37:16
_"This is good, i mean, it's a synergy effect as you say! When you drink sake, make sure to drink water so next day you don't get an effect! That's something i beg you to do, when you drink sake, also drink water!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"This is good, i mean, it's a synergy effect as you say! When you drink sake, make sure to drink water so next day you don't get an effect! That's something i beg you to do, when you drink sake, also drink water!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:37:16 - 00:37:48
_"C: A square multiplication isn't the same as a duplication/L: wwww Sorry! Don't get into too many details! Remember the mood!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: A square multiplication isn't the same as a duplication/L: wwww Sorry! Don't get into too many details! Remember the mood!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:37:48 - 00:38:10
雪夜月と美味しいおつまみは生きてきて良かったと実感する - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:38:06 - 00:39:20
_"Eating delicious things with delicious sake, i didn't have the chance to do that recenylu, so... It makes me think I'm glad to be alive... Feels like [I was born for this reason]"_(Continuing in other comments) - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Eating delicious things with delicious sake, i didn't have the chance to do that recenylu, so... It makes me think I'm glad to be alive... Feels like [I was born for this reason]"_(Continuing in other comments)

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:38:10 - 01:16:26
_"The other day i had some canned Shochu Highball & potato chips for an evening drinking stream back in Members-only right? I thought that was good, but having yummy snacks with Yukiyozuki is... Makes me feel glad i was born and alive here"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"The other day i had some canned Shochu Highball & potato chips for an evening drinking stream back in Members-only right? I thought that was good, but having yummy snacks with Yukiyozuki is... Makes me feel glad i was born and alive here"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:38:31 - 00:39:03
_"How to say, there's [Delicious!] And after that comes [i'm glad i am alive]! _*_giggles_*_ it's the best! Once again, nihonshu is really yummy... Today in the background what's written is [Sake/Nihonshu is life]"_ 🥔 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"How to say, there's [Delicious!] And after that comes [i'm glad i am alive]! _*_giggles_*_ it's the best! Once again, nihonshu is really yummy... Today in the background what's written is [Sake/Nihonshu is life]"_ 🥔

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:39:03 - 00:39:26
屋形船背景(雪民作)と細かい小物について - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:39:20 - 00:41:17
_"There's a lot of versions, you know? It usually reads [Liverface] but today it has [Sake is Life] Yummy... I'm brought to reflection now... Reflecting about life, that is... Ahhh, i'm glad i lived this far, it was for this... Ahhh~ So yummy! Meat and sake are both good!"_ 🥩 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"There's a lot of versions, you know? It usually reads [Liverface] but today it has [Sake is Life] Yummy... I'm brought to reflection now... Reflecting about life, that is... Ahhh, i'm glad i lived this far, it was for this... Ahhh~ So yummy! Meat and sake are both good!"_ 🥩

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:39:26 - 00:39:55
_"C: How many varieties are there?/L: Like 5 of them! This ship was made by listeners, they made a lot, but there's about 5 hanging scrolls as assets! And behind me there's Yukiyozuki right? Over here..."_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: How many varieties are there?/L: Like 5 of them! This ship was made by listeners, they made a lot, but there's about 5 hanging scrolls as assets! And behind me there's Yukiyozuki right? Over here..."_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:39:55 - 00:40:34
_"C: There's also a Masu! (Wooden cup for sake)/L: Yeah! This is from what we released as merch before! Yeah! People who know it know, it was releaseed together with this one glass for sake, oh www/C: Is this because of the listeners?/L: Yeah! It's thanks to them, they made it, can you see? The Listeners back here, up and down are all having fun!"_ *giggles* - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: There's also a Masu! (Wooden cup for sake)/L: Yeah! This is from what we released as merch before! Yeah! People who know it know, it was releaseed together with this one glass for sake, oh www/C: Is this because of the listeners?/L: Yeah! It's thanks to them, they made it, can you see? The Listeners back here, up and down are all having fun!"_ *giggles*

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:40:34 - 00:41:12
_"C: I'm using it now!/L: That's good! This glass, i really like it personally! So, I asked the Manager from back then that i wanted to resell it no matter what! And they helped me do that, but i can't anymore"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: I'm using it now!/L: That's good! This glass, i really like it personally! So, I asked the Manager from back then that i wanted to resell it no matter what! And they helped me do that, but i can't anymore"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:41:12 - 00:41:38
次に出すお酒関連グッズどうするか問題 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:41:17 - 00:44:32
_"The other day... We released the hot Sake merch as well, with that it's perfect! This Yukiyozuki, the sparkling and the dry one, you can use this glass for cold sake and the hot one, there's no more than that! The merch we'll release will be over, so what do i do next?!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"The other day... We released the hot Sake merch as well, with that it's perfect! This Yukiyozuki, the sparkling and the dry one, you can use this glass for cold sake and the hot one, there's no more than that! The merch we'll release will be over, so what do i do next?!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:41:38 - 00:42:10
_"I'd like to release Nihonshu goods! Ah, a champagne glass would be very good, you know... There's a lot of glasses to drink the nihonshu from! So those with a wide mouth, those with a sunk mouth as well, there's a lot... But you know how in wine glasses, you swirl it a bit and then you smell, and drink, right? So the glass is meant for the sake of enjoying the fragrance of the sake, and that's why the mouth's wide"_ 🍷 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"I'd like to release Nihonshu goods! Ah, a champagne glass would be very good, you know... There's a lot of glasses to drink the nihonshu from! So those with a wide mouth, those with a sunk mouth as well, there's a lot... But you know how in wine glasses, you swirl it a bit and then you smell, and drink, right? So the glass is meant for the sake of enjoying the fragrance of the sake, and that's why the mouth's wide"_ 🍷

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:42:10 - 00:43:00
_"So that's why this time the sparkliness of this Nihonshu, it may be good to drink with a champagne-like glass i think! Maybe it'd be good to release merch like that i think"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So that's why this time the sparkliness of this Nihonshu, it may be good to drink with a champagne-like glass i think! Maybe it'd be good to release merch like that i think"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:43:00 - 00:43:21
_"C: A water-color glass?/L: Ahh i wonder... Sorry, this is just from my point of view but, for a blue glass, would it look good as tableware? Would it be fine? It's not a color that'd make you lose appetite would it? _*_giggles_*_ so i'd need to think about it a bit"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: A water-color glass?/L: Ahh i wonder... Sorry, this is just from my point of view but, for a blue glass, would it look good as tableware? Would it be fine? It's not a color that'd make you lose appetite would it? _*_giggles_*_ so i'd need to think about it a bit"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:43:21 - 00:43:50
_"Ahh faceted glass? That's... The glass itself, truth be told, a bit before there was that... It's just that, since more than how expensive it may turn to be; there'd have to be a lot of restrictions to how many you'd be able to purchase... So yeah..."_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Ahh faceted glass? That's... The glass itself, truth be told, a bit before there was that... It's just that, since more than how expensive it may turn to be; there'd have to be a lot of restrictions to how many you'd be able to purchase... So yeah..."_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:43:50 - 00:44:14
_"That's why i stopped, since it seemed that it'd be something that only a few Yukimin could get, yeah... Truth be told i thought about it but yeah... Let's go next then?"_  ​🥃 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"That's why i stopped, since it seemed that it'd be something that only a few Yukimin could get, yeah... Truth be told i thought about it but yeah... Let's go next then?"_ ​🥃

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:44:14 - 00:44:31
_"Here it is! Hot sake with Crab Miso! I really love this one, for real! This is a matchup i want, i love Crab Miso! I think that Crab Miso is something that reigns supreme in this world! First... AHHH it has a good fragrance!"_ 🦀 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Here it is! Hot sake with Crab Miso! I really love this one, for real! This is a matchup i want, i love Crab Miso! I think that Crab Miso is something that reigns supreme in this world! First... AHHH it has a good fragrance!"_ 🦀

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:44:31 - 00:45:09
雪夜月熱燗55℃  ×蟹味噌 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

雪夜月熱燗55℃ ×蟹味噌

2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:44:32 - 00:47:00
_"I wonder if i have drank the Yukiyozuki in hot, up until now! At least i feel i haven't heated up the dry-taste Yukiyozuki, so in many senses this is a first..."_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"I wonder if i have drank the Yukiyozuki in hot, up until now! At least i feel i haven't heated up the dry-taste Yukiyozuki, so in many senses this is a first..."_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:45:09 - 00:45:24
_"Ah, the oysters, meat and crab miso, it has such a rich fragrance! Alright, this is the secret... What was it? Thingy to heat the sake that Meiri-san lent to me"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Ah, the oysters, meat and crab miso, it has such a rich fragrance! Alright, this is the secret... What was it? Thingy to heat the sake that Meiri-san lent to me"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:45:24 - 00:45:56
_"L: It says it's 55°C so we really have it at that temperature!/C: Does it include a thermometer?/L: Yeah, it does! So that way you can adjust it perfectly to the temperature you set... Ahh this is amazing! For winter i'd need to use one for sure! I also want to eat some Oden!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"L: It says it's 55°C so we really have it at that temperature!/C: Does it include a thermometer?/L: Yeah, it does! So that way you can adjust it perfectly to the temperature you set... Ahh this is amazing! For winter i'd need to use one for sure! I also want to eat some Oden!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:45:56 - 00:46:24
_"Let's go! Let me enjoy some crab miso... DELICIOUS! It's so good! Let's drink!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Let's go! Let me enjoy some crab miso... DELICIOUS! It's so good! Let's drink!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:46:24 - 00:46:44
_"[Exceptionally, when warmed; the Yukiyozuki favorite Model's dry taste shows up its true value. Please enjoy paired up with a crab miso]~"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"[Exceptionally, when warmed; the Yukiyozuki favorite Model's dry taste shows up its true value. Please enjoy paired up with a crab miso]~"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:46:44 - 00:47:08
熱燗を飲んで優勝するラミィ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:47:00 - 00:48:45
_"It has such an amazing fragrance standing up! Bringing it close to the nose makes me go [WHOAAAH!]"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"It has such an amazing fragrance standing up! Bringing it close to the nose makes me go [WHOAAAH!]"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:47:08 - 00:47:20
_"Ahh this is the winner! SO GOOD! SO SO GOOD!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Ahh this is the winner! SO GOOD! SO SO GOOD!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:47:20 - 00:47:41
_"This is crazy...! I can't have enough of this! This is good"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"This is crazy...! I can't have enough of this! This is good"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:47:41 - 00:47:55
_"C: Congrats on the winner/L: For real, this wins!, it makes me feel i've existed this long in this world... I'm glad i was born, for real!!!! this would be great with Konowata! That is, the innards of sea cucumber, those are the best, i have some frozen right now! Just that i haven't thawed them so i can't eat"_ 🥒🌊 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: Congrats on the winner/L: For real, this wins!, it makes me feel i've existed this long in this world... I'm glad i was born, for real!!!! this would be great with Konowata! That is, the innards of sea cucumber, those are the best, i have some frozen right now! Just that i haven't thawed them so i can't eat"_ 🥒🌊

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:47:55 - 00:48:32
_"Crab Miso's so good! I can't have enough!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Crab Miso's so good! I can't have enough!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:48:32 - 00:48:45
_"Today there were the three varieties! This was really the best order, thinking about it! The sparkling Yukiyozuki came with the Oysters right? We had a toast, it was a terribly good drink to start with! This Prototype is frightening good! Though i think you can pair it with just about anything, all tastes good!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Today there were the three varieties! This was really the best order, thinking about it! The sparkling Yukiyozuki came with the Oysters right? We had a toast, it was a terribly good drink to start with! This Prototype is frightening good! Though i think you can pair it with just about anything, all tastes good!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:48:45 - 00:49:23
ペアリング晩酌の順番が完璧すぎる - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:48:45 - 00:50:25
_"This was also a victory! Yukiyozuki at room temperature is how i recommend it most"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"This was also a victory! Yukiyozuki at room temperature is how i recommend it most"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:49:23 - 00:49:34
_"Drinking it cold is also easier to drink! but it feels like [Room temperature won't lie]! The strong points of it simple reach you!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Drinking it cold is also easier to drink! but it feels like [Room temperature won't lie]! The strong points of it simple reach you!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:49:34 - 00:49:54
_"And the dry taste one, there's no way this isn't delicious! Really i... Ahhh, so good!"_ *giggles* - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"And the dry taste one, there's no way this isn't delicious! Really i... Ahhh, so good!"_ *giggles*

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:49:54 - 00:50:24
_"This is too yummy, honestly! This... If you love Sake, this is the best, no better than this! Even at Izakaya this is in the high ranks, so enjoying this high level Nihonshu and Crab miso, you'll fly! _*_laughs_*_ so it's dangerous cause you'll fly for sure _*_laughs_*_ I can guarantee you on how good it tastes... I WANT ODEN! Hot oden, i'll fly! So, if i say what makes me happy, is that, the Sake I want to drink, my favorite Sake, was recognized by the world!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"This is too yummy, honestly! This... If you love Sake, this is the best, no better than this! Even at Izakaya this is in the high ranks, so enjoying this high level Nihonshu and Crab miso, you'll fly! _*_laughs_*_ so it's dangerous cause you'll fly for sure _*_laughs_*_ I can guarantee you on how good it tastes... I WANT ODEN! Hot oden, i'll fly! So, if i say what makes me happy, is that, the Sake I want to drink, my favorite Sake, was recognized by the world!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:50:24 - 00:51:16
日本酒好きには危険な組み合わせ(飛ぶぞ) - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:50:25 - 00:52:18
_"This one also got an award! The other day at the Fes, i have one at home, A medal award at display, those who have seen it know what i talk about... But that this one also got an award mean that surely Yukihana Lamy has a good taste for Sake!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"This one also got an award! The other day at the Fes, i have one at home, A medal award at display, those who have seen it know what i talk about... But that this one also got an award mean that surely Yukihana Lamy has a good taste for Sake!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:51:16 - 00:51:48
_"So, if you heat that sake and have it with Crab miso, you... YOU, you'll fly! No mistaking it, you'll fly! Ahh so good!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So, if you heat that sake and have it with Crab miso, you... YOU, you'll fly! No mistaking it, you'll fly! Ahh so good!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:51:48 - 00:52:10
_"I'm glad i'm alive! Ah, there are more things for this moment... This is a personal feeling by the way, but Nihonshu, it really has plenty of obstacles, truth be told... Particularly for young people, since it doesn't stick as much, after all; there's not many chances to drink nihonshu, right?"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"I'm glad i'm alive! Ah, there are more things for this moment... This is a personal feeling by the way, but Nihonshu, it really has plenty of obstacles, truth be told... Particularly for young people, since it doesn't stick as much, after all; there's not many chances to drink nihonshu, right?"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:52:10 - 00:52:44
日本酒が大好きだから皆に飲んでほしい - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:52:18 - 00:54:06
_"I'm over 200 years old, and i knew it from long ago. But it wasn't until now that i drank Sake more. So rather than just nihonshu, drinking about anything was something i was limited at... But, i love Nihonshu, even though something as delicious as this is around, the fact it's not known, really felt like a waste!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"I'm over 200 years old, and i knew it from long ago. But it wasn't until now that i drank Sake more. So rather than just nihonshu, drinking about anything was something i was limited at... But, i love Nihonshu, even though something as delicious as this is around, the fact it's not known, really felt like a waste!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:52:44 - 00:53:14
_"That's why i made the first Yukiyozuki, with the feeling that [Everyone can drink it], but, seeing the people who've never drank sake, getting to know and enjoy it and writing comments on it, it makes me REALLY so happy! for Meiri-san too! There's also people who tell them something like [Up until now i hadn't drank Sake, but now i drank Yukiyozuki, i know how yummy it is!] It made me glad that i made Yukiyozuki!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"That's why i made the first Yukiyozuki, with the feeling that [Everyone can drink it], but, seeing the people who've never drank sake, getting to know and enjoy it and writing comments on it, it makes me REALLY so happy! for Meiri-san too! There's also people who tell them something like [Up until now i hadn't drank Sake, but now i drank Yukiyozuki, i know how yummy it is!] It made me glad that i made Yukiyozuki!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:53:14 - 00:53:52
_"Meiri-san, they really do their best to release good, high quality nihonshu everytime, and it's the same for the one to be released next week, the [Origin regression Yukiyozuki], where was the cool picture from before?..."_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Meiri-san, they really do their best to release good, high quality nihonshu everytime, and it's the same for the one to be released next week, the [Origin regression Yukiyozuki], where was the cool picture from before?..."_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:53:52 - 00:54:18
原点回帰の雪夜月&ラミィの思い - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:54:06 - 00:56:37
_"Here it is! Yukiyozuki's is... For me the Starting point, this is made so you start drinking nihonshu from there, like, it was by thinking about those who haven't drank anything more than anything, that i made this Nihonshu! So, i'd like for people who haven't tried, to try this"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Here it is! Yukiyozuki's is... For me the Starting point, this is made so you start drinking nihonshu from there, like, it was by thinking about those who haven't drank anything more than anything, that i made this Nihonshu! So, i'd like for people who haven't tried, to try this"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:54:18 - 00:54:55
_"And next time we're releasing the sparkling Yukiyozuki, that will get even easier to drink... For me, the yummiest Nihonshu is this, Yukiyozuki! People who don't drink can drink it and think it's delicious, plus! As a nihonshu is really delicious!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"And next time we're releasing the sparkling Yukiyozuki, that will get even easier to drink... For me, the yummiest Nihonshu is this, Yukiyozuki! People who don't drink can drink it and think it's delicious, plus! As a nihonshu is really delicious!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:54:55 - 00:55:18
_"We're told often about how it could be high in price but, this is something i tell you everytime: As a Nihonshu, it's feels normal, in the sense that... This is the quality of the nihonshu that you could drink normally and it costs this much! Just this, it's not expensive at all when it comes to a sake!"_ 🍶 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"We're told often about how it could be high in price but, this is something i tell you everytime: As a Nihonshu, it's feels normal, in the sense that... This is the quality of the nihonshu that you could drink normally and it costs this much! Just this, it's not expensive at all when it comes to a sake!"_ 🍶

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:55:18 - 00:55:53
_"Like, even if you think [But it's a collab with Lamy so it'll be expensive for sure!] It's not! It's very appropriate for a Nihonshu! So, i want it to get to those who've never drank up until now, even more than before!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Like, even if you think [But it's a collab with Lamy so it'll be expensive for sure!] It's not! It's very appropriate for a Nihonshu! So, i want it to get to those who've never drank up until now, even more than before!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:55:53 - 00:56:20
_"Meiri-san does his best every time, with the price, the amount, and making sure lots of people know it... How to say, we really do our best together"_(Continuing in other comments) - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Meiri-san does his best every time, with the price, the amount, and making sure lots of people know it... How to say, we really do our best together"_(Continuing in other comments)

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:56:20 - 01:16:26
_"And now, next time, next week, for the first time in 2 years, the Yukiyozuki that you'd been expecting for will be sold once again! And this, by October or so... We'll get the one sparkling Yukiyozuki that's currently under development!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"And now, next time, next week, for the first time in 2 years, the Yukiyozuki that you'd been expecting for will be sold once again! And this, by October or so... We'll get the one sparkling Yukiyozuki that's currently under development!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:56:36 - 00:57:00
微発砲雪夜月は本当に飲みやすい - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:56:37 - 00:58:15
_"As i drank it earlier i was really surprised, it's so easy to drink! Personally, though i drink sake myself, and though i think it's not good to use champagne or wine as an example; i think the closest to it would be champagne, let me drink again... - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"As i drank it earlier i was really surprised, it's so easy to drink! Personally, though i drink sake myself, and though i think it's not good to use champagne or wine as an example; i think the closest to it would be champagne, let me drink again...

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:57:00 - 00:57:26
_"Ahh this is crazy, i reminisced Christmas for a moment there! Back at the residence i'd celebrate christmas with the family... And we'd have parties at home, or something like"_ 🎄 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Ahh this is crazy, i reminisced Christmas for a moment there! Back at the residence i'd celebrate christmas with the family... And we'd have parties at home, or something like"_ 🎄

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:57:26 - 00:57:39
_"I remembered of a time i drank back then... SO GOOD! It's hot but even then it's so easy to drink! Amazing! I wonder if nobody has done it before, to give to Holomems and tell them [What alcohol is this?] Like seeing [Can you tell if this is Nihonshu or?] You get me?"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"I remembered of a time i drank back then... SO GOOD! It's hot but even then it's so easy to drink! Amazing! I wonder if nobody has done it before, to give to Holomems and tell them [What alcohol is this?] Like seeing [Can you tell if this is Nihonshu or?] You get me?"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:57:39 - 00:58:14
_"C: Does that mean that we're settled to drink Yukiyozuki this christmas?/L: True, Meiri is super fast to ship things! Something that surprises me everytime! It's Meiri who sells them... And they sell out, but the very next day they're already starting to send things! Since it's SO fast, sometimes I even worry about it! That's how much! Like, the latest would be 1 week for you to get it, they're absurdly fast! I imagine that Meiri gets pressured but, they're very fast!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: Does that mean that we're settled to drink Yukiyozuki this christmas?/L: True, Meiri is super fast to ship things! Something that surprises me everytime! It's Meiri who sells them... And they sell out, but the very next day they're already starting to send things! Since it's SO fast, sometimes I even worry about it! That's how much! Like, the latest would be 1 week for you to get it, they're absurdly fast! I imagine that Meiri gets pressured but, they're very fast!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:58:14 - 00:59:01
明利酒類のサービスの良さについて語るラミィ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
00:58:15 - 01:05:09
_"C: It arrives before i even get the notice it was sent/L: _*_Laughs_*_ IT'S CRAZY! Meiri-san really works hard/C: I got it in about 3 days/L: But for real, that's how they work! Like, i think they send them by order number, but the people in charge of that sure makes sure they arrive fast! For me, i always get my own portion but... How to say, i always go like [Eh? Already?]"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: It arrives before i even get the notice it was sent/L: _*_Laughs_*_ IT'S CRAZY! Meiri-san really works hard/C: I got it in about 3 days/L: But for real, that's how they work! Like, i think they send them by order number, but the people in charge of that sure makes sure they arrive fast! For me, i always get my own portion but... How to say, i always go like [Eh? Already?]"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:59:01 - 00:59:43
_"And more over, the packaging is too perfect too, how to say it doesn't allow for it to roll or break and makes me think how long it takes for them to pack it like that! Isn't it perfect? Meiri-san sure are amazing! Like, they wrap it in bubble wrap so much too! And they do for all of them! I think that's amazing... But i think that's good since there's many parts where it could break so that's why you'd need to properly prepare of course..."_ 📦 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"And more over, the packaging is too perfect too, how to say it doesn't allow for it to roll or break and makes me think how long it takes for them to pack it like that! Isn't it perfect? Meiri-san sure are amazing! Like, they wrap it in bubble wrap so much too! And they do for all of them! I think that's amazing... But i think that's good since there's many parts where it could break so that's why you'd need to properly prepare of course..."_ 📦

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
00:59:43 - 01:00:35
_"Also, this is from time ago, from back at the beginning, as i egosurfed, it said that the label, when put into the fridge; it'd peel! Someone wrote that! So I told Meiri-san that [The Label is peeling off, this happened... If possible, i'd like if we got one that's hard to peel], and as i told them that, the next batch the label was hard to remove, isn't that amazing? They're so quick and reliable i thought!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Also, this is from time ago, from back at the beginning, as i egosurfed, it said that the label, when put into the fridge; it'd peel! Someone wrote that! So I told Meiri-san that [The Label is peeling off, this happened... If possible, i'd like if we got one that's hard to peel], and as i told them that, the next batch the label was hard to remove, isn't that amazing? They're so quick and reliable i thought!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:00:35 - 01:01:15
_"Of course, i think that if you keep it in preservation long, it would end up peeling, but can't be helped, that's just how it is! It's just that... For these that i have stored in my fridge, they haven't peeled at all, so i don't really know what change they implemented, but it's amazing, i think"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Of course, i think that if you keep it in preservation long, it would end up peeling, but can't be helped, that's just how it is! It's just that... For these that i have stored in my fridge, they haven't peeled at all, so i don't really know what change they implemented, but it's amazing, i think"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:01:15 - 01:01:40
_"Something that makes me amazed from Meiri eveytime too, is that everytime they send a sake, they send a letter together with the sake everytime! With their feelings in written like [Thank you for supporting us, let's do our best together!] in a letter... _*_giggles_*_ Meiri-san are really polite!"_ 🙏 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Something that makes me amazed from Meiri eveytime too, is that everytime they send a sake, they send a letter together with the sake everytime! With their feelings in written like [Thank you for supporting us, let's do our best together!] in a letter... _*_giggles_*_ Meiri-san are really polite!"_ 🙏

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:01:40 - 01:02:14
_"Of course! For the customers who get it too, it makes them feel closer to them, maybe... It was yesterday or the day before? They did the opening of the warehouse after the New year, i think that they did a tasting though, but then the Yukiyozuki was brought then, yesterday? Yeah! Meiri the listeners were pretty close there too!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Of course! For the customers who get it too, it makes them feel closer to them, maybe... It was yesterday or the day before? They did the opening of the warehouse after the New year, i think that they did a tasting though, but then the Yukiyozuki was brought then, yesterday? Yeah! Meiri the listeners were pretty close there too!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:02:14 - 01:02:49
_"C: It was yesterday, i was there/L: YOU WERE?! You're all amazing! _*_giggles_*_ It's amazing for sure, everytime they put so much effort, to improve and value it... With the thought that Yukimin could drink it, it always shows up in the package... That is always sent out fast"_ *laughs* ⚡ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: It was yesterday, i was there/L: YOU WERE?! You're all amazing! _*_giggles_*_ It's amazing for sure, everytime they put so much effort, to improve and value it... With the thought that Yukimin could drink it, it always shows up in the package... That is always sent out fast"_ *laughs* ⚡

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:02:49 - 01:03:16
_"I think that preparing the packages of that much amount must be so tough! For the amount you think they prepare, it's about 5 times though! (I know the amount produced) but, it running out everytime makes me very happy and think it's amazing but... Because i know the amount, like, normally, things like [It broke/the packaging wasn't good/The package wasn't good/It's not arriving] would happen, and because the amount increases, and they're the fastest at sending things; i think that the fact they don't change how they express things is amazing... It hasn't changed from the beginning, it's really amazing..."_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"I think that preparing the packages of that much amount must be so tough! For the amount you think they prepare, it's about 5 times though! (I know the amount produced) but, it running out everytime makes me very happy and think it's amazing but... Because i know the amount, like, normally, things like [It broke/the packaging wasn't good/The package wasn't good/It's not arriving] would happen, and because the amount increases, and they're the fastest at sending things; i think that the fact they don't change how they express things is amazing... It hasn't changed from the beginning, it's really amazing..."_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:03:16 - 01:04:15
_"So this time the next week will go on sale, the amount prepared for this week was so much but i think that it'll run out right away once again, so that's why i think you'll also get it in your hands fast... For sure, if you haven't drank Yukiyozuki, if you can get it in your hands, that'd make me happy..."_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So this time the next week will go on sale, the amount prepared for this week was so much but i think that it'll run out right away once again, so that's why i think you'll also get it in your hands fast... For sure, if you haven't drank Yukiyozuki, if you can get it in your hands, that'd make me happy..."_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:04:15 - 01:04:44
_"L: And next time, to make it easier to drink this time, there's the sparkling, this really is good. But i don't know how things will turn in terms of changes just yet, so it's possible i go [Oh, it was yummier the other day] but! The prototype at present is really yummy! I hope this gets to you!/C: Want to buy it, but i'm a minor so i can't/L: That... There's plenty actually! Like a mom who promises you to open something after a certain time, but yeah, sake is after you turn twenty! So minors, please wait until then!"_ 👦 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"L: And next time, to make it easier to drink this time, there's the sparkling, this really is good. But i don't know how things will turn in terms of changes just yet, so it's possible i go [Oh, it was yummier the other day] but! The prototype at present is really yummy! I hope this gets to you!/C: Want to buy it, but i'm a minor so i can't/L: That... There's plenty actually! Like a mom who promises you to open something after a certain time, but yeah, sake is after you turn twenty! So minors, please wait until then!"_ 👦

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:04:44 - 01:05:29
お酒は二十歳になってから - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:05:09 - 01:06:15
_"Meiri will definitely keep doing their best for many years i think! If it's them i'm sure they can do it though! So please wait till you're an adult"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Meiri will definitely keep doing their best for many years i think! If it's them i'm sure they can do it though! So please wait till you're an adult"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:05:29 - 01:05:48
_"Something i found Surprising, though i thought there's not that many minors in the Yukimin, there actually are! Who tell me [I can't drink yet/Now i'm 20 so i can finally frink Yukiyozuki!] Or so, it surprises me to hear them!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Something i found Surprising, though i thought there's not that many minors in the Yukimin, there actually are! Who tell me [I can't drink yet/Now i'm 20 so i can finally frink Yukiyozuki!] Or so, it surprises me to hear them!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:05:48 - 01:06:16
忖度なしでベストマッチなペアリング晩酌を決めるラミィ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:06:15 - 01:08:13
_"This time i'd like to announce what the best match for me was... Wait..."_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"This time i'd like to announce what the best match for me was... Wait..."_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:06:16 - 01:06:34
_"Actually, if this was just the normal, i'd go and share something like [This will be released next week so i really recommend it!] But honestly, this was my favorite... Sorry, I don't want to lie to you, so for me honestly, this was the best combination!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Actually, if this was just the normal, i'd go and share something like [This will be released next week so i really recommend it!] But honestly, this was my favorite... Sorry, I don't want to lie to you, so for me honestly, this was the best combination!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:06:34 - 01:07:07
_"L: But this will be the one that will release next week! This is for connoiseurs! But yeah, the crab miso and this Favorite, it's the best!/C: Must buy crab miso!/L: The Yukiyozuki sold this time, i think it has a good fragrance even when hot... Like, cold is easier to drink! But i think that since it's made like that, if you have it cold is easier to drink, if at room temperature, it won't lie to you, the fragrance of GInjou will be strong, a yummy nihonshu! But yeah, hot is more for connoiseurs, since the alcohol flavor goes *boom*, and YukiYozuki is pretty fruity, so it's quite sweet-tasting, but when hot it's also somewhat dry so it's good if you look for that!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"L: But this will be the one that will release next week! This is for connoiseurs! But yeah, the crab miso and this Favorite, it's the best!/C: Must buy crab miso!/L: The Yukiyozuki sold this time, i think it has a good fragrance even when hot... Like, cold is easier to drink! But i think that since it's made like that, if you have it cold is easier to drink, if at room temperature, it won't lie to you, the fragrance of GInjou will be strong, a yummy nihonshu! But yeah, hot is more for connoiseurs, since the alcohol flavor goes *boom*, and YukiYozuki is pretty fruity, so it's quite sweet-tasting, but when hot it's also somewhat dry so it's good if you look for that!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:07:07 - 01:08:11
_"Ahh it was long since i last had delicious Sake and food, the ultimate contest for me... I don't want to end yet, but, can i drink the hot sake a little bit more? With crab miso, that pairing is crazy i mean!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Ahh it was long since i last had delicious Sake and food, the ultimate contest for me... I don't want to end yet, but, can i drink the hot sake a little bit more? With crab miso, that pairing is crazy i mean!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:08:11 - 01:08:55
まだ終わりたくないラミィ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:08:13 - 01:09:13
_"Ahh the meat's gotten cold, it's hard now... Oh, yummy! It's still hot!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Ahh the meat's gotten cold, it's hard now... Oh, yummy! It's still hot!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:08:55 - 01:09:12
_"Blue cheese? Actually, when i asked about what snacks could this pair well with; Blue Cheese was one of the options! But i truly have one trauma with Blue cheese"_ 🔵🧀 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Blue cheese? Actually, when i asked about what snacks could this pair well with; Blue Cheese was one of the options! But i truly have one trauma with Blue cheese"_ 🔵🧀

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:09:12 - 01:09:34
ブルーチーズにトラウマがあるラミィ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:09:13 - 01:11:00
_"One time, when i was eating at the residence there was a platter of assorted cheese, back then, i hadn't eaten Blue Cheese yet, so i thought it must've been yummy! But once i held it in my hand and ate it, my hand got the smell right away! And my hand really smelled! www Even if i washed it it didn't go away! And though i'd have eaten smelly things before, the smell not going away from my hands became a trauma of sorts"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"One time, when i was eating at the residence there was a platter of assorted cheese, back then, i hadn't eaten Blue Cheese yet, so i thought it must've been yummy! But once i held it in my hand and ate it, my hand got the smell right away! And my hand really smelled! www Even if i washed it it didn't go away! And though i'd have eaten smelly things before, the smell not going away from my hands became a trauma of sorts"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:09:34 - 01:10:15
_"L: And at that point, i liked the flavor of blue cheese, but i was bad with it, it really didn't go away it surprised me!/C: Eating blue cheese with bare hands is no good/L: For real! If you do it, it'll remain on your fingers for like 3 days!"_ 🖐(Continuing in other comments) - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"L: And at that point, i liked the flavor of blue cheese, but i was bad with it, it really didn't go away it surprised me!/C: Eating blue cheese with bare hands is no good/L: For real! If you do it, it'll remain on your fingers for like 3 days!"_ 🖐(Continuing in other comments)

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:10:15 - 01:16:26
_"Aren't delicious things pretty smelly? There's a lot! I wonder why... Like they smell, my dad likes them a lot! Back at the residence he'd eat them pretty often but... They really smelled! And because once warm both flavor and fragrance changed, the residence was full of all sorts of smell"_   👃 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Aren't delicious things pretty smelly? There's a lot! I wonder why... Like they smell, my dad likes them a lot! Back at the residence he'd eat them pretty often but... They really smelled! And because once warm both flavor and fragrance changed, the residence was full of all sorts of smell"_ 👃

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:10:40 - 01:11:15
くさや雑談(非表示対策のため途中から) - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:11:00 - 01:12:37
_"And when i got out of the room at nightime, the smell would get in even stronger, and i thought [STINKS! Ah, so dad is eating smelly things again] and as i went downstairs it turned to be... But when he told me [Lamy, eat it!] and i was like [Ah but it's so good... But stinks] like the richness is all condensed! It's just that the smell makes it unappealing, but it's so good..."_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"And when i got out of the room at nightime, the smell would get in even stronger, and i thought [STINKS! Ah, so dad is eating smelly things again] and as i went downstairs it turned to be... But when he told me [Lamy, eat it!] and i was like [Ah but it's so good... But stinks] like the richness is all condensed! It's just that the smell makes it unappealing, but it's so good..."_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:11:15 - 01:11:53
_"Crab miso too, the looks are a bit grotesque but when eating it, it's so good!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Crab miso too, the looks are a bit grotesque but when eating it, it's so good!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:11:53 - 01:12:07
_"So for last i'd like to eat some smelly- I mean, there was nothing smelly today www, some crab Misso and Sparkling... Ahh i see! But this is... Wait"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So for last i'd like to eat some smelly- I mean, there was nothing smelly today www, some crab Misso and Sparkling... Ahh i see! But this is... Wait"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:12:07 - 01:12:25
_"This, not the sparkling but, the Crab Miso would meet well with the room temperature Yukiyozuki when heated, i can't have enough of this"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"This, not the sparkling but, the Crab Miso would meet well with the room temperature Yukiyozuki when heated, i can't have enough of this"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:12:25 - 01:12:36
_"So, now that i drank, it was high pace, how long did i drink for? It was plenty... One hour... But, no, not today! Next week's the 26th... Nope, nope...nope, nope... This is it!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"So, now that i drank, it was high pace, how long did i drink for? It was plenty... One hour... But, no, not today! Next week's the 26th... Nope, nope...nope, nope... This is it!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:12:36 - 01:13:01
今日の配信まとめ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:12:37 - 01:13:22
_"L: On the 26th it'll be released! I'll be under your care! Definitely, those who haven't drank sake, i'd like for you to try it/C: Doraemon?/L: Ah, www, this is totally unrelated by the way but"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"L: On the 26th it'll be released! I'll be under your care! Definitely, those who haven't drank sake, i'd like for you to try it/C: Doraemon?/L: Ah, www, this is totally unrelated by the way but"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:13:01 - 01:13:26
ホロライブ公式から出たラミィのツッコミショートは撮りおろし - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:13:22 - 01:15:27
_"In Hololive's official channel there was a clip of me going Tsukkomi to everything going wrong with listeners, like a short video! That reminded me a bit of that clip but, oh, it wasn't a clip, it was new material! Yeah, the one with Mt. Fuji!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"In Hololive's official channel there was a clip of me going Tsukkomi to everything going wrong with listeners, like a short video! That reminded me a bit of that clip but, oh, it wasn't a clip, it was new material! Yeah, the one with Mt. Fuji!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:13:26 - 01:13:53
_"There was some sort of script, so the staff were like [You go Tsukkomi, since everyone else will go Boke] and i got the script for the Boke! _*_giggles_*_ so how i reacted Tsukkomi to that was really all fresh taken!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"There was some sort of script, so the staff were like [You go Tsukkomi, since everyone else will go Boke] and i got the script for the Boke! _*_giggles_*_ so how i reacted Tsukkomi to that was really all fresh taken!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:13:53 - 01:14:14
_"L: So there were comments who said [Ah Yukimin are so funny!] But that's wrong, it was Cover's staff, people who you don't know, going Boke... So that was it, definitely watch that clip! It's not a clip though/"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"L: So there were comments who said [Ah Yukimin are so funny!] But that's wrong, it was Cover's staff, people who you don't know, going Boke... So that was it, definitely watch that clip! It's not a clip though/"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:14:14 - 01:14:34
_"C: Was there no Tsukkomi script?/L: No, there wasn't, they were like [Be tsukkomi to all of this] instead..."_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"C: Was there no Tsukkomi script?/L: No, there wasn't, they were like [Be tsukkomi to all of this] instead..."_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:14:34 - 01:14:45
_"Staff is like that, sometimes they make weird Hologra episodes... It was a strange work, so i'll be under your care from here on, hololive and Meiri-san too, i'll be under your care!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Staff is like that, sometimes they make weird Hologra episodes... It was a strange work, so i'll be under your care from here on, hololive and Meiri-san too, i'll be under your care!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:14:45 - 01:15:06
_"Let's do another evening drinking Zatudan another time since i have plenty of it! I'll buy plenty of snacks from the convenience store, so see you there!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Let's do another evening drinking Zatudan another time since i have plenty of it! I'll buy plenty of snacks from the convenience store, so see you there!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:15:06 - 01:15:22
_"But today i haev the role of ending without getting drunk, so that's it! People who haven't bought it yet, please do so! Ahh good, a Golden Week evening drinking would be nice! Let's do that!"_ 🏆 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"But today i haev the role of ending without getting drunk, so that's it! People who haven't bought it yet, please do so! Ahh good, a Golden Week evening drinking would be nice! Let's do that!"_ 🏆

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:15:22 - 01:15:42
終了挨拶 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:15:27 - 01:15:49
_"OtsuLamy everyone! At end i'd like some hot with crab miso!"_ - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"OtsuLamy everyone! At end i'd like some hot with crab miso!"_

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:15:42 - 01:16:01
Cパート&優勝 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】


2024年04月21日  @yukikawauso 様 
01:15:49 - 01:16:26
_"Meowth: DELICIOUS! I'm glad to be alive!"_ 🐱Without anything else, thank you for the wonderful Evening drinking stream Lamy-chan! And congratulations on yet another succesful release! It's honestly amazing how much effort you've all put into it, and inspiring at the same time! 🙏 - 【晩酌】雪夜月×美味しいおつまみで乾杯!新情報も…!?【雪花ラミィ/ホロライブ】

_"Meowth: DELICIOUS! I'm glad to be alive!"_ 🐱Without anything else, thank you for the wonderful Evening drinking stream Lamy-chan! And congratulations on yet another succesful release! It's honestly amazing how much effort you've all put into it, and inspiring at the same time! 🙏

2024年04月21日  @X-Kill 様 
01:16:01 - 01:16:26